thundabee77 - Gears, Armor, and Justice
Gears, Armor, and Justice

540 posts

Thundabee77 - Gears, Armor, And Justice - Tumblr Blog

8 months ago
thundabee77 - Gears, Armor, and Justice
9 months ago
Our Graphic Novel "The Sprite And The Gardener" Is Three Years Old Now, So I Drew Wisteria To Celebrate!

Our graphic novel "The Sprite and the Gardener" is three years old now, so I drew Wisteria to celebrate! Thank you so much to everyone who's picked up a copy, whether bought, borrowed, or found at your local library - I've loved hearing from all of you over the years!

9 months ago

bouquet 💐

(crop from may’s patreon illust)

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9 months ago

The remake reboot prequel sequel industrial complex is killing me but the good thing is I don't have to watch any of that. I can just think "that sounds boring or otherwise doesn't interest me in any way" and do something other than watch it

9 months ago
thundabee77 - Gears, Armor, and Justice
9 months ago

Cocaine was a stimulant used by a priestly caste of the middle period United States called businessmen in order to commune with The Market. [1]

9 months ago


9 months ago

I know I'm a bit late to saying this but frankly if I found out a secret society of magic-users were just playing nonsense sports and making up slurs for the rest of us instead of helping us out with famines or leukemia I think I'd apply for a job with my local witch hunters

9 months ago

People focus on the "poor little girls are being manipulated into being trans" transphobia but completely ignore the "heterosexual women who fetishize gay man and want to force gay men to have sex with them" transphobia. And whenever I bring it up people just act like im crazy and that trans men are never seen as sexual perverts while everyday I get someone yelling at me online telling me im a sexual pervert who wants to rape gay men. People can't seem to wrap their head around the fact that a group can be infantilized and demonized at the same time.

9 months ago

Black trans women: hey uhhhhh this space is not safe for me like at all

Black trans men: yeah I agree and it's really not good to me either

Black cis women: oh man don't even get me started, this place is so dangerous for me

Black cis men: for sure, and it feels like it's hunting season for me

Black gnc people: no kidding, and it feels like it's only getting worse

Black nonbinary people: and if people decide to acknowledge I exist (which is rare) it's specifically to hurt me

Black people everywhere: the world is so aggressive towards me, and it just doesn't seem like there's any escape from it, and it would be nice if someone listened to us for once instead of just using us as gotchas and free labour

Nonblack people: hmm. Well that doesn't align with my personal worldview or political opinion, so I'm going to disregard it AND be racist to you about it

9 months ago
The Girls...
The Girls...

the girls...

9 months ago

How long until passing discourse spirals into “non-passing trans people have cis privilege bc people interpret them as their birth gender”

1 year ago
thundabee77 - Gears, Armor, and Justice
1 year ago




1 year ago
The Guilds Insistence In Achieving A Minimum Guaranteed Staff Level For Episodic TV Was Considered An

The guild’s insistence in achieving a minimum guaranteed staff level for episodic TV was considered an extreme long-shot when the contract discussions began in March.

They achieved a new-model streaming residual formula that should help fellow striking union SAG-AFTRA in its quest to achieve a revenue-based residual. The WGA’s formula amounts to a bonus system based on pre-determined, high-bar performance benchmarks for individual titles. But it’s nonetheless more than industry dealmakers predicted the guild would secure when the first round of WGA-AMPTP talks began in earnest last spring.

The nitty-gritty details of language around the use of generative AI in content production was one of the last items that the sides worked on before closing the pact.

They did it.

Solidarity works.

Unions are our only tool against capitalistic greed.


