[23] reading and reblogging through various tags

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A/N: here's the Oberyn fanfic I promised to make for pride month, this was so amazing to write and it's also my first time working with sub!Oberyn rather than your typical, dominant one.

Pairing: sub!bottom!Oberyn Martell x dom!top!male!reader

Warnings: SMUT, Light bondage, rough sex, ass eating but just a little bit (reader giving), begging, breeding, established relationship (marriage), hickeys, spit as lube (and kind of manhandling?).

Summary: Who knew an argument over what color the flowers at the dining table for guests could turn out so hot?

(Please reblog if you liked this, support your writers!)


“Oberyn, the flowers outside should be purple, they give a less… contrasting image to the wooden table!” you protested, it was funny really, how you two as kings bickered more over extremely trivial things such as what color the flowers would be on the table for when you invited guests. “But the yellow is more fearless, you know what I mean?” he defiantly asked, “God- purple and brown go better together…” you kept trying to argue your point, 

“Well-” you cut Oberyn off, “Well nothing! It’s useless that we have a fight over some flowers” you crossed your arms

“Okay… I challenge you to a fight, whoever wins gets to pick” he smirked at you, you liked the idea, your husband was a good fighter, but maybe you could win this once, “No swords, of course” he laughed, 

“Fine, I’ll fight with you” and you both got ready to fight.

You immediately grabbed onto him, you had done this in the past, whoever pinned the other one down and counted to 5 first would win, now.. normally you lost, so the odds were against you. You managed to grab his hand and pinched it slightly, causing him to yell out in pain, you took the chance and pushed him towards your bed, both of you landing on your knees as you continued trying to overpower the other. Lucky for you, Oberyn had muscle soreness from yesterday’s training so he was slightly weaker. When he grabbed you, you strongly gripped his hands and held them together on your own, pushing him down on his back, “One,” you said, his struggling face gave away that he was not eager to lose, “Two” he fought more and more but your grasp was too strong. “Three” his movements were starting to weaken and he was starting to face the fact he was losing “Four, five” you let go of his hands now that he was lost, he was breathing heavily from the effort, all sweaty.. and so were you, but the way his legs were open… you were starting to get ideas, “How about something more.. it’s my first time winning against you.. I deserve a prize” you smirked, caressing his thigh, Oberyn let out a loud moan… it was one of the few times where the man was submissive, and goddamn was it hot.

You brought a hand to his belt, undoing it and letting his robe fall open, then, you started to lower his pants.. “H-hey- c-careful there!” he whined, he would’ve wanted to fuck if he had won, he was just mad you had control because for the first time you’d won. He was so vulnerable.. perfect to ruin him in revenge for all the times he had done it to you…

You took off his pants and kept his legs wide open, “Please- please have mercy-” Oberyn pleaded. You tied his belt around his hands, immobilizing him as he moaned in pleasure, a weird pleasure of finally having to submit to you. You spit on your cock, and went down to his hole, licking it softly, “Ah~” Oberyn moaned over and over as your tongue roamed the sensitive skin of his hole, taking the chance to lube him up even more, but you were determined to stay down there until he begged for your cock. It was 5 minutes of eating his ass until you heard those pretty words come out of his mouth, “Please- give me your dick- please” he said, in a tone that made it clear he was unfamiliar with begging but also extremely turned on.

“Good boy, begging for me” you smirked, enjoying the feel of the different sensation. You slowly started working your dick inside him, he was so tight, he also squirmed a lot.. he was being a brat. “Stay put” you demanded, and he kept resisting… you realized he was not gonna obey if you were nice, so you took his tied hands and pressed them against the bed with your right hand, “I said stay put” you looked at him in the eyes.

“Shut up and fuck me” he said, with an angry, desperate look on his face, trying to get one last bit of dominance, you started to pound into him, you were doing what he wanted, but you watched as he turned into putty, his whimpers slowly getting louder and louder. You started to stroke his dick, just to tease him, not fast enough to get him closer, “Ah~” he whimpered loudly as you sank fully into him. The sight of him like this was incredibly hot, his gritted teeth in pleasure as his arms were lifted over his head, giving a view of his underarms, his chest muscles, his neck… which you sucked a few hickeys on.

You roughly fucked the man on your bed, enjoying the feeling of having him all to yourself. Dominant King Oberyn Martell, the man who was always strong and proud, turned into this. A moaning mess of a man, getting roughly fucked by his husband on their bed and close to an orgasm, “Ha- ah~ I’m close~” he moaned, finding this extremely hot now… “Be a good boy and cum for me” you demanded, basking in the feeling of being able to call him that, you should definitely turn the tables more often…

Oberyn came with a loud moan, all over himself, his stomach and your body, you just smirked as you kept fucking his prostate into overstimulation, “F-fuck- s-stop..” he weakly moaned, but you were dead set on cumming now. You wanted it inside him, to let the man know he was yours. The overstimulation had his mind clouded, all he could feel was the pleasurable burn of your dick in him. Your thrusts got even rougher and sloppier, until you groaned, “Fuck- Oberyn-” as you spilled your load inside him, not submissively this time, but rather, to claim him.

“Oh my god~” he moaned, his robe still half on, you untied his hands and looked at him, your cum leaking out of his ass, him breathing heavily, hickeys all over his neck and hands still above his head. “Good boy” you kissed him dearly on the lips, like you hadn’t just slutted him out a few minutes ago. “F-fine- the flowers will be purple..” he sighed,

“Good” you smirked, spooning him as a feeble apology for your roughness.

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More Posts from Tokyo-silhouette

1 year ago


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𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞. you're much more than just the nicest boy in southside chicago

𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘. ian gallagher x male reader x mickey milkovich

𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘. fluff, foul language, violence, soft boy!reader, homophobia, established polyamorous relationship, absolute badassery lol, mentions of sex, a little apathy, small mention of blood, good but actually not trope, some mental issues

𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊. haven't watched shameless, only gallavich scenes and few other moments. my anger issues can't handle watching all of that. which is why none of my writing of them's gonna be accurate to the timeline of the series.


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Ian and Mickey couldn't remember the time you were ever mean to anyone even before meeting you, had never even heard of your name being thrown around without it being extremely positive. Everyone had to say everything about you, which is understandable, considering you were definitely the odd type to be in southside Chicago — this place was full of shit with robbery being nonchalantly committed, guns shooting off in different areas, bunch of unconvicted pedophiles walking around, and teenagers high on whatever fucking heavy drugs they first could touch, while you're out there, helping whoever you think might need help and genuinely being nice to even the worst fucking thugs you would ever meet.

It's questionable, how someone could be in southside and grow up perfectly sane and not bottled up with any issues or anger.

You've always been the talk around the neighborhood, how the (L/n) kid helped some randos again, how you talked to them with the nicest personality and utmost respect, how you smile at anyone who passes by whenever you make eye contact with them, how you were calm in dealing with a situation most people would get frustrated at; just about anything positive. It wasn't difficult for both Ian and Mickey to fall for you as much as they fell for each other. You were like a single flower blooming in the middle of a garden that a person would come back to just to see your beauty; something about your softness and kind personality struck a core into both of their hearts.

They never had someone like you in their life. A calm, soothing, comforting presence, like the warm sun in the morning. An accepting, welcoming presence, like the mother earth. You've always been gentle with them — not something they're used to, considering the type of household they grew up in — always checking in, making sure they're okay even if they push you away, taking care of them.

You're one of the first person Ian came out to other than his family, because he knew you'd never judge. Mickey was rather an asshole in your first meet, nearly beating you up, but the way you didn't snark or your nice demeanor didn't change no matter what insults he threw at you made him hesitant, which never happened with Milkovich's. When they started sleeping together, you caught on it quickly before anyone else ever did and kept it a secret the entire time, knowing the personal problems they had to deal with; Ian and Mickey only found out you knew when you stopped Terry from making Mickey have sex with Svetlana by just walking in on the interaction. The near innocence in your eyes as you tilted your head slightly to the side, just staring at Terry until he grew uncomfortable and rushed off. He could never stand being near to you, especially with how holier than thou you were. It wasn't actually an accident to walk in, but they don't know that.

