Chicago Pd
Chicago Pd

Newbie - Detective Y/N Y/LN is the newest member of the intelligence unit only just transferred from her previous job at narcotics. It’s your first day and already some tension arises between you and the infamous Hank Voight.
Snooze - Your job takes so much energy from you daily, so five more minutes in bed is just what you need, right? But a certain someone seems to disagree.
Faith Restored - When an argument with your husband causes you to walk out, a vendetta against him leads to you being kidnapped. But will Hank find you in time to be reunited with him and your child?
Out of The Blue - After experiencing a hard day at work, your boyfriend decides to treat you to some of your favourite things. Although he may or may not have another surprise in store for you.
Insecurities - Hank seems to be jealous of a certain friend of yours.
The Missing Piece - Hank being jealous of your and Jay’s platonic relationship leads to a relationship of his own
The Missing Piece Pt.2 - Finally after confessing to you, Hank takes you on multiple dates, but will you finally become an exclusive couple
The Missing Piece Pt.3 - Now that you and Hank are exclusive, its finally time to tell the rest of the team
Tribute - Hanks job keeps him away at your biggest time of need when you’re in labour
A Single Glance - When Hank comes home in the middle of the night you’re left angry, but sometimes his affection can erase those bad feelings
Recollection - A drunk night ends with you in your bosses bed, but he won’t admit to it until someone else makes a move
Recollection Pt.2 - After that fateful talk in his office, your relationship continues to develop further
Stubborn - You and Hank as both so stubborn. So arguments can be tough, but eventually one of you always caves in
Grief - Stricken - Whether hank wanted a baby or not was a question that floated around your mind as you found out you were pregnant. But that didn’t matter now as you find out you lost the baby.
Grief - Stricken Pt.2 - The aftermath of losing your baby and how you manage to rebuild your lives up once again
Here Come Trouble - Date night gets ruined by some guys who couldn’t stop the temptation of flirting with you.
Loved up - Al loves the fact he’s played matchmaker to yours and Hank’s relationship
Blame - Having a baby without telling their father was hard, what was harder was when that baby’s father was Hank Voight
Finally - You’d never felt love in your previous relationship, losing trust in everyone, except for the mysterious detective who just happens to save you
Father Figure - Hank would never be a replacement for your son’s deceased father but he would that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t see him as a second dad
Sucker Punch - You've never really been one for a fight, but sometimes someone just pushes you a little bit too far
Stages of Grief - You’re there when Justin passes, and so you have to watch your husband go through the five stages as he grieves his son
Choose Your Lover w/ Jay - An Interactive Choose Your Own Path Story - Joining the intelligence unit is nerve-wracking, but what happens when you have a crush on multiple members and they seem to also make advances towards you
Her Knight In Shining Armour - You’ve told your daughter stories of the valiant Sir Voight, but what happens when she finally meets her hero
Disturbance - Sometimes you just need some alone time with your husband, but it seems like your son would disagree
Compromise - All you want is to sleep next to your husband, even if it isn’t in the most conventional way
Daycare - Hank finally gets to spend some quality time with his son, little did he know the boy had changed a lot since their last time together.
Realisation - He always took for granted the things he had before they're gone
Guaranteed - Sometimes life is not guaranteed, neither is Hank Voight

The Clothes Bandit - Jay's just finding out about your little secret, you love to steal his shirts.
Afraid - Erin left Jay completely heartbroken, taking him years to finally open himself up again. But when you enter a new fling with him, nobody would have guessed that some emotional trauma from it remained
Thankful - When you and jay finally get the news that yours pregnant, everything seems too good to be true. Until one day when something seems off, rushing to the hospital to try and figure out if your dreams were to be crushed
Reunited - You and Jay met during his time at the Rangers, establishing a relationship whilst you served. But now Jay’s gone and you remain, what happens when you finally get to go home?
Intrusive Thoughts - Jay had never previously opened up about his time in the Rangers, but when a scene on the tv triggers him, he’s forced to talk about it and face the realities of needing to break the cycle of pain
Frozen - A suspect says something that particularly gets under your skin, prompting Jay to help you get over it
Consolation - Jay’s perfect to you, but in your eyes, you’re definitely not. This leads you to distance yourself and prepare for heartbreak until Jay reassures you otherwise.
Battle Scars - Jay has a lot of memories from his time in the war, some that are on his body. One cosy night he decides that maybe he should tell you where they're from.
Bonding Time - In order to bring you and Jay closer you try and endure something he really loves, football.
Unwanted Return - Erin comes back to Chicago, wanting to reclaim the man she once had, the man that was now yours.
Comrade - You served with both Jay and Mouse but still serve after they are deployed, so you decide to surprise them at the district.
Instincts - Jay’s past has caused him a lot of trauma in the form of PTSD, and an episode finally breaks your bubble of perfection
High School Reunion - The one girl who hated you during high school just so happens to target your boyfriend during the reunion
Fight For You - Your break up with Jay left feelings unresolved, and so when he sees you on a date with another person he gets very angry
Betrayal - As he’s undercover Jay develops a relationship with a certain someone, little do they know a pregnancy will be a result of it
Limits - Jay cheated on you before and although he’d promised to never hurt you again, there is only so much you can take
Choose Your Lover w/Hank - An Interactive Choose Your Own Path Story - Joining the intelligence unit is nerve-wracking, but what happens when you have a crush on multiple members and they seem to also make advances towards you
History Pt.1 - You don’t know much about Jay’s families but there seems to be a reason for that
History Pt.2 - More surprised lie in wait for you that evening
The Other Woman - She had always been there despite him telling you otherwise

