tomsparkyr - TOMSPARKYR

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The World Cup Every 10 Minutes:

the world cup every 10 minutes:

The World Cup Every 10 Minutes:
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More Posts from Tomsparkyr

2 years ago

Hey hey!! Do you write only for specific people orrrr can I request some gareth southgate x reader?😚

hi love ! i don’t really write for specific people, more of a range and i’m not too sure he’s in the criteria ! i’m so sorry lovely, have a great day xxx

2 years ago

It's horrible some of the comments I have seen, people say that they are going to support their team and then when they get kicked out they have the meanest things to say and is absolutely horrible. If you have left a vile comment on harry Kane's instagram then you can unfollow me because the things I have seen on there were horrible. If you say you are going to support your team that means you will be with them through the whole thing whether they win or lose, not until they are losing half way through a game. If england won the world cup it would have been a totally different story and none of this would have happened, and I just think its horrible that if they don't win a game or step up to become better thwn someone or a group of people have something to say about it.

2 years ago

Secrets Out (Hakim Ziyech x reader)

Secrets Out (Hakim Ziyech X Reader)

Requested, I hope you enjoy it! <33

p.s be on the lookout for more fics soon today 👀

“y/n/n , have you seen my warm-up jacket? I can’t find it” Hakim said while rustling through his bags. 

‘Oh you mean this one?” you said teasingly. Hakim turned around to see you wearing his jacket. Giving you a smile, he walked towards you, putting his arms around you. 

“You know, it looks better on you” he said, looking at you adoringly. Smirking up at him, “yeah?” 

Leaning closer to your lips, “yeah” he whispered until he finally pressed his lips onto yours. Giving you a sweet kiss before pulling away, “but i’m going to need that” he pulled lightly on his jacket that you were wearing. 

Giggling at him, “well since you asked so nicely”, stepping a bit back to remove his jacket, you handed it back to him. ‘Thank you Mrs.Ziyech’ he said before giving you a quick kiss 

“Your welcome Mr.Ziyech” smiling at him, you both start to get ready to leave the hotel and to the stadium. Today was the big game against Portugal in the World cup quarter finals. You were so proud of Hakim either way of the outcome of this tournament but you couldn’t help but feel him be nervous on the ride to the stadium to meet with the rest of his team. 

His hand intertwined in yours the whole ride there. After being married for one year you both knew each other like the back of your palm. Softly caressing your fingers over his hand to help him feel more at ease. He noticed this and gave you a soft smile before kissing your forehead, leaning more on you

When you both finally reach the stadium and facility, that’s when you and Hakim have to part ways so he can meet with the rest of the players. Giving you a quick kiss before anyone can notice, Hakim walks through the players gate while you go to meet with the rest of the family in the family area. While you and Hakim are married, the rest of the world other than your families doesn’t know about it. They don’t even know that he’s in a relationship. Hakim made it so that he can keep you safe from the harsh world of the media. 

Greeting his family, you sit next to his mom when you all make it into the stands, waiting for the game to begin. As pre-game warm ups start, you see your husband, Hakim, make his way on the field. Admiring him from afar, you can see he removed his normal wedding band that he had on this morning, to keep the press from asking not wanted questions. Instead, on the pitch, he wears a clear rubber band on his ring finger, to give him the comfort that he still has you with him at all times. From the press it’s hardly noticeable, you would have to grab his hand to notice it, making it perfect to wear in public outings.

“I’m happy you’re here, you stick by my son through everything, he loves you so much” his mom spoke, interrupting your admiration of Hakim. Turning to her, you give her a soft smile, “i love him just as much, and your- our family”. At this she in return gives you a warm smile turning back to look at her son, you do the same. “So when are you going to grow your little family?” she said casually, giving you a raised playful eyebrow. 

Laughing at the question, “I think Hakim right now needs to focus on this tournament but afterwards…we’ll see” you nudged his mom’s shoulder lightly, knowingly how much she wants to have grandchildren. 

When you see Hakim from far, you see he is looking at you two with a smile on his face. You give him a tiny wave, which he just smiles back acknowledging you secretly.


During the game vs Portugal, clinging to your jersey that had your husband's name on the back, you felt on edge the whole time. While the team successfully gained a goal before halftime, there was still plenty of time for the opponent to score. You held your breath until you heard the final whistle blow. Seeing all the Moroccan players celebrate in the field, your vision goes straight to Hakim.

You see a big smile on his face and it only makes your smile grow bigger at this win for him. It was an incredible win for Morocco, you and his mom kept hugging in celebration of this victory to the semi-finals. 

In the middle of the team’s celebration on the field, you see Hakim run over to you and his family in the stands. Going to hug his family first, so the media won’t suspect anything, then he finally went to hug you. “I’m so proud of you,love” you whispered in his ear. You feel his smile grow on your neck and feel his place a gentle secret kiss there. 

In your little moment between you two, you both didn’t notice a couple of sneaky photographers who took pictures of the interaction. Already planning to publish once they got to their rooms. 

By the time you and Hakim were at the dinner celebration with his team and whole family, you noticed your phone and his phone started to buzz.  Taking his phone out, you see his eyes go wide, “oh no” 

You look over his mom’s lap who was sitting between you since not even the players knew that you and him were married. Looking at the article you gasped seeing the headline. 

“Hakim Zieyech’s secret wife seen in the stands at the Morocco v Portugal game???”

How did they find out? Where did they get that picture? What was your life going to be like now that everybody knows in the media? All these questions stir in your head until your thoughts are interrupted by Hakim’s hand grabbing your own, you barely notice now that he changed seats so that he is sitting next to you. 

Looking up, you see him looking at you with eyes of concern, not knowing how you are feeling. You just nodded at him that you are okay and he proceeded to look at his teammates that were sitting in the tables around him, some of them now seeing the article and shocked. 

You then see Hakim’s best friend, Noussair, walk towards your table with a blank face. You think he is about to be mad at Hakim for never telling his best friend about your secret marriage but instead his face turns into a big smile as he puts his hand on his shoulder. 

“Hakim, i’m so happy for you brother, but next time some big news about you comes out, i would like to hear it from you.” he said jokingly to him. Hakim just smiled back relieved that his friend wasn’t mad, in fact none of his teammates were mad at the kept secret,  they were just surprised they never guessed sooner. 

“It’s a good thing too I found out because after this tournament I was going to try my shot with your “family-friend ``'' Noussair tells Hakim teasingly , making everyone laugh including you except Hakim himself. You giggle at Hakim’s now hardened face, already knowing his jealousy is taking over now. 

Calming him down you kiss his cheek, your hand turning his face to look at you. “Babe, you will always be my love, no one else” you say to him. At this he puts his forehead on yours, sighing softly, feeling the jealous feelings fade away. 

Laughing his friend tells him,“Yeah Hakim, it was just a joke, everybody give it up for the love birds, Mr and Mrs. Ziyech!” Noussair cheers, making everyone cheer for you and Hakim. 

Feeling pure joy of finally not having to hide his love for you at least in front of his teammates, “I promise even now that everybody knows, I will forever protect you y/n/n. Kanbghik (i love you)”

“I know , I love you too” at this he leans to give you an official kiss, making everybody cheer again

2 years ago

When do you reckon you’ll release more MASE writing p, adore ur content x

hi ! i’m so bad with writing and telling people i’ll post something when i don’t and forget lmao,, BUT i’m actually in the middle of a mason fic now titled ‘romeo and juliet’ so look out for it !