theflashiestofthemall - “I’ll Be The Flashiest Of Them All!”
“I’ll Be The Flashiest Of Them All!”

•Welcome To My White Space!•Read pinned post for info.

46 posts

Welcome To White Space!

Welcome to White Space!

The beautiful playlist i made for my blog ^

Welcome To White Space!

“White space” is the way a refer to my dandy little blog here on tumblr! It’s a safe space for me to write and post my works. I’d like to keep it that way! Please read my rules for further information. :}

I write for plenty of fandoms! These include KNY, OMORI, Saiki-K, Genshin impact, Colourful Stage, Welcome Home, TADC and TOH! I’ve probably forgotten some there, so don’t be afraid to ask if you’re curious! I may branch out to more fandoms in future.. who knows! Check out my master-list to see my works so far!

If you’re interested, you can check out my upcoming fics as well!

My alternative blog is “mar1naisse-tfota” there’s nothing there yet.. but any nsfw fics will go there!

Requesting is totally allowed! All the time too! Please read my rules before requesting though! I’m not too fussy about if you send asks into my inbox or dm me.. so whatever you feel like really!

Welcome To White Space!

If you want to get to know me more check out my carrd!

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★ 18 facts in a psychic’s life ★

# slight ooc saiki, gn! reader, fluff

 18 Facts In A Psychics Life

saiki likes it when you buy him coffee jelly. even though it’s shitty expensive, but you don’t care.

saiki likes your company. you don’t talk much but you’re not too quiet, just balanced which he likes.

saiki likes how you seem to enjoy spending time with his parents even they’re.. a bit annoying. but you knew how much he loves them. his mother was always pleased whenever you visit inside their home.

saiki likes how you seem to keep your life peaceful. no unwanted attention, no desire for popularity, and your IQ is above average but he doesn’t mind.

saiki likes how you take care of his phobia with insects. you tried to tease him about it and he never spoke to you for a week, and yes you regret it lmfao. he’s grateful when you continue to leave everything that you’re doing in the moment just to save him.

saiki doesn’t like how you call him a damoiseau in distress because he knows you just searched the opposite gender of damsel in google. you were scolded not to do it again, but you’re stubborn. it was so fun seeing the stoic man loosing his facade over insects. you were a little shit after all. but deep inside you, you cared for him. so say bye to cockroaches.

saiki doesn’t like when you get cozy with nendou. like the two of you are best buddies, what happened to saiki forever loyalty mindset of yours?you certainly did not say that and pointed out how he was being a dramatic pinkie and he was so insulted. he even lower his pride just to say that to you, you regret not recording that.

saiki doesn’t like when you get cozy with his classmates. well ‘friends’, you corrected and he has to watch in suffer when they’re being so close with you especially teruhashi. oh my god, why are they hugging you?!

saiki likes when you give him coffee jelly in return for his pouty ass. but you adore the smile he wears whenever he eats the dessert, you thought you were being careful with taking a picture of him. yeah it was whole long gone in your gallery when he used his powers.

saiki likes when you play video games with him. even though you always fail because he always pick shitty games.

saiki doesn’t like when you get sick. unfortunately, he can’t heal you to get well fast or else you’ll notice something suspicious. he doesn’t have anyone who he can talk with *cue his friends with cricket noises* although you love how he comes always inside your house to check up on you, your parents were teasing both of you little shits.

saiki likes your parents. they bond with his parents, your parents were kind to him, saiki almost wanted to live with you when he found out how your father makes coffee jellies for a living.

saiki likes staying inside your house. clean, quiet, small, cozy, smells like coffee everyday.

saiki likes having sleepovers. you in their house or him in yours, either way he likes both. when he wants comfort and peace, everything about you is the answer

saiki happened to like having physical contact with you. it was definitely not easy and took a long time for him to be comfortable, but you were patient enough.

saiki likes how he became cuddle buddies with you.

saiki doesn’t know whether he should tell you about his secret or leave you unaware like the rest of his friends. what if you think of him differently? will you still be friends with him?

you noticed how he was too quiet for your liking, usually he always finds a way to point out every part of your life and insult your whole being. as a joke.

if you began to hate him for keeping his life as a psychic a secret, then he’ll become selfish and erase that part of your memories.

saiki loves how you accepted him. no hate, no fear, no admiring, no selfish desires within your eyes. like he just confessed something normal. he was now even more determined in returning the favors you did for him.

saiki loves how your relationship with him gradually grows. not too fast, not too slow. but both of you knew that there will be something big that will develop between you two.