Despite the awkward circumstances, you were calm and paid Svetlana a good amount before getting both of them dressed and taking care of them, even though they didn't have to be taken cared of. Your gentleness with them that time really caused something to burst within their chest, the same feeling they were starting to develop towards each other. The acceptance, the comfort, the gentleness. Everything about you felt magical — you felt magical.

Even after Ian and Mickey figured out their shit together, officially came out, figured out their shit together again that both of them liked you, flirted with you and won you over, and officially came out again to their family as polyamorous couple, they had never seen you be a dick. Sure, you swore a lot sometimes when you drop something or miss something, but never towards anyone. They never saw you doing the typical southside thing, being rebellious, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, doing drugs or shit.

You're always nice — and it's supposed to be a good thing, but it also gets a lot concerning, especially when some dumb fucking guy punched you in the face for mistaking you as someone who slept with his girlfriend and you had the audacity to forgive him when he apologized, making Mickey nearly wanting to strangle you right then and there.

"Why the fuck did you forgive him?" Mickey snarls and shuts the fridge door close, ice pack in hand as he throws it to Ian, who immediately began pressing it to your cheek that was beginning to form a bruise.

You shrugged, "He just mistook me for someone else."

"Yeah, and fucking punched you in the face without asking first who the fuck you are." Mickey retorted, giving you a death glare. He moves around to stand beside you on the opposite side of Ian.

You were sitting on the counter facing the dining table where Fiona, Lip, Liam, Carl, Debbie, Sandy, Mandy, and Franny were, all contorting worried look since you're the nicest and you having a single bruise means when the people you helped before sees it they're gonna flip over and bury the guy ten feet under while still breathing. Everyone knew you, and you're literally the holiest within southside, so they naturally hated when someone messed with you.

Your hand shoots up to rub his arm gently, warm look in your eyes as your soft voice speaks to comfort him. "Calm down, Mick. Let it go, I'm fine." You smile softly, "It was just a little mistake. Everyone makes mistakes."

Mickey frowns, still angry yet definitely calm now that you're giving him comfort. "You're too fucking nice, it's making me sick."

You chuckled, grabbing the ice pack from Ian to press it on your cheek yourself. You pull Ian to kiss him on the cheek before doing the same to Mickey, knowing it will help tone down their anger. "At least I have my own guard dogs." You joke, earning a snicker from the group.

"Haha, very funny." Mickey sarcastically replies.

Ian sighs, "(Y/n), I think Mickey's right though. You're too nice, maybe a bit much. Even to Frank and Terry." He agreed with his other boyfriend, who puts his hands up in a gesture of i told you so.

You tilted your head, still smiling. "Frank's your father and Terry's Mickey's father. No matter horrible they are, I don't think I could treat them any differently from how I treat others." Shrugging, you ignored both of your boyfriends' groan and sipped on the orange juice resting on your side.

"What's up with you treating everyone equally and being unnaturally nice to even someone who doesn't deserve it?" Fiona asked, genuinely confused with her brows furrowed together and crease forming on her forehead. "You were even nice with Monica."

You bit the inside of your cheek, thinking for a while.

You could tell them what was really going on, but it would be too much to dump it on them all of a sudden. Being nice and having a lot of patience is a lot difficult, but you learned to, otherwise you wouldn't be able to survive. It's a survival skill that you had to adapt to; be nice and you get everything you want. A little... useful tactic that you taught yourself, though it's more than that.

Deciding against telling them, because it'll get out when it gets out, you simply gave her a tight-lipped smile and shrugged. "I like spreading dumb kindness. I think it helps people who deals with mental health issues that their relatives probably don't even know. I might've been nice to them and turned their bad day into good day. Small things like that has an impact, you know."

Mickey scowled, "That makes no sense."

You simply smiled and patted his cheek, turning to Ian who placed his hand on your waist. "I still think you should've done something, (Y/n). Press charges or something." He said, wanting to convince you.

Shaking your head with a reassuring smile, you kissed his lips and Mickey's, successfully shutting both of them up as you hopped off of the counter. "I'm going to change. Take me out on a date, will you two?" You let your hands linger on each of their arm before walking away with an angelic smile, leaving the boys staring after you in slight awe.

"Oh my god, you two are so fucking smitten with him." Sandy remarked, laughing. The others nodded in agreement, deeply amused.

Ian and Mickey rolled their eyes, "The fuck we're not." Mickey denies, though failing to convince them and himself.

"But you are," Lip shrugged. "He's got you wrapped all around his finger."

"Kinda cute if you ask me," Fiona chuckles.

"Oh, fuck off." Ian retorts, smile across his face.

Neither would admit it, but they really were. Equally smitten with one another, your relationship had always been wholesome, except for the times all three of you were friends with benefits.

Ian and Mickey slept together first obviously, only started hooking up with you after the incident with Terry. Mickey was first to do it when he went to your house to spend time with you since you're the only person he could trust aside from Ian, the casual conversation taking a turn after he had asked if you would fuck him if you were gay, which you told him you were, causing Mickey to literally demand a fuck from you.

"Hey, man?" Mickey slowly called to you who was sitting on the opposite side of the ridiculously big couch, eyes focused on the movie with a can of coke in your hand.

"Hm?" You hum, turning to look at him despite being completely indulged in the movie plot. Mickey liked that, how you're willing to give him your full attention even though you're busy and don't even have to look at him at all.

He glances down, picking with his hand, slightly nervous. But he knew you wouldn't judge, you never did. It was unlikely of him to feel this way, but Mickey couldn't help it. Nearly unbearable to talk to someone as nice and caring as you yet can't bring himself to stay away. "Would you— Would you fuck me if you were, you know, fucking gay?"

Your brows raised at the random question. Though it wasn't difficult to realize it's because of the previous gay scene in the movie you're watching where the main characters made love to each other without it being censored and shit. "Well," You started with a small smile adorning your face, "I don't know if you knew but I'm actually gay, Milkovich."

Mickey's head snapped to your side, eyes wide. "Wait, what? Why the fuck didn't you tell me? Or Ian?"

"You didn't ask," You simply shrugged. "I normally don't go around announcing to everybody what my sexuality is. Kind of weird if I did that," You joked, earning a glare from the Milkovich. "But honestly, I didn't think it was something I had to tell you or Ian. I just let people guess or notice it on their own."

"How the fuck do they even notice?" Mickey remarks, furrowing his brows. "I've literally never seen you with any guys or girls. Have you even hooked up with somebody?"

You chuckled, "Nope. Wasn't really interested."

"Damn," Mickey gave you a weird look. It was so odd to see someone in southside not doing drugs or shit, let alone sleeping around with whoever they liked. He wasn't used to it. Now, you feel like a fucking holy being or something. But then, Mickey realizes you never actually answered his question, so he repeated again. "You didn't answer my fucking question, would you fuck me?"

You're gay, so might as well shoot his shot. Can't really miss this opportunity.

You stare at him, something glinting in your eyes that definitely wasn't innocence. Your lips slowly formed a sly grin as you tilted your head. "What if I said yes? What are you gonna do?"

A smile appeared on Mickey's lips, "Then fucking get on with it, (L/n)."

Conveniently, you were a switch so Mickey didn't have to pretend he didn't like having dick in his ass. He told Ian he slept with you that came off as surprise since apparently Ian also didn't know you were gay, which led to Ian sleeping with you as well.

"You're so weird," Ian laughed when he caught you stacking some nuggets together to build a makeshift tower, having woken up from a friendly sleepover at your house.

You grinned and stacked the last piece of nugget, looking at Ian as you gestured to your work of art. "Tadaaaa!" It caused him to burst out laughing, sitting down beside you on the couch.

"What are you doing?" Ian asked between laughter.

