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Tokyoenvy1317 - Envy The Anime World

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More Posts from Tokyoenvy1317
hi !! congrats on the 100 followers :D would you be able to write #11 from the fluff prompts for hawks ?
“I’m so proud of you.”
Hi, Thanks so much for requesting!
I just wanted to say how thankful I am for all of you! Whenever I see someone has commented, reblogged, liked, or just read my stuff makes my day!
I did this for 100 followers, but in the span of like 2 weeks, I now have 200! It really means the world to me so thank you! I plan to do something extra special for 300, and I’m so excited about that!
I’m sorry if this was a bit sappy, I just really wanted you guys to know! Thank you all so much for everything!
No pronouns mentioned
Warning: fighting, hurt Keigo, Keigo having a breakdown
Summary: after Keigo hasn’t seen you in so long, he’s finally had enough.
Requests closed
Word count: 2k

It was such a long week for Keigo, he was so tired. All he wanted to do was cuddle up to you, feel your lovely body, taste your sweet lips. Was that too much to ask? To hold you close to him, to feel you with him. He was sure you would soothe him from his hollowness, he could be himself with you. He could just be Keigo. And he loved that you let him, you supported him and let him be with you, he didn’t need to be Hawks. He could be who he was, even if who he was was a broken shell of a man. So to say he missed you would be an understatement.
It had been hard for him, for him not to see you in a week. But it was for a mission, so he was forced to. But his hunger for you grew and grew till you consumed his every thought. Till you were all he wanted, all he could think off. He wanted to soak in the luxurious warmth of your skin, to bask in your presence, to be spoiled with your loving kisses. To hear your lovely voice, to feel your heavenly fingers work their way through the knots of his hair. He just wanted you.
But, today was the last day of his mission, and then he would fly at top speed to see you again. To feel you again.
But the universe had other plans for him.
He was called in to help against another villain attack, his sidekicks told him that it seemed to be a bad one. A lot of civilians got hurt in the attack. And although all he wanted to do was fly home to you, to hold you to him, he took off into the open air. Still thinking about your warm embrace.
When Keigo landed, he was met with villains attacking him from every corner, he wasn’t prepared. His mind just wasn’t in it.
A villain with some sort of strength quirk hit him square in his gut, sending him stumbling. Luckily, one of his sidekicks managed to subdue the villain. So Keigo turned to the other one, grabbing one of his bigger feathers to stop the villain.
However, he let his rage get the better of him. He was just so angry, he missed you so much, he wanted to feel you again. He couldn’t think straight, it was too hard, it was too much.
So he fought, he fought so he could see you again.
But he was sloppy.
He got cuts on his wings, bruises on his body, his face was bleeding and raw. He hurt. But he still fought on, he fought through the pain. He had to.
Even though it hurt he didn’t stop, he couldn’t. He had to finish this, he needed to get it over with so he could see you again.
When the fight was over, his need was too much. He brushed everyone aside, saying how he was fine. Telling the paramedics that his wounds were skin deep and that he would be ok.
And even though his wings hurt, he still flew to you. He still whipped through the air at top speed in order to feel you again.
He was so close he could feel it, how close he was. He was almost there, he was so close. Just a few more seconds.
A few more agonizing seconds.
When he finally burst through the window of your home, he was finished.
His body hurt, his mind couldn’t keep up with the pain he felt. Yet, it was his heart that kept him going, telling him that he would see you. And so, he pushed through it. He walked through the window, the window you would keep unlocked for him.
You were watching the TV when you heard him enter, you had been watching the news. You knew you shouldn’t have, it would only make you more anxious than you already were. It would only make you worry about Keigo, wondering if he would come back to you ok. But still, you watched it. You watched him get hurt and beaten, the entire time holding your breath. You tried to stop, but your mind told you to keep watching. That you needed to make sure he was ok.
After a week of not seeing him, you realized that he didn’t look the best. His hair was disheveled and he looked like a mess. He had eyebags that made you so worried about how he had been dealing with his mission. Was he doing ok? All this just made you even more anxious.
