Beast appeared in the Marvels and now I read that they want to make something with Wonder Man and bring him into the MCU too....
Does that mean that maybe someday eventually...

More Posts from Tidemoonchild

you're very tired, aren't you? thrashing and fighting and trying to survive– it has taken its toll, but that has not stopped you. you'll continue to gnaw and scream and bare teeth until you can free yourself from this mess, even if it means being the last one left. there is rest at the end of this hard battle, i promise you. there is a time when the fight will be over– but fighting is all you know, isn't it?
Tagged: Kind of stolen tag. Another Oc of mine was tagged and I wanted to do this for her too.
No pressure Tag: @bothsidesofaquestion @positivelybeastly
Okay it seems that my blog is almost completely back to normal again. So people can contact me here again. (Still keeping my other main blog just in case.) Only thing I saw that still doesn't work are the tags. My stuff still doesn't show up in the tags.
I'll give this a few more days or maybe weeks and keep checking every now and then and depending on how much this bothers me I try to contect tumblr again.
For now I don't really mind this if my posts show up there or not. I mostly post things about my ocs and use specific tags for them that only people who follow me and are interessted in my ocs would know.
Anyway I also decided to keep the name Avy The Void cause it's funny and I learned to love it.

it's not working out the way you want it to. no matter how hard you try to look scary, the very picture of karmic retribution, your efforts will inevitably fall short. you're out of place here, a broken doll and a used marionette. there's nothing to gain in pretending you can't be hurt like anyone else. there's nothing to gain in pretending you aren't human, that you're made of twisted steel and distorted memories. embrace your humanity. embrace your vulnerability. give in to trust.
Tag borrowd from: @luposcainus
No pressure tag: @sheshootsxruns/@brooklynbred @spideymn/@theshxdxw @silently-judgingyou @positivelybeastly @bothsidesofaquestion @neonsoundbite/@doctor-brucebanner @antvnger @indoraptorgirlwind and everyone else who wants to do it
My favorite parts:

And ofc the poem at the end! This is just too wholesome!!!!
Hit me with something... but please hit me softly. I'm still trying to get over the comics
Badass Bookworm / Genius Bruiser:
A Science Hero who reads Shakespeare, quotes poetry, can lift well over 10 tons and once flipped freaking the Juggernaut on his head. There is a good reason Hank is Trope Codifier (and picture) for Genius Bruiser.

Genius. Bruiser. Badass. Bookworm.

How many did you see?
William Shakespeare’s Avengers (Part 10/?)