Office Romance? - It's Mouse’s first day in the 21st district. Jay introduces him to the whole team, except you who seems to always be out until you finally meet at Molly’s and completely hit it off
Bed Ridden - Mouse plays carer for the day when you wake up one morning with the flu
Public Opinion - Being a public defender made you rather unpopular, especially with your new boyfriend's co-workers
Night Terrors - One of Mouse’s nightmares takes him by surprise, leaving you to try and help him get through the emotional time
Decisions - Years after your all discharged from the Rangers you all reunite, some in better ways than others

Wake up Call - Kevin works hard at his job so he deserves all the sleep he can get, but sometimes you just want to see him before he leaves for the day.
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More Posts from Thrivingandcrying
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin || masterlist

"I’m real good Rooster. I’m very good. In fact, I am too good to be true." – Jake 'Hangman' Seresin


If I Didn't Love You || A Texas boy and a Georgia girl fall in love. They believe they have what it takes to prove stereotypes wrong, that they can survive any trial that comes their way. Jake Seresin sees you as his soulmate, his better half, the only woman capable of getting him to settle down. But when a Naval deployment separates the two, you believe your pilot is coming home to you. But he doesn’t. With no answer except that it wasn’t you, it was him; Jake leaves you devastated and heartbroken. But when he’s shipped to Fighterntown USA to partake in TOP GUN for an upcoming mission, he stumbles across you again after not laying eyes on you for more than four years. What happens when those feelings come rushing back to Jake, but you want nothing to do with him?
AMELIA || Amelia always wondered why her father, Jake Seresin, decided to remain alone. An impromptu matchmaker, Amelia Seresin enters the first grade with you as her teacher and quickly discovers there is a liking between you and her father. in classic six-year-old fashion, Amelia wants to see Jake smile, finding ways to push you and Jake closer together until you cannot deny each other. Jake wondered if he could ever love a woman as much as he loved Amelia's mother, Stacee, who is still a big part of their lives – but he never expected you to come along. He never expected his little girl to help him find that missing piece in his life. It was a blinding love that began in the classroom, that soon bubbled out of control, and resulted in undeniable passion. All thanks to a scheming six-year-old with timid green eyes and pretty blonde hair, encompassed with Jake's sassy attitude. [SINGLE DAD AU]

Maverick Masterlist
Rooster Masterlist
Bob Masterlist
The Drone Ranger Masterlist

This blog is 18+ only—minors do not interact. Ageless or underage blogs will be blocked without warning.
Want to be notified when I post a new fic? Join my taglist!
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Stories about our favorite stick jockey, Maverick and Rooster's savior
Talk You Out of It (18+) ᴺᴱᵂ
Mustache Masquerade (18+)
Just Can't Take It (18+)
I Can Make It
Hotel Homecoming (18+)
Par for the Course
To-Do List collection
Jake and his wife have a to-do list to finish One-shots that can be read individually or together Dine In is the OG shot that inspired the collection
Car Wash (18+)
Dirty Laundry (18+)
The Office (18+)
Dine In (18+)
To-Do List imagines
Memorable moments throughout Jake and Mrs. Seresin's relationship
Centerfold (18+)
Mrs. Seresin's playlists
In case you want to partake is Mrs. Seresin's full playlists
Emo mix
Hair metal
Beached. series
Kyle Jassen was looking for a quiet day at the beach, but a rogue football put her en route to a whirlwind romance with a hotshot naval fighter pilot
Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V (18+), Part VI (18+), Part VII, Part VIII
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
One-shots about our favorite mustached aviator
Tip of the Cap (18+) coming soon
A Little Time Alone (18+) ᴺᴱᵂ
Puppies are Forever
You Get Me Closer (18+)
Dagger Squad
One shots about the rest of the Dagger Squad
Vibe Check, B. Floyd (18+) ᴺᴱᵂ

