Taal Acting Up And Monkeypox Is Now A Public Health Concern Ah Shit, Here We Go Again
taal acting up and monkeypox is now a public health concern……… ah shit, here we go again
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and the schedule is shit too. who wants to do phys ed first thing on a MONDAY MORNING and a last two-hour ict class on friday? fucking. NOBODY!!!!!!
i just don’t understand why class sections are reshuffled every year the school should just kill us if they wanted us dead
Inside by Bo Burnham has a very interesting distinction between the first and the second half of the movie
The first half of the movie is full of funny skits and different made up characters (the White Woman, the Unpaid Intern, Bezos, Socko) because that's what Bo does on stage. That is simply what he is used to, he thought this was going to be something fun and quick he could do in a few months, and it would just be a recreation his usual shows but from home, easy right?
Until he turns 30
It's easy to see that, after the intermission, there are no silly characters or skits anymore. The only ones are the Internet, which is a more complex character, and Bezos again, but as a small attempt of keeping with what he was doing in the first half of the movie. But most of the songs are so personal and deep in a way that was barely scraped in the ones in the first half (Look Who's Inside Again or 30, which are also in the middle, closer to the second half). This is not a fun and quick thing anymore, and i'm not only talking about the movie. The quarantine has been around long enough that Bo has had to spend his birthday stuck in his house alone. The panorama has changed completely.
The quick decline of his mental health and the signs of anxiety and depression are clear as day now, when before they were disguised between jokes and weird phrases. This is not a joke anymore. This is not two weeks at home and then everything is normal again.
He tried to hide behind skits and comedy, but even inside of his house, he can't do it anymore. Everybody knows.
Everybody knows
the world is not on my side this august