You were confused when he had left the scene, he was still so hurt, still so damaged. Why didn’t he let the paramedics take care of him? His wings looked so bad. Why was he flying?
When he entered your home, you stood up immediately. But then you saw his face, and you knew he needed you.
But Keigo couldn’t do it anymore, he was so tired, he was so done.
His knees hit the floor, he couldn’t even feel the pain. His mind was so foggy, his heart racing. His thoughts were so loud, he wanted it to stop, to make it all stop. For it to all go away. He wanted you to clear all his pain, for you to kiss it all away, to make it all better.
He knew you couldn’t, that it was humanly impossible, but you were damn near close to the cure of all his pain. The way you would hold him to you, the way you would talk to him, the way you would care for him.
You practically ran to his side, worried that he was hurt too badly. That he was in too much pain.
But when you kneeled down to help him, he just pulled you down to him, trapping you in his embrace. Putting his head in the crook of your neck, nuzzling himself into you. His wings, or what was left of them, wrapped around the both of you. Keigo just wanted to be closer to you, to feel your warmth, your love, he wanted to feel you.
You wrapped your arms around him, telling him silently that you were there, that you were here for him. That you would always be.
You knew how hard it was for Keigo, he had a hard time opening up, opening his real self up. so when he opened himself up to you, you knew you had to be there for him. And you didn’t mind, you loved him, you loved him so much. You wanted him to understand that he deserved love and that he deserved happiness and a place to feel himself. And if that was with you, you were content with that. You were glad it was you, you wanted to help him, to be there for him.
Because you loved him.
As you ran your fingers through his hair, he shuddered at your touch, holding you tighter. It was as if he thought you would disappear on him like you would leave if he didn’t hold you tighter. But you wouldn’t, you would stay with him no matter what.
Finally, you spoke, “Keigo, I’m here. I’m right here sweetie.”
But Keigo didn’t speak, he just took a shaky breath.
You thought for a moment, something that Keigo loved was praise. Especially when it came from you, he told you once how it mattered so much more when it came from you. Because it felt real.
“I saw you on the news,” you said, smiling a bit, “I’m so proud of you.”
That's when he lost it. The loneliness, the hurt, the heaviness of it all. He let it out, he had to. It bubbled over, spilling into his consciousness, spilling into his heart.
He cried into you, and he couldn’t stop. He sobbed into your neck, letting it all out, letting his emotions take over his body. He was just so tired, so exhausted from it all. From not seeing you, to not being himself with anyone but you. He felt so vulnerable with you, and he needed it. So he just cried, he let it out, the loneliness, the sadness, the helplessness.
And you let him, you wanted him to. You hated it when Keigo felt that he needed to put on a mask for people, for you. You wanted him to know that it was ok to be upset, you wanted him to be able to feel. To be able to let his emotions go, to let it out.
You stroked his head gently, praising him, telling him it was all ok, how you were right there with him. How you would never leave him, how he was good and kind. How he deserved happiness, how he deserved to cry.
Finally, Keigo pulled away from you, wiping the tears that clung to his cheeks, “Sorry, Y/N, I didn’t mean to-”
You kissed his cheek lightly, “Don’t apologize. I’ve told you, it’s ok to be upset, it’s human Keigo. It’s what you are.”
Keigo sniffed, still clearly upset, “Yeah, but I'm a hero. I’m supposed to put people's minds at ease. I’m supposed to be strong for people, for you. I’m not supposed to break like this.”
You stroked his cheek lightly, trying to reassure him, “Keigo, out there you're a hero. Out there your Hawks. but here, you're just Keigo. My Keigo. You’re yourself, your human, you’re vulnerable, you’re normal here. I will never expect anything more from you. I just want you to be ok, that's all I ask.”
You embraced him again, letting his head land on your shoulder, “Kei, honey, let’s go to bed ok? And we can cuddle and go to sleep. You’ve had a long day, lets get some rest.”
But as you got up, Keigo pulled you back down, “No! Don’t leave!”