 18 Facts In A Psychics Life

this ^

Please. 🙏

Dottore's a very logical man, so he isn't the best at emotionally understanding why you feel anxious in public, he's definitely effective removing you from the situation

Of course, he isn't so much removing you, as he's scaring everyone away with a few simple words:

"Back off or you're all becoming my next experiment"

He'll pull you under his big fluffy jacket and put your head near his beating heart

"Ignore those fools and focus on me"

If you want to leave the event, he'll go with you

If he has to stay, his clone will escort you out

Dottore's a very logical man, if there's a problem, he'll solve it

A/N Blue man to help cheer up your blue mood

Thanks for Reading

I assure you, I’m not put together at all. Nor am I broken. I am recovering - finding the beautiful in the ugly and stitching it into my life.

Rachel Wolchin


could you really love me too?

kaveh x fem!reader | 2.4k + words

warnings: hurt/comfort, alcohol use, idiots to lovers <3

Could You Really Love Me Too?

you know you shouldn’t have looked. you shouldn’t have. not when you knew it would end up like this but you just couldn’t keep your eyes from following the bounce of soft blonde hair with his long strides to the bar or the way the silky strands rested against the pale skin of his back showing through his half open shirt. the wine against your tongue grew bitter watching pretty and slender fingers reaching for his shoulder while others twirled long hair as their owner batted long lashes and flashed a smile that was obnoxiously obvious in its intentions and infatuation but even though you wanted to look away, you couldn’t. 

kaveh could have anyone. the light of the kshahrewar, smart and talented, beautiful to boot, with a heart so big and an eye for romance that many thought was only written about in books. no one could possibly not fall for him and so easily, for so long, you have found yourself at the mercy of that love.

not that he knew that. no, he doesn't know how much your heart is knocking uncomfortably against your chest at the thought of him with someone else or that your entire being bursts into butterflied at the mere brush of your hands, which happened far too often, and you had no intention of telling him for more reasons that you can cont.

you can feel alhaithams eyes on you, studying and noticing every little bit of emotion that’s shown through your eyes. how could he not have seen when fuck you felt like you might actually cry right here and now, in the middle of lambads tavern, as you watched the scene of flirty students cozying up with kaveh while he waited for your drink refills. as much as you hated it right now, you loved when he smiled back at them, bright and big. you just wish it was back at you and not at them but bleh that thought didn’t make you feel much better. not when it filled you with shame.

“you know you could just tell him how you feel,” alhaitham says in his normal flat tone. you might have teased him for caring about what happens between you and his roommate if it weren’t for the emotions your overflowing with swallowing all of your wit.

you tear your eyes from kaveh, hearing the student talking with him laugh just a little too loud and glare at alhaitham with ice daggers that he found rather amusing on your pouty face.

he knew how you felt about kaveh, as your long time friend, over all this time, he found you rather easy to read and had been the one to introduce you to kaveh in the first place. and he normally wouldn’t get involved, it had been entertaining to watch you play this game of chicken with kaveh when alhaitham knew something you didn’t, but this had gone on long enough. by now anyone with two eyes and a brain not clouded in love could see how you felt about each other. at this point you were both being unreasonable and quite frankly stupid in the scribe's opinion.

“i can’t do that and you know it,” you snap at him but there's no real bite behind your words. you couldn’t tell him.. didn’t.. didn’t he deserve someone better.. smarter.. more accomplished.. more beaut-

“and why not? what do you have to lose?”

“besides my dignity?” you flash your eyes up at alhaitham just to tear them away again a second later, your gaze briefly coming across the architect on the other side of the room, catching the girl kaveh was speaking with leaning into his chest and tracing the stones that rested against his neck. “our friendship. him as a whole..” you continue, biting your bottom lip to stop it’s trembling. it’s fine.. as long as he was happy that’s what matters and- “at least this way he's in my life somehow.”

