tokkishouse - Come Sit with Me
Come Sit with Me

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i will tag u in all future tighnari posts pookie ❤️❤️❤️

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More Posts from Tokkishouse

2 years ago

Rip to that piece of writing I put my whole tokkussy into that is lost to the shadow realm

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2 years ago

Did you get my request? it's been awhile...

Hi! I probably did and I do have all my requests drafted. I will get to it eventually. Please extend some patience as I work through requests and my smau ❤️

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2 years ago
(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

(Sfw) The first time you call him a term of endearment

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

Characters: Aether, Ayato, Cyno, Gorou, Heizou, Kaeya

Warnings: Fem. leaning nickname in Ayato's (princess), Cyno is implied to be taller than reader, reader is ticklish in Heizou's, mention of alcohol in Kaeya's

WC: 1.4k words total

Pt. 1, Pt. 3

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

"Aether honey, fetch me my watering pail!" You call out to him, currently hunched over the seeds you had just planted in the soil. You both were doing some tending to the garden you had just recently started in your teapot, and you had just finished the planting process.

You hear the loud crashing and clunking of metal behind you, and you whip your head around to see Aether standing there, hands at his side and gaze focused on you.

"Are you okay?!" You ask, hurriedly rising to your feet to check on him.

"'Honey' called me 'honey,'" he breathes out, watching you. You blink once, twice, and then nod.

"I did, yes," you confirm.

His cheeks turn pink and he looks away, pulling his scarf up a bit in an attempt to hide his face. He clears his throat and bends down to grab the watering pail.

"I-I'll just go ahead and get this filled up with water for you," he mumbles and rushes off before you can say anything.

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

You and Ayato were walking around Inazuma City, soldiers trailing behind to watch over you two. You wanted to see what the merchants were selling, and perhaps say hi to a few old friends.

A jewel in a nearby stand catches your eye, and you drag Ayato over quickly.

"Darling, look! Wouldn't this ruby be beautiful in a necklace?" You coo, leaning down to get a closer look at it.

He falters a bit before he responds, almost taken by surprise by the pet name. Almost. He recovers quickly and responds with his own term of endearment.

"If it pleases my princess, you can have every jewel the owner is selling."

His voice is smooth and the nickname rolls off his tongue flawlessly, sending goosebumps down your back. You look back, eyes bright with excitement while your face is flushed with embarrassment. He gives you a polite smile, as if unaware of the effect of his words on you, and turns to the merchant to make the purchase.

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

The moon was high, shining through the night sky and down on Sumeru City. The activity was slowed and most everyone inside their homes, save for a few that clung to the shadows, hopeful to take advantage of unsuspecting passerbys. Word spread quickly that the General Mahamatra had returned home though, and those looking to cause trouble quickly dispersed.

"Y/N, I'm back," Cyno announces as he walks inside your home.

He sets aside his polearm and takes off his headpiece, setting it aside on a nearby table. You walk out of the kitchen, wrapped in a blanket and clutching a hot mug of tea in your hand. You smile and step closer to your partner.

"Welcome back Cyno. I trust you served justice well?" You ask, already knowing the answer.

He nods and leans forward, resting his head on your shoulder. You feel the weight of his work melt off upon touch and almost fall over due to him putting all his weight on you.

"Alright love, let's get you to bed," you gently chide, setting aside your mug.

He hums-- in delight you deduce, based on the high-range sound, but makes no move to pull away.

"That's new. Instead of cuddling a bed bug, it seems you'll cuddle a lovebug?"

You groan loudly and shove him off of you gently.

"Nevermind, sleep on the couch!"

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

You and Gorou were helping the soldiers on Watatsumi Island move the crates of supplies around. You'd been at it since sunrise and the fatigue was starting to eat at you. You drop a crate on the ground with an unceremonious thud and groan, rubbing your back. Gorou's ears pick this up and he instantly turns to you, also grabbing the attention of his fellow soldiers.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" He asks, eyebrows furrowed in concern.

He was easy to read-- his tail sways back and forth, kicking up the dirt and anxiety was clearly filling his body. Had he pushed you too hard? You weren't a member of the Kokomi's platoons so technically this wasn't your responsibility-- you had just offered. You wave him off, flashing him a tired smile.

" 's nothing baby. I just need to rest. I'll catch up, yeah?" You explain, slowly sitting down next to one of the crates.