It was insecurity of his, he was scared you were going to leave him, that when you let go you would be gone. And even though you’ve told him time and time again, he still clung to it. To his fear of abandonment, his fear that you would leave him when you let go. You never asked why he had those thoughts, you just wanted him to feel safe with you.
“Keigo, I’m not leaving. I promise,” you kissed him reassuringly, “I’m right here, I’m just gonna change and we can go to bed.”
“Do,” Keigo looked away, embarrassed, “do you have to? Can we just go right to bed?”
You smiled sadly at him, even though you haven't changed into your comfortable clothes, and even though Keigo smelled, you knew he needed this.
So you nodded, “Ok, Kei. We can.”
When you both climbed into bed, Keigo was attached to your hip. But you didn’t mind, if this was what reassured him, you would let him.
You looked up at him, and as you did he leaned into you, whispering lightly on your lips, “Can I kiss you?”
You smiled, “You don’t even have to ask.”

Ok, I think that’s all the requests I have :) thank you again to everyone
Royals Despise Irony
HC on theory of Leona’s childhood + Cheka relationship
· Leona wasn’t loved
· Not once has his mother, the queen, acknowledged him, praised him, or even told him that she loved him. Instead, she compared him to Farena, saying Leona lacked in this or lacked in that
· He gets 100s in his studies, he’s strong enough to take on the captain of their royal army, but would his mother acknowledge his achievements? No, because in his mother eyes, if the younger brother were to lack in something, it would look as if Farena lacked in it too – and that can’t happen
· The servants were the same. They wouldn’t even greet him properly despite him being the 2nd prince. Just a small nod or bow and back to whispering rumors and gossip about him saying “he’s spoiled”, “why is he so gloomy”, “is he even from the royal family”, and what not
· He’s a prince, but he’s the 2nd prince. Not the first. And the frustration of wanting to be acknowledged as one of the royal family, a member of his family, and to be treated as equal to Farena, was suffocating
· Did he hate Farena? Yes. But would he hurt him? No, never. Although he resented the fact that Farena couldn’t realize how much torture he was going though, Leona couldn’t hate Farena when he’s one of the two people to actually treat him as a person
· Farena would be the one to play with him, hold his hand proudly when they secretly went out to town, skip classes with him – a trusted, loyal friend he always wanted
· But the one to hold his whole heart was none other than their father. Their one and only father, the king, who acknowledges him. The one he admires and love without having to feel resentment
· His father was the only one that would pick him up and hug him. The only one to praise him when others wouldn’t. The one to celebrate his birthday when others forget. The one who would see his skills, knowledge, and wisdom that jumps alarmingly over Farena’s. And his one and only hope to having satisfactory happiness
· When their father brings Farena and Leona along his patrol through Afterglow Savanna, it was those times Leona would feel alive
· Their father would often teach them about ruling a kingdom – what it meant to be king, how to behave as one, and Leona would soak the information into his head with bright eyes while Farena would yawn and just mention how he wanted go site seeing
· To Farena and the others, seeing his majesty like this may not look majestic. But to Leona, it was times like this that makes him admire their father and to become like him
· That one desire led Leona endure everything he had to put up through. To be like his father and show him how capable he was – that alone became his one dream and wish he wanted to come true
· As long as he was able to make his dream come true, he could handle not being loved in the palace. Because, he’ll still be able to make his father proud of him while finally being treated as a member of the royal family. Besides, if he gets the throne, Farena wouldn’t mind right? Farena had always complained about having to do work, so isn’t he doing his brother a favor? And even better, he and Farena could have, for once, a mutual loving relationship. One without Leona having to feel resentment towards him
· But all those thoughts were destroyed when the king announced to the whole kingdom of Afterglow Savanna that Farena was going to be next in throne.
