“Bengals first and then I don’t care 🎀” - Joe Burrow Fic writer 18+
1858 posts
You don’t tell me what i should do… and I will keep supporting and I am a fan…. Like I said before just because he did something wrong or done something wrong.. doesn’t mean I will stop supporting .. bc him cheating on his girlfriend has nothing to with me supporting him. I don’t care.. if I wanted to stop supporting him ,he would/will have to give me a BIG REASON for me to stop supporting him…
Now leave me alone and let me go by my day and you enjoy the rest of your day and this we be LAST TIME I will answer an anon question
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This shows very much that yall don’t like to hear the truth…
I have no reason to lie for and yall saying the screenshots are fake when they are not i have meany other friends and ppl who saw the same thing i saw …. Yall are just being in denial and won’t except the fact he cheated and that they are not together…. Case closed but if I ask where the picture of Olivia having a big rock on her hand and there’s no proof bc ik yall been waiting for that… and there’s no proof of that.. put since i got little proof that he cheated yall gonna get mad and in denial 
Joe spotted 👀

Anyone with common sense knows that Joe