Hi, I'm Tom. he/him/they/them, neurodivergent/autistic. This is my blog about games, cars, music and other stuff I like. #RedInstead 🔴🌈♾️🌈🔴
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Gran Turismo 7

No human being should ever have to suffer conversion therapy. Ban gay conversion therapy! Ban trans conversion therapy! Ban autistic conversion therapy!
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Ban conversion therapy!
[Image of Dee holding flags: rainbow pride, trans pride, autistic pride.]
Ivar Lovaas, creator of gay conversion therapy, was also the creator of ABA therapy.
Thousands of autistic children are subjected to ABA conversion therapy every day in school. Stripped of their agency, forced to deny their true selves, subjected to psychological manipulation.
In recent years, many survivors of ABA have come forward to speak about their trauma.
ABA is not okay!
Let’s work together to ban ALL conversion therapy!

Gran Turismo 7