independent, selective, experienced written & visual narrative of Tamlin, High Lord of the Spring Court, from the ACOTAR series | writing will often be a mix of canon & non-canon compliant. | always accepting asks & prompts character abuse will not be tolerated. 18+ may be present, but will always be placed under a ‘read more’. penned by Cece @positivelyruined.
368 posts
I Know You Have Tamgwyn On Your Ship List But Would You Ever Consider Possibly Writing Tamerie Or Neslin
i know you have tamgwyn on your ship list but would you ever consider possibly writing tamerie or neslin to complete the tamlin x valkyries ship possibilities?
Hi, Anon! Thanks for asking! I could possibly add Neslin to my list of possibilities. I have inclinations towards it as a ship after reading something for it from TamlinWeek! This was the fic, “Bloom” by @praetorqueenreyna!
I do feel confident in my ability to pull of writing Nesta as a character; but I would appreciate a prompt idea. I don’t personally have many ideas of them interacting. The prompts I reblog are all things I find interesting.
This wouldn’t go high on my list of priorities for writing, but it is something I would consider!

As for Tamerie, I don’t personally ship that one. Though, I can see why. Tamlin is just so easy to love ship.
lzrsaugust liked this · 8 months ago
More Posts from Thehighlordofspring
“I plant roots so deeply in the people I love that I always lose a piece of myself when they go.”
— Beau Taplin
listen. i want to tell ye that i have infinite reasons for making this. that i've been designing this for weeks, months even. but i can't. this happened because i saw one (1) meme and aligned that with two (2) cups of coffee. either way besties, you're all getting a strangely detailed list of reasons to drop your muse into another muse's lap. you wanna switch the roles? add a [ REVERSE ] if you want your muse to be the lap that's being sat in! don't add to this list, don't claim it as your own, i'll curse all your potatoes to be soapy and sad to consume.
[ SHAVE ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap so they can carefully shave the last of the receiver's stubble from their face.
[ MAKE-UP ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap in order to get a better vantage point to apply makeup to their face.
[ SNIP-SNIP ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap whilst giving them a haircut.
[ HAIR ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap so that the receiver can style or just play with their hair in peace.
[ CAR ]: sender ends up sitting in the receiver's lap whilst in a very crowded car together.
[ STUMBLE ]: sender loses their balance and trips backwards, falling into the receiver's lap in the process.
[ INTIMIDATION ]: sender, in an effort to frighten the receiver by invading their personal space, sits in their lap to try and inspire discomfort or fear in them.
[ LOOK ]: sender, wanting to see something that can only really be seen from where the receiver is sitting, sits in their lap in order to see it as well.
[ HEAL ]: sender ends up in the receiver's lap trying to tend to their wounds to the best of their abilities.
[ FEAR ]: a frightened sender sits in the receiver's lap in an effort to feel some measure of safety and protection.
[ COMFORT ]: sender, after a challenging and emotionally draining experience, settles into the receiver's lap in search of a feeling of comfort.
[ ADJUST ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap in order to fix their collar or tie or other item of clothing.
[ STRADDLE ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap with one leg on either side of their legs, straddling them effectively.
[ EMBRACE ]: sender settles in the receiver's lap to give them a long, well-deserved hug in comfort.
[ CARRY ]: sender, having been carried by the receiver for other reasons, winds up sitting in their lap once they sit down.
[ THROW ]: sender flings themselves at the receiver, so eager for a hug that they end up in their lap.
[ DROP ]: exasperated (or maybe just exhausted) the sender drops down into the receiver's lap to rest.
[ CUDDLE ]: eager for some well-earned cuddling, the sender finds it much easier for everyone involved to sit in the receiver's lap during the cuddle session.
[ MOVIE ]: while watching a movie together (and possibly being so distracted by the film that they don't realize what they're doing) the sender settles back into the receiver's lap.
[ CHAIR ]: the distinct lack of available chairs in a room results in the sender having no choice but to sit in the receiver's lap.
[ CLOSENESS ]: after having been apart for a considerable length of time, the sender sits into the receiver's lap just to be close to them.
[ PRETEND ]: in a bid to persuade others that they're in a relationship (even though they're probably not) the sender climbs into the receiver's lap to convince the on-lookers of their legitimacy.
[ LEARN ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap so they can teach them a particular practical skill (e.g. pottery, knot-tying etc.)
[ ACCIDENT ]: the sender, unaware that the seat they're trying to claim is occupied, drops into the receiver's lap without realizing it.
[ EXHAUSTION ]: the sender, surrounded by nothing but uncomfortable places to rest in, finds a solution by sitting in the receiver's lap in order to rest and possibly sleep.
[ CHILLED ]: the sender and receiver find themselves in a particularly cold room, leading the sender to sit in the receiver's lap in order to share body heat.
[ KISS ]: the sender lowers themselves into the receiver's lap in order to kiss them properly.
[ FLIRT ]: the sender, only just beginning to explore the romantic side of a relationship with the receiver, sits in their lap in order to express their feelings clearly.
[ ROMANCE ]: the sender, in a well-established romantic relationship with the receiver, sits in their lap just because they can.
[ THRONE ]: having found the receiver sitting in their throne, the sender sits in their lap in order to symbolically and physically share the seat.
𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 (a collection of prompts from the TV show “Bridgerton”, feel free to adjust phrasing and gendered terms as necessary)

"No one else matters."
"It is you I cannot sacrifice."
“I burn for you.”
"But it is tiring, is it not?"
"I am not a man of many words."
"My thoughts of you never end."
"I do not fear change. I embrace it."
"You occupy my every thought."
"It is quite the privilege, is it not?"
"Sometimes a fire is slow to burn."
"It is my business because I care about you."
"Love is not something that is ever owed."
"I'd very much like to be more than friends."
"It is maddening. How much you consume my very being."
"Straight into the fire, a favorite pastime of mine."
"I happen to believe a lady's business is her own."
"We are not all guaranteed a fairy-tale ending."
"I am yours, [name], I have always been yours."
"A diamond is precious precisely because it is rare."
"All I find myself thinking about, all I find myself being able to breathe for…is you."
"I have loved. I have lost. I have earned the right to do whatever I please, whenever I please, and however I please to do it."
"Words of flattery are beautiful and sweet, but they are also hollow unless accompanied by action."
"You are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires."
“Just because something is not perfect, does not make it any less worthy of love.”