1 year ago

"The best thing we can do with power is give it away" - On the leftist critique of superhero narratives as authoritarian power fantasies:

The ongoing "Jason Todd is a cop" debate has reminded me of a brilliant brief image essay by Joey deVilla. So here it is, images first and the full essay text below:

"The Best Thing We Can Do With Power Is Give It Away" - On The Leftist Critique Of Superhero Narratives
"The Best Thing We Can Do With Power Is Give It Away" - On The Leftist Critique Of Superhero Narratives
"The Best Thing We Can Do With Power Is Give It Away" - On The Leftist Critique Of Superhero Narratives
"The Best Thing We Can Do With Power Is Give It Away" - On The Leftist Critique Of Superhero Narratives
"The Best Thing We Can Do With Power Is Give It Away" - On The Leftist Critique Of Superhero Narratives
"The Best Thing We Can Do With Power Is Give It Away" - On The Leftist Critique Of Superhero Narratives
"The Best Thing We Can Do With Power Is Give It Away" - On The Leftist Critique Of Superhero Narratives
"The Best Thing We Can Do With Power Is Give It Away" - On The Leftist Critique Of Superhero Narratives
"The Best Thing We Can Do With Power Is Give It Away" - On The Leftist Critique Of Superhero Narratives
"The Best Thing We Can Do With Power Is Give It Away" - On The Leftist Critique Of Superhero Narratives
"The Best Thing We Can Do With Power Is Give It Away" - On The Leftist Critique Of Superhero Narratives
"The Best Thing We Can Do With Power Is Give It Away" - On The Leftist Critique Of Superhero Narratives

"A common leftist critique of superhero comics is that they are inherently anti-collectivist, being about small groups of individuals who hold all the power, and the wisdom to wield that power. I don’t disagree with this reading. I don’t think it’s inaccurate. Superheroes are their own ruling class, the concept of the ĂŒbermensch writ large. But it’s a sterile reading. It examines superhero comics as a cold text, and ignores something that I believe in fundamental, especially to superhero storytelling: the way people engage with text. Not what it says, but how it is read. The average comic reader doesn’t fantasize about being a civilian in a world of superheroes, they fantasize about being a superhero. One could charitably chalk this up to a lust for power, except for one fact
 The fantasy is almost always the act of helping people. Helping the vulnerable, with no reward promised in return. Being a century into the genre, we’ve seen countless subversions and deconstructions of the story. But at its core, the superhero myth is about using the gifts you’ve been given to enrich the people around you, never asking for payment, never advancing an ulterior motive. We should (and do) spend time nitpicking these fantasies, examining their unintended consequences, their hypocrisies. But it’s worth acknowledging that the most eduring childhood fantasy of the last hundred years hasn’t been to become rich. Superheroes come from every class (don’t let the MCU fool you). The most enduring fantasy is to become powerful enough to take the weak under your own wing. To give, without needing to take. So yes, the superhero myth, as a text, isn’t collectivist. But that’s not why we keep coming back to it. That’s not why children read it. We keep coming back to it to learn one simple lesson
 The best thing we can do with power IS GIVE IT AWAY." - Joey deVilla, 2021

1 year ago

i think the hottest look you can give someone after they commit acts of unspeakable violence is approval. like don't get me wrong if there's lust there too that's great, but staring at someone with gore dripping down their chin and coating their hands to the wrists with undisguised appraisal and admiration. maybe giving them a little nod as if to say 'well done'. THAT'S what says "yeah we're gonna fuck nasty later".

1 year ago

i love giving my ocs absent mothers because i support women's right to choose

1 year ago
Caption By Joe Six-Pack, Original Art By American Artist Hilda Terry (1914-2006).

Caption by Joe Six-Pack, original art by American artist Hilda Terry (1914-2006).

1 year ago
Moon Drop

moon drop

1 year ago
Szulitya, Wolf Of The Court
Szulitya, Wolf Of The Court

Szulitya, Wolf of the Court

Illustration of a character from The Wildercourt, the graphic novel I’m (slowly) working on. Szulitya is a tertiary character, but she’s a lot of fun to write and draw.

1 year ago
thundabee77 - Gears, Armor, and Justice
1 year ago

it actually makes me so sad there are some people who havent seen fireflies irl like. come with me. let me show you. lets go out in the yard at 8 in the evening and catch fireflies together

1 year ago
Identifying/understanding [GOP] Misogyny.

Identifying/understanding [GOP] misogyny.