thepromptfoundry - Eiiri's Prompt Foundry
Eiiri's Prompt Foundry

Your source for monthly themed prompt-challenges meant for both writers and visual artists. Sideblog to @icannotreadcursive

680 posts

OC-Tober Day 25: Encountering A Ghost

OC-Tober Day 25: Encountering a ghost

Prompt: Encountering a ghost

I used the OC-tober list made by @icannotreadcursive

Link here





OCs: Len and Jake

Jake sighed as he sat down on the metal bench. His fists ached as he flexed his fingers. Maybe he should stop like Len wants. He slowly unwrapped his hands while the sounds of the crowd yelled outside the locker room. Once his hands were unwrapped, Jake tossed the wraps into his bag as he stood up and grabbed his towel. He moved for the communal showers, glad he chose to use the locker room everyone avoided.

Something, something, a ghost of a dead fighter.

Jake rolled his eyes before stifling a yawn. He didn’t care. He was tired of the stinkeyes he got when he used the communal showers in the other locker room. Reaching out, he turned the squeaky knob for the showers on as he walked by. Tossing the towel over the half wall, he tugged off his shorts and underwear in one go to throw them over the same wall. Jake just wanted to rinse off before heading home to Len.

Walking over to the shower, he ducked his head under the spray. The warm water washed over his skin, and he started to rub the dried blood out of the cracks of his skin. He was so focused on his task that the sound of a locker being slammed shut had him jolting in surprise. He looked over his shoulder with a frown. When nothing else happened, he turned back to his hands and started scratching at the dried blood again.

There was another sound closer to the showers, and he looked over his shoulder. Turning away from the shower spray, he called out, “Len?”

When he didn’t get an answer, he sighed as he turned the water off. 

“Len?” Jake was not going to be happy if Len was messing with him. With a frown on his face, he walked over to grab his towel. As Jake was wrapping it around his waist, he heard the squeaky knob turn back on. Jake stared at the locker area as he listened to the showers run behind him. He sucked in a breath before slowly letting it out.

Len may be a dragon, but he wasn’t capable of turning on water from another room.

Jake slowly looked over his shoulder only to find the showers empty. Walking back over, he turned the water off and made sure it couldn’t twist on because of a loose bolt or something. He had turned back to the locker area and hurried out while grabbing his clothes.

Stuffing the dirty clothes into his bag, he pulled out clean underwear, tugging it on under his towel. As he was pulling his pants on, he heard the sound of the showers turning on again. Then, the locker room door swung open. He stared at the empty doorway with wide eyes. A bang from behind him had him knocking everything into his bag and rushing out of the locker room with a shout. “I’m leaving!”

As soon as he was out in the hallway, the door swung shut, and Jake clutched his bag against his chest. He took a few steps back from the door when the sound of the lockers rattling and slamming echoed out of the room. After this, he would believe anything about the locker room ghost.


He let out a scream and threw his bag at the voice.

Len caught the bag as he stared at a paler than normal Jake in surprise. “Is everything okay?”

Jake heard a loud sound from the locker room, and he stumbled away and up against Len. He started to shove at Len. “We’re leaving!”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’ll tell you later!”

Len stumbled down the hall, as he let the spooked Jake herd him out of the hallway into the entrance area. “At least put a shirt on.”

“Outside.” Jake looked over his shoulder back down the hall.

Len cupped the back of Jake’s head to get him to look at him. “Are you okay?”

“I…” He shivered as the cool air ran over his damp skin. “I will be. I want to go home.”

“Okay.” Len pulled a shirt out of the bag. “Put it on. You’re shivering.”

Jake snagged it and yanked it on as he headed for the door. “Home!”

“Okay. Okay.” Len looked down the hallway towards the locker room Jake came out of. He caught sight of a shadow darting along the hall, and his eyes narrowed. A low growl slipped out of him, causing the shadow to dart back down the hall. With one last growl directed at the hallway, he turned and followed after Jake. No spirit will harass his human.

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More Posts from Thepromptfoundry

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1 year ago

A week away now!

