theresconfettiinmyshoe - poems and mess
poems and mess

listen to your heart and you'll find the music

522 posts

I Didn't Want To Smile,

I didn't want to smile, smile came

When she called me dear

I overcame the wave

Even if it's fair

To feel something

I am sensitive

And the flowers I get

Cover my feet

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    songxg liked this · 3 years ago
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In the end

I say

That I




My own


In the mirror

And fall

In love


At the


Of this life

As my



And I draw

My last


That is what

I will

Be left


I won't regret

The love I have given

with all my heart

But I am also okay

With standing alone

The very way

I came into

This world

Fighting my

Way through

The vessel

That hosted me

as the hands of

God himself guided

my entrance into

this world

-J.Wool, What I Will Be Left With

More anxiety is coming

When a mad russian man

Decides to invade

Decides to steal

An entire country

And the soldiers obey

And the citizen hide

And the mothers cry

"If you have to donate blood,

Go donate yours,

Mister president ."

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Why do we write ?

Why taking these white

Pages and cross them out..

I think I'm looking for the melody

I think I'm looking for the rythm

Well I try , this is the strategy

To hear the train rolling

To hear the rain falling

Along the lines

I don't say I have it

But this is probably the meaning

Of all this black ink

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