tomeyano - delusional

20! She/her. INFP 🇧🇩

262 posts

Tomeyano - Delusional - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
Hear Me Out..
Hear Me Out..
Hear Me Out..
Hear Me Out..
Hear Me Out..
Hear Me Out..
Hear Me Out..
Hear Me Out..
Hear Me Out..

hear me out..

yukimiya kenyu is so desi coded. he's literally the dream guy who can read urdu, drinks chai with you every evening, and pushes your hair away from your face to admire you better. kenyu, who qoutes his favourite shayari to you and wraps his shawl around you when you meet him at the terrace at night. kenyu, who is oh so gentle when he kisses you.

falling in love with him would be like one of those soft, bollyood romance movies. i can totally see him as aditya (from the movie 'jab we met'). sigh i want him so bad..

5 months ago

I want a baby Pt. 2

↳Reader’s gender don’t matter | Pt. 1

➼A/N: I’m sorry if some of them are ooc, I haven’t been updated with bllk for months so I kinda forgot how some of these characters are

I Want A Baby Pt. 2
I Want A Baby Pt. 2
I Want A Baby Pt. 2
I Want A Baby Pt. 2
I Want A Baby Pt. 2
I Want A Baby Pt. 2
I Want A Baby Pt. 2
I Want A Baby Pt. 2
I Want A Baby Pt. 2
I Want A Baby Pt. 2
5 months ago
A Very Big Tree In Gongqing Forest Park In Shanghai
A Very Big Tree In Gongqing Forest Park In Shanghai
A Very Big Tree In Gongqing Forest Park In Shanghai
A Very Big Tree In Gongqing Forest Park In Shanghai
A Very Big Tree In Gongqing Forest Park In Shanghai
A Very Big Tree In Gongqing Forest Park In Shanghai

a very big tree in gongqing forest park共青森林公园 in shanghai

5 months ago

Aww Mikey making sure to add a bit to the rules about being careful with the girls!

Aww Mikey Making Sure To Add A Bit To The Rules About Being Careful With The Girls!
Aww Mikey Making Sure To Add A Bit To The Rules About Being Careful With The Girls!
Aww Mikey Making Sure To Add A Bit To The Rules About Being Careful With The Girls!
Aww Mikey Making Sure To Add A Bit To The Rules About Being Careful With The Girls!
Aww Mikey Making Sure To Add A Bit To The Rules About Being Careful With The Girls!
Aww Mikey Making Sure To Add A Bit To The Rules About Being Careful With The Girls!

5 months ago

does manila mikey regret killing all of his friends? because holy fuck, it cut deep.

Well we don't exactly get a clear answer, but for me I think it's a mix of yes and no. He seems like he mostly doesn't regret it, he doesn't seem sad when talking about them, talks about feeling nothing, and talks about how killing people can solve problems. Someone who's regretful doesn't exactly talk like this. (Though he also seems to be talking himself here too).

Does Manila Mikey Regret Killing All Of His Friends? Because Holy Fuck, It Cut Deep.
Does Manila Mikey Regret Killing All Of His Friends? Because Holy Fuck, It Cut Deep.
Does Manila Mikey Regret Killing All Of His Friends? Because Holy Fuck, It Cut Deep.

But I also think he may have moments when he does, he has a look after he says he killed them which seems sad. He also reminisces about toman, though the toman he's thinking about is the old toman, not what everyone became. So perhaps he's more regretful about things changing rather then killing what they all became.

Does Manila Mikey Regret Killing All Of His Friends? Because Holy Fuck, It Cut Deep.
Does Manila Mikey Regret Killing All Of His Friends? Because Holy Fuck, It Cut Deep.
Does Manila Mikey Regret Killing All Of His Friends? Because Holy Fuck, It Cut Deep.
5 months ago
tomeyano - delusional
5 months ago
[]: Let's Take A Moment To Appreciate How Cute Nagi Is. Especially With That 'x' Face.
[]: Let's Take A Moment To Appreciate How Cute Nagi Is. Especially With That 'x' Face.
[]: Let's Take A Moment To Appreciate How Cute Nagi Is. Especially With That 'x' Face.
[]: Let's Take A Moment To Appreciate How Cute Nagi Is. Especially With That 'x' Face.

