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More Posts from Txmbstone
Hanahaki disease with the Cowboys. That’s it. That’s the title
That Johnny Ringo part 🤭😉
Hi there. Will you write what Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo are like when they get jealous 🤷♀️🤗

Oh my gosh you have no idea how excited this request made me 😂 (ignore this is hella late life has been kicking my ass lately) i also got carried away with Johnny’s but that’s alright
Curly Bill
If you thought this man would stay silent about the matter you are sorely mistaken
The moment he sees any one else catching your attention he is immediately heading over
He doesn’t really have a plan he just knows the outcomes can range from embarrassing the hell out of the poor sod trying to get your attention to a house fire to actual murder (seriously get him a little doped up on opium and he is out for fucking blood)
He just strolls on over, looking like he doesn’t have a care in the world, thumbs tucked in his sash and his spurs clicking with his every step
Gives you that big bright smile full of teeth and eyes glimmering with violence
And just plants one right on your lips. No hello, no warning, just a big ole smack on the lips so hard you literally stumble back a moment and he’s got his arm around your waist to pull you in even closer to him
“Sorry I took so long, doll. Got a little caught up in private affairs.” He croons, ignoring the man entirely, pretending he doesn’t even exist. (He knows the men in this town, he knows that they crave attention more than anything, and he finds it absolutely rewarding to watch their faces deflate when they see you’re taken.)
He’ll keep his hands on you until the man clears his throat, catching both of yours attention, and that’s when the game begins
Brocius is an asshole about it. Unlike Johnny, he uses his words, and will catch the attention of every Cowboy within shouting distance to stake his claim. “Looks like you’ve got something that belongs to me, thank you for keeping them occupied while I tended to business,” his hand travels to the butt of his gun, playing with the hammer in warning
He nearly cackles when the man’s face loses a few shades of color, stuttering over apologies as Brocius leads you away
Johnny Ringo
I hate to admit it but he doesn’t really show his jealousy but lemme explain
Johnny is so secure in himself and your relationship he knows — deep down he knows that you would never try something. You both are so incredibly attuned with each other and your trust knows no bounds
That doesn’t mean that little green dragon doesn’t flare up every now and then
He likes that you both have your own independence (so he can hide the awful things he’s done from you and all your ‘golden glory’ as he calls it) but there’s also a small part of him that wants you all to himself. He wants you so carnally there are days he physically has to stay away from you or else the thoughts in his head are going to push him over the edge just at the sight of you smiling at him
So when this ravenous man sees you talking to some dressed up gentleman at the bar while you went to get a drink he’s immediately going balls to the wall
He won’t show it, but when you give the gentleman a polite smile and make your way back over to him, that’s when he ups the ante
And this man is absolutely sinful
Just as you’re about to sit in your chair next to him, he’ll grab you by your waist and plant you firmly in his lap. And right in view of everyone — and especially Mister Soon-to-be-six-feet-under — plant a hickey right on your neck while his free hand makes work of remapping its way around your body. He presses you so close into his body you can feel the outline of his bullets on his bandoliers through your thick clothing, and try not to look the gentlemen in the eye as Johnny practically manhandles you in plain view
It’s fun for you, to know that you can still rile up the infamous Johnny Ringo, and enjoy the sudden attention even when the man leaves
“That was mean, Johnny,” you tell, taking a sip from his glass
You notice he pays specific attention to your throat as you swallow, not even trying to hide the immense pride he gets at seeing the bruise starting to form. “He’ll get over it.”
hey all! we are back with another little thing to help kick me out of this writer’s block. we’ve decided to do a little prompt list with characters we write for (or haven’t written for yet that we may be open to writing for)
all lists will be posted here in the future so you can find them better
we ask that you abide by our regular rules we have posted on this blog first and foremost
may request up to 3 prompts per ask
we’re really here to have fun so if you want to include certain details in your request, go for it!
✩∶゚・. — too scared to fall and too ruined to let it end *.☽ .*
Hi lovely!!!
Can you write a head cannon about how Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo behave when they're jealous seeing the reader flirt with another man. 🙏

Oh my gosh when I tell you I got so excited for this. I hope this isn’t too much like the other one I did previously but there might be some carry over
Curly Bill
He is livid. Absolutely fuming. He hated watching these sad excuses for Cowboys come up and try to win your affection over a drink or a few pretty words, but when you choose to do it? Oooo you’re in for it.
You both had gotten into a fight. It was a silly fight, really, but his pride and your stubbornness refused to let the sleeping dog lie. You couldn’t even remember what the fight was about (a product of the liquor you both consumed that night having a massive part to play in that) but Brocius was refusing to even utter a simple ‘hello’ to you
Alright, two can play at that game
You decide to pick yourself up off the floor and get dressed in your best. If he was going to be furious with you, you were going to make sure you damn well earned it
It started with ignoring him completely as you left camp, letting McMasters help you onto your horse (you knew Brocius liked to reserve that task only for himself, all to his testament that he would be the only gentleman you needed to turn to)
You knew he’d follow you into town sooner or later — he could never stay away from the night life for long, so you made for the saloon you both preferred to frequent
The night is still young, ladies and gentlemen just starting to fill the saloon, and you blatantly ignore the red sashes that filter through the black and gray suits
“More champagne?” The tycoon whose name you’ve already forgotten offers with a smile, chuckling as you raise your glass to him. He was charming, you had to admit. He had something warm in his eyes, but they never compared to the fire that burned in Brocius’s, that spark so devilish you had no choice but to follow in sin
Suddenly you feel a hand on your waist, nearly yanking you out of your chair into the embrace of a warm figure
Your hands find purchase in a familiar red tunic, and you glance up to see the man of the hour himself, looking positively red and furious. (You never knew Brocius could turn such a shade, no matter what attitude you threw his way you’d never seen him even change color)
You take a quick glance between the two men, immediately clocking the tension in the air, and fueled by the stupidity and pettiness of alcohol, you decide to make it worse
You slither out of Brocius's grip, and saddle up right next to the tycoon, a smile on your face all the while. "Good evening, Curly Bill. I see you've met my latest friend. He and I were just discussing the latest improvements to the Oriental. Care to join us?”
