thefemininerage - "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"
"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"

♏︎☼ | ♐︎☾ | ♐︎⇡ ♃ Dominant Aloof Visionary

1122 posts

Its Finally Done, MoonPaw In The Old Book Style. I Started This Before Her Actual Design Was Revealed

[two cats on a dark blue background with a purple border around it. Both cats are drawn in a realistic artstyle, the cat in the front is a dark brown almost black cat with slight orange markings, they have a pure white face and orange cheeks. They have bright blue eyes and ear tufts that look like half moons. The cat in the back is slightly transparent but looks almost exactly the same as the first cat body wise. The cat is light blue and has tears coming out of its eyes and there are stars in their fur.]

It’s finally done, MoonPaw in the old book style. I started this before her actual design was revealed so the design is outdated but who care

The “cat” sitting next to her is the Moonpool

Drawing without border

Its Finally Done, MoonPaw In The Old Book Style. I Started This Before Her Actual Design Was Revealed
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8 months ago

when i get to a “gaslight, girlboss, gatekeep” competition but armand is already there so i just bow down to the master herself and take my leave

When I Get To A Gaslight, Girlboss, Gatekeep Competition But Armand Is Already There So I Just Bow Down

just look at her

so beautiful and ethereal

how could i ever compare let alone compete

she’s so crazy it’s hot💕💕

assad zaman really put his heart and soul into this performance and i love him for that.

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8 months ago

“I don’t really know much about myself before this. I feel like Interview With The Vampire has kind of etched into the soul.”

— Assad Zaman (x)

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8 months ago

sun in houses.🍋

Disclaimer. these observations do not have to resonate with everyone and everything, all expressed in this post is based on personal experience and research.

Sun In Houses.

𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

These folks are super optimistic and known for their creativity and self-expression. Their main goal in life is to inspire others. They can sometimes be a bit narcissistic, but we'll get to that later. Their sense of self is tied to their physical appearance, so they often dress really well—sometimes even overdress. They always want to look their best and are very confident, never second-guessing themselves. This confidence can come off as too strong sometimes. People with the sun in the 1st house often see themselves as the main character in their story, with everyone else as side characters. They like helping others, but they tend to give what they think is best rather than what the other person actually needs. It's like, "I think you deserve this, so I'm giving it to you" that's it. For some reason, people always find them inspirational. They give off a positive vibe, and even if they're not feeling confident, others will still see them that way. They inspire a lot of people and find their own light when they dive into their personality. Their ego is pretty visible, and they show it in their actions. Their zest for life really shines through in everything they do.

Positive Aspects

Self-confidence and leadership abilities

Charisma and magnetism

Strong sense of identity and self-expression

Ambition and drive

Negative Aspects

Ego and arrogance

Tendency to be domineering

Potential for health issues related to the head and eyes

Struggles with authority figures

𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

People with the Sun in the 2nd house get their self-worth from money and possessions. This placement often makes them love art and have a great sense of style and aesthetic. They might also become a bit materialistic. They are very confident and know their worth, carrying an air of elegance. These individuals often have careers that allow them to be creative and express themselves. They can come across as possessive and a bit controlling. This placement usually brings great success, and they’re the type to always have extra cash on hand. They also tend to have a raspy, authoritative voice. People with the Sun in the 2nd house might have a rich family history, or if their family history isn’t great, they still glorify it. They can sometimes lose touch with reality. Their fathers might be government workers, teachers, artists, etc. They find inspiration and satisfaction through money, food, music, and luxury. Money and expensive things can really inspire them and give them hope. They might compete with people who have more money, always wanting the best or better than others. Since the Sun represents ego, they might show off their wealth and material things as a way to express their pride and value. They sometimes find it hard to separate their personality from materialism.

