they/them. Silly little blog for getting thoughts out of my head. If your favourite day isn't thursday that's ok too I guess. It's not like it hurts my feelings or anything.
363 posts
Today Feels Like A Thursday Even Though It's Not. Saturdays Get To Be Honorary Thursdays If You Want
Today feels like a thursday even though it's not. Saturdays get to be honorary thursdays if you want them to be though.
More Posts from Thursday-in-theory
the good news is that some things in life are easy peasy the bad news is that all the other things are difficult pifficult
I actually really like my job but it would be even better if it could stop injuring me thx
Hi Tumblr, I have a confession to make: a few days ago I saw someone in a Homestuck cosplay
This man just got down on one knee and gave me a ring to affirm a vow... this could mean anything
mathermatical notation explained
symbol meaning
= equals
=/= not equals
< left
> right
~ worm
π stonehenge
√ right answer
x wrong answer
⋯ soon…
∮ what Exacrly the fuck
∝ fish
∞ fish with 2 heads
↯ lightning
:⇔ he Scream