You shrugged your shoulders, "I was bored and you weren't waking up anytime soon. Figured I kill my time." Smiling, you offered him a can of beer that was sitting on the table, having just taken out from the fridge. Ian accepted, thanking you. "How did you sleep?"

Ian smiled after taking a gulp from the beer and placed it down on the table, "Great, actually. Like the times I haven't been able to sleep isn't real." Relief was evident on his face, considering how big the bags under his eyes were. He never mentioned that you were the reason of him unable to fall asleep, always thinking of you ever since that horrible day that suddenly turned great with your presence. Hearing about you sleeping with Mickey made him decide nothing will happen if he just thinks around, thus the sleepover.

A soft look crosses your face as you begin to play with his hair, touch displaying gentleness Ian had never felt before. His eyes met yours, such a warm gaze making him feel loved even without doing anything. "Well, I'm glad the cuddle worked, Gallagher. You can always come to me when you can't sleep, I'll hold you until you can." Voice merely above a whisper, you gently told him.

Ian was feeling breathless. Everything about your welcoming and accepting nature deemed temptation; his pupils dilating, throat suddenly dry as if he's been dehydrated, stomach growling as if hasn't eaten in days, feeling your soft hand brush through his ginger hair as you stared at him innocently yet almost seducing. The tension was too thick to be cut with a knife. And with the growing urge to just give in to the temptation, Ian leaned forward without a second thought, capturing your lips in a kiss.

You made a noise of surprise that immediately caused Ian to pull away, a panicked look in his eyes, scared he might've ruined the most precious friendship he's ever had. Series of apology slipped past his lips, but you shut him up by putting a finger up to his lips.

"Don't apologize, I'm not mad, silly." You reassured, though concern plastered your face. "Are you sure you want this?"

"Yeah," His response was nearly quick. "Why do you think I agreed to a sleepover?"

That angelic smile of yours returned again, chuckling. "Okay then, Gallagher. Do whatever you want." You said before kissing him again, letting the rest of the day continue.

Again, it was convenient that you're a switch, because even though Ian has tried bottoming before, he preferred topping, especially with you or Mickey. Well, you and Mickey now. Those sleeping around days were a lot... wild, to say the least.

You never slept with anyone besides Ian and Mickey, always uninterested in other guys and turning them down nicely quite often, which Mandy — your bestfriend — noticed. Questionable, of course, because there was one incident at the Alibi where she, Lip, and Fiona were present and you and Ian came out the bathroom covered in hickeys, not even bothering to hide them as the two of you sat down with them. However, when a guy noticed and realized what happened, they attempted to shoot their shot with you, miserably failing as you turned it down without further acknowledgement while Ian just shrugged, as if he already knew that was going to be your answer. Then, Mickey suddenly barged in only to tell you a short "not tired yet, are ya?" while walking to the bathroom, you smiled at Ian before following Mickey.

It happened quite a lot in different circumstances that even the Gallaghers caught up on how Ian and Mickey are the only ones you let getting in your pants.

It was a messy and complicated time where everyone had to deal with their own shit; Mickey with his homophobic upbringing and sexual crisis, Ian with his confusion in feeling something for both you and Mickey at the same time and doubts to himself, you with accepting your romantic attraction to both of them, keeping it locked in, and fulfilling the desire to be with them by sleeping with them. It's either they slept with each other, you slept with either of them, or the three of you slept together, all bonded somehow. Ian and Mickey were the first ones to get their shit together and officially became partners, and well... it honestly didn't turn out good back then due to you still dealing with your own shit that nobody ever noticed. That story could be for another day, though.

The point is, your friendship used to be wholesome, but the extent of it increased more when you three settled after all that shitshow. There were some toxicity at first, especially with Mickey struggling to overcome the genuinely awful upbringing he had — he was dating a guy after all, and not just one but two — along with Ian's diagnosis of bipolar disorder. But having each other and not giving up on each other made the toxicity disappear and morph into something positive, each of you going through some relationship development together.

Compared to back then, the three of you had grown overly comfortable with each other and the polyamorous relationship you had, not feeling discomfort when people look at you weirdly. Coming to terms with the issues truly helped.

However, neither Ian nor Mickey had come to terms with your kindness towards people who didn't deserve it, and they absolutely have no plans of coming to terms with it at all. People can be a lot rude and asshole when you're nice to them, which is why they simultaneously keep themselves and each other from strangling the person's neck everytime it treated or spoke to you horribly.

Well, frankly, nobody would understand and you don't expect them to. Too bad they gonna have to sooner than later, because you've been feeling a little irritable — it's only a matter of time before the truth cracks through the surface of friendliness and nice personality you've plastered on.

Once it does, people will be fucked.

You know who you are when you're not nice; it's never a pretty sight. It's a bloodbath.

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Everything seemed perfect.

Dinner's pretty cheap, but it's not unbearable. One of the nicest things about you is that you don't care for the price as long as it's edible and tasty. You're not the one to fuss over the cheapness or expensiveness of anything and the Gallaghers loved that, because you wouldn't talk shit of how they can't afford shit. Birthdays are special occasion where people usually ask for expensive gifts, but the Gallaghers were always reminded by you not to go grand on celebrations or presents, because you didn't like them spending their money on something other than theirselves.

They still went with it though, going to a cheap local bar where they serve cheap dinner so everyone could celebrate the birth date of you, who was born special in southside Chicago with kindness that's seemingly a curse.

The night went by smoothly, everyone enjoying their time and having fun — You, Ian, Mickey, Mandy, Sandy, Lip, Fiona, Liam, Debbie, Franny, Veronica, Kev, and even Frank who was by the bar because his family disapproved of him joining. He still did, considering you're the nicest kid he's ever met.

Perfect. Everything was perfect. Too perfect that it's becoming strange, how well this night is going.

You were absolutely correct to feel like that.

Mickey's blood was boiling at the man that had suddenly approached the table with a friendly smile only to go around spitting whatever the fuck he wanted to talk about, mainly nasty things. But according to him, he knew you and you knew him, well enough, even though they didn't know him despite being your boyfriends. The Gallaghers were collectively surprised of his sudden appearance, considering none of them knew him, but concerns littered their faces when the man mentioned you.

"I honestly don't know what (Y/n)'s thinking, hanging out with Gallaghers and dating one," The man, who ( unwantedly ) introduced himself as Caius snickered.

Ian, despite his annoyance increasing at Caius' presence, tried to remain calm. "What's it to you? And fyi, he's also dating him, so don't fucking talk like that." He pointed at Mickey, who glared daggers at the man.

"Fuck, he's dating two guys?" Caius laughed mockingly. "And a Milkovich at that. But aren't you, like, bipolar though? With the gene." His mention of the diagnosis made Mickey furious as he slammed his hands against the table and attempted to stand up, only to be held back by Ian. Everyone had their blood boiling now, but forced themselves to keep calm since it's your birthday.

"I guess crazy psychopaths are his type, huh? With how the screws in his head are fucking loose, I'm not surprised." He snarled, looking at both of them. However, his words cuts through the boiling rage within Ian and Mickey as they both processed his words, furrowing their brows in confusion at the mention of the screws in your head being loose.

Before anyone could utter a single word, the loud sound of wine bottle smashing against the back of Caius' head erupts throughout the entire bar as he dropped to the floor cursing loudly, revealing you holding the remaining end of the shattered bottle. The nice look on your face no longer visible as it contorted into an expressionless expression, eyes holding utmost coldness with some unknown darkness within them that sent chills up everyone's spine.

You merely acknowledged Caius groaning in pain on the floor, throwing away the shattered piece of the wine bottle to the side as you nonchalantly patted off your hands of any invisible dirt.

"Oh my fucking god," Fiona was the first to react, terrified as she witnessed Caius touch the back of his head and get a blood on his palm. The other Gallaghers were already standing a feet away as they all jumped up and away from the table when you smashed a bottle on the man's head, completely shocked and stunned, Lip and Carl letting out holy fuck.

"Jesus fucking Christ!"

"What the fuck did you just do?"

Ian and Mickey exclaimed in sync, with Ian looking at you while Mickey at Caius, both eyes wide and shock on their faces.

