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Toomanyfandoms158 - Colin :)

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Reblog to be like Carl
Happy Birthday Dazai!! Maybe you’ll finally die this time (please don’t Chuuya will be sad).

Happy late birthday to my baby Nanami 🎉🎉

Newtmas headcanons perhaps?
Ik my requests are closed but I got this awhile ago and I just decided screw it and ima answer it (sorry I’m so late) but srsly my requests are closed ☹️ also this post is RIDICULOUSLY LONG. BE WARNED.
- when they were in the scorch newt struggled with all the walking and running because of his leg, Thomas would call for breaks saying he’s tired when really he’s fine and just noticed Newt was having a hard time
- Thomas has leg strength, Newt has arm strength
- they silently communicate ALL the time, glances, body language etc. they don’t need to be vocal to know what the other wants to say and it’s extremely annoying for everyone around them 😭 example:
Jorge: *proposes plan*
Thomas: *looks at newt*
Newt: *looks at Thomas*
Jorge: what are you two doing?!
Thomas: yeah ok we’re in
Jorge: what do you mean we? Newt can speak for himself-
Newt: no I’m in?
Thomas: yeah Jorge he’s in what are you talking about?
Jorge: what are YOU talking about??
- Thomas loves to read, Newt loves to write. Newt rarely writes anything fictional, often only writing about his day but likes writing poetry and Thomas loves reading Newts poetry ☹️
- when Newt got the flare Thomas wrote down any symptoms he knew about it and asked Brenda about it as well, even taking posters that were hung up for his own reference.
- when Newt got the flare he would sometimes try to start arguments over petty things that didn’t matter, not realising his anger wasn’t his own and Thomas would just look at him with a sad smile :( example:
Newt: your a bloody idiot sometimes you know that?! WHY would you-
Thomas: *looks away*
Newt: … sorry, I didn’t mean-
Thomas: I know. it’s okay, it’s not your fault.
- Thomas often looks for pain medication on supply runs for Newts leg, he tells Newt he just found it when really he spent ages searching for it
- sometimes leading the group is a lot for Thomas, he turns to Newt to make decisions sometimes. Newt gives suggestions on what to do and how to say it since he was second in command for so long and saw how alby ran the show.
- Thomas LOVES Newts hair, any chance he gets he’s constantly touching it, burying his face in his hair, if it got kinda long he would plait small bits of it.
- despite Thomas’s leg strength he’s a TERRIBLE swimmer, never learnt how. Newt however? Despite he’s leg he’s surprisingly good, he learnt in the lake at the glade and when they got to the safe haven he INSISTED that Thomas had to learn, for his safety of course. (He really just wanted to see Thomas in board shorts but he never told him that)
- Thomas is an absolute SUCKER for Newts freckles/moles, in the glade Newt wore lots of tank tops and shorts since he was out in the sun all day gardening so he developed large freckles and moles alllll over his body and Thomas CANNOT get enough!!! Thomas kisses them all the time and Newt pretends to be annoyed (but he secretly loves it)
- how they got together was a whole gay mess 😭 example:
Newt: *staring longingly as per usual*
Thomas: *catches him and stares back*
Thomas: uhh-
Newt: *kisses him*
Newt: so uhm.. are we-?
- they aren’t super massive on nicknames, but they have a few!!
Newt: Tommy, my love (if they are alone), love
Thomas: babe, honey (if they are alone), hun
- they both love their slight height difference, TO THEM ITS NOT SLIGHT OK!!
- in the scorch (after they got together but they hadn’t told anyone yet) they held hands. All. The. Time. If they were outside in the and Thomas would say “I’m just helping Newt through the sand” and if they were inside Newt would say “Tommy here is just helping me with my bum leg, isn’t that right Tommy?” (Everyone knew but said nothing, they thought they were soooo sneaky)
- before they got together they would insult eachother (never going over the line of course) ALL THE TIME. Like playfully, example:
Newt: your a shuckfaced idiot y’know that Tommy?
Thomas: oh really? Well you’re a hotheaded shank!
Newt: me?! Hotheaded?! Oh please- we both know who’s the hotheaded one!
Thomas: I hate you so so much
Newt: I hate you more!
Brenda: do you two need a minute or..?
- I have said this once but I’ll say it again, Thomas is so atrociously down bad for Newts accent. Like DOWN. BAD. Newt is unaware of this because Thomas has made it his own personal mission to hide it but Minho knows and uses it against him all the time 😭 example:
Thomas: NO. I WONT DO IT.
Minho: I’ll tell Newt.
Thomas: … wait no-
Newt *walks over : tell me what?
Newt: … ok then… bye love :) *walks off*
Thomas: *red in the face* … fine.
- another thing similar to this, Thomas blushes super easily but Newt has no clue for awhile and thinks he just has naturally rosy cheeks, Minho ofc exposes him example:
Minho: Thomas doesn’t have rosy cheeks
Newt: what? Yes he does? *holds Thomas’s face to show Minho, totally oblivious* see! Right there!
Thomas: *mouthing to Minho* Don’t. You. Dare.
Minho: *LAUGHING HIS ASS OFF* Newt.. take your hands off his face and look again!
Newt: *takes his hands off Thomas face and watches as his face goes back to normal* … *LAUGHS WITH MINHO*
- Newt is obsessed with Thomas’s hands, his hands are almost to big for him and don’t fit his proportions but are scar free and much softer then Newts, Newts hands are the right size but covered in scars and calluses and Newt constantly traces along Thomas’s knuckles, palms, fingers you name it. Soft hands are a rarity in the glade and the scorch. Newt tells him how nice his hands are constantly 😭
