Admirable {Yandere!Apollo X Nymph!Reader X Father!Helios} Pt 1
Admirable {Yandere!Apollo x Nymph!Reader x Father!Helios} Pt 1

Record of ragnarok version!
Helios is NOT a yandere, only Apollo.
In this, you're a flower nymph (if that's even a thing-)
You watched your fellow nymphs gush over Apollo, who was smiling at them. He was giving all of them the attention they wanted. Except you. He barely have you attention, even if you were in his sights.
At first, you were one of them. But over time, your crush on Apollo slowly faded away, and it turned into irritation for him now that you began to realise his true colours. Nowadays, you did your best to avoid him at all costs, well as much as you can. Some of the other nymphs often dragged you along with them. The only two nymphs that knew you no longer love Apollo were Callista and Arete.
Just like you, both Callista and Arete grew to dislike Apollo and try their best to avoid him as well.
Whenever you get dragged by the other nymphs, either of the two will make up excuses for you so that you wouldn't have to see Apollo.
This is one of those times.
"Come along, (Y/n)! We have to see Apollo!" One of the nymphs squealed, grabbing your hand and started rushing over to the god. You tried to get your wrist out of her grip, only succeeding when the nymph stopped in her tracks. You looked over, seeing Arete standing over the nymph holding your wrist. Arete was one of the tallest of the nymphs, nearly the same height as Apollo, so she towered over the smaller nymphs. Not to mention she looks intimidating to most.
"Let her go. Can't you see her discomfort?" Arete asked, pointing at you. The nymph quickly looked back and let your wrist go.
"I-I-I'm sorry!" The nymph exclaimed in fear, running past Arete and towards Apollo. Arete clicked her tongue and looked at you.
"You okay, (Y/n)?" Arete asked, helping you up and leading you away from Apollo and the other nymphs.
"I'm fine, Arete. Thanks." You replied with a nod and a grateful smile, some pink roses blooming in your hair. Arete laughed and patted your head.
"Good to know, sis. Let's go find Callista." Arete suggested. Your smile went wider and you picked up the pace, nearly leaving Arete behind. The river nymph laughed again, shaking her head and easily caught up to you. You both found Callista in a field and both started hanging out with each other for the remainder of the day.
Apollo, on the other hand, was enjoying the nymphs that gushed over him. He noticed that three nymphs weren't present.
"I could've sworn I saw three more of you ladies here." Apollo pointed out. The nymph that Arete intimidated had her eyes widen.
"You mean Arete, Callista and (Y/n)?" She asked. Apollo knew the first two, but your name seemed familiar to him....
"(Y/n).... The one that always has flowers in her hair.... She used to be all over me." Apollo mumbled. He quickly shook it off and went on with the nymphs.

A couple of months have passed and you were sitting on a rock, eating berries as the nymphs nearby got themselves ready to see Apollo again. To your relief, none of them bothered to try taking you along with them like before. That was because Arete told them not to drag you to Apollo and threatened them to leave you alone. So they just got ready and walked away, leaving you alone near a river.
After you finished eating the berries in your hands, you for up from the rock and walked around, making your way to a familiar temple of the Titan god of the sun, Helios.
"Greetings, (Y/n). " The voice greeted you politely. A tall and glowing man with long golden hair and matching eyes slowly descended upon you, a gentle smile on his face.
"Lord Helios! So great to see you!" You said in excitement.
"It's great to see you too, (Y/n)." Helios said, looking into your eyes with a warm smile on his face. You stared back, the pink roses blooming in your hair again. Helios notices and touched one of them with fascination.
"You still look just as beautiful with each passing day." Helios whispered, admiring the roses in your hair. Your face heated up from the close contact with your hair.
"I've noticed how you started going to me instead of Apollo. Your feelings for Apollo have disappeared because he's never acknowledged you." Helios said. You didn't say a word, just stared at the Titan god. He was right. Apollo has rarely given you attention, whilst Helios gave you all the attention.
"How about I take you in? As my daughter?" Helios asked. Your eyes widen at the offer. Helios, a Titan god, offering to take you, a nymph, as his daughter?!
