thetr1ckst3r - just my madness
just my madness

44 posts

Thetr1ckst3r - Just My Madness - Tumblr Blog

7 years ago

13RW: *all of the reasons why hannah killed herself has been said*

13RW: *whole book finished in a season*

Netflix: hmmmmmm

Netflix: renew that shit for another season

Sense8: *nomi and amanita gets engaged*

Sense8: *the cluster finally meets irl*

Sense8: *the cluster bringing the fight to the bad guys*


Netflix: cancel that shit.

7 years ago

How important are German cases?

Willst du in mein Bett kommen? Do you want to come into my bed?

Willst du in meinem Bett kommen? Do you want to cum in my bed?

7 years ago
19 Befundberichte, Ber Niemand Lacht, Der Nicht In Einer Arztpraxis Arbeitet
19 Befundberichte, Ber Niemand Lacht, Der Nicht In Einer Arztpraxis Arbeitet
19 Befundberichte, Ber Niemand Lacht, Der Nicht In Einer Arztpraxis Arbeitet
19 Befundberichte, Ber Niemand Lacht, Der Nicht In Einer Arztpraxis Arbeitet
19 Befundberichte, Ber Niemand Lacht, Der Nicht In Einer Arztpraxis Arbeitet
19 Befundberichte, Ber Niemand Lacht, Der Nicht In Einer Arztpraxis Arbeitet

19 Befundberichte, über niemand lacht, der nicht in einer Arztpraxis arbeitet

7 years ago

Nomi: does anything


Nomi: Does Anything
7 years ago
Promise You Wont Laugh?No.

Promise you won’t laugh? No. 

7 years ago


Emerson: Now that’s narcoleptic. Necrophiliac’s the other one? Ned: Yeah.

Season 1, Episode 4

thetr1ckst3r - just my madness
7 years ago
Jrgen Vogel As The Teacher In Die Welle (The Wave) (2008). Dir. Dennis Gansel.
Jrgen Vogel As The Teacher In Die Welle (The Wave) (2008). Dir. Dennis Gansel.
Jrgen Vogel As The Teacher In Die Welle (The Wave) (2008). Dir. Dennis Gansel.
Jrgen Vogel As The Teacher In Die Welle (The Wave) (2008). Dir. Dennis Gansel.
Jrgen Vogel As The Teacher In Die Welle (The Wave) (2008). Dir. Dennis Gansel.
Jrgen Vogel As The Teacher In Die Welle (The Wave) (2008). Dir. Dennis Gansel.
Jrgen Vogel As The Teacher In Die Welle (The Wave) (2008). Dir. Dennis Gansel.
Jrgen Vogel As The Teacher In Die Welle (The Wave) (2008). Dir. Dennis Gansel.
Jrgen Vogel As The Teacher In Die Welle (The Wave) (2008). Dir. Dennis Gansel.
Jrgen Vogel As The Teacher In Die Welle (The Wave) (2008). Dir. Dennis Gansel.

Jürgen Vogel as the teacher in Die Welle (The Wave) (2008). Dir. Dennis Gansel.

This excellent film is about a high school social studies class in Germany where a teacher engages his class in a project where they try to understand the factors that could lead a country toward fascism. At the outset most of the students feel that German society has progressed too far to ever lapse back into fascism. The teacher is quite charismatic, and he convinces the students of the merits of working as a team to help one another in their studies. Gradually he convinces them that the solidarity of their team would be enhanced if they were to dress in a similar manner, adopt a logo for the group, and convince more students to join the group. Some students remain skeptical, but most enjoy the camaraderie of working together on the project. After a while they find that the sense of community within their group is offset by the sense of exclusion felt by those outside the group. Various dynamics come into play that reveal how easily a society can slip into fascism. This film is likely to be quite engaging for young people and would be highly effective for prompting discussion of fascism in any high school social studies class.

7 years ago
Was Sagt Eine Kellnerin Wenn Sie Dein Essen Bringt? Dein Essen Ist Gift. Es Kommt Aus Der Toilette.

Was sagt eine Kellnerin wenn sie dein Essen bringt?  Dein Essen ist Gift. Es kommt aus der Toilette.

What does a waitress say when she brings your food?  Your food is poison.  It is out of the toilet.

7 years ago


7 years ago


(i’m prepared for the hate)

7 years ago
#heryerdealmanca #stressedout #HlichundStolz #uglyandproud #irkinvegururlu #nofilter #jehhu #scakhava

#heryerdealmanca #stressedout #HäßlichundStolz #uglyandproud #çirkinvegururlu #nofilter #jehhu #sıcakhava (hier: Europe/Istanbul)

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7 years ago
I'm Just Laying Around Bro!
I'm Just Laying Around Bro!

I'm just laying around bro!😎

7 years ago


sometimes I feel useless but then I remember I breathe out carbon dioxide for plants

7 years ago
Arkadalk Byle Bir Ey Ite.... Snfa Tahamml Edemeyen (ocuk Park Gibi Olduundan Sonuna Kadar Hakllar) Iki

Arkadaşlık böyle bir şey işte.... Sınıfa tahammül edemeyen (çocuk parkı gibi olduğundan sonuna kadar haklılar) iki kankamında benim sunumumu izlemeye gelmesi çok güzel bir duygu.... Ne yazık ki -sahne alma zamanım- bayağı ileride olduğundan birisi gene dayanamayıp gitti diğeri ise başlamadan 10 dakka önce uyuyakaldı.🤣🤣🤣

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7 years ago
Feeling Religious Already.. #saintpaulschurch #saintpaulkirche #saintpaulsgliss #bersetzeren #translators

feeling religious already..🤣🤣🤣 #saintpaulschurch #saintpaulkirche #saintpaulségliss #übersetzeren #translators #traducteurs (hier: Saint Paul Well-Aziz Paul Kuyusu)

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7 years ago
Hier: Saint Paul Well-Aziz Paul Kuyusu

hier: Saint Paul Well-Aziz Paul Kuyusu

7 years ago
Wenn Ich Merke, Dass Die Leute Mich Kritisieren...

Wenn ich merke, dass die Leute mich kritisieren...

7 years ago
Srsly Almost Cried Watching This

Srsly almost cried watching this

7 years ago
I Bet You Didnt Know This

I bet you didn’t know this

7 years ago
Ne De Ok Olaylar Biriktirmiiz Hafzamzda Ve Paylaacak Bilgilerimiz Varm Onu Farkettik Bugn...Aramza Katlamayan

Ne de çok olaylar biriktirmişiz hafızamızda ve paylaşacak bilgilerimiz varmış onu farkettik bugün...Aramıza katılamayan @kayra_san pişman olacağın şeyler vardır bu hayatta, onlardan biriside bugünü bizimle geçirmemen....

7 years ago
When We All Want To Rock Hard...#girlwithharley #kayrasan #sinem

When we all want to Rock hard...#girlwithharley #kayrasan #sinem

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7 years ago
#tb Bir Zamanlar Esmer Ve Cirkinken... (Ankara, Turkey)

#tb bir zamanlar esmer ve cirkinken... (Ankara, Turkey)

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8 years ago

Yeğenimi çok seviyorum iyi ki varsınız @hayriye_berfin ve sağolasın enişte geniş hayat felsefeni gelecek nesillere aktardığın için😂 #niecelove #littlegirlwithgoodtaste #ağzınıntadınıbilmek

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8 years ago
thetr1ckst3r - just my madness