Gorou's tail straightens out instantly, and he's frozen in his spot. His ears are erect and his eyes widen as red spreads across his face. The soldiers are quick to pick up on their general's embarrassment and they start teasing him. You watch on in amusement but say nothing, leaving your partner to defend himself.

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

"Heiiiizooooou," you whine loudly as you lay on the couch.

He said that he wouldn't take too long on analyzing some reports for a case he was working on, promising to give you attention shortly. A promise that was made about 45 minutes ago. He always got sucked into his work and while usually, you were fine with that, you were feeling extra clingy today.

"Yesssss Y/N?" He matches your tone, poking his head out from his office. You huff.

"You promised you wouldn't take long. Surely your case can wait an hour or two!" He tsks at you disappointedly, shaking his head.

"Patience is a virtue, Y/N. You have to learn how to exhibit it! You wouldn't want me to let this criminal escape, would you? Imagine all the harm they could cause to Inazuma, or to you! My sweet darling lover!" Heizou mock faints, pressing a hand on his head for dramatic effect, earning an eye roll from you.

"Are you saying you wouldn't be able to take them? Getting weak are we babe?" You gripe, crossing your arms.

He stops in his place and looks at you properly, green eyes blinking owlishly.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" You ask, bringing a hand up to your cheek. He shakes his head, face cracking into a grin.

"I'm your babe, am I?" He teases, slithering over. "Am I your honey bunny too? Your baby? Your sweet love bug and apple of my eye?" With each sickeningly sweet nickname he lists off, he applies more pressure on your body as he tickles you.

You squeal in surprise, kicking your legs in an attempt to get him away. Laughter fills the room and your pleas for him to stop are ignored in favor of hitting all your ticklish spots. In all the excitement, you fail to notice the shine in Heizou's eyes and the tips of his ears turning red.

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

You and Kaeya had decided to stop by Angel's Share for a drink and to harass Diluc while he worked. The bartender was as curt as ever to him, not letting the calvary captain's teasings get to him. He was always cordial with you though-- never giving you a hard time. He only ever seemed to express disappointment with you when asking about what you saw in his brother.

"I'm still confused about how he managed to secure you as a partner," Diluc questions, giving Kaeya an unimpressed glance.

Kaeya faux gasps quietly, pressing a hand to his chest.

"Diluc dearest, you wound me. I'll have you know that I am a delight and it was my shining personality that won Y/N," he announces matter-of-factly.

You giggle into your cup as the two of them break into a small argument over Kaeya's character. It was nothing serious-- anyone with eyes could tell neither brother was taking the argument seriously. When their gaze turned to you, you pop an eyebrow up.

"Y/N, do tell Diluc just how lovely I am!" He begs, playing up the theatrics.

You swirl your mug a bit, watching the amber liquid slosh around.

"He's my snowdrop, Diluc. He's quite special to me, and you wouldn't know it but he secretly is a big sweetie and-"

Before you can finish, Kaeya's hand is slapped over your mouth. You and Diluc both look over at the man who is now stumbling over his words, cheeks turning dark. He was not prepared to be gifted a nickname so soon, especially in front of his brother.

"I-I think he gets the idea, Y/N," he coughs into his other hand, slowly letting the one covering your mouth drop.

Diluc flashes him a teasing smile.

"I think I do, snowdrop."

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

@seirenspinel & @xylerray Per your requests❤️

If you want me to do other characters, you can ask!

Requests are open~!

(Sfw) The First Time You Call Him A Term Of Endearment

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2 years ago

hello love!!

i loved ur adeptus reader and xiao fic!! it was so cute… what if there was a more… spicy continuation of it? maybe reader is trying to teach xiao more about being intimate with one another? i can see xiao being hesitant to let up control but once he finally trusts the reader he’s like “i guess i’ll let this slide…”

u can go as far as u would like <333

Say no more babes 😏

Hello Love!!

(Nsfw) Indulging in You

Hello Love!!

Characters: Xiao x fem!Reader

Warnings: NSFW-- MDNI!!, dom-ish!Reader, Xiao knows little of physical intimacy, is this pwp??

WC: 1.9k words

Check out pt. 1 here! (sfw)

Hello Love!!!

That's all Xiao could think. Somehow during the kiss, you both managed to stumble your way to a secluded part of the harbor. Hands exploring each other's bodies, bodies pressed against each other-- that familiar overwhelming and suffocating feeling came back. And he wanted more.

He shudders as you pull away, trailing your tongue down his jaw and to his neck. His heartbeat thumps like a war drum, and he swears the coy smile curling on your lips means you can hear it too.

