thursday-in-theory - your favourite day (thursday)
your favourite day (thursday)

they/them. Silly little blog for getting thoughts out of my head. If your favourite day isn't thursday that's ok too I guess. It's not like it hurts my feelings or anything.

363 posts

Today Feels Like A Thursday Even Though It's Not. Saturdays Get To Be Honorary Thursdays If You Want

Today feels like a thursday even though it's not. Saturdays get to be honorary thursdays if you want them to be though.

More Posts from Thursday-in-theory

1 year ago

Ok so I'm currently watching a 2008 show and a 2021 show and they may not have invented resolution in 2008 but at least they still had lighting! Like jeepers literally half the time I'm watching the modern show I have no idea what's going on.

1 year ago

the good news is that some things in life are easy peasy the bad news is that all the other things are difficult pifficult

1 year ago

One time around when I was playing a lot of New Vegas I went into a public bathroom and looked around at the walls to find a first aid box to loot

You know I’ve been playing too much TOTK because I’m at work and just saw a pinecone on the ground and went “ooh better grab that in case I need to get somewhere high”

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