[🌹]: let's take a moment to appreciate how cute nagi is. especially with that 'x' face.

5 months ago
 Im Gonna Need A Fanfic Of The New Timeline Rin 0_0!!

I’m gonna need a fanfic of the new timeline rin 0_0!!

 Im Gonna Need A Fanfic Of The New Timeline Rin 0_0!!
5 months ago

Thank you for the tag @baby-tini 🎀

Fav color- Black , Baby Pink

Last Song- Lana Del Rey - White Mustang

Currently Reading- Blue Lock manga

Currently Watching- Demon Slayer - Hashira training arc

Currently Craving- Mikey

Coffee or Tea- I love both of them

No pressure tags @dzvelinaskebiyars @tr-mha-fan @m-ilkiee

Get to Know Me Game

Tagged by @boundinparchment !! ✨

rules: answer + tag six people u want to know

fav color: toss-up between carmine red and tea rose pink!

last song: A Love Suicide by Yutaka Minobe

currently reading: The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova

currently watching: Under the Queen's Umbrella, and Six Feet Under!

currently craving: Enchiladas. No ingredients, but I wish. 😞

coffee or tea: Tea, mostly because less mental friction in making it;;

Tagging: (no pressure of course!) @crowfluff | @myz-wykkyd | @dahlias-love | @dualswordguy | @angry-evil-bunny | @dovahkiin99

Tags :
5 months ago
I Like My Bed Too Ran.. @mdsbabygirl

I like my bed too ran.. 💤 @mdsbabygirl

5 months ago

Dating Bllk boys in school! (Part 1)

Featuring: Yoichi Isagi, Meguru Bachira and Rin Itoshi

A/n: don't know where this shit is set. It has their current personalities and still in blue lock. Maybe taking a break from it and go to school for a change. I don't know, okay? (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

Masterlist here!

Dating Bllk Boys In School! (Part 1)


Dating Bllk Boys In School! (Part 1)

• Yoichi, eh? One of the rare ones who still managed to retain his sanity off field good work-life balance bro.

• Jokes aside, of course he has gotten more confident and takes no bullshit now. A bit oblivious to the popularity he has though, but is given reminders every now and then by the students.

• But aside from that, he is still the sweetheart just like before. So humble and down to earth. Husband material.

• Is a bit shy when it comes to holding hands in the hallways, or anywhere you guys are seen by other students. It ain't like he is scared of anything or anyone.

• Yoichi is simply concerned that you are uncomfortable, and people don't annoy you behind his back. It's very endearing when he tries to explain it. he is just sweet like that 😭

• If anyone does annoy or hits on you, he will curse them and their entire bloodline with the most insane slurs.

• Not in front of you though. Yoichi doesn't want you to stop having pretty smile of yours, especially because of him.

• While he definitely is a bit reluctant to show affection in the campus for the reasons given above, please don't refrain yourself to do the same.

• Absolutely LOVES when you kiss his cheek or hold his arm where everyone can see you guys! Good. He needs to give those idiots less attention and more on you.

• However, if you are shy/feeling shy at that moment to do anything, Isagi is just internally screaming how cute you are.

• Yoichi definitely yaps about his day to you on the way back to school, about how boring his classes were, about his classmates, etc.

• Then realises he spoke for like 20 minutes without even a second break and has the cutest blush on his face as he gets embarrassed about it.

• Apologises right away with that same cute blush and smile, you're like just looking at him calmly while internally saying "Alright. He's the one. I'm marrying this idiot."

• Is it that obvious that I find this idiot to be the cutest? But again, who doesn't?

• Oh by the way, his academics haven't improved a bit after going to blue lock, in fact they have gotten worse.

• So definitely invites you over to help him with schoolwork as an excuse to spend time with you. Despite grades being useless as hell for him.

• Isagi is truly guilty about it, he really is, but he focuses on how your thighs look in that mini-skirt than your teachings of trigonometry.

• Is good at projects though, with all the research and presentation work. He really doesn't care about his project submission dates but definetly helps you out with deadlines.