· On the day their father announced it, Leona felt time had stopped. His mind couldn’t comprehend what their father had just said and continued to stay blank as his head continued to repeat that Farena had officially became the crown prince
· He knew that Farena was going to be the crown prince but deep in his heart, he thought or at least hoped that their father would choose him as his heir
· He thought that their father acknowledged him – his skills, his strength, his knowledge. Wasn’t that why he was praised? Wasn’t that why he was given affection? Wasn’t that why he’s their father son?
· The feeling of betrayal started to overwhelm Leona, making him feel numb to the bones
· The memories of the time he spent with his father, when he would tell his father how much he loved him and how he dreamt to become like him would resurface as Leona leaned on his bedroom door, trying to calm himself down
· It only led to him sliding down to the ground and sob, questioning why their father had shown him affection, praise him for his hard work and achievement when in the end he hadn’t consider him to be a candidate for throne – a sign that their father didn’t acknowledge him as his son
· Starting from there, things became worse
· Whenever Leona went to town, this time without Farena since he became busy with his studies of becoming next king, teens and kids would come to bully him, throwing insults here and there while trying to beat him up and steal whatever jewelry or money he had on him
· He wouldn’t mind at first, only avoiding the attacks, but when the fact that he wouldn’t be king is brought up, he already had beaten them up
· Farena would be the one to catch Leona sneaking back into the palace, looking like he had rolled around on the ground. And every single time Farena catches him, he would question him what had happen
· Every time Farena questioned Leona, Leona would just coldly answer “nothing, don’t worry about it” and walk away, sometimes trying to hide his limp when he walks
· Leona tried to endure like usual, but it was more painful compared to before knowing that the acknowledgement he wanted would never be given
· Yet he doesn’t do anything or plan to do something about it. His father still continued to praise him and take him along his walks and Farena still visited and played with him whenever he had time – as if the two of them didn’t break his heart on the day of the announcement
· The conflict in his heart continued to rage, preventing him from completely resenting his brother and their father
· That was until Leona achieved gaining his unique magic
· Children from the alley were bullying him like usual when Leona secretly left the palace to find a place to blow off steam. And like usual, Leona would’ve just beaten them up and left without much thought
· But the children started to talk about a different topic. They started mentioning something worse
· Talks of the queen wanting to get rid of him but couldn’t, the king and crown prince having no choice but to be kind to him to keep the royal family image up, possibilities of him just being an adopted kid used to replace Farena if something were to happen to the now-crown prince and other comments emphasizing how he’ll never be loved or recognized as being part of the family bounces back and forth
· The familiar feeling of despair, pain, and everything he had kept in started to crawl out of the pandora box
· Those feelings caused him to become distracted, not realizing the attack that was coming behind him
· Leona avoids it the last minute, but gets a deep scratch over his left eye in the expense of his life
· The kids laugh more while the attacker clicks their tongue from their failed attempt
· Leona finally loses it after seeing his own blood coming from the injury he was capable of blocking while listening to their mocks bounce as they attack him - kicking him here, punching him there, throwing – oh with a stone that’s new
· Shut up, shut up, shut up, leave me alone, and more were filled in his head as he was on the ground trying to protect his injured eye from getting worse
· A scream of “GO AWAY” was heard before all of a sudden large powerful gust of wind, dust, and sand enters the area
· When Leona opens his right eye, the buildings that were once standing were gone while the kids and people were buried in sand
· Fear and shock courses through his veins as Leona slowly realize what had just happened
· Not knowing what to do, Leona quickly makes his way back to the palace while using a cloth lying on the ground to cover himself up so that no one would recognize him
· Later that day, his father storms into Leona’s room while Leona, himself, was busy trying to patch himself since none of the servants would do it for him
