objectifing male musicians like it's my job. I Take Coms :)
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Tilltourture - Ubbbhh Damn - Tumblr Blog

gelsenkirchen 😭 31.07.24 💔 video: @iinchicore

the collection of olie being tills chewtoy at the end of puppe
Till giving Specter the hug he deserves when presenting the video to the teams who contributed to it 🥰 @ davidgesslbauer
i need to know if theres more stories about till and oli besides the sausage thing but within that realm
The thing about seeing all of these new faces around after being away for so long is that half my active followers have no knowledge of the (unfinished) Rammstein fics i used to write and my obsession with leatherpuppy Till. It feels like some kind of sneaky secret that twitter crossover fans would be deeply unhappy about.

Rammstein - “Engel” (Piano Version) - Estonia, Tallinn - (Live) - 20.07.2022.
What a year for the Tipaul fans ❤️
Absolutely! Yes!!! And yesterday in Dublin was the peak. But to think it started already very well in Prague when Paul forced a smooch on Tills face in the lift that Till tried to fight with shy smile but still let it happen eventually :D

I also think Till has been taking extra measures sometime with Puppe cam to approach Paul in surprising unconventional ways, leading to cute interactions :D
And when i was looking for some gifs form this year (and i suck at search here) i found one old cute tillpaul moment i had not seen before :)

Dreamt there was an outtake that got released to the public of Till absolutely BAKED- like eyes so bloodshot you couldn't even tell if they were open or not levels of stoned- on set and demolishing a huge bowl of sushi rice topped with sashimi.
why are you so retarded
very, very good question!! difficult to answer!

every screenshot i have of till holding flake in loving embrace or with malicious intent at his keyboard -

tillpaul we eatting good
i love when people post their sketches and notes of a drawing its like a look inside their brain

i had an idea
hannibal talk was lowkey funny cause its just mads on the side of maybe they should fuck a little and hugh is like lore accurate will graham genuinely couldn't muster a fuck to give about hannibal

The only thing I keep from this video X