“is that really what you want?” alhaitham asks, crossing his arms, watching the processing of his question across your face and the true answer you probably weren’t going to share with him behind your eyes.

and he’d be right, you wouldn’t tell him because saying it outloud.. admitting it was tearing you apart to just be friends when you loved him, when you wanted to always be beside him in a way no one else could, never leaving him alone again.. no you couldn’t say it.. it was so selfish when he didn’t want the same with you.

“since when do you get involved in such things, huh?!” now there is actual venom in your words. not that he minds, it only confirms what alhaitham already knew. “it means nothing if he doesn’t..” your voice dies off and instead of finishing your thought you down the last of your drink, the bitter liquid joining the previous drinks that warm your cheeks and weaken the wall you normally keep these feelings well hidden behind.

alhaitham speaks, you hear his voice but the words hardly register in your mind when you find yourself the fool for the second time tonight when you chose to look again and see a sight that struck your walls so hard it crumbled them to dust, leaving your heart bleeding and bare; dainty white flat showing from under the traditional scholar robes as she stretches to reach for the same lips you’d longed to taste, eyes closing and kavehs grip on her shoulders. from the angle he had moved his expression was mostly hidden from you but that was probably for the best. 

“s-sorry alhaitham..i.. i gotta..” you stutter a broken apology as you reach into your bag before tossing a handful of mora on the table and making a b-line right for the door, not daring to look back and far from carrying how crazy you looked sprinting out the door and ignoring the shout following after you.


Could You Really Love Me Too?

“what did you say to her?!” kaveh yells at the unbothered scribe sitting a few tables away from where he stood by the door, waiting to continue going after you. he had only been gone a few minutes and when he finally had the chance to tear his eyes away from the drunken scholar that was annoying him, after pushing her off of him when she got too handsy, he had only seen you talking with alhaitham.

neither of them care about the many eyes on them in the quiet bar.

“i wouldn’t be so quick to place incorrect blame,” alhaitham shrugs and takes a sip of his drink, pulling out a book from his pack.

“tch,” kaveh scoffs but he doesn’t have time to say much more, not if he was planning to catch up with you, your figure getting smaller and smaller in the distance when he makes it out the door and takes after you with a racing heart and worry pumping through his veins.

he had seen the tears you swiped from your eyes before you made it out the door and his chest ached at the thought of you crying alone.. didn’t you know that he would always be here so you would never have to be alone again? thats what you do when you.. when you love someone.

hes admitted it to himself before, even let it slip to alhaitham one drunken night at home but he had yet to admit to the one person it should have been said to.. and kaveh has no one to blame but himself. he had fallen for you so quickly, can’t help wanting to shower you in his love and sometimes doing more than he should as a friend because of it but he.. did he really deserve someone as wonderful as you? could he give you everything you want and more? is he.. enough for such an ethereal soul..

the city streets weren’t crowded, thank archons and the patrons that parted in your wake stayed to the side with kaveh chasing after you, both of your speeds increasing but his longer strides slowly but surely closing the distance.

over and over he calls your name, urgency in his voice but you only stop when you gets a hold of your wrist just as you make it to the outskirts of the city, no one but the birds and wildflowers around to hear your panting breaths, the dew drops of your tears catching on long blades of grass.

“go away kaveh!” you shout, turning around, eyes closed and trying to hide their wetness as you push against his heaving chest to get away.

“no,” his grip on you tightens but not enough to hurt, he would never hurt you but he couldn’t just let you go either, not when you were hurting.. not when you might need him.  “not until you tell me what's gotten into you. i’m worried you know?”

“honestly, why do you even care?” you try so hard to hide your broken voice but it's all to no avail. 

“w-what?” his chest tightens into knots that constrict painfully and you can hear it through his voice, feel his fingers around your wrist loosen in his shock. “what in the world are you talking about y/n?”

you pull your hand from his, shoving your other hand against his chest to put some distance between you, giving you the chance to get away because you were not holding it together at all right now and didn’t know how much more you could take. “just forget it!”

“hey!” he shouts, reaching out and grabbing your hand again, using his surprising strength to pull you into him, your face now resting against his exposed chest, his other arm wrapping around your middle to keep you pressed close. he can feel you shaking in his hold, knows it's your tears that are rolling down his chest and collecting on his shirt. “tell me..” he lets go of your hand in favor of cradling the back of your head, slender and calloused fingers getting lost in your hair. quiet and full of worry, his warm breath against your face thanks to the proximity you share, he tries again. “what's wrong? why are you running from me?”