· It was Leona’s first time ever to be yelled by the king, who was blind from rage that the people were put into danger by Leona’s sudden outburst of magic and that their family’s image had crumpled, though not severely, but a bit
· Leona tries to explain what had happen to him and that he didn’t know he had used unique magic, tears dripping down his cheeks while on his knees, tugging on his father’s clothes to get him to listen
· When the king shoves Leona away from him, Leona’s head hits the ground and a pained “Ack!” escapes his lips
· It’s only then the king realizes what he had done and notices Leona’s injuries on his body
· Disbelief, disappointment, and sadness filled Leona’s heart as his head just repeats what had happen. That his own father, the one he still had thought acknowledged and loved him as his own family member, just shoved him and ignored his pleas
· After a while, surprisingly enough, it was Leona who broke the silence with an apology
· The king tries to stop Leona from apologizing, only to be silenced again, but this time by Leona’s blank eye and the scar that started form on the other
· Worry and concern would then cover his father face, and tries to ask about what had happened
· But Leona, wanting to have none of it, would answer with another apology and ask if he could rest since he had taken up “his highness valuable time” and “felt tired”
· His father complies with it, although with reluctance, and leaves Leona’s room
· He was surprised that Farena didn’t come see him, but in the same time knew that their father would’ve just told his brother the basics of what was going on. Either that or their mother would’ve just told Farena not to concern himself with his “unreliably use-less brother”
· That night, the events that had happened replays in Leona’s head as he just stared at the ceiling. Books of ancient text, law, history, and magic covered his whole room, while Leona couldn’t fall asleep
· The familiar feeling of betrayal with the new found feeling of anger was all Leona felt that his father, the father he had trusted, the king he had admired and wished to become, was a liar. Liar, liar, liar.
· The words those children had said started to become the truth to Leona as he continued to remember his father pushing him off without listening to his side of the story
· He didn’t mean to use his unique magic. Heck he wasn’t aware that he was able to create one until he released it subconsciously as a form of self-defense. There weren’t even guards with him since he secretly left to just get some damn air from the stifling and stressful feeling he felt when in the palace
· Ah… I can’t do this anymore. I hate you; I hate you; I hate you. I hate you all – were the thoughts Leona had as he finally succumbed to his misery of being the unloved, 2nd prince
· All he wanted to was to be loved and acknowledged by his family and the people of the palace. Just like how they treated Farena, he wanted to be treated the same way. He wanted the respect the servants gave to Farena, the love given to Farena, the acknowledgement of his own achievement just like Farena!
· He, too, had royal blood flowing in his body! Even the wet nurse that witnessed him being born from the queen herself was still here and saw the proof that he was born royal! So why the hell was he not being treated the same way!
· The pandora box that was chained up was now completely unsealed as the feeling of revenge and hatred for everyone poured out into his heart
· Slowly getting up, Leona made a vow. He will force everyone to acknowledge him by taking crown. Using any means, he will become the king. That way, there’s no choice but for everyone to accept that he’s part of the royal family and recognize his talents
· Staring at one of the rules written in the book of laws, the perfect plan of achieving his new goal slowly comes together
· A few days later, Farena visits Leona with concern and worry for while after he and the king found out about the whole story
· Farena tries to mother Leona but each time he enters, Leona persuades him to leave and that he didn’t need to worry
· “Farena, I’m fine. After reflecting my actions, I realize that I need to work harder to controlling myself, so don’t worry okay?”, “Don’t you have classes in etiquette right now? Don’t let me hold you up and quickly attend it. It would be if the crown prince was seen without knowing how to behave in a formal event you know.”, “Farena, I must be taking time from your schedule. You don’t need to visit since now I’m better than before”
· And each time Leona said that, Farena couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was off when Leona smiled. His smile felt off but Farena couldn’t figure out why it felt off
· When Farena started to reach the age for marriage consultation, every girl that was matched to him suddenly cancel their marriage agreement