"Yes! I'd love that!" You replied happily, the pink roses in your hair crystallizing. Helios looked amused by your enthusiasm, despite only getting to know him for a couple of months.
"Very well. Stand still." Helios instructed, using his powers to turn you into a goddess. You felt a sudden urge of power in your body, a sign that it worked.
"From now on, you, (Y/n), will be known as the Goddess of happiness."
End of Part 1! Don't worry, Apollo will be a yandere, it'll just take time.
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thinking about. being childhood friends with danny johnson. like, you're just this shy, withdrawn, anxious little kid in class, and danny is this little spitfire tornado terror who gets treated like an outcast because he's just... a lot to handle. he's argumentative and doesn't like to share and gets pouty when things don't go his way. he's also way too smart for his own good with interests far outside the realm of what's considered "age-appropriate," which of course doesn't help the whole "relating well to other kids" thing.
but danny likes you because you're the only one who will listen to his stories instead of laughing him off or ignoring him. you don't talk much but danny likes it that way, preferring to read his stories to you (dramatic narrator voice and all) or just aimlessly rattle off new ideas while you listen with stars in your eyes.
maybe you like to draw, too, and sometimes you'll draw pictures to go along with his stories, which danny is absolutely THRILLED by. you spend many hazy summer afternoons deep in the woods behind his house, sitting on a log down by the creek with danny's big, beat-up notebook sprawled across both of your laps as the sound of your giggles intermixes with birdsong.
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🐈⬛ | The covers for A Man and His Cat sure look a bit different today huh..

had to draw the cat grampas!! mozus and andré my worlds ❤️🔥 they deserve all the kitties
🍷 Rbs>likes, og versions under the cut + a doodle of André's cats!!

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Can you do a quackity fic where he reveals his boyfriend on a cooking stream his boyfriend has scar like c!quackity has and chats like your boyfriend is ours now.(it’s ok if you don’t get to this tho)
This is honestly so cute 10/10 <3 also dono will be pink text

Summary: Quackity's chat tries to steal his boyfriend
Pairing: Quackity x Reader
Pronouns: He/him
[A/n]: Requests are open <3

“Ok, so today we’re gonna be baking rather than cooking because (Y/n) wanted cookies. So we have the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, and plain sugar cookies that will be frosted later.” You watched from behind the scenes as Quackity went about his stream, doing his best to make good cookies and interact with his chat.
“While cookies are very cool I think you should do a boyfriend reveal.” Once that dono finished speaking all of chat was spamming the words boyfriend reveal.
“I don’t know guys, it's up to (Y/n) whether or not he wants to be shown.” Quackity looked to where you were sitting. You were out of view of the camera but he could still see you and you could see him.
“Can I help make the cookies?”
“If you want to.” You nodded to Quackity before standing up. You took a moment to straighten yourself out before walking over to Quackity. To say you were nervous would be an understatement, you knew Quackity loved you but you didn’t know if chat would love you the same.
There was a large scar that ran down the side of your face, similar to the one that your boyfriend's character on the dsmp had. It was quite amusing and you often joke that he drew inspiration from you, but he loved you regardless.
What you didn’t expect was for Quackity’s chat to immediately fall in love with you. The fans quickly started sending in messages about how handsome you are and how they wished you were their boyfriend. One dono caught the both of you by surprise though.
“Sorry, Quackity but you’re gonna have to break up with him. He’s our boyfriend now.” Both of you burst into laughter, Quackity quickly wrapping you up in a hug.
“You can’t have him, I already called dibs.” Chat started spamming no’s, and saying that it wasn’t fair for him to hog you.
“Sorry guys, I love him too much to leave him, even if it were for you.” Chat was sad to find out that they really couldn’t have you. They could dream though.
I loved that! Can I request a Part 3 of the Yandere Platonic Straw Hats with Eri Reader? Arlong Park
Reader wants Nami to come back and learn why she left, and after learning about Nami's past, feels very sorry about Nami's situation and wants to help her, like how Nami helped Reader
Reader reveals a small part of her past, that she doesn't remember much about her mom, only that she gave her away because of her 'Curse', but says Nami's mommy sounds like an amazing person
(Both Zoro and Luffy become absolutely pissed, and want to find Reader's mom and beat the crap outta her)
-You were curled up in Luffy’s arms, sniffing softly as you rubbed your eyes with the back of your hand again as he walked through the small town with you.