“let me go.” you protest but don’t fight to get out of his hold. you let his scent envelope you, grip the thin fabric of his shirt when you finally stop resisting him so much. never let me go.. your heart echoes. 

he only tightens his embrace, the pads of his fingers on your back sinking further into your skin. he held you with care, like you might break in his hold but still he put his strength behind it, like it might hurt him too if you left in this state. “so unusually stubborn tonight y/n.” he doesn’t sound annoyed, he’s more admiring than anything, as he was with any part of you but after a moment, in a voice not nearly as sure, he asks “… have i done something to upset you?”

you swallow the lump in your throat, letting the warmth of him calm your tears, bringing a steady rhythm back to your breaths. while it did have to do with him, it wasn’t him.. he couldn’t help how adored he was and he wasn’t yours to covet or be jealous over. “no.. it wasn’t you..”

“then what was it hm? you can tell me anything, you know that."

“that just it kaveh..” you bury yourself further into his chest, as if it might hide you from him, not let your feelings be shown on your sleeve. “i.. i can’t tell you this..”

“why is that?” he’s so patient trying to coax it out of you, running his finger through your hair to help you calm, assure you it was okay. his own heart was erratic in your ears, telling you just how calm he was not. in his arms, where you would rather be than anywhere else in this world, with his undivided attention and worry, you felt your resolve slipping. 

“because.. what… what if you don’t feel the same.. what if i lose you forever..” you say it so quietly you wonder if he had heard it at all.

but of course he had heard, he was listening so closely to any sign of what could make your pain go away, how he could bring back your lovely smile. it wasn’t what he had expected to hear, though his entire being filled with warmth hearing it and his brain searched for any meaning behind your words aside from what his heart and soul knew was the truth. what he wanted to be true all along and now it was unfolding before him. 

you really had loved him back… 


“don’t,” you interrupt on a choked sob. “i don’t..” don't want to hear how you don’t love me in the same way..

“won't you hear me out?” he asks, a softness in his tone that drew you from his chest to look into his eyes, that struck the match of hope deep within your heart. cupping your face, he wipes your tears, the moonlight glistening in his eyes making them look like silver fire capturing your own eyes, not wavering for a moment even through the thundering pulse in his veins and at the pink that begins to dust his cheeks, up the corners of his eyes and to the tips of his ears. 

you nod your head, unable to stop yourself from leaning into his touch, melting under his tender and flushed expression. his thumb brushes along your wet face, your eyes fluttering closed as he leans down and you feel his lips against your skin, a chaste kiss on the apple of your cheek that leaves a searing heat on you after he’s pulled away. he doesn’t go far, the warmth of his breath fanning against you, the deep calming breaths he takes against your chest, the tips of his hair tickling you like a ghost's touch.

“i love you more than you know,” i always have, but he’ll have plenty of time to tell you now that you know what is in his heart.. and what he hopes is in yours too.. “and every day i love you more still.”

“kaveh..” you eyes open slowly, more tears escaping them without your permission but you don’t mind. not when they’re tears of happiness. “i love you t-”

he doesn’t let you finish before his lips are on yours, soft yet claiming, with every ounce of your adoration for one another poured into it. the first kiss of many he would share with you from now on, the first kiss of many just tonight, to make up for all the times he wished he had and even more to promise their eternal love to you.

Could You Really Love Me Too?

genshin impact masterlist | main masterlist

Upcoming fics!

Upcoming Fics!


Itto x reader


The one and oni falls in love.

Idiots to lovers. Yearning. Pining. 2 part series. Based on this post.

Itto x reader

“How do stars find their way through the night sky?”

Itto’s attempts at confessions and the time he finally did.

Sequel to “Courtship”. Pining. Fluff. Slight angst but not really.

Childe x reader

“His Saviour”

Early relationship with Childe. He changes from uncaring to a simp. Teucer is there! Teucer likes the reader more than Ajax.

One shot. Slight angst?

Demon Slayer:

Douma x reader

“It’s a date!”

Hanging out with Douma when no one else will.

One shot (short). Fluff.

The Owl House:

Collector x reader


Platonic. Collector wants you to make a promise.

Drabble. Fluff.

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