"You've never had sex before, have you?" you ask, startling him. Your gaze is powerful and unwavering, something he's grown to appreciate about you. In moments like this though, it reminds him of how powerless he seems to be to you.

"No-- I've had no need for something so unnecessary," he finally answers, and you stifle a giggle.

"You would say that. But is that so wrong?" You muse, using your hand to trace shapes on his torso. The yaksha tenses, feeling your perfectly trimmed nails slowly draw further and further south. Instinctively, he grabs your wrist, holding your hand in place.

"What are you doing?" Xiao hisses, casting a wary glance around your environment. It was empty-- everyone was above where the festivities are being held. That didn't quell his anxiety.

"You're as stiff as a tree trunk. You need to relax," you reply, watching him carefully.

His will was cracking-- a part of him was screaming that this was ridiculous. To push you away and run. Yakshas do not need intimacy, after all. However, deep down, a part of him craves your touch. This closeness. The warmth of your lips on him and the rush of energy he felt from having your body against him, perfectly slotted together like puzzle pieces-- it was exhilarating. And he wanted more-- if his throbbing erection was anything to go off of.

"If you aren't comfortable, I can stop," you say carefully, getting his attention back on you. He cursed himself for his silence and relaxes his grip on your wrist.

"No. I want you. Forgive my hesitance," he explains. You give him a wary stare but decide he's being genuine.

"Let's go somewhere more comfortable then, hm?"


Clothes were strewn around the room, leaving you in your panties and Xiao in his pants. He lays on the bed with you straddling him, hands splayed on his chest. You both say nothing for a while, only hearing the soft hoots of the owls outside. Your silence bothers him-- he fears his earlier hesitance has made you uninterested in sharing this moment with him. Perhaps he should've been more forthcoming about his desires. Or perhaps-

"I can see your mind racing miles an hour, Xiao," you interrupt his thinking. "Relax."

You lean down, giving him a chaste kiss.

"I have no intention of going far. I'd hate to overwhelm you," you explain, but the teasing tone in your voice tells him you'd find that entertaining.

"Then what are you-!" The feeling of your hand pressing on his clothed dick sends a shiver down his spine. Your smile widens as you palm it slowly, feeling the wet spot on his boxers growing more prominent. Quiet whines slip out his mouth, and they go straight to your heat, feeling it clenching around nothing in excitement.

But your pleasure wasn't important right now. Your focus is on getting the Yaksha to succumb to pleasure. You apply more pressure, and Xiao's whines turn into a low moan. His face flushes in surprise, and he reaches up to cover his mouth. You stop him with your other hand, smiling.

"No no, please don't hide those sounds from me. I want to hear more," you goad. You slide your hand under his pants before he can protest, wrapping it around his half-hard cock. Xiao gasps at the sudden sensation, but his movements don't slow you down at all.

You give it a cautious squeeze, and he bucks his hips, letting out a strangled moan. Licking your lips, you continue to squeeze his dick rhythmically, and the yaksha's moans roll off his tongue like a song, whiny and almost out of breath. Pre-cum dribbles out of the tip, coating your hand. You gather some up, using it as a lubricant, and begin pumping his length.

"Hah...t-that," he breathes out, gritting his teeth. This feeling was oh-so foreign, but oh-so intoxicating. He couldn't tell if he wanted more or if this was perfect. His nerves felt on fire, and his body felt hot compared to the cool room. His thighs strained as he tried to still his hips, and you can feel his cock growing longer and more stiff at the stimulation. He can taste iron on his tongue-- the gnawing at his lip had turned it raw and he had broken skin.

More. More. He needed more. His balls felt heavy, ready to explode, and copious amounts of pre-cum was dribbling down his length, coating your hand. He felt a tugging in his stomach which tightened with every swipe of your thumb over his angrily red tip. It was like something was trying to come out and the more you touched him the sooner it would happen.

"I-I''m going to-" he starts whimpering, almost at the edge of this feeling of euphoria. Walls were crumbling and waves were about to crash. It was like a blinding light-

And then it was gone. He looks at you disheartened as you pull your soaked hand away from his throbbing cock. His chest rises and falls as he struggles to catch his breath-- he's scared if he tries to speak it won't come out strong. It felt like he was falling back down into the chasm, feeling empty at the sudden loss of contact.

"Don't look so crestfallen, Alatus. You'll get what you're seeking soon," you assure him. He shoots you a half-heartened glare as he watches you adjust your position and slowly lower yourself.