· What was more surprising was the fact that all the girls’ reason for cancelling their engagement with him was because they were able to find their “true love”
· Leona would be grinning in his head seeing how his plan was successfully acted out as he comforted Farena who would stop by and talk about how the whole marriage thing was making him stressful
· This continued to go on until Farena started to attend RSA. Knowing that RSA was an all-boys school, Leona knew that Farena wouldn’t be able to meet up with a girl, most of all, fall in love with one
· During Farena’s absence, Leona continued to study and train himself, doing everything he could to secure the throne
· He didn’t know how to feel now that the servants no longer mocks him with their gossip and the queen no long yells at him for lacking in something out of fear. He refuses to talk about his father
· 4 years pass and when Farena came home after graduating with his lover, Leona’s blood boils in rage from the fact his plan was starting to be shredded apart
· He tries to break the lovers apart out of desperation, using whatever method he could use without going to the extremes as it would make it noticeable that he was the mastermind, but no matter what he did it never worked
· Finally, on the day Farena and his lover got married and took their rightful place at the throne
· A year later, Cheka was born
· Leona, at that point, had given up everything. His revenge, his desires – all of them were gone as he stayed in his room either napping or playing chess by himself. Classes? Who’s she? Never heard of her before
· Leona wouldn’t even bother meet Cheka, doing whatever he can to avoid meeting the kid who ruined his plan to his own happiness – something he thought the couple should be thankful for since even he, himself, didn’t know if he would be able to control his anger once meeting the successor to the throne
· Farena and his wife would sometimes force Leona to come out of his room, trying to get him to do something other than staying in his room, but Leona would end up slipping away with an excuse
· The couple finally gets Leona to meet Cheka one day, after making a deal that they would leave him alone as long as he at least ate dinner with them. And to say Leona wasn’t amused when he met the child for the first time was the biggest understatement
· Leona quickly ate his meal and got up to leave until he felt something tugging on his pants. Looking down, his eyes came in contact with large, doe-like caramel eyes filled with warmth, happiness, and affection
· Disgust was what Leona felt first. Without even changing his blank expression, he lightly tries to pull his pants out of Cheka’s grasp but Cheka only grips on it harder while on the side, Cheka’s mother coos over how Cheka seems to like his uncle he met for the first time while Farena pokes Leona into spending sometime with the little prince. All which only made Leona angrier
· When he heard soft whimpering coming out of Cheka after freeing himself from the child’s grip – okay like seriously, the kids what only 3 months old and already has a strong grip what have they’ve been feeding him, baby safe organic steroid? – Leona knew that he couldn’t win so ended up spending time with the family
· During the whole time, Cheka wouldn’t leave Leona only. From crawling onto his back to tugging on his hair, Leona was stuck with a clinging child as Farena would sulk that Cheka liked him more than his own father and Cheka’s mother laughing on the side
· When Cheka fell asleep, Leona tries to hand Cheka back to Farena and his wife, but Cheka’s mother asks (more like force) Leona to carrying Cheka back to his cradle while holding Farena back of wanting to “hold his cute little son”
· As Leona laid Cheka onto his cradle, he takes note of how small and fragile Cheka was. How weak and defenseless, not even able to realize the hatred that surrounded Leona as his hand start to move from Cheka’s back to Cheka’s neck
· Just a second later, when his fingers had barely touched Cheka’s skin, one of Cheka’s hand grabbed onto one of his fingers
· Surprised, Leona froze watching as Cheka pressed his cheek Leona’s finger, a soft smiling blooming on his face
· Leona’s brain stopped working, trying to understand what had happen and the disturbing feeling he felt in his heart. Once the grip on his finger completely relaxes, Leona quickly leaves in confusion and confliction
· Soon after, Leona and Cheka spent more time together, not out of will, but because Farena and Cheka’s mother would purposely leaving the palace to “patrol the country”. They wouldn’t even realize the dark look Leona would show behind their backs while his hatred for Cheka continued
· Leona would mock in his head how stupid the new king and queen were for not noticing how much he despised Cheka’s existence. The existence that destroyed his last hope and opportunity to get the throne.
