Decking The Halls With Magic And Shit
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Forest Dwelling

Forest Dwelling

Old bridge

Guests often stare into GYRO’s 12-inch screen of a face and say, “Okay, who’s in there?”
The robot’s honest answer is “Nobody.”
Disney should do more heart-breaking sci-fi like this.
Photo via disneyparks.go; text via Disney News (Fall, 1985)

At this point, it has to be asked:

are any of the rabbit villagers/campers actually rabbits?!

reath design

(via fixer-upper-season-five-episode-10-the-Copp-house-.jpg (700×1050))

Malaga | cam_myy

Peachy - Pink

Yosemite falls towering above the trees | ( by Dylan Kato )
you are in a dark ally and this is chasing you

what do

The thugs killing uncle Ben after like the fifth Spiderman reboot:

me at age 12 trying to figure out how to clear the browser history on the family computer after searching “shirtless boys” on google images

Scuttles into a pet store with no money

a younger traveling noble Julian back when his only worries were music exams; this look draws more on Italian Renaissance / Venetian Carnival inspirations as compared to his simpler, more worn-out modern-day getup

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