Positive Aspects

Confidence and Self-esteem Boost

Financial Stability and Success

Strong Communication Skills

Leadership Qualities

Negative Aspects

Ego-related Challenges

Tendency Towards Materialism

Communication Conflicts


𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

People with the Sun in the 3rd house are chatterboxes, always up for a conversation. They love talking and learning new things. Their sense of self comes from their mind and intelligence. If they don't know something, they feel dumb, so they’re always seeking knowledge. They’re the type to make a slideshow just to prove a point. These folks are usually well-liked by peers, schoolmates, and colleagues. They easily influence others and often set trends. They tend to overthink and their brains are always buzzing. They might not have the best relationships with siblings or struggle to communicate with them. Their ego comes from how they communicate, and they’re some of the most courageous people you’ll ever meet. They could become journalists, news reporters, writers, poets, or social media influencers. They find inspiration through books, writing, reading, and talking to others. They want people to see the light through their words. Their ego shows through writing and communication, and they often want the last word. They have a natural talent for remembering things and encouraging people with their speech. They can gain a lot of followers on social media. Their will to live is shown through their thoughts and thinking. They find the most inspiration through their ideas.

Positive Aspects

Enhanced communication skills

Strong willpower and determination

Sibling relationships and bonding

Negative Aspects

Tendency towards ego-driven communication

Overly competitive nature

Possible challenges with neighbors and short-distance travels

𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

These people are secretive homebodies who prefer staying inside and are likely to work from home. They find their sense of self through their home, family, and close friends they consider family. They love decorating their house and making it look nice. They are very private and dislike when others pry into their personal lives or ask about their family. Sun in the 4th house folks are in tune with their intuition and emotions. They are very protective and loyal, expressing themselves comfortably only around people who feel like family. This placement often means their mother played a significant role in their upbringing, possibly because their father was absent or less involved. These individuals often face struggles early in life, but their mother has a big influence on their creativity. They also enjoy cooking. They find inspiration in their family or the home they create for themselves. They protect and support their family and friends, often being the one who brings positivity and unity to their family. They are very attached to their home and dream of a beautiful domestic life to feel secure. Their personal growth and future success are closely tied to their memories and early experiences.

Positive Aspects

Confidence and Self-Assuredness

Strong Sense of Identity and Self-Esteem

Favorable Relationship with Father and Authority Figures

Success in Real Estate and Property-Related Matters

Emotional Stability and a Nurturing Nature

Strong Connection to One's Roots and Heritage

Negative Aspects

Overbearing or Dominating Behavior in the Family

Struggles with Balancing Personal and Professional Life

Tendency to Be Overly Controlling at Home

Possible Conflicts with Father or Authority Figures

Challenges in Maintaining Privacy and Personal Boundaries

Risk of Ego Clashes Within the Family

𝟓𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

Super creative and goofy, these people shine by expressing themselves in front of others. They might be a bit of a show-off, with a class clown vibe. They love dares and are social butterflies with unique personalities. Extreme extroverts, they thrive in creative projects and always get involved in activities. Think of the popular jock who is also well-liked by teachers and bosses. They take good care of their bodies and might be into sports. With the sun feeling right at home here, they have a super creative mind and a love for history, politics, and ancient sculptures. They aim to excel in education, often topping their class while being entertaining. Their sense of self also comes from their children, and they'll raise them with all the best things in life. These folks have a talent for performing and are full of positive energy. They find joy and motivation through hobbies, playfulness, childhood, and romance. Often very attached to their childhood, they try to keep that spirit alive. They're noticeable and their talents stand out, often becoming well-known. They love sports and are quite dramatic, making great party organizers, especially for kids' birthdays. Just be careful not to become too self-absorbed with this placement.

Positive Aspects

Creativity and Self-Expression

Confidence and Leadership

Love and Romance

Parenthood and Fatherhood

Negative Aspects

Ego and Stubbornness

Risk-Taking and Impulsivity

Challenges in Love and Relationships

Issues with Children

𝟔𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

Sun in the 6th house people are super focused on health, diet, and daily routines. Their sense of self comes from their work and routine. If they mess up their routine or work, they feel lost. These folks are total workaholics and are known for their dedication. Good health is crucial for them, and they’re the type to always have hand sanitizer on them, reapplying lotion, sunscreen, and stuff like that. They hate getting sick. They often beat their enemies and can make friends feel competitive. They love helping others and might be doctors, therapists, or into social services. Their parents might be doctors too. They’re great at solving arguments and fights, but their dad might blame his failures on others. You find your light through routine, health, and body care. Loving yourself as you are is key, even if you’re critical of your imperfections. You do things that are good for your body and get lots of energy and inspiration from animals. Your ego shows up a lot at work, so it’s best to find passion in what you do. You can inspire others with a healthy lifestyle or sports.

