WC #52
WC #52
Prompt: “What the hell are you doing in the bathroom at 3 in the morning?” From this list
Pairing: Kacchako
As I work on requests enjoy this little number from my drafts. Imma dedicate this to @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate because we cried at the same meme and it was a magical moment lol.
A groan came from Bakugou as he mindlessly kicked off the blankets, his body over heating in the summer night. He turned on his side to get ready to snuggle up to his new wife, something he had been doing often. Something she absolutely enjoyed.
His arm stretched out lazily reaching for her but his brow furrowed when he didn’t make contact. His head was buried in his pillow as he was slapping around the bed, grunting when he couldn’t find her.
“Babe” He mumbled but didn’t hear a response.
Prying his tired eyes open, he let out a sigh when she wasn’t in bed. The master bedroom was completely dark so he knew she must have been downstairs.
“Probably snacking.” He muttered but his feet dragged out of bed and down the wooden stairs. The kitchen light was on but she wasn’t there. The counter was littered with pills and medicine, picking up a box his head snapped towards the hallway when he heard a deep cough.
Confused he pushed the door open to see her hunched over the sink, panting and sweat beaded on her forehead.
“What the hell are you doing in the bathroom at 3 in the morning?” Irritation splashed through him and as she began to give her response, her eyes widened and her knees buckled to the floor.
Her body lunged over the toilet, spilling all the contents from earlier down the pipe. “I didn’t want to wake you.” She stood and wiped her mouth and ran her hand under the faucet.
“Holy fucking shit Uraraka, are you that sick.” He asked not knowing if he should hug her or not. “Also I don’t give a fuck if you wake me, my wife puking for crying out loud.”
She smiled as her stomach settled. She loved it when he referred to her as his wife. It was a habit that he didn’t want to break.
“Relax love, I’m not contagious.” She reached down to the floor to pick something up. He leaned against the door frame, a worried look plastered on his face.
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna be cuddling with a barf monster, this isn’t high school yah know.” She rolled her eyes at his comment and tossed him a piece of plastic.
Swiftly he caught it and looked at the white stick in his palm. Eyes widening and he looked to find her with her hands on her hip and a smug look on her face.
“You just called your pregnant wife a barf monster. Shame on you.” She teased and poked him in his abs, which she made a mental note that they were extremely hard.
Her giggles stopped as she returned to his face. A shocked and blank expression mixed and began to get worried. She took a step forward, her voice soft and questioning.
He didn’t move. His eye were glued to his hand and her previous statement rang through his ears. Pregnant wife.
“I’m sorry if you didn’t want this, it just happened, we weren’t careful. If you don’t want it we can-“
Her body was taken into a hug. Tears spilled out of his eyes as he clung to her. His head nuzzled against her neck.
“Thank you.” He whispered and she clung onto him. He was overjoyed knowing that he would be a father and she would be a mother.
“I love you so much.” He leaned down to kiss her but her hand covered his mouth. Placing a kiss on her hand where his lips would be, she smiled.
“I love you too but I just spent twenty minutes puking so yeah, I’m not letting you kiss me. At least not now.” She felt her stomach settle and turned off the bathroom light and lead them upstairs. “Just give me a few and I’ll be back in bed.”
He sat on the bed and watched her walk to the sink, excited to see her bump develop as the days would pass.
“Yeah know since we are awake, we could celebrate.” He smirked and she looked at him through the mirror as she spit her toothpaste out.
“Babe it’s 3 in the morning, we are not doing it right now.” He huffed as Uraraka jumped back under the covers.
“It’s not like I can get you pregnant again.” He scoffed but gladly wrapped his arm around her waist, cradling her stomach. She let out a laugh and turned to kiss his cheek.
“Goodnight Bakugo.”
“Goodnight Uraraka.” She felt a kiss on her neck and snuggled further into his chest.
“Goodnight little one.” They both whispered.
Hope you enjoyed!
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WC# 30: Kacchako
Prompt: 91: “Tell me you need me.”
Pairing: Kacchako
Requested By: @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate sorry this took so long love!
Thank you for the request!! Strong language, suggested themes.
The moment they got home, the door was slammed. Irritation filled the air and Bakugou was ready to explode. His anger was directed at his girlfriend, specifically her actions.
As they were saving citizens from another attack, a massive blast was headed towards Bakugou, however Ochaco quickly jumped in front, taking damage to protect not only her partner but her boyfriend.
“What the fuck was THAT!” Bakugou yelled. Ochaco simply rolled her eyes and walked to the kitchen not giving her angry boyfriend a glance.
“Um its called doing my job.” She shot back. The fridge door opened and she took one of the cold bottles and held it against her right arm before taking a sip.
“Doing your job?” He huffed and followed her while taking the water bottle from her hands.
“Hey I-“
“Ochaco you could have gotten seriously hurt!” He slammed the bottle down.
Another eye roll came from her, a dangerous trait she learn from her explosive boyfriend and her head laid in her hand.
“Katsuki, I had to save those people, if I get a hurt then that’s part of our duty. It’s not a big deal.” She took her bottle back and blew her bangs up. “It’s not even that bad, you’re overreacting.”
“OVERREACTING?” He ran his hand through his hair and pointed at her arm that had a small bruise. “You took a massive blow, you should have jumped out of the way.”
“Then it would of hit you!”
“I can take it!”
She turned and put her hand on her hip, her soft brown eyes widened and held a deadly glare.
“Oh and I can’t?” She spat.
“That’s not-“
“No Bakugou. That’s exactly what you’re saying. You don’t think I’m strong enough huh?” He could sense the hurt in her voice.
“Now don’t go putting words into my mouth babe.”
“I don’t understand sometimes. I am a fucking grown ass woman. I can take care of my self and I don’t need my boyfriend telling me how not to do my job.” She pushed past him, aggravation coursed through her and she could feel tears swelling up.
He grumbled and chased after her, he wouldn’t let himself be the reason she cried. “Ochaco come on!” His feet picked up the pace and he held out his hand, wrapping it softly around her wrist stopping them both. She was hesitant and didn’t turn around knowing that when she did, he’d see the tears.
“I know you are a grown ass woman, and a fucking bad ass too.” His voice was soft, a tone only she has heard. “ I-I just couldn’t live with myself if you got hurt because you wanted to protect me.”
Keep reading

I work in tech (a male dominated field) and have no fucking clue as to why it is paid so well when compared to some other fields… you know, other than the reason being it’s a male dominated field lol.
Teachers are underpaid and overworked, especially primary school teachers, and it’s outrageous they make about the same as I do with my entry level position.