His features turn sour (if such a thing was possible, he was looking positively green mere moments ago) tongue rolling over his cheek, and you know you’ve got a long night ahead of you
Johnny Ringo
If you thought Brocius was bad Johnny is a god damn nightmare
Don’t even get me started on the lengths this man would go to when establishing that you belong to him and no one else — even when the two of you weren’t even courting
Johnny always had a watchful eye, even more so when it came to watching you. Even before the both of you began courting, you’d catch him staring in crowded saloons or high up in the boxes of the Bird Cage Theater.
You didn’t mind it. You’d knew about the infamous Johnny Ringo, heard the legends his name carried, saw the way he carried himself. Always on the hunt for something. Head always on a swivel. You wanted to know the mystery behind the man, what life had been conjured up behind those dark eyes of his.
You finally had the chance to meet him one night at the Oriental, chatting with your friends at the bar when he walks past. He locks eyes with yours and instantly your entranced by the quiet outlaw
To save face, you flash him the smallest of smiles (to be polite, you remember telling a friend) and turn back to the giggling mess your friends have turned into
You don’t watch him leave, but you feel a set of eyes on you all night, even as Mayor Behan introduces himself to your little group with that charming smile of his and wicked sense of humor. He offers your group the finest of wines and champagnes, and while your friend indulge themselves in the Mayor’s money, you prefer to keep an eye on the man you can’t stop thinking about
You notice he likes to watch, too. He’s tucked away in his own little dim corner of the bar, puffing at a cigar as he plays a hand of poker with other Cowboys. Every now and then his cigar lights up his features under the brim of his hat, and his gaze is always set to you. Waiting. (You’re not sure what for; you’ve always loved to play Cat and Mouse, and if he was willing to look at you like you’re dripping sin just for him, you were going to made sure he worked for it)
And just like that, a little match sparks an idea
You turn away from the Outlaw entirely, leaning in closer to Behan as he spins a tale about rescuing a poor kitten out of a tree. A few friends of his arrive too, joining your little group as they vouch for him. You hit it off with one of them right away. Cole, his name is, and he makes you laugh nearly as hard as your brothers did when you were kids. He’s a nice little distraction from the Outlaw lurking in the corner — and a perfect motivator.
You never expected your little game to end so soon
Just as Cole reaches for another glass of wine to pour you, a quarter leaps between the both of you, recoiling in shock as a gray outfit squishes between the small space Cole had once filled
You’re completely surprised to see Johnny Ringo, looking as deadly as the Grim Reaper and oozing sin. He orders a shot of whiskey, eyes set directly on you, before adding another glass of champagne to his order. “That is your weapon of choice tonight, am I correct?”
Your cheeks burn with the question. You expected this game to last a little longer, if you were playing a game at all. He seemed to skip all of the pieces on the board and went straight for your king.
It takes you a moment to recover yourself, but Cole is quicker, interjecting until Ringo’s fingers fly to his holsters.
“Best leave us alone, or it’s your body they’ll be parading down these streets in the morning.”
“I don’t remember asking for a white knight in shining armor to come to my rescue, Mister Ringo.” You say, watching Cole storm out of the bar, ears burning red and face a little pale.
He leans in close, invading your space with the presence of him, tipping his hat just so it’s the two of you. “You didn’t. I’m not the knight you read in fantasy books.”
“No?” You tease, hand over your heart in faked shock. “Then what character will you play in mine?”
“The dragon.”
[ i am so sorry y’all this feels so rushed AND ITS SO LATE. life has been kicking me in the butt lately and i so desperately wanted to get this out sooner but my brain pan is currently on fire and there’s no fire extinguisher in the kitchen. let me know if you want to see more! ]
status: semi-active requests are open ! last updated: june 6, 2024
current projects:
howdy ! i’m mads (i also go by ringo on this platform) and i run this little corner here for the cowboys of tombstone (though it might not be just limited to the cowboys) ! i am from the always sunny state of arizona and i would throw down for johnny ringo. if you have any questions for anything i write for/may write for or are interested in, please don’t hesitate to send in an ask !
things to know:
anyone can follow this blog, i usually try to keep things relatively tame on here (writing 🌶️ material isn’t really my forte but i’m no stranger to challenges)
i will tag any nsfw content with ‘nsfw’
this being said, minors, you need to be careful with how you interact with my content. if any work says ‘nsfw’ it is not intended for you or any other mature content i decide to post
i ask that y’all please refrain from trauma dumping in my posts. my friend and i have been the subject of those a few times and it was just too overwhelming for the fun i am trying to create. that being said, i want to write for everyone and will not be writing posts about self harm, eating disorders, sexual assaults, and non-con, as these can be triggering for other readers and myself
i will not always be on time with requests. i do have a full time job and i am looking to go into firefighting at the same time. i will try to get to them as soon as i can, but this account is for fun and that’s what i want to achieve here
i do run two other sister blogs ! if you’re into creepypasta, i have a blog you can pop over to (this is usually run by my good friend salem). this is usually centered around 2012-2015 era of creepypasta since that is the one we are most familiar with. i also run an all-fandoms type blog where we both post anime, shows, bands (i’m diving into sleep token), movies, and books
if reading on tumblr isn’t your thing, most (if not all) of these will be cross-posted on my ao3. i will also have spotify playlists up for characters/series eventually as well !
spotify // ao3