A prompt list flier in light yellow text on a purple starfield.  The heading reads "Eiiri's Prompt Foundry Presents: Ohne-vember for writers and visual artists
To make the pun work we had to go bilingual! “Ohne” (oh-nuh) is German for “without.”   This prompt list will encourage you to explore lack and absence. Write or draw a scene..." followed by a thirty-day set of prompts included in plain text under a read more later in this post.

The prompt theme for November 2023 is Ohne-vember!

I hope you'll all appreciate the German-English bilingual pun.

If you use this list, please tag me here @thepromptfoundry, I'd love to see your writing and art!

Respond to as many prompts as you want or as interest you, don't worry about missing or skipping any, take it as an alternative to NaNoWriMo if that suits you. Remember, this is supposed to be fun!

Plain text list below the cut:

1) Without light 2) Without sound 3) Without context 4) Without death 5) Without stopping 6) Without a friend 7) Without a plan 8) Without support 9) Without pain 10) Without fear 11) Without air 12) Without water 13) Without people 14) Without clothes 15) Without memory 16) Without speech 17) Without touch 18) Without love 19) Without hate 20) Without anything to do 21) Without modern technology 22) Without regret 23) Without a way back 24) Without supervision 25) Without heat 26) Without shame 27) Without waiting 28) Without hiding 29) Without a clue 30) Without rules

1 year ago
Day 24: Being Cared For By Someone They Love

Day 24: Being cared for by someone they love

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Prompt list by @icannotreadcursive

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1 year ago

Oc tober day 27th/28th “meeting someone important to them for the first time” (day 27 a day late)

Prompts by @icannotreadcursive @thepromptfoundry

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Oc Tober Day 27th/28th Meeting Someone Important To Them For The First Time (day 27 A Day Late)

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1 year ago
A flier with a background image of misty mountains covered in autumnal trees.  Flier text reads: Eiiri Presents: OC-tober for writers and visual artists. Write or draw your OC... 1) Going about an average day
2) Getting ready for a formal event
3) In a cherished memory
4) Waking up from a nightmare
5) Trying out a different gender presentation
6) Interacting with a child in their life
7) With a pet
8) Cooking, or at least trying to 
9) Eating their favorite food
10) In a different time period
11) In a different story world or setting
12) With a parent or mentor
13) Having some rotten luck
14) Encountering a wild animal
15) With their partner, crush, or best friend
16) Expressing or exploring their spirituality
17) Doing autumnal chores
18) In school or otherwise being taught
19) Exploring their relationship with their body
20) Doing something stupid
21) Exploring an unfamiliar subculture
22) Having a difficult conversation
23) Enjoying a nice drink
24) Being cared for by someone they love
25) Encountering a ghost
26) Writing a letter
27) Meeting someone important to them for the first time
28) Taking some time to rest
29) Visiting a graveyard
30) Falling asleep
31) Dressed up for Halloween!
Have fun!

I couldn't find any OC-tober prompt lists for this year that worked well for writers as well as visual artists, so I've made one specifically meant for both!

If you use this list, please tag me here @icannotreadcursive, I'd love to see your writing and art!

Respond to as many prompts as you want or as interest you, don't worry about missing or skipping any. Remember, this is supposed to be fun.

Plain text list below the cut:

Write or draw your OC...

1) Going about an average day 2) Getting ready for a formal event 3) In a cherished memory 4) Waking up from a nightmare 5) Trying out a different gender presentation 6) Interacting with a child in their life 7) With a pet 8) Cooking, or at least trying to 9) Eating their favorite food 10) In a different time period 11) In a different story world or setting 12) With a parent or mentor 13) Having some rotten luck 14) Encountering a wild animal 15) With their partner, crush, or best friend 16) Expressing or exploring their spirituality 17) Doing autumnal chores 18) In school or otherwise being taught 19) Exploring their relationship with their body 20) Doing something stupid 21) Exploring an unfamiliar subculture 22) Having a difficult conversation 23) Enjoying a nice drink 24) Being cared for by someone they love 25) Encountering a ghost 26) Writing a letter 27) Meeting someone important to them for the first time 28) Taking some time to rest 29) Visiting a graveyard 30) Falling asleep 31) Dressed up for Halloween!

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