I be schlonkin it silly style
181 posts
Thehomestuckfanever - Springus Bingus - Tumblr Blog

shit man this got me emotional

reblog to have davepeta sit around on your blog

happy 4/13

i don't even know what to call this one, it came to me in a dream
life actually gets better when you leave the house consistently btw like im serious
Once you exit the womb, you can use the left stick to walk around and explore your surroundings. You can press A to jump, allowing you to access higher places. Try jumping onto the doctor's cabinets

happy glorious 25th of may
If you’re going to get a cat, you must understand two things:
1. As far as a cat is concerned, the highest form of entertainment is annoying another cat on purpose.
2. If you have a good rapport with your cat, you count as another cat.
You can divert much of this behaviour by getting two cats, so that they can annoy each other, but tradeoff is that sometimes they’ll decide to team up on you instead.
siri how do i kiss women time sensitive
(girl with adhd voice) yeah i just love in fiction when a character has a superpower thats also a disability. like a power that changes how they interact with the world in exciting ways but also has terrible drawbacks to their daily life. no real reason why
happy transgender thursday

late for anime girl school

When you yell at me, this is who you are yelling at
I may or not be printing this on a shirt btw 👀
markiplier problematic because he manipulates fans who are scarable into thinkinb he is evil when he is darkiplier. we gotta do something about this but i don’t know what

License to Kitty.
Does anyone have the fucking tiktok video of the overly enthusiastic rich bearded guy showing off his new hiking shoes in his Mansion and the Woods, but then another dude duets with it to make it look like he's escaping from being held prisoner please please
edit THANKS @smellslikebot
Congratulations to Marcille DungeonMeshi for achieving Pathetic Little Man status on tumblr, a hard glass ceiling for many female characters to break. I look forward to calling you my sopping wet beast and poor little meow meow for fandom days to come. Keep trucking babygirl, you'll bag Falin one day
Dude my coworker left a scrumptious cookie unattended

Friendship <3