• Again, definitely an excuse to spend more time with you! Also no matter what he does he is still freaking useless in revisions for test. 😂

• Also, surprisingly doesn't really make an effort to make new friends ins school, just hanging out with you and your circle sometimes.

• He already got soccer, family and you, what else can a man want???

Dating Bllk Boys In School! (Part 1)


Dating Bllk Boys In School! (Part 1)

• Bachira was initially very hesitant to go back to school, even for a short time. He finally had some friends at Blue lock who understand his passion for the game and he didn't wanna be alone again.

• However his mother convinced him to get a change of environment, and you were there in that school too so he agreed.

• Bachira has also changed a lot since blue lock, now no longer caring people finding him weird and especially so after being with you.

• Now he's more focused on having fun and spending time with you! Yay!

• Definitely waves to you and calls your name like an excited kid from the window of your class when he is going out for PE in the 4th period everyday.

• He doesn't care if there is the strict mathematics teacher or the gossipy students, Bachira does it anyway. Whereas you just wave back, embarrassed.

• Literally this has become a running joke in your class that in 4th period a golden retriever will be there outside the window, even your teachers can't stop their giggling every time he does it!

• Is shameless with PDA, he doesn't care the discipline head in on the round, he can and will hold your hand and kiss you all over in the hallways.

• And you internally curse yourself that you love him too much make him stop doing this you love it secretly too.

• Please keep an eye on him whenever you can because he's very prone to getting into physical fights (doesn't do it too much though. He doesn't wanna get suspended and miss your pretty face).

• However he will go above and beyond if you ask him to beat someone up, maybe a bit too much.

• "Ugh that guy was so rude to me, who does he think he is-?"

"Should I beat that idiot into last week?!"


• Whenever you try to teach him concepts of mathematics and science, is asking the most stupid questions. (*someone yells at the author* "There's no such thing as a stupid question!") Okay, okay his questions are....creative.

• "If a right angle triangle is 90°, then is a left angle triangle -90°?"

"Why did I even-"

• This little menance doesn't even do it 'cause he wants to annoy you. He does it because it is geunine doubts. Which somehow makes it even worse.

• He also doesn't get shy from asking these stupid creative questions in front of the teacher as well. Maybe that's why he spends more time outside the classroom than inside lol

• Even though he doesn't care about others and is a loveable ball of sunshine, he also has its off days.

• Days where he is unsure of himself and the mean comments the other students make behind his back get to him.

• And of course you being the amazing person you are, do everything in your to make him feel better about himself!

• Meguru is your darling, he should never feel bad about being himself! Words truly can't describe how much he is grateful for your efforts.

Dating Bllk Boys In School! (Part 1)


Dating Bllk Boys In School! (Part 1)

• Absolutely didn't want to go back to school if it wasn't already obvious. Rin doesn't need a fucking change of environment. He absolutely breathes and lives soccer.

• Not a single second of his life goes when he doesn't want to crush Isagi and his brother and he can't get distracted and absolutely no one can convince him otherwise-

• Except for you. It was pretty easy actually. All it took was a bit of whining, some doe eyes and voilà he was in your school for a few months.

• Doesn't know or care about any of the subjects which are though in this education center. Too lukewarm, he says. Maybe expect for PE, art or english but that's about it.

• Please save him from those stupid calligraphy classes. Please. He'll die of boredom and his hands will fall off. his words not mine

• Instantly becomes popular between everyone, by the way, why wouldn't he be? Good lucks, talented, and ambitious. However, the other students don't exist for him. He only has his eyes for you and you only :D

• " sure catch many eyes huh?"

"I don't care. They spend their time admiring someone for their surface level attributes and are content in that shit. Lukewarm."

• You definitely try to use the excuse of helping him study to spend time with him, but you know he doesn't do anything other than soccer and sometimes English.

• Like. When you call him...

"Hey, can I come over to help you with your assignments, I'm done with mine so-"

"Seriously? Do you think I care about that? If you wanna actually have something exciting then come."

• Ironically helps you study English though, emphasizing on why it's important and all.