- Newt is very confident, and is the more flirty one and is a lot more sarcastic Thomas however is a fucking sap but SOMETIMES he matches Newts flirting and Newt is just stunned to silence
- if Newt got the cure he would’ve gained some of his memory’s back, and Thomas still has some of his memory’s from the changing so they piece together story’s that are incomplete in each others heads :) they write it all down in the unlikely case of them forgetting
- picnic FANATICS. Picnics to them is serious business in the safe haven to them and they do NOT PLAY. They have multiple blankets they bought/made made, baskets, they reserve afternoons/early mornings to have them and secret spots they go to
- Newt hates sleeping in a room alone. Absolutely hates it. Like his whole life he’s always slept near another person: in the bunker as a toddler to young child, the massive shared room while with wicked, everyone sleeping close by in the glade etc. so when they made it to the safe haven and he had the option of privacy he was STUNNED. Thomas let Newt share a hut with him and they have lived together ever since
- When Newt got the flare Thomas never changed how he treated him, everyone else got sorta wary but Thomas never doubted his abilities or judgment. Never.
- when Minho was taken Newt and Thomas clung to each other for support, Newt lost his best friend and Thomas learning how to lead on his own and also losing a friend. They’re bond became unbreakable and they learnt to depend and trust each other
- Newt trusts Thomas but as we all know he jumps into plans or ideas with little to no direction and Newt will sometimes have to make Thomas take a step back and think about what they are doing 😭
- as the months went on Thomas got more and more stressed about finding Minho, feeling that it was his responsibility to find him. Often pulling all nighters or not sleeping for days without even realising, example:
Thomas: *in the map room muttering to himself, deep purple eye bags from not sleeping for almost 2 days*
Newt: *walks in* hey Tommy.. do you know what time it is?
Thomas: uhm.. *doesnt answer and continues to do whatever he’s doing on accident*
Newt: What day is it.
Thomas: uhhh Monday? *turns to face Newt wobbly* why are you up so late? Its 1am?
Newt: Tommy it’s Wednesday, and it’s 4am. Come to bed, now.
Thomas: *stunned for a second before turning away* I’ll be there in a minute babe I just need to-
Newt: Thomas. Now. *pulls him out of the map room and forces him to sleep*
- Thomas is Newts human calculator, any math problem ever Newt will just go “hey tommy what’s ——?” And Thomas will answer without hesitation because he’s just used to it by now, Newt could absolutely do it if he paused and took a second but Thomas doesn’t need to pause or think about it he just answers 😭 it’s effortless for him
- Thomas is the worlds biggest book worm, in the glade they didn’t have many books and in the scorch books were a rare find but in the safe haven they had a bit of selection and he was ECSTATIC. Newt got him a bunch of books one time and a week later he had finished most of them
- Newt is super flexible, Thomas forgets this a lot until Newt can fit himself into tight spaces with ease meanwhile Thomas is in no way flexible and Newt also forgets this so Newt will go into a vent or something with no effort meanwhile Thomas is STRUGGLING
- Thomas and newt get into petty arguments (they aren’t actually fighting) on how to say things/spell things 😭 example:
Newt: it’s COLOUR. C O L O U R.
Thomas: ITS COLOR?!
Newt: says the boy that spells mum as m o m
- if they are ever going up onto high places, Thomas always gives Newt a boost and then Newt will pull Thomas up
- Newt makes fires, Thomas gathers the wood and stuff to start it
- Thomas covers for Newt all the time, often forgetting to cover himself and the only reason why he hasn’t gotten hurt is because Newt does exactly the same thing for Thomas
- don’t get me wrong, they are both extremely strong and capable alone but TOGETHER?! ABSOLUTE UNIT. They know each others fighting styles, weaknesses, preferred weapons and where they keep they’re back ups 😭 they both steal eachother back up knives all the time
- they share most of they’re weapons but Thomas never takes Newts machete, it’s from the glade and very important to him and he keeps it on top shape and doesn’t like other people using it
- they aren’t huge on PDA but they 100% gravitate towards each other subconsciously, walking next to each other and holding hands, sitting next to each other, falling asleep on shoulders/laps etc they are almost always within ear shot of each other to the put of people asking one of them “where Thomas/Newt?” Instead of just trying to find them themselves because there’s a HIGH chance they both know where the other is example:
Jorge: Thomas do you know where-
Thomas: he’s getting food from frypan why?
Newt: *walks back over with two plates of food and passes a plate to Thomas* hey Jorge you need me?
- Newt loves giving words of affirmation, loves receiving physical touch, Thomas loves giving physical touch, loves receiving words of affirmation
- Thomas 100% opens and closes doors for Newt, and holds his hand getting out of cars :3 at first it was a joke and sorta teasing but it became a habit over time
- Newts the type of guy to sit as close as humanly possible to Thomas, if they’re with close friends their legs will literally be squished together and Newt will be holding his hand, god forbid they are alone 😭 legs fully draped across Thomas’s lap, tracing lines across Thomas’s palms while absolutely YAPPING. Thomas is just staring at him with big heart eyes going “uh huh” “yeah”
Anyways I hope you enjoyed my yap session