You shrugged, the usual smile completely nonexistent. "Smash a bottle on an old friend's head after talking shit about my boyfriends." The slightest hint of apathy in your tone worried them a bit, but you quickly shifted your cold gaze to Caius. "Quit fucking moaning, Caius. You already saw it coming when you decided to approach them while I was gone for the bathroom."

"Fuck," Caius groaned, laying on his back to shoot you a glare. "I just got fucking discharged from the hospital you put me in, shithead. A little nice sympathy maybe? The one you fucking show people."

"Certainly didn't need sympathy when you brought up Ian's bipolar disorder," You smiled sarcastically. "And don't be fucking dramatic, it was just few broken bones."

"You made me fucking bleed internally and you wanna call that just a few broken bones?" Caius snapped. Everyone's eyes widened.

Rolling your eyes, you folded the sleeves up of your button up while clenching and unclenching your fist, something that Ian and Mickey didn't miss. "Serves you right for planning to shoot Micky Milkovich. Unfortunately for you, I genuinely and utterly loathe someone describing either of them as crazy psychopaths, especially since Ian's been diagnosed bipolar, so..."

You grinned sadistically.

"Consider today your finally meet God and be sent to Hell day."

 , .

Everyone watched as you rub your face while talking to the cops about what happened inside the bar, the back of your hand all bloody and knuckles busted, probably tainted in both Caius' and your own blood. It was scary to see you so violent and, as Caius said, have screws in the head loose. The unlikeliness and the way you acted and looked so different from how you usually were terrified them.

Not Ian and Mickey, though. They were standing on both of your sides while the rest were a few feet behind, still attempting to calm down from the shock of witnessing your change in attitude and your true colors seeping through the cracks.

Your entire demeanor now was back to normal; not that cold, expressionless presence with terrifying apathy, but the warm, full of expression and accepting presence. You had quietly greeted the cops earlier with a small smile that turned into a frown of guilt, which somehow was enough for them not to handcuff you despite the damage you caused on Caius.

"I probably shouldn't have done all of those to him," You muttered thoughtfully while biting your lip. "I don't think I regret it though. He crossed the line, I got pissed."

"You normally don't get pissed, Mr. (L/n)." One of the cops remarked.

Shrugging your shoulders, you gave them a small smile. "That's just what you think of me. I don't really care if people insult me or talk shit about me, but my boyfriends are one of the most significant people in my life, so they're off-limits." Your soft tone falling down to a serious and firm one, you narrowed your eyes at the ambulance that contained Caius' unconscious body.

"Are Mr. Milkovich and Mr. Gallagher basically your trigger?" The other cop wondered.

You nodded immediately, "Yeah. I think so." Rubbing your nape with the uninjured hand nervously, you bit the inside of your cheek. "Shouldn't you be handcuffing me? I definitely went too far, I blacked out in anger, and he's unconscious with some injuries that are probably worse than what I think, so."

"Don't worry, witnesses came forward and shared what happened. They confirmed Caius went too far with the disclosure of a person's medical condition confidentiality."

Your eyes snapped to the cops, "Wait, really?"

"Yes, they understood how off-limits your boyfriends are and immediately talked to us after we arrived." The two cops smiled, seeing the look of relief on your face. "We'll get going then, Mr. (L/n). You have nothing to worry about it."

"Thank you." Sighing in relief, you gave them a look of gratitude as they began getting into their car.

"You're fucking one hell of an actor, (Y/n) (L/n)." Mickey remarked after seeing your face fall and glare threateningly at the ambulance as soon as the cops drove off.

"Hey," Ian softly called to catch your attention, cupping your face. "Look at me. Look at us. Calm down, (Y/n). It's fine, we're fine, okay? You don't have to be mad anymore."

Mickey watched silently from the side with his arm around Ian's waist and the other hand gently rubbing your arm to help bring comfort to you. Tense shoulders slowly softening and body relaxing, they witnessed the rage storm calm in your eyes as the hard gaze softened and you respond to their gesture by melting into their touch.

You sighed deeply, "Okay."

Both of them couldn't help but notice the empathy slipping back into your eyes and expression, brightening it up, making it seem more alive. Your eyes looked dead earlier when you were beating the life out of Caius until he was barely breathing, it honestly scared and freaked the fuck out of your boyfriends, even though they would probably never admit it. It was like seeing a soulless person because of the lack of empathy and all.

Though, seeing that happen definitely made them reconsider the thought that you grew up perfectly sane without bottled up issues in southside Chicago — They didn't realize the bottled up issues was simply your kindness and nice atittude, the main things that literally allows you to get whatever you want from anyone because it's the easiest way to manipulate others into giving you what you want, and they wouldn't even realize the manipulation.

That's your own shit to deal with; you force yourself to be nice and caring, so your apathy wouldn't come up to the surface and destroy things. However, Ian and Mickey somehow knew none of the nice or caring side you showed to them were fake. Because if they were, would you even be in a relationship with them?

It would probably take a lot of time to figure you out, especially when you seem to like hiding behind the nicest person in southside Chicago mask and never let the surface crack to get even a peek inside, but they were willing to try. You're their boyfriend after all.

"We'll figure it out, (Y/n)." Mickey gently says. "We always fucking do. Right, Gallagher?" He smirked at Ian, who instantly nodded with an of course, before Mickey grabbed the back of his head and kissed his lips.

You smiled at them, genuinely.

 , .

© ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴅᴇsʀɪsᴇ. sᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ, ᴘʟᴀɢɪᴀʀɪᴢɪɴɢ, ᴏʀ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏɴᴇᴛᴀʀʏ ɢᴀɪɴ ɪs sᴛʀɪᴄᴛʟʏ ᴘʀᴏʜɪʙɪᴛᴇᴅ. ᴀsᴋ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪɴɢ.

Tags :
1 year ago

staking claims

in all the time you've known jing yuan, you've never known the hybrid as someone who was territorial, which was unusual for a white leopard. you've known him since he was an adolescent, and it seemed like your paths seemed to intertwine with eachother.



Staking Claims

that was years ago, and while he was generally pretty relaxed, there seemed to be some rage behind his voice whenever he mentions a black haired panther hybrid. he would never tell you who, or their name. the only other thing he wouldn't tell you about was who he had his eyes on, and its still something he has his lips shut about.

in all truth, jing yuan was not as laid back as he presents himself to you. a meticulous planner, his friendship with blade ended after they couldn't agree on the topic of an oblivious man -- you. sometimes he feels bad when he hears of you talking about how crazy it was that your meeting was by fate, but he could no longer wait knowing that who else wanted you.

looking at you now, its clear that time had been kind to you. the two of you, plus blade, were no longer young adults, but established individuals. in all his years of knowing you, he never stopped loving you. yet, he could never bite the bullet and ask you out. perhaps it was the lack of haste that eroded over the years. perhaps after the initial few years of climbing ranks, then dealing with his jobs, and dealing with the threats of the stellaron hunters had made him delay his planning of courting you, until it barely passed his mind. after all, you were already his. it wasn't official, but who would have the nerve to go against a general? it was like he forgot you two weren't officially dating. you smelt like him, and were already close to the general. in his delusion, you were his.

sometimes he forgets that you're still eligible, and a very wanted bachelor. his possessiveness never faltered, but sometimes he wondered what would have happened if he ever told you it was you that he wanted, but now that you stopped asking and slowly started distancing since the trailblazer arrived made an uncomfortable ball of anxiety drop in his stomach. he had to still a growl when you wrapped an arm around both dan heng and caelus. this anxiety made him prepare an elaborate plan to court you, fitting of his pride as a leopard hybrid. but something was telling him that something, or rather someone unwelcomed would come, and he was right.

stress and pre-heat hormones filled the private prison jing yuan ordered blade to be put in. the white haired males tail was puffed as he snarled at blade, his hand grabbing the black fabric and yanking blade until he was pressed against the bars. "you've had some nerve showing here, old friend. and to do so while you're on preheat.. what do you intend to do here?" his narrowed eyes locked onto the panting blade, who snarled back, albeit weakly.