Positive Aspects

Strong Work Ethic and Dedication

Enhanced Sense of Duty and Service

Ability to Overcome Obstacles and Enemies

Leadership Qualities in the Workplace

Negative Aspects

Tendency Towards Perfectionism

Potential for Conflicts with Coworkers

Health Issues Related to Ego and Pride

Overemphasis on Work Leading to Neglect of Other Life Areas

𝟕𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

These people are all about friendships and relationships. Their sense of self comes from their connections with others. They're the type to have a wild dating life and might even date or marry someone famous. They usually have great relationships with those around them, though some might find them a bit rude or call them "bitchy" for no reason. They often date or marry someone who mirrors their own personality. They struggle to have fun alone and seek validation from others. Sometimes, people project their insecurities onto them, causing problems in their dating life. They might feel incomplete without a partner. Finding light through relationships is key for them. Getting along with everyone and inspiring others is important. A special relationship is essential, as it complements their personality. Being alone or finding inspiration outside relationships can be tough. They are strongly influenced by others' opinions, whether from a partner or at work. They pride themselves on their negotiating skills and bringing peace. They often motivate others with their relationships, showing that beautiful connections are possible.

Positive Aspects

Enhanced self-expression

Strong sense of identity in partnerships

Leadership qualities in relationships

Negative Aspects

Potential for ego clashes in partnerships

Dominance and control issues

Struggles in maintaining balance

𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

People with Sun in the Eighth House have a magnetic and mysterious vibe that draws others in effortlessly. They're the kind who can just be breathing, and people will be intrigued. They have a special, almost secretive quality in everything they do. They love researching the occult but keep it hidden from others. This placement makes them very private about their interests, talents, and personal life. These folks don't just invite anyone into their inner circle; they only trust a few people deeply. They often have love-hate relationships, everyone adores them, and the next, they might face sudden dislike. They go through many transformations and might change jobs frequently. Careers like politicians, researchers, or paranormal investigators suit them well. Their true personality is often hidden. They find meaning in things that are deep, hidden, or behind the scenes. Their ego shows when they're jealous or overlooked. They seek to understand their own depths and come to terms with their inner power. They like control and are fascinated by the human psyche, aiming to create emotional transformation. They gain self-acceptance by seeing others clearly and finding their inner strength.

Positive Aspects

Very Self Aware

Profound Understanding Of Human Psyche


Resilient Like a Phoenix

Negative Aspects

Issues Related To Controlling

Trouble Sharing Emotions

Trust Issues

𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

People with Sun in the Ninth House are often heavily influenced by their fathers, either having a great or terrible relationship with them. There's no middle ground. They tend to be very righteous, always lecturing others on what's right and wrong, but they don't like being lectured themselves. They have a set of rules they never break and are very interested in different cultures and religions, often becoming quite religious. These individuals hate being put in a box. They crave expansion and freedom, much like a black hole that can't be contained. They love to travel and might have jobs that involve a lot of travel. They often work with foreigners or foreign concepts and can come across as know-it-alls. Travel is a big inspiration for them. They see life as full of opportunities and love discovering new places. They can teach others a lot and have many interesting stories to tell. Traveling helps them learn and is good for their soul, especially places by the water. Their belief in life is best seen through their passion for living. They make excellent teachers and inspire others. Understanding themselves comes from exploring the world, and they intuitively seek deeper meanings and experiences that help them grow as philosophers.

