GUYS I Asked Out A GIRL And She Said YES
GUYS I asked out a GIRL and she said YES
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Zuko's "you have my notebook🔥🔥🔥!" had the same energy as "he 👏STOLE👏 my ✨️Dream Journal✨️!"
Junko Enoshima is a genderfluid icon, she really said "being a human girl is too boring I'm going to be a male bear as well"
Ok so Lightning is a football guy right?
Hes on the football team, his dad is a famous football guy, etcetera
BUT I think
I think he's secretly a baseball bro. I think he likes baseball more secretly
It could just be a sports reference cause it's only mentioned once but, when he's doing his 'here comes the Lightning' speech in the semi finals of tdroti, the whole speech is baseball
I don't play sports so maybe it was just for the name pun but shouldn't it have been football related?
Also Lightning would so love to go "Lightning is about to strike!" Right before striking someone out as a pitcher, don't lie to my face about that.
Little known fact about hxh but Hisoka is, believe it or not, the good twin. His evil twin is named Heysoka and was deemed 'too evil' by test audiences and so was cut from the final production.
Heysoka was a clown that dressed like a magician, in order to counter Hisoka who is a magician that dresses like a clown.