"What are you-?!" Interrupted once more, this time by your warm mouth taking in his cock. He throws his head back, letting out the most pornographic moan known to man. You hollow your cheeks, wasting no time as you start bobbing your head up and down his leaking cock. The pre-cum aids your speed as you suck and slurp at his length.

He praises you, begs you to keep going. To not slow down. Right there. Pleasepleaseplease. He's desperate, watching you use your mouth on him. Were you really an Adeptus? He felt like you were a succubus, with how intoxicating and tantalizing you were. Your tongue wrapped around whatever it could, drinking up the salty but sweet taste of Xiao's essence. When you pulled up to focus on the tip, he almost came right then and there. You sucked on the furious tip, tongue flicking at the slit, and he swore he saw white.

The familiar tugging feeling was creeping on him again, and he felt the waves crashing against the walls, begging to be sent tumbling down. If you kept this up, he'd have no choice but to cum. And he desperately sought out that feeling. He needed to know what was on the other side.

But like last time, his pleasure was cut short as you pulled away from his length with a pop. He growls, his frustration building up. He seeks release and there you were, someone he loved and was enamored with, taking it away at just the last moment.

"You're being an awful tease," he complains, watching as you sit up properly on the bed.

"All in good time. I'm glad to see that I'm making you feel good though," you hum. You crawl up again and lean down, kissing Xiao once more. He can taste himself once more. Salty. It's not repulsive, even if it's from his own body, and he returns your kiss. You use it as an opportunity to push your panties to the side, revealing your glistening cunt. Carefully you line it up with his cock, which stood at attention-- thick, red, and shining.

You pull away from his lips, watching him in adoration and a tinge of obsession.

"This time, I won't stop. I want you to cum inside me," you command, and before he can react, you drop yourself onto his dick, immediately feeling it fill you up.

You both moan in unison-- his cock was girthy and long, curving up as it filled you up perfectly. A thin vein that rain up from the base to the tip rubbed against your walls, and you wanted to cry at the pressure. Xiao felt any lingering tension crumble away as your wet walls sucked him in. He could feel it clenching around him, warm and inviting, and he figures if he was still at the edge of an orgasm, he would've cum right there.

Soon, you raise your hips and start bouncing on Xiao's length, and more moans tumble out your lips. Xiao watched in awe as you worked his length, bouncing and twisting your hips in a steady motion. Wet slapping noises filled the room, and he could feel how you gushed all over his cock. The creamy ring of white soon formed at the base, and your moans both reached a point of breathlessness.

Too much...too much! Not knowing what to do, he grabs your hips in an attempt to slow you down, but it's futile. You had the upper hand, and you were more than able to control your speed how you wanted. You were sending both of you hurtling toward your climaxes.

And he could feel it too. The tugging was the strongest he ever felt, and he was thrusting his hips up in time with you, matching your rhythm. You feel his dick press against a rough spot inside you, and you keen, wailing desperately.

"T-there...shit, I'll cum at this rate," you whine, and this lights something in Xiao. He digs his nails into your hips and slowly gets a little edge in, pooling his strength to start guiding you up and down his cock. You don't fight it-- you give in happily, moaning his praises. Your names are like mantras you both chant as you slip closer and closer to the edge until-

His thrusts become more erratic and right as he teeters off the edge, he moans out your man, thrusting up one last time as he holds you down flush against him. You both moan as you cum together, bodies trembling as the orgasm washes over you both. You whimper as you feel his hot seed flood inside you, soon filling you up as some of it drips out. Xiao can't help himself, the feeling of your walls squeezing and milking him for every last drop pushing him into higher planes of euphoria.

After a few moments of silence, you both relax, and you slump against his body, resting your head on his chest. Nothing but your breaths can be heard as your bodies recover from the exhilarating high. Words finally find their way back into your mouth, and you manage to speak.

"Still feels unnecessary?" you tease, but he bucks up into you in response, forcing you to squeak.

"No," he breathes out, and his hands slide up your body. "But it seems I crave more."

Your breath hitches as you realize Xiao's dick was still very much hard-- it hadn't softened a bit.

"I'm going to indulge in you just a little more."

Hello Love!!

Thank you so much for 500 followers! It means the world to me ❤️

Ima be real with you, i usually write/read sub and bottom!reader so i dunno if this qualifies as dom reader in the slightest but that's why the warning is there.

Requests (both sfw and (nsfw) are open~!