• This guy is strict as hell though. Won't let you leave the table until you have solved the comprehension with all correct answers.

• Doesn't care about showing affection in front of everyone, he will do whatever he feels at the moment. Always holds your hand and kisses the top of your head sometimes while doing so.

• Which has you kicking your feet in air, all giggling and happy inside, and while on the outside you're shy as hell.

• Though Rin says he doesn't care and he really doesn't care about other subjects, he still manges to get a decent score! Not a straight A+ or anything but still like.

• His ability to comprehend and calculate is pretty good naturally, which is an achievement for someone who doesn't even know how the front cover of the books in the curriculum.

• On chilly days, Rin wordlessly gives you his jacket without a word he doesn't trust you enough to remember getting one.

• Would be sooo offended if you happen to pass by him during school hours and don't wave or acknowledge him. Yes he is aware he doesn't do it either but that's different okay?!

• Would act extra grumpy and aloof, which is unfortunately for him more cute than indimidating.

• Don't fun of him okay? Rin thought you loved him, and here you are not even acknowledgeding his existence you just didn't notice him as you were with a friend.

• Don't worry though, he's back to normal after a hug, few kisses and assuring words in your soothing voice :)

Dating Bllk Boys In School! (Part 1)
5 months ago

Itoshi Rin Profile from Egoist Bible (2022)

"To me, soccer is a battle to death."

Itoshi Rin Profile From Egoist Bible (2022)

Bluelock Ranking: 1 (at the beginning of second selection)

Weapons: Kicking accuracy, technique, tactical vision, physical ability.

-Profile Data-

Birthdate: September, 9th.

Age: 16 (First year high school)

Zodiac sign: Virgo.

Birthplace: Kanagawa Prefecture (Kamakura City)

Family structure: Father, mother, older brother, himself.

Height: 186 cm.

Foot size: 27.5 cm.

Blood type: A.

Dominant foot: Right.

Favorite soccer player: David Beckham. "I respect his kicks."

Age started playing soccer: For as long as I can remember. "I grew up watching my older brother play."

Motto: "The field is a battlefield", "Tepid" (habit)

Strengths: I can play soccer. "Anything else doesn't matter."

Weaknesses: Unfriendly. "If you don't like it then don't bother me."

Favorite food: Ochazuke. "Especially sea bream chazuke."

Disliked food: Vinegared dish. "I don't like sour things."

Best rice accompaniment: Tuna. "Soy sauce and wasabi combo is the winner. No objection."

Hobby: Getting the chills from horror games and horror movies.

Favorite season: Autumn. "I like it when it's a bit chilly."

Favorite music: King Gnu in general. "Especially Prayer X."

Favorite movie: Horror movie in general. "Especially The Shining."

Favorite manga: Dragon Head and Ciguatera.

Character color: Turquoise Blue.

Favorite animal: Owl. "I'm fascinated by them. I think it's the eyes."

Favorite subjects: PE, art.

Weak subjects: Calligraphy. "I hate having to write exactly as I'm taught."

What makes you happy?: I don't know.

What makes you sad?: When someone is better at soccer than me. "So far it's only my older brother."

Last year's valentine day chocolates: I don't remember because I rejected and returned all of them.

Sleep time: 7,5 hours.

Where do you wash first in the bath?: The eyes with warm water

What do you like to buy at the convenient store?: Eye masks that warm the eyes.

Mushroom or Bamboo Shoots: Mushroom.

What made you cry recently?: I don't cry.

At what age did you stop receiving presents from Santa?: 8 years old. "When my older brother stopped getting them I followed him and stopped getting them too... Truthfully, I still wanted them."

What did you ask for a Christmas present from Santa?: The same cleats as my brother.

What will you do on your last day on earth?: Fight my older brother.

What will you do if you receive 100 million yen?: Place a bet on a single number in Roulette*.

What do you do in your days off?: Immerse myself in horror games or horror movies.


An extraordinary player who boasts the top skills in Blue Lock

The monster reigning at the top of the new Blue Lock Ranking. Not only are his kicking, dribbling technique, and physical abilities outstanding, he's also able to read opponents' plays several moves ahead and manipulate them at will, making him the true ruler of the field. He's an extraordinary player with no flaws.