"you missed your chance jing yuan, i've been told he hasn't been claimed yet. you've had your chance. it's only a matter of time before he learns the truth." blades smirk irritated him, and he was about to respond until you pushed the door open, panting and with water in your hand. his eyes darted between your being and blade's face, watching as the two of you made eye contact and both slowly started blushing. it made him wonder how much need blade had for you, seeing how strangely he was acting.

you noticed the position the two were in and pulled jing yuan off of blade, passing him the water you had. the rage within jing yuan grew and bubbled from his chest.

"what do you think you're doing? helping a wanted criminal? while you are a welcome face, this isn't the best time to be here." a low growl was in his throat as he grit his teeth, holding back a snarl directed towards you.

"have some compassion, he's in his pre-heat," the bundle of nerves struck jing yuan as you walked closer, pressing a knuckle to his cold cheek, watching him rub his face into it. "he's dangerous, but he's still a being. don't be a monster, jing yuan."

you were ripped from him and thrown against a wall, caged by the arms of the general. his eyes seemed like the worst place to look at, but you couldn't look away. his rage was unseen from your eyes, yet you knew the unspoken threats it posed from the normally calm man.

"he's a criminal, a scumbag that was looking to take what is mine. his preheat is to prey on you, knowing your nature. and you fell for it." a growl and snarl from him reminded you how mean leopard hybrids can be. "he wants you in more ways you know, but i'll want you in more ways you can comprehend."

a pause, then a more sultry voice was heard from him. it worked well to hide his anger, but you knew better. "in fact, the only reason why he even came here was because i didn't do something i should've the minute we met. you may be your own being, but you'll always be mine. if you think i'm such a monster, let me show you how much of a monster i can be." he kept you against the wall as he leaned in, lip locking in a way that was not sweet or pretty, but hunger driven by passion and anger. his ears twitched against your skin as he went back in, eyes locking with a scowling blade.

jing yuan pulled away, panting as he pushed you to the floor. "call me a monster, call me insatiable, but you've been mine whether you like it or not. i've wanted you for too long, and forgive me for my hastiness my dear, but i believe i have a more fitting punishment for the intruder, one that i'll need your help with." he pulled off his outer layers as his hands roamed your body, his sharp claws stroking the fabric before he tore into it. his tail thumped between your legs as he sat on your thighs. he was immensely satisfied by your obedience as he tore up your shirt, a nice rip of the fabric. his eyes scanned your body as he ripped the threads apart, amusement in his eyes at how you shivered, or how you tried to hide your face in your arms.

"such a nice body, and such a handsome face. no wonder everyone wants you, too bad you're mine. your face is too cute to be held back by your hands. be a good boy and stay in place." his tail ticked your groin, stroking a line up and down your clothed cock. jing yuans ears twitched whenever he heard blade whine or pant softly as the preheat ate away at his power and strength. his hands left your body for a second while he pulled away his hair tie, letting the pearly strands part before using that same hairtie to tie your hands together above your head.

jing yuan removed his pants and his clothes, only having his underwear on while he played with removing your pants. pawing at the fabric, it wasn't long before your pants met the same fate as your shirt. his long white tail slipped under the waistband, and blade could see the general grind against your lap.

"such a shame that our first time has to be rushed. i thought that having our first time would be when i'm in heat would be much more romantic, but i like the thrill of an audience. it'll teach him how good you are, and how much you belong to me." he spoke right over your face, body crawled over yours. his hair tickled your face as you stared into his lusty eyes. his fingers couldn't help but swipe over your mouth, staring at your lips before his thumb played with your bottom lip.

blade sat in the corner, pants off as he desperate jerked off himself off, trying to get the itch of mating out of his system to no avail. jing yuan threw his hair back before he removed your boxers and his boxers, tail curling in delight as he sucked his lips in at the sight of your nude body for him. a blank canvas to show how you belong to him. he grabbed your cock, and licked the head, staring at your face. he sat there and drooled all over the head, relishing how big you were and how thick you felt with his lips around your cock. and while he loved the idea of blowing you and overstimming you until you cried in the makeshift restraints and painted yourself in white.. he had a point to prove.

his large hands jerked your cock off, distributing the saliva before he pressed his hole against the tip. his breath caught in his throat, before he made eye contact with a very desperate blade, a smirk on his lips. "the man is mine, blade." he sank down slowly, inch by inch as he groaned and rolled his hips and his eyes back, an overwhelming sensation known as you deep in his guts. he was not expecting you to be so thick, and big. blade thrusted his hips up and muffled a moan, cum shooting from his pretty cock as he watched jing yuan ride you, wishing it was him in the generals place.

you cried out as he rode you. jing yuan wasn't forceful, but was demanding. much like his personality. to him, this was a sweet surrender to him. he would hate to have you resist, and end up breaking you. he was speared by you, yet he was in control. jing yuan took his time to adjust, opting to pepper kisses on your arms and your chest, using his sharp teeth to lightly scrape the skin enough to make you cry out. he could see how close you were to snapping his hair tie, yet the restraint you had to be a good boy for him. it was cute, seeing how hard you try.

his lips mouthed at your neck, hearing your breath hitch. it was so warm and free from blemishes, perfect for marking. he couldn't help but just sink his teeth down into your neck, hearing you yelp out in slight pain before crying out as he massaged the wound with his neck. jing yuan peppered kisses before suckling on your neck.

to some extent, him doing this was his nature as a hybrid. but it was also his own nature, and he liked the sick satisfaction he got from hearing those sweet cries leave your lips, or those tears budding in your eyes because everything is just too much for you. he wanted to make you pay for being so oblivious and for intervening with his affairs.

but also he had his own desire bubbling in his stomach, and he couldn't resist his own urges of making both of you feel good. so he rocked his hips, feeling you push and pull into him at his own accord. his eyes wandered the room slowly in a haze of pleasureful bliss, that same sick satisfaction rising seeing blade roughly fingering himself, cock dripping cum onto the cold floor.

he could feel you heave out moans and pants, begging him to go faster and ride you harder. he couldn't help but sink his nails into your body as he crawled and left marks on your adams apple, enjoying how wet and messy everything sounded, and how warm and sensitive you've become. what a plaything you were, he really struck a goldmine having you as his boyfriend.

but your body was too perfect, too clean. he couldn't help but drag his claws down your chest, minorly avoiding blood and your nipples, and dragging his claws down your abs, letting the marks turn red and angry as you cried for him to please ride you faster. it was mind numbing chasing your orgasm, and you couldn't focus on anything other than the chase.

your body was his canvas, and he was a damn good artist.

he took a moment to look at you before he felt himself adjust and hit a certain point that made him see stars. he couldn't help but want to release too, and so he gasped your sides while he rode up and down your cock, angling his fit body to hit that sweet spot that made him pant and drool.

if you felt this good now, how good would you feel inside of him once he had his heat? he couldn't wait to find out. but the feeling and blurry view of you tensing up as you approached your orgasm would be engraved into his head. the black male rubbing his spent out cock again, one of the many times, was on the side, delirious with desire and need, but too weak to do anything to achieve that.

and he was close too, no matter how much control he had he was still not powerful enough to resist the urge to have a climax. and he couldn't help but sink a little deeper, ride a little harder, be a bit more forceful as those delicious noises fueled his sex crazed head. he shuttered out a breath while he watched you cry and moan for him before tensing. you heaved a few had breaths before he felt your balls clench, pushing a thick, warm and full load deep into his body. he was no better, stifling a moan at the feeling while white ropes shot out of his tip, landing on your body. the two of you were both sweaty and panting, but seeing him all soft, blushy and flushed while his scarred and fit body was sweaty was enough for you to have some level of realization of how beautiful he was.

jing yuan was very smug as he was getting dressed, watching you get all embarassed and panic as you remembered all of your clothes are shreds. but seeing you in his coat and knowing that you two were dating was enough to make him at least forgive the stellaron hunter in his head.

