theresatm - {Tmblur}

welcome to another squinting look at the liminality of the tm wherein you probably didn't see what i did there. hardly any one really does. also: make good art; or else. -  -

813 posts

"Tim, Knowing How Much I Loved One Of His Characters (Grand Admiral Thrawn For You Fellow Fans), Has

Why "Aralani"? - Aralani Photography | Portland Wedding Photographer
Aralani Photography | Portland Wedding Photographer

"Tim, knowing how much I loved one of his characters (Grand Admiral Thrawn for you fellow fans), has given me a namesake in three novels."

Admiral Ar'alani is named after a wedding photographer and Thrawn fan.

More Posts from Theresatm

1 year ago

You might think that I'm joking when I say that we need cyborg rights to be codified into law, but I honestly think that, given the pace of development of medical implants and the rights issues raised by having proprietary technologies becoming part of a human body, I think that this is absolutely essential for bodily autonomy, disability rights, and human rights more generally. This has already become an issue, and it will only become a larger issue moving forwards.

4 months ago


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