-Nami had been traced to this island, in Cocoyasi Village, where her big sister, Nojiko had found the 5 of you, looking for Nami.
-After learning she had stolen the ship to return to the island, Nojiko was sympathetic, especially seeing you, and brought you all to hers and Nami’s childhood home.
-You ate some mikan, ignoring Nojiko’s laugh as you didn’t care much for the slightly sour taste, as she told you why Nami had stolen the ship.
-Nami had been working hard to make whatever money she could, to buy the freedom of everyone on Cocoyasi Village, and while furious at first, the four men of the crew slowly calmed, hearing about how hard she had worked.
-Zoro was still annoyed with Nami, “She could have just asked us rather than just taking the ship!” Usopp agreed with him.
-You looked up at Luffy, holding onto his vest, “Are we gonna help Nami?” he instantly grinned down at you, “Of course we are!”
-Your eyes were as big as saucers, learning from Nojiko that she was part of another pirate crew, Arlong, a fish-man, who took Nami after seeing her map-drawing skills, and after killing Bell-Mere, their adoptive mother, in cold blood in front of them.
-Your eyes were full of tears, biting your bottom lip which made the five adults panic, trying to calm you down as you curled in on Luffy, which is what you did when you were scared.
-You sniffled loudly, trying to curb your tears, “I want Nami’s mommy to be my mommy too! My mommy was mean; she gave me to mean- mean men who hurt me. They made me use my quirk to hurt others. I-I want a mommy like Nami’s mommy!”
-Luffy’s blood was like ice and fire all at the same time, they all knew of the scars you had on your body, scars from years of torture, not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally, even Sanji, being the newest member of the crew, had gotten filled in, at least with the basics, that you had been abused and tortured for your unique ability that was not a Devil Fruit ability.
-Luffy looked furious, hearing of your past, of what your mother did to you, they all looked furious, ready to seek out your mother and get revenge. Nobody is allowed to hurt you.
-Nojiko took you from Luffy when he announced they were going to go get Nami back from Arlong, but you couldn’t shake the sense of dread as Luffy gave you a grin, “I’m gonna get Nami back! She’s our friend!”
-Only a short while later, you were hiding behind Nojiko and Genzo, hiding from the marines and Nezumi who were attacking the mikan field, looking for the money Nami had buried there.
-You were scared, not wanting anyone to get hurt and Nojiko swallowed hard, not willing to risk your safety and she nudged you away, “Go hide!”
-You hesitated and ran, doing as you were told, and you heard Nezumi, “Don’t let her escape!”
-The sound of a punch filled the air, but you kept running, tears nearly blinding you as you ran, looking for a place to hide.
-You found Usopp and Zoro shortly after, Usopp bleeding just a bit from a minor wound, but the amount of blood made it look worse than it was, while Zoro had been attacked by Arlong and left to die, his wounds reopened.
-You held Zoro’s hand to your chest, crying loudly, which alerted the members of Arlong’s crew, and they were able to find the three of you as your horn grew dramatically as an aura seemed to surround it.
-You ignored him, telling you to stop as you helped heal the wound on his chest at least partially before you were grabbed, a sharp cry leaving you as you were pulling to the arms of an unknown fish man.
-Usopp tried to grab you back but was instantly kicked down by the other two fish man, your eyes were wide as your hand was stretched out to him, crying out, “Usopp!”
-You were dragged to Arlong Park where you found Luffy, without his hat, and most of the park was destroyed around you, Luffy was injured again, but so was Arlong, who looked scary.
-The fish man holding you held you out, “Hey Arlong! I found a new kid! She can heal others!” Luffy turned, his eyes wide as you were struggling, as he was holding you up by the back of your shirt, trying to get free.
-Something hit the fish man holding you and instantly you found yourself in Nami’s arms, after she had knocked him out, leaping away with you.
-Your eyes lit up as you hugged her around her neck, “Nami!” she said nothing, glaring at Arlong before she spoke while setting her down, “You won’t take Y/N!”