· But Leona would soon realize that he cherished Cheka as he saw Cheka falling down from the window
· When Farena and Cheka’s mother forced Leona to look after Cheka like any other day, Leona was at the end of his wits. Every time he babysat Cheka, the feeling he had in his heart made him more confused and frustrated, knowing that it wasn’t hatred anymore but something else. And Leona didn’t want that. He wanted to hate Cheka and nothing else
· And what better way to get rid all of his problems then to get rid of the cause . It was truly the simplest yet best plan Leona was able to create in less than a second
· Leona lied on his side pretending that he was “taking a nap with his nephew” as he watched between the crack of his eyelids Cheka crawling towards the window sill, trying to catch whatever attracted his attention
· He doesn’t move to stop Cheka from crawling onto the window sill or when ½ his body leans over. In fact Leona feels his heart pound from excitement
· But when he actually sees Cheka slip from the window, Leona found himself jumping out the window as well, grabbing Cheka and covering the child’s body with his
· Leona wakes up in his room, his body throbbing in pain as he hears crying
· Farena, noticing that Leona was awake, quickly asks Leona if he remembers him
· Leona croaks out his answer in a questionable voice, relieving the people in the room seeing he was still somewhat okay
· Cheka’s mother comes next to Leona, giving the lion a comforting smile while apologizing that Cheka, who was in her arms, hadn’t stop crying after seeing Leona not wake up
· Maybe it was because he was completely out of it, but Leona lifts his hand and lightly scuffles Cheka’s head and tells the kid he was okay and to stop crying
· And to everyone’s shock, Cheka’s first word was said right at that moment, while holding Leona’s hand with the two of his
· Later on, while resting in his bed, Leona was in deep thoughts, trying to accept that he cared for Cheka. The kid who was the son of the brother he resented, the one to take away his last hope.
· But this kid ended up becoming his number one fan and the one to live him the most, even more than Farena, his father. To this day Leona would deny that he cried that night accepting the irony that the person he hated would be the only person to actually acknowledge and love him
· And the strange bond between him and Cheka continued, as Leona reminiscence all the times he spent with Cheka who would praise him and cling to his side, and the memory of how Cheka cried and pulled a tantrum when Leona left for NRC
· Despite still holding his feelings of despair of never getting acknowledged by others, Leona held himself together from overblotting thanks to his nephew. Oh, the irony.
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I just wanted to say I'm a huge fan of your page and this isn't a request this is just a question. How do you think Kakashi would act with a s/o who has the same tailed beast Rin had inside her?
thank you nonnie 🥺💞 also I know you said this wasn’t a request but I’ve been desperately waiting for inspiration to strike so I’m running with it lol
headcanons for Kakashi w/ a s/o who’s the 3-tails jinchuriki

at first, he’d be pretty cautious around you
after all, you have the same tailed beast sealed inside you that rin did, and he doesn’t think he’ll ever recover from what happened to her
but eventually he’d start to be less uptight and vigilant
he’d help you work on chakra control and would reach out to other jinchuriki to help you learn to control the tailed beast’s power
(including naruto, who loves that his sensei is coming to him for help)
however, he’d still be super protective during combat, and would always stay in front of you to protect you (even when you insist that you can handle yourself)
after you befriend isobu (the three tails), it’s only a matter of time before kakashi befriends the tailed beast too
isobu has seen how protective of you and kind kakashi has been to you over the years and has definitely taken a liking to him
before long, the two of you are the strongest shinobi in the village, with a relationship even stronger than your combat skills 🥰
my requests are officially reopened (as of 11/30/2020), so send me some!
welcome to the snk haunted house

Warning: chap 5 spoiler.
After Vil’s overblot, we have three characters with the flame on their left eye (Leona, Azul, Jamil) and two on their right (Riddle and Vil). So what does this mean?
I think the position of the flame is based on the characters’ moral. Those with Left Flame are evil-doers, they know what they are doing is wrong but still do it nonetheless: Leona planned to injure important members of each teams before the tournament, Azul tricked and enslaved other students, Jamil tried to kick Kalim who trusts him unconditionally out of Scarabia. Right Flame is for the ones that didn’t intend to do the wrong thing, but ended up doing them because of their circumstances: Riddle just wants the students to follow the dorm’s tradition, Vil wanted to beat Neige fair and square, but after realizing that it is impossible for him to do so, he tried to poison him out of despair.
So basically Left = Evil-from-the-start and Right = Good-turn-evil