Tags :
1 year ago

I've saw that you had written something for Miguel o hara and I've been simping hard for him ever since the trailers came out. And I've been needing some male reader so if you dont think it's to much to write about Miguel being really desperate for reader and needing reader inside of him which leads to Miguel tearing his suit open for reader to use and finally use him. If this is alot then am sorry for taking up space it just that I've never seen someone write for male reader for 2099.


miguel o'hara x male reader

note: no worries, i'm currently hyperfixated on miguel. this was fun to write, hope you like it! [ slightly proofread ] .

cw: bottom!miguel, breeding, sexual tension, rough & outdoor sex.

word count: 1.4k

I've Saw That You Had Written Something For Miguel O Hara And I've Been Simping Hard For Him Ever Since

“fuck– it’s too hot in this suit,” you murmured as you grabbed hold of your mask, taking it off swiftly. you and miguel had been patrolling for the night on the outskirts of your city after being alerted by your officials. 

the way you said “fuck” made miguel’s head spin, the tension only building up even further. this whole time miguel has been fighting his own urges to make a move but was far too embarrassed in an environment like this. even if the location was miles away from the headquarters, he did not want to risk being caught by anybody. everything about you from your touseled hair to your suit hugging tightly around your shape made him flustered and tried to stay out of your gaze. 

you noticed him turn away and raised a brow, wondering if he had seen something in the distance or was simply feeling unwell. “you alright, mig?” you asked, slightly teasing him with the nickname you loved using. he let out a small huff through his mask and saw the misty cloud escape through it, as the temperature outside was a bit colder than usual but you didn’t mind. 

“yeah, don’t worry. just a bit cold,” he replied and you shrugged your shoulders, taking a seat on a nearby rock. miguel glanced over at you as you rested your elbows on your thighs, causing your suit to stretch around your arms. from all of the training you’ve had over the years, it definitely paid off, and staring at you simply made miguel’s stomach feel warm.

“y’know, this is so useless..” you grunted and he raised a brow, humming a small “hm?” under his breath. “there’s no threat. is everyone just on edge? because personally, i’d rather be home under the covers.” annoyed, you kicked a tiny pebble off to the side and slightly leaned your head back out of frustration. 

miguel’s breathing changed as he continued to watch you, not paying attention to any of the words you just said. he was focused on your breathing and how your neck flexed against your suit, your adam’s apple becoming prominent. he sat down across from you, causing you to look up at him and he seemed more tense than usual. you furrowed your eyebrows together, afraid that there was something on his mind, and refused to tell you about it.

“are you sure you’re alright?” you asked and there was a pause before he answered, “of course, what makes you think i’m not?” he spoke as if he was reading off of a script and you rolled your eyes.

“you aren’t talking much and you sound like you’re so miserable, is it that difficult to be around me?” you playfully joked and yes, it was difficult. miguel was sitting there fantasizing about you and he couldn’t do anything about his thoughts as he was trying to get ahold of himself. until it got too much and he felt a familiar tightness on the lower half of his suit, covering his lap in embarrassment. 

“no, i’m not miserable and it is not difficult to be around you. i’m just thinking about the project we’ve been working on is all,” he mumbled as he began fidgeting with his hands, causing his knuckles to brush against his boner. miguel let out a hiss, trying to cover it with a lame cough but you never thought anything of it. you got up, pacing around in front of him, trying to think of what to do for the next hour. miguel continued to watch you, his eyes examining each move you made. he felt like a pervert but couldn’t help his thoughts as you were standing right in front of him, his desperation for you only growing stronger by the minute. when you turned around, miguel got up from his seat and stood right behind you, pressing his body against your back. 

“hey, do you–” you felt something poke against you, knowing that familiar feeling. “i can’t do this anymore,” he grunted in your ear, wrapping his strong arms around your waist. you licked the top row of your teeth, watching his hand slowly trail down to your own bulge. 

“miguel..” you warned as you leaned into his touch, bucking your hips up against his hand. you moved out of his grasp and turned around to face him. 

you took off his mask for him, revealing his lustful eyes. his fangs poked through his lips and you found it adorable, grabbing a hold of his face to make him watch what you were going to do. he looked down, his eyes trailing to your hand as you rubbed your hand against his cock. miguel let out a gasp, causing him to bite down on his lip and poked himself with his own fangs. he winced but was too focused on the pleasure you were giving him. 

“so this is what got you all hot ‘n bothered, hm?” you teased, and he whined as he tried to press himself against you even further. miguel got tired of the teasing and took matters into his own hands as he pressed his lips against yours, hungrily kissing you. it caught you by surprise and you placed your hands on his shoulders, gripping tightly onto his suit. 

“please.” he whined into the kiss, his hands tampering with his own suit. you pressed on the emblem on your chest, causing your suit to disenthrall from your figure. without thinking about the consequences of his actions, miguel tore open his suit for easier access as his suit was more complicated to get out of. the sound of the fabric tearing made your eyes widen, knowing it took him so long to perfect every aspect of it. 

“¿tan desesperado estás?” you whispered against his mouth as you signaled for him to jump, pinning him against a nearby wall. 

“cállate.” he hissed, connecting your lips together once again. you took your cock in your hand, noticing the precum that was spilling out. miguel bit down on your shoulder, feeling his sharp teeth pierce through your skin, causing you to let out a loud moan. 

“fuck me already. please, stop making me wait. i’m so des– fuck!” he whined in your ear, feeling his hot breath against it. you thrust into him without any warning, forcing your cock to go in. you felt him stretch around you, a string of curses slipping out of your mouth. “you’re so tight miguel…” you grunted through your gritted teeth, finally putting all of it inside of him. 

you used one arm to stabilize yourself and the other to hold miguel, keeping him close to your body. miguel dug his claws into your back as you pounded into him, not giving him any time to adjust to you. he threw his head back against the wall and you looked at him, thinking it was such a pretty sight to see him so desperate for you. 

you quickened your pace, each thrust began to be harder and rougher. miguel’s moans filled the air as he did not care to be loud, noticing him stare off into nothing as if he was so cock drunk. you took this as encouragement, slamming into him as you felt your orgasm reaching its peak. 

miguel seemed to notice too, mumbling in your ear, “breed me… please” as that was all that he could let out. you smiled, pressing a kiss against his temple, “good boys get what they want”. you buried your face into his neck as you came, moaning his name out loud as you made sure to pin his ass against your cock. miguel followed shortly after, gasping for air as he moaned your name over and over again. you stood there, still inside him as you wanted to make sure you filled him up. 

“you alright?” you asked with concern, looking up at him. he pressed his forehead against yours, a smirk plastered across his face. 

“of course. getting fucked by you is always the best thing… and don’t you dare move.” he sternly ordered, wrapping his arms around your shoulders to keep himself steady. 

“i wasn’t planning to just yet. but what about your suit?” you asked and he pointed at his wrist cuff, not noticing it before.

“i made a new prototype. thought i’d test it out tonight…” he mumbled, closing up the space between you two to kiss you once again. he began to move his hips, earning a groan from you.

“you fuckin’ whore… you do realize that there are cameras right?” you pointed up at one and he placed his hand behind your nape, pulling you closer to him.

“then let them watch.”

I've Saw That You Had Written Something For Miguel O Hara And I've Been Simping Hard For Him Ever Since

Tags :
1 year ago
Requested; No.

Requested; No.

Pairing(s); Ghost x Top Male Reader

Cw// Smut/Nsfw, Phone Sex, Bottom Ghost and Top Reader, partial Hc's.

A/n- I promised yall this a lonngg time ago, and I apologize, life has just been so hectic and everything, but I'm back on my phone sex brainrot again so here we go. Need this brainrot gone 💀 I'm also extremely rusty so- might not be the best I can do


- Simon was overseas again, away from home. It was always hard on the both of you, wishing you both were at home in the comfort and safety of each other's arms. However.. there were times when you both were able to call and spend time with each other that way.

