If The Whole World Was Watching I'd Still Dance With YouDrive Highways And Byways To Be There With YouOver

If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you Drive highways and byways to be there with you Over and over the only truth                                       Everything comes back to you                                    

This chorus is above all. Me, being a person dealing with social anxiety. Its really hard for me to deal with people. But, I know for him I’ll dance.....Just for him, because in front of him nothing else will matter. The lights, tables, chairs, people everything just blur and just him and me.  

In all this chorus today, I’m dedicating to the guy who is made for me JUST FOR ME.

(Sorry, Today nothing came to my mind to write. I was listening to songs and this town by niall horan started to play and I was just starstruck by the lyrics. And suddenly felt the connection with song so came here and wrote out)

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