Bella Heathcote For Esquire Magazine

Bella Heathcote for Esquire Magazine
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" GOD no, please don't. " He wouldn't take her if she didn't feel comfortable, but it'd be funny if they did. Coming from nothing and making enough money to be able to buy the whole damn place was the reason he did it- he acted like a damn fool with it. Because that shit is funny.

" I got great taste in fashion. And you know it. " Shit, even if she hated it, the man would still be buying it for her. Maybe he could convince the woman to wear it anyways, even if it's just for him, just at home...

" -- Ya got me there. " It's returned with a giggle. Nose scrunched as she returns eye contact.
" Oh, a fancy place? Should I change into something nicer then? " She didn't want to stand out like that in one of those places after all. She already felt like she didn't really belong there. The last thing Belle wanted was to give them a reason to kick her out, especially based on wearing something they considered inappropriate. That'd be far too humiliating for her to take.
" Okaaaay -- it better not be ugly though, Nick. I wont wear it if it is. "

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