Positive Aspects

Confidence and Leadership Abilities

Strong Moral and Ethical Values

Favorable Relationship with Father or Authority Figures

Negative Aspects

Overconfidence or Arrogance

Tendency to be Dogmatic or Rigid in Beliefs

Conflicts with Authority Figures

Religious and Philosophical Inclinations

𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

This placement is like striking gold. People with Sun in the Tenth House are often very popular, even if they don’t realize it. At school, college, or work, everyone seems to know them, even if they haven't met. They are trendsetters and inspire others. One big thing about them is that they can't stand taking orders. They hate being bossed around, so they need to find a job where they’re in charge. No matter what they do, they usually succeed. However, this placement can also bring a big ego, attracting some opposition. But these people handle it well. They have great leadership skills and often end up influencing many people in any group. They are driven to achieve their ambitions and often find themselves in executive positions. Motivation and inspiration might come later in life, and they often seek their identity through the approval of others, especially their parents or father. This placement drives them to have a strong influence, get recognized, and make their dreams come true.

Positive Aspects

Increased potential for career success

Leadership qualities and authoritative demeanor

Strong sense of ambition and drive

Favorable reputation and recognition in the public eye

Negative Aspects

Potential for ego clashes in professional life

Overemphasis on material success at the expense of personal life

Struggles with authority figures and power struggles

Challenges in maintaining work-life balance

𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

Whenever I come across this placement, it reminds me of the oldest child in the family. Most of the eldest kids I know have this setup. It can be quite a tough one because these folks often have a big ego and struggle to give credit to others. Making and keeping friends isn't easy for them either. They might end a decade-long friendship over a small mistake, and they can be pretty self-centered. Even though they get recognized for their work, they don't value other people's opinions much and are stingy with giving credit. No matter how much someone does for them, one slip-up and it's over. This placement can also strain relationships with their social circle and siblings. Problems with authority figures, especially the father, are common. But hey, it's not all bad news! The Eleventh House is about wealth, so it can bring financial success and a long life. It also tends to make people great leaders. These folks are motivated by their dreams, goals, and friends. They find joy and inspiration through their friendships and are usually open-minded. They're quick to adapt to new groups and situations, so they fit in everywhere. You might notice them posting a lot on social media, often sharing things that inspire others. Seeing their profile might even make someone else feel better or give them hope.

Positive Aspects

Increased Social Influence and Networking

Leadership Qualities within Social Circles

Charitable and Philanthropic Tendencies

Negative Aspects

Ego Clashes in Group Settings

Tendency to Dominate or Control Social Groups

Challenges in Maintaining Close Friendships

𝟏𝟐𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

This setup can turn someone into a real creative genius. But it might also spell trouble with their dad. There's often some kind of clash or distance between them, or the person might even live far away from home. These folks are masters of secrets. They could be banned from two countries, and you'd never know! Okay, maybe not really banned, but you get the idea. People with Sun in the Twelfth House have tons of hidden talents that they keep under wraps. They're also destined for life abroad, where they might find more fame than in their own homeland. They're not the type to stick around one place for too long. Their childhood might have been lonely or not so great, maybe even super privileged to the point of missing out on normal kid stuff. But here's the cool part: they're amazing at stuff like writing songs, poetry, or scripts because their imagination is off the charts. They're inspired by all things hidden. They feel safest when their true selves are under wraps. They're most productive when they're alone, usually at night. Spirituality, dance, music, art, deep thoughts, meditation, and yoga are their jams. Since the Sun symbolizes the ego and identity, and the Twelfth House is all about the boundary between reality and the unknown, these folks might struggle to figure out who they are and what life's about. But once they find themselves and start believing in their abilities, watch out world! They'll be unstoppable.

Positive Aspects

Increased Spirituality and Introspection

Strong Intuition and Psychic Abilities

Potential for Hidden Talents and Creativity

Ability to Overcome Obstacles and Hidden Enemies

Negative Aspects

Loss of Self-Identity and Ego

Tendency Towards Isolation and Seclusion

Health Issues Related to Vitality and Energy

Challenges in Expressing Oneself Openly

Sun In Houses.

this post was created by @carmelcoco on tumblr <3 if reposting my work please give credits.

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8 months ago
I Could Draw Him Till The End Of Time, I Fear

I could draw him till the end of time, I fear

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