Is there a connection between his overbearing attitude and his brother?!

Rin is the younger brother of Itoshi Sae, who is selected as one of the "New Generation World 11". His goal is using "Blue Lock" to join Japanese National Team and surpass his older brother. His disrespectful attitude of dismissing Isagi and other players' play as "a tepid ball-kicking game**" seems to be deeply connected to his brother. When he finally surpasses his brother, will Rin's troubled mind*** be cleared?

Daily life at Blue Lock

"My bangs were falling over my right eye and it was starting to get annoying. I decided to cut my bangs and lifted it in front of the mirror. My face looked like my brother's, and I hated everything about it."


Rin's Ranking

1. Ranked #3 The Most Hardworking

2. Ranked #3 The Most Short-Tempered

3. Ranked #1 Worst at Communication

"...I have no intention of having tepid communication with you people"

4. Ranked #2 The Best at Study****

5. Ranked #1 "Doesn't have many friends"

"...Friends? It's just a low-level community for sharing tepid experiences."



*In roulette, betting on a single number is called a "straight up bet". It's the riskiest bet, but if you win the 35:1 payout will be very rewarding. (Highest-risk, Highest-reward).

**"A tepid ball-kicking game" is a reference to ch. 46. Official English publication translated it as "Mediocre playtime."

***The word in Japanese is 荒んだ心 "susanda kokoro" (lit.rough heart or hardened heart). It's an expression usually used to describe someone with prickly (rough) attitude because their mind is messed up or disturbed by something. For this context I'm using "troubled mind."

****The title/ranking is "Who Can Study Well". Basically, Rin is the #2 person who is very good at studying (benkyou 勉強).

5 months ago
250 Posts!

250 posts!

Tags :
5 months ago

Yuzuha and Inui's new game animation! Aww Inui trying to help Yuzuha cool down!

5 months ago
tomeyano - delusional
5 months ago

I have been laughing at this for a solid 4 minute

I Have Been Laughing At This For A Solid 4 Minute
5 months ago

I can't wait to see this animated

I Can't Wait To See This Animated
I Can't Wait To See This Animated
I Can't Wait To See This Animated
I Can't Wait To See This Animated
5 months ago

Wish I was as optimistic as this guy

Wish I Was As Optimistic As This Guy
5 months ago

★ we fell in love in october.

 We Fell In Love In October.

two lonely souls who were wide awake, smoking away, when other souls were asleep. just the two of you. and you're both on the rooftops of high rise buildings, shifting between each one of them just to get a clear view of the world from every angle which slumbers underneath your toes.

he can't help but to keep glancing at you from the corner of his eyes, wandering just how pretty you can get. nobody rivals your beauty, and he absolutely is madly in love with the view he's blessed with in these lonely nights where he gets to stay awake and spend the dark hours with you above the twinkling cityscapes.

it's october every year where the both of you are awake pretty much every single night just to do this. it's the month of your blooming romance, and the season where he learns to appreciate fall, of the hearth-hue autumn. he looks up at the night sky, so amazed by how many millions of stars were in heavens. yet none of them could compare to you and how bright you shine in his life, how beautiful and ethereal you are compared to mere twinkles of the sky.

you are a blessing to him and he so believed that one day you will be his girl. at least, that was what he used to think. that someone like him is so out of your league that feelings will not be reciprocated. he made you his entire world once you did returned your feelings, though.

you are his girl and his world.

 We Fell In Love In October.

pov: your favourite boy.

 We Fell In Love In October.

© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.

5 months ago

Their face lmaoooo

5 months ago


"Smau: do you wanna hang out later?"


content: slightly suggestive, fluff, foul language

characters: shidou, rin, sae, kaiser, ness


pt.1 • pt.2 • pt.3

navigation • masterlist • bllk masterlist

5 months ago
When Dad Doesnt Grant You Blonde Genes

When dad doesn’t grant you blonde genes

5 months ago


5 months ago

when he's a ten <3

When He's A Ten
When He's A Ten
When He's A Ten
When He's A Ten