Hello Love!!

Tags :
2 years ago

If requests are closed ignore this but can you do xiao x reader?

The reader is an adeptus as well one xiao wasnt aware existed till the chasm incident when he saw a small crystal fly coming towards him before zhongli saved him.

How would he react and fall for the reader?

Fluff please? I've read too much angst

Requests are not closed! I was a little confused about what specifically you were looking for so if I need to adjust, by all means, let me know ❤️ I tried to make this fluffy but I think. I made it too solemn. Also, thank you all for 300+ followers. I'm so glad you all enjoy my writing. It really motivates me to keep at it 😊

If Requests Are Closed Ignore This But Can You Do Xiao X Reader?

(Sfw) Falling for You

If Requests Are Closed Ignore This But Can You Do Xiao X Reader?

Characters: Xiao x GN!Reader

Warnings: Spoilers for the 2.7 archon quest, reader is an adeptus with a pyro vision, it's fluffy?? To an extent? A bit of a somber end but no one necessarily dies

WC: 1.6k Words

Check out Pt. 2 Here! (nsfw)

If Requests Are Closed Ignore This But Can You Do Xiao X Reader?

Xiao felt his body grow weaker as he fell deeper down into The Chasm, the panicked voices of his allies but a distant sound. He had put all his energy and power into sending them back home-- he had done his duty faithfully. There was no need to feel regret or fear for the inevitable.

Just as his eyes slowly fall shut, a small red crystal fly flutters towards him. Only for a moment, a glimpse of life before his eyes. Before he can focus too hard, a glimmer of yellow shines, and geo-energy shoots right at him. Warmth encases him and as he closes his eyes, the crystal fly disappears.

Soon after, he appears outside The Chasm with the others, who hurriedly run over to check on him. His mind is racing and the residual energy is buzzing off of him. The words of concern from his allies fall on deaf ears-- all he could focus on was what he saw as he was falling.

That crystal fly...why is its energy so familiar...


The next time Xiao feels that familiar energy, he's out patrolling the beaches near Wangshu Inn. One of the renters at the inn mentioned a hilichurl camp that was giving trouble to passersby and he wanted to investigate for himself. When he arrived, he saw you standing there, back facing towards him, in the center of what he can assume is the remains of the camp.

Smoke and water vapor rise around you and the smell of burnt wood and flesh floods his nostrils. You made quick work of the camp, as there was barely a mask left behind in the wreckage.

"I'm glad to see you are able to be up and moving fairly quickly, Alatus."

Xiao tensed a little-- you never turned around and yet you knew who was behind you.

"I'm an adeptus. It is not easy to take me down," he replies, tightening the grip on his spear. "Who are you?"

You finally look back at him, wearing a smile that does not quite reach your eyes.

"I am Y/N. Nice to meet you."

Xiao's breath hitches as he meets your eyes. There are speckles of red in your iris, reminding him of embers flittering off a flame. The longer he holds eye contact with you, the more intense the feeling of his heartbeat gets. It's loud and rumbles like thunder. He was sure there were no other adepti, and he definitely did not sense your presence in the chasm before. So how...

"I'm quite new actually. Only a few hundred years old-- nothing compared to your age I'd imagine," your voice pierces through his head, breaking him out of his thoughts. "I signed a contract with Morax and was spending my time in Natlan. However, when he told me what you were up to, I made my way back here."

Xiao studies your face, looking for any trace of deception. But your smile, while ingenuine, revealed no such thing.

"Then, you were the crystal fly?" He questions, and you nod, your smile widening.

"Ding ding ding-- we have a winner! I help Morax figure out where you were so he could rescue you. Although, I'm sure he would've found you all on his own eventually. He is the Geo Archon."

You pull out a pocketwatch from your bag, clicking your tongue when you see the time.

"It appears that I'm running behind on another errand. You'll have to forgive me, Alatus," you apologize, putting the pocket watch away. Just as you're about to run off, he stops you.

"Xiao. Call me Xiao," he insists. "That name carries memories and a history that is no longer relevant."

You look back at him, eyes scanning over his features properly. After a bit, the warmth from your smile reaches your eyes, and you nod.

"I'll see you around, Xiao."


You and Xiao meet up more after that day. At first, you'd make bi-weekly trips to Wangshuu Inn, relaxing on the rooftop under the shining moon with Xiao as you recount your adventures to him. You remind him of Ganyu or even Yanfei, with you all having closer proximity to humans and even the mannerisms you've managed to adopt.