- It started off with talks about the day, some details held back of course on his end, and you talking about how his dog did something stupid- yet funny. Though as the call went on, you could hear his breath get shallow over the phone, and the tone of his voice drop. Talking about how much he misses you, and wishes he could be home with you, and how he misses your touch.

- It started slow, with you saying a soft spoken, "I miss yours too." You could hear him shift over the phone, as you leaned back against your bed and closed your eyes, imagining what he was doing.

"I miss feeling your skin beneath my fingers, so warm and soft.." You whispered, hearing ghost moan under his breath with something unzipping afterwards. You knew where this was leading, and fuck did it turn you on knowing that he was getting off to your voice, getting off to the thought of what you'd do to him.

"Fuck.. what would you do?" He spoke softly, hearing him shift some more and you could only imagine that he was on his knees, face pressed against whatever he's on. "I'd kiss your neck, and bite your shoulder, I would cover you in my marks, so everyone knows your mine." Simon moaned, and you couldn't help but pull your sweats down, taking your cock in your hand.

You knew how much ghost loved your possessiveness, how he loved when you'd litter his body in hickeies and love bites. "My fingers deep inside you, stretching you open, and edging you over, and over again" Slowly you moved your fingers along your slit, taking in a deep breath as you began to stroke your cock, "Finger yourself for me." Simon let out a muffled moan, faint ruffling in the background that let you know he was pulling down his pants, "Yes sir."

"Such a good boy, remember how I do it? A finger at a time, with slow thrusts," You could tell he was listening by the way he panted, and moaned, imagining the beautiful sight of him on the other end of the phone. "Keep going," He demanded, and you couldn't help but laugh, the desperation was so clear in his voice, and fuck was it hot.

A moan slipped past your lips when you wrapped your hand around your cock with slow thrusts, "Fuck.. wish I would feel you around me, so warm and soft, but so fucking tight.." You groaned out, gradually thrusting your hand quicker, and simons pants and moans only stirred you on more. "Bloody hell.. I want you to fuckin ruin me, I need you so fuckin bad" His words caught you off guard, he wasn't one to say those things often but when he did- fuck did it get you going.

"You'd love that wouldn't you? Me turning you into a fucking mess, fucking you senseless until all you can think about is how good I'm making you feel" Simon's moans grew louder with each word, and you could feel that knot in your stomach getting much tighter when he did. You always loved the way he sounded, his moans sounding so fucking sweet to your ears.

"Fuck-! fuck.. please- please! I wanna cum-" He begged, high pitched whines spilling from his mouth as he moaned, you wanted to drag it out, to edge him until he was babbling nonsense and his legs were shaking. You wanted to ruin him, and that's exactly what you're going to do.

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1 year ago

"Show me how to kiss?"

Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x [gender neutral] Reader Summary: Two sets of headcanons: one in which you ask Zoro to show you what it is like to kiss and another one in which he's the one to ask. Tags: Shy Zoro / Fluffy and loving / Also sorta funny Coming soon (Vinsmoke Sanji's version)


"Show Me How To Kiss?"

If you’re the one to ask him...

• He just. He doesn’t know how to kiss either. I mean, do you think he ever had the time or mindset to do it??

• So, it’s messy. None of you really know what to do.

• Behind it all, Zoro has been kinda hoping he could kiss you and you’d been looking at him in a different way lately, so something like that was sort of bound to happen at some point

• It’s like a switch turns for you two, and it’s impossible to stop after that because, after all, you gotta practice to be perfect, right?

          “...They wouldn’t stop kissing.” You sighed, twisting your mouth a little as you thought back to the couple you saw at a bar when hanging out with the crew at an island. You and Zoro were out on the deck for the night watch; he sat back against the railing while you had your back on the ground, observing the stars above you. Once in a while, a colder breeze would make you shiver, but it wasn’t really that bad. The gentle rocking of the ship would intensify your tiredness, at times, but never enough to make your consciousness slip away into slumber, which resulted in sporadic and pointless talks. “It was obnoxious.”

Zoro hummed in agreement, shaking his head as he kept his gaze far in the horizon.

“What’s so great about it?”

He raised an eyebrow, humming again, and looked at you.

“About kissing,” you explained, sitting up and scooting closer to him with a sigh. “What’s good about it?”

...Why would he know? Zoro blushed a little as he looked away and preferred not to answer it. Maybe you’d give up on the question or talk about something else. Having to deal with always trying to find something other than the annoying couple at the bar was already stressful enough.

“Zoro.” You nudged him. “Can I ask you something?”

He blinked and looked at you for a moment. He nodded. You were a pain in the ass everyday—affectionately—, so he was mostly used to what you could come up with.

“Look, I don’t know how to say it without making it awkward, but like, I trust you, so...” You sighed, your eyes averting away for a moment. “Like, could you show me how to kiss? I never really had any time to think about it because I was always training to be strong out in the sea, y’know?” Was Zoro even paying attention? Even in the dark, you could see his red cheeks. Did you say something wrong?

“I can’t help you with that.” He kept looking forward, eyes narrowed. You knew that serious posture was just a play. It was when Robin and you ran into him taking care of babies.

You pouted. “What? C’mon, I’m just curious. We’ll just never talk about it.”

Zoro didn’t bulge, only groaning when you poked his side, squirming away more than he usually would. “I already said I can’t help you with that!”

You opened your mouth to argue, but nothing really ever came from your mouth. Instead, you searched in your mind for some reference, however, you could only remember Zoro always in the corners of bars or celebrations or over the sake. He was never the type to be around hitting on someone like Sanji did nor pay attention to whoever approached him. Maybe...

“I think I get it.” You smirked a little. “You don’t know how to kiss either.”

The flush on Zoro’s face intensified as he gasped and widened his eyes. “Wh—What are you talking about?”

You chuckled. Of course, Zoro, the swordsman with his unbelievable focus on becoming the best ever and his whole damn shyness wouldn’t allow him to be with anyone else either. It was almost relatable.

“It’s obvious Zoro. You can tell me, though,” you continued, ignoring the stuttering mess he was in, “y’know, it all makes sense. And I’m, like, the closest one to you here, you can at least admit it to me, right?” You elbowed his side a little—you didn’t give a fuck about it, to be honest, it was just nice seeing him like that. “I’m up to helping you with it, though, hm? What do you say?” You chuckled again, but made sure to keep a serious hint. It was all a joke until he agreed. If he disagreed, you were just fucking around, right?

Zoro’s face was so red. He could feel it burning and everything felt too much. His heart already felt like it would rip off his chest, and then the way you elbowed his side and that your face was so close to his that he could feel your breath on the side of his face, he was—

“Fine!” He breathed before he could notice it himself.

You raised your eyebrows. Did you hear it right? “Fine,” huh? Your own cheeks warmed up at the thought.

“You really...”

“Don’t make me regret it.” Zoro gulped, and you almost chuckled as he shifted to face you, his eyes still not looking anywhere near yours.

Despite fooling around the whole time, a serious atmosphere fell over both of you simultaneously, having the two of you gradually fall quiet. Zoro took a deep breath while you already looked at his eyes, waiting for his gaze to meet yours, which it did, eventually, even if still a little uncertain. You wanted to smile, laugh and hide all at the same time, but still held the gaze.

The ship had never been that quiet and maybe the wind was a little colder than you thought it to be. It didn’t matter, though, because Zoro’s hand was warm against your cheek, and you held onto his wrist out of reflex, which also felt warm. A quiet exchange of gazes was enough to determine you were ready and he was leaning in.

It was slow and careful, with nervousness lacing it, but still sweet nonetheless.

Zoro’s nose tickled a little when it brushed against your own nose, as if testing the waters before you leaned in properly. The distance was miscalculated and your lips brushed together too soon, making both of you pull away at the same time as if it’d burned. It didn’t burn, no, but there was something.

Your eyes met Zoro’s and he had a similar look on his face—so he felt it too. He mirrored the small smile that showed up across your face before the two of you leaned in again, carefully and slowly letting your lips meet.