one date
hangman doesn’t like seeing you with rooster, will you just give him one date?*
fall apart at the seams
you catch hangman in a situation you’ve never seen before.
you mess up jakes name when feeling a bit too tired.
one coffee
jake tries to reconnect with you and your daughter.
have you heard the good word?
jake never fails to make you laugh with his humor, especially when he’s in between your thighs.*
whiskey & black ties
jake’s had enough of your bratty behavior and he’s on a total power trip tonight.*
you wish you could read jake’s mind in the heat of an argument and see his point of view.
old money
dating hangman and being equally as competitive*
jake by your side while you have your first baby
hangman taking you flying for your first date
family bbqs and fucking in the pantry*
running your hands through jake’s hair*
dilf!jake and milf!reader*
pretty please daddy?*
straddling jake*
jake and his catholic family*
strong af
the interview
a skilled pilot can keep it up*
drunk hangman
hangman being whipped*
corruption kink*
eating you out*
trailing kisses down hangman’s torso*
buying you things*
taking care of you with a sprained ankle
car sex*
dating an introvert
one night stand*
accidentally hurting you*
size kink* & part one*
jealousy, friends with benefits*
carrying your bag
cuddles in bed
first time*
short gf*
jealous jake*
taking care of you through sub!drop
reading your body language*
acts of service
hangman taking care of you while you’re on your period
using your safe word*
picking you up from the airport*
jake with an illustrator partner
jake flirting with the receptionist*
traveling with hangman
best friends with hangman
hangman with a language teacher
the photos you have with hangman
tall reader*
one bed trope
sharing a bed together*
moving house with hangman
poly!suqadron and little!reader
giving hangman a massage*
stress crying
hangman x british reader
hangman and reader who wears rings
cnc with hangman*
jake and inexperienced reader*
jake x little!reader*
jake and your tits*
jake x civilian!reader*
medical kink*
jake’s sex playlist
what jake’s dick looks like*
part one
part two
part three

hangman x cloudy.
masterlist here!
Prompt list and Masterlist
✨smut implied
You’re insane/But you love me
Lucky Girl✨
“Tell Me”
You’re my Partner
Truth or Dare ✨
Like you a lot
Always gonna be fine
I’m so proud of you
Stop being so cute
“I’m your idiot”
You owe me
Harder.. Deeper✨
Prove it
“Nice try, little one.”✨
“I’ll always come back to you”
Little legs
Showtime - Part 2 - Part 3
Hungry Eyes ✨
Ambo 61
Cat T-shirt short Drabble
Little One ✨
Tell me that when you’re sober
“I’m all yours” - Part 2 ✨ - Part 3
Always Protect You
Love Languages
“I’m not going anywhere”
Pizza and a pack of beers
Period Pains
Not an Angel
“What was it you said about that begging?”
A game of cat and mouse ✨
Puppy Dog Eyes
Emergency Room - Your girl
Drunk in love✨
Early Morning
“Tell me a story”
Lie to me
A night of learning
The Drone Ranger Masterlist

This blog is 18+ only—minors do not interact. Ageless or underage blogs will be blocked without warning.
Want to be notified when I post a new fic? Join my taglist!
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Stories about our favorite stick jockey, Maverick and Rooster's savior
Talk You Out of It (18+) ᴺᴱᵂ
Mustache Masquerade (18+)
Just Can't Take It (18+)
I Can Make It
Hotel Homecoming (18+)
Par for the Course
To-Do List collection
Jake and his wife have a to-do list to finish One-shots that can be read individually or together Dine In is the OG shot that inspired the collection
Car Wash (18+)
Dirty Laundry (18+)
The Office (18+)
Dine In (18+)
To-Do List imagines
Memorable moments throughout Jake and Mrs. Seresin's relationship
Centerfold (18+)
Mrs. Seresin's playlists
In case you want to partake is Mrs. Seresin's full playlists
Emo mix
Hair metal
Beached. series
Kyle Jassen was looking for a quiet day at the beach, but a rogue football put her en route to a whirlwind romance with a hotshot naval fighter pilot
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 (18+), Part 6 (18+), Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10 ᴺᴱᵂ
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
One-shots about our favorite mustached aviator
Tip of the Cap (18+) coming soon
A Little Time Alone (18+) ᴺᴱᵂ
Puppies are Forever
You Get Me Closer (18+)
Dagger Squad
One shots about the rest of the Dagger Squad
Vibe Check, B. Floyd (18+) ᴺᴱᵂ