On one particular evening, you both exchange your favorite meals: he lets you try almond tofu, and you offer him a delicacy from Natlan. Neither dishes are to the other's taste, and you laugh it off as a result of "different environments." Nonetheless, you always bring him something to try and he does grow fond of the spicy and sweet candies that come from the land of pyro, along with the adeptus that guards the nation.

It wasn't until you had been coming for about 4 months that the yaksha finally realized his feelings for you. It was during the Lantern Rite Festival-- everyone was coming together to celebrate the memories of those who had passed. The streets were bustling with life and joy-- a sight that he knew you would not want to miss

Currently, Xiao is walking around the streets, searching for you. You promised that you would be there to release a lantern with him.

"Where are they?" He ponders to himself as he watches festivalgoers walk past and interact with the merchants.

A sudden warmth fills his chest, startling him a bit. He looks up and sees you standing on the roof of one of the buildings, holding a lantern. You flash him a grin and leap off. Catch me if you can, your actions read. Xiao grunts and he leaps after you, not wasting time.

You two race across the city toward the harbor, jumping over congested roads and excited patrons. It's not long before you land at the edge of the dock, Xiao landing right behind you.

"You're a tad too slow, Alatus," you tease, turning to face the yaksha. He grunts, looking away.

"You had a head start."

"Is that what we're going with? The 'head start' excuse?" You laugh, and Xiao is reminded of the bells that ring as merchants push their carts down the streets, selling their wares. A familiar and welcoming sound.

"You already have a lantern," he comments, deciding the change the subject.

You look down at the object in your hand, the heat from the candle inside warming your palms. It was carefully crafted, with a fire-breathing dragon painted outside. The way the flames danced inside made it look like the dragon's fire was alive and moving.

His, on the other hand, had a large peng bird painted on the outside, its wings spread to wrap around lantern. As the fire danced, it gave off the illusion of the wings flapping.

"Shall we release them together?" You ask, and he nods, stepping closer to the edge of the harbor.

You both stand there, waiting for the people in the city to release their lanterns first. You enjoy the environment around you-- a cool sea breeze blows past and you can hear the soft creaking of the nearby boats. The waves crash against the harbor walls and if you listen really closely, you can hear the slow breathing of you and Xiao as you stare out to the sea.

"You confuse me," Xiao states, earning an amused look from you.

"Oh? How so?"

He swallows thickly, his gaze focused on the ground and his mind racing as he searches for the right words to say. How does he explain the unnatural feelings he's felt all this time.

"You leave me wanting to see you daily. The time spent away from you has me feeling more irritable than usual. When you are here, it's like my karmic debt doesn't exist and I am allowed to simply be," he starts, slowly looking up to meet your gaze.

"I find needless chatter about everyday occurrences needless, and yet every time you're near I wish to hear you speak more. My head hurts and my chest aches, but they pain me more when you're gone...How does that work? Is it an adeptus ability you have trained to weaken me?"

You stare at him, gaze unwavering. It's overwhelming-- it's suffocating. You don't react or respond right away, and it's making Xiao feel like you're tearing everything he said apart, piece by piece. Why won't you look away? Why do you keep staring at me with such firey passion? Why oh why do I still want you to look on, to only keep your eyes on me?


He gasps at your sudden proximity and nearly stumbles back. Your voice is light-- if the wind blew harder he'd have an issue hearing what you have to say. The embers in your eyes burn brightly.

"Do you want to know what those feelings mean?"

Amber eyes stare back at you, revealing millions of thoughts scrolling by. You can feel his breath against your lips, and your heartbeats are like drums beating in synch. Time seems to slow down and it's just you two in the harbor. You both wait with bated breath for his response.

"Yes," he breathes out finally.

Your lantern is released, floating up into the sky to join the hundreds of others that spread across the starry night, and warmth spreads across Xiao's lips. You taste of jueyun chillis and sugary rice pudding, and it's all he can taste. All he can feel is your body against his and the inviting movements of your lips on his. He releases his lantern next and wraps his arms around your body, the firm grip a reminder of his desire to not let you go. Not yet at least.

Under the sea of golden light, you two share a lover's embrace. Duties are but a second thought-- the first being entirely devoted to each other.

If Requests Are Closed Ignore This But Can You Do Xiao X Reader?

Requests (both sfw and nsfw) are open~!

If Requests Are Closed Ignore This But Can You Do Xiao X Reader?

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