Warm. Zoro’s lips were warm, but the kiss also made you feel something inside your chest that stirred up with the “kiss”, and made you lean in for more as you’d seen other people do, which snatched a soft gasp from Zoro, but he still tried to make up for it. If anything, things were just messy. None of you really knew what to do, trying to set your own rhythm but also match with the other’s and put in practice only brief notions you only had so far.

Suddenly, Zoro had his other hand cupping the side of your neck, which made you pause for a moment, but it was more than enough for him to figure out exactly what was missing and make the kiss more of a kiss. You just followed his lead this time, letting his lips guide yours through a gentle and uncertain kiss that maybe awakened more in you that you were aware of.

Cold air replaced Zoro’s lips when he pulled away. Your mind was still a little fuzzy, so you took a moment to open your eyes, already meeting his waiting gaze when you did so.

“That...” You whispered and gulped. The small pause had Zoro holding his breath and tensing up. “Can we do it again?”

Zoro chuckled, closing his eyes as he blushed again. “I hoped you’d say that...”

The new kiss had actual synchrony, even if it was barely present. Your hands actually held onto his shoulders this time as you pressed yourself closer, allowing the kiss to be deeper.

There was a look on Zoro’s face when he pulled away this time, one you couldn’t quite read. “You taste nice.”

“I taste nice?” You chuckled. “What’s it like?”

“It’s...” Zoro sighed, blinking a couple of times as he looked at you. “Sweet. What do I taste like?”

“Sake.” You answered without missing a bit, which made his face fall a little; you chuckled.

.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.

If he asks you...

• Zoro’s been thinking about it for a while now, to be honest, trying to find an excuse to make it happen

• He genuinely didn’t think it would be that good. He had little faith in it—mostly curiosity—, but when you kiss him, he just ends up getting lost and wants more. Just wants you to show him everything. Also uses the excuse he gotta practice to get perfect

          “What’re you so grumpy about?” You raised an eyebrow, seeing Zoro walk in while grumbling under his breath. He usually didn’t come over to the aquarium bar when you were there during the afternoons messing with your own stuff just like the rest of the crew, so he certainly wanted attention that you were more than willing to give.

Zoro took a seat next to you, scowling. “That damn cook.”

“Oh.” You raised your eyebrows and sighed with a nod without looking up from the stuff you messed with. There were a few lists of what each one of the crew needed since you would soon make a stop on another island, so you needed to organize all of those and estimate how much money you’d need, and thinking wasn’t very easy with Zoro there, but it probably wasn’t anything that bad since it was just more fighting with Sanji. Not that he really cared about it, but you supposed it was a way of him gaining your attention despite how shy he tended to be. He wasn’t that shy around you, though. It was even funny when people commented about him being only cold and stoic—he could be, yeah, but he was also too shy for his own good.

“He’s spilling some stuff about kissing today, y’know?” Zoro huffed, crossing his arms. “About how he misses it and how I wouldn’t understand because I’ve never kissed!” He growled.

“Is it true, though?” You mumbled between the numbers of berries. 15 minus 7 resulted in 8, then 2 minus 1 would be 1, so 11 minus 7, so it would be...

Zoro clicked his tongue. “I’m not like him.”

“That doesn’t answer the question,” you hummed. So, 15 minus 7 was 8, then the 2 turned into 1, and 11 minus—

“I don’t have time to waste around like he does, kissing and— and hell knows what.” He looked down with pursed lips then turned to you.

“Right.” You inhaled deeply and scratched out the math you were doing to start it all over again later. “It’s not really a waste of time, I mean. Depends on the person. What, you’re aromantic or something? Or just never kissed? You’re sounding a little too bitter about something so irrelevant.” Now and then, Zoro just needed you to poke him with the raw truth so he would ground himself in reality again a little.

“I—I wouldn’t think about it.” Zoro clicked his tongue, looking away again. “I got better things to do.”

You sighed, putting your pen away and sitting back on the couch. “I mean, you never tried it. I wouldn’t be so secure about it myself, in your position, but you do you, right? I'm no one to judge."

Maybe that rubbed off on Zoro the wrong way. He raised an eyebrow at you for a long moment, but all you could do was shrug and nod at him to say something already. You had work to do, after all.

"If you're so sure about it, then show me."


"Show me how to kiss." Zoro's face had a tinge of red despite how confident he tried to seem.

Despite the surprise, a smirk still tugged on your lips as you raised your eyebrows. "Oh? You sure? Wanna give me your first kiss? Am I that special?"

He clicked his tongue and looked away once again. "Don't be annoying about it or else I'm leaving."

A chuckle erupted from your lips as you tugged a little on his haramaki when Zoro started to stand up. The way he put it all made you want to tease him more to humble him down a little, but you knew better than that; things probably wouldn't go the right way if you kept him there grumpier than he already was or even accidentally scared him away, something you absolutely didn’t want before such an opportunity.

“Come on, don’t be like that.” You scooted a little closer to Zoro on the couch, putting an arm over the backrest of the couch, behind him. “Right, seriously. You mean it?”

A little crease was still there between Zoro’s furrowed eyebrows as he glanced you up and down, with his arms still crossed over his chest.

“Okay.” You rolled your eyes. He could be just like that sometimes. Annoying.

“How do you do it? Is there any secret trick or—” Zoro shrugged and raised an eyebrow at you. His shoulders dropped a little from their jagged stance and his arms weren’t crossed so tightly anymore.

“I mean, there’s no secret, but there are a few tips I wish I knew before I did it the first time, y’know?” You shifted a little, trying to push your mind away from annoying numbers to a new setting instead. “Like, it’s not necessarily a continuous thing, and it’s sort of you kissing my upper lip while I kiss your bottom one and then vice versa, but you can also— You’re not listening, are you?”

“I’m not.” Zoro confessed with that grin that made you want to punch it right off his face. “Your lips do look nice while you talk, though.”

“...Shameless bastard.”

“What was that?” He narrowed his eyes at you.

“Nothing!” You mirrored his expression and clicked your tongue, holding back a chuckle. “You’re quite useless sometimes, huh? You listen to nothing.” Your hand cupped Zoro’s face gently, letting your thumb reach the corner of his lips before going down along his lip. “That’s why you’re such an empty head, got nothing but muscles...”

Zoro grinned. “You may complain, but you just never get away from me.”

“I’ll just make you shut up at once.”

His hand held onto your elbow as you leaned in and finally pressed your lips to Zoro’s. It was a simple kiss, just keeping your lips against his for a few seconds before pulling back again. A light blush dusted his cheeks and he still glanced at your lips, so you leaned in once again to give him a kiss that wasn’t just like a prolonged peck, actually moving your lips together.

Zoro wasn’t the best at it—of course not—, but he still tried, his grip against your elbow tightening a little at times while he messily kissed you back, trying to keep it up and mirroring your movements. His lips were clumsy and messy, but still something that you could guide and make the whole thing worth something. You held his cheek as you deepened the kiss a little, which made his breath get caught in his throat and his lips get a little lost for a second before they followed your lead again.

The mere seconds you had to pull away already felt like too long, with you exchanging gazes with Zoro to silently check if everything was alright, before your lips were pressed together again. Your tongue ran against his bottom lip this time, actually snatching a gasp from him.

“Is it okay?” You whispered, furrowing your eyebrows a little. Just a few inches still serpared your faces, having you both feel each other’s out of pace breathing.

Zoro nodded. “I just wasn’t waiting for that.”

“Is it okay, though?” You grinned again, seeing him grow flustered once more.

“...Do it again.”

You did kiss Zoro and lick his bottom lip once again, but this time, he opened his lips and allowed you to slip your tongue past his lips. There was a little taste of sake still, already faint. He still didn’t know what to do, but the way you held onto his jaw did ground him a little so he would calm down.

“Good?” You whispered against his lips, lips still grazing him.

Zoro’s breath hitched as he tried to catch his breath, hazy eyes observing you from close. “Do... Do it again.”

.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.

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