-Arlong looked amused, laughing loudly, seeing Nami acting in a similar way to Bell-Mere, remembering her from so many years ago.
-Sanji was doing his best taking care of the other fish men, as was Usopp, Zoro, and Nami, who were all injured but fighting hard, while Luffy was fighting with Arlong.
-You were crying heavily, your quirk activating, the horn growing and glowing brightly as your hands were over your years as panic quickly took hold of you.
-It was hard to breath, you could barely see out of your teary eyes, sharp panting gasps were making your chest hurt.
-Nami was blown head over heels, but quickly saved by Sanji and you noticed a locket fall from her pocket, falling nearby.
-She didn’t notice but you quickly grabbed it, so it wouldn’t get stepped on, clutching it tightly to your chest.
-A blinding light surrounded you and the locket, stunning everyone; it felt like you were screaming, but no sound was coming out as swirls surrounded you, the locket disintegrating into dust, revealing a lock of bright red hair which then began to swirl.
-Eyes went wide, everyone gawking at you as Bell-Mere slowly appeared as the day she had died, minus the gunshot wound, kneeling down beside you, holding you close before she gasped loudly, returning to life.
-She looked down at her hands in shock, as she remembers dying, looking at the gun being pointed at her before she looked down at you, now drenched in sweat as a heavy fever took over your body, unconscious.
-She then looked around, seeing Nami, now an adult, fighting against Arlong and his men, alongside other humans and she set you down, cracking her knuckles, “Seems to me nothing’s changed! Arlong you bastard!!”
-You woke up four days later, after being nursed back to health by Nako, long after Arlong and his crew were defeated, Cocoyasi Village was safe, and Nojiko and Nami were reunited with their mother.
-Luffy, Usopp, Zoro, Sanji, and Nami, alongside Bell-Mere and Nojiko, had all refused to leave your side while you were recovering.
-Usopp told Nami of your past, of what little you told them when searching her out and she was just as furious, as was your new mother, Bell-Mere, who immediately adopted you.
-Luffy held you while you both ate, sitting you on his lap, as he refused to eat until you woke up, being unnaturally quiet for once.
-You were scared he was mad with you, once you were done eating, turning to look up at him and you cupped his cheeks as he bit into another meat-stick.
-He looked down at you, cheeks full and instantly he grinned down at you, “I’m glad you’re awake! You scared me!”
-You apologized to them all, giving them all, unknowingly, puppy dogs eyes, which lead to you being passed around for the next ten minutes, getting hugs from everyone, some, Usopp and Sanji, crying more obnoxiously than others.
-Your eyes were sparkly when you were passed from Nami to Bell-Mere, getting introduced to her and she beamed down at you, “So you’re Y/N~ I guess I owe you a big thanks for bringing me back to life!”
-Your eyes went huge, holding your cheeks, “I did that?” they all nodded, Zoro lightly scolding you with no real malice, that it was the reason you had been out the past few days.
-Once Nako said you were safe to leave his clinic, Nami hugged her mother tightly, who was going to stay in Cocoyasi Village and rebuild it, giving Nami her blessings to continue on her journey and every single one of them promise her that they were going to keep you safe, which made you beam brightly up at her.
-Nami put a couple of mikan trees on the Going Merry, as a piece of her hometown, as well as to have fresh fruits available.
-Luffy pointed out to the sea, “To Loguetown!” the rest of the crew, including you, all cheered out loudly.
-You were all unaware of the looming storm as a shadowy figure looked at the photos he was just sent, of you using your abilities, seeing you return a woman who had been dead for years, back to life from only a lock of hair.
-He scowled lightly, knowing this would be something that would be very dangerous if you were to fall into the wrong hands.
-He turned to another person, holding out the best photo he had of you, taken just before you left the island, when Bell-Mere was patting your head, bidding you goodbye, showing only you and her hand on your head, smiling shyly up at her.
-He inhaled deeply, “Put a bounty on her, alive and intact only. Her name is Y/N. Make it for one hundred billion.” His subordinate gawked, but said nothing, doing as they were told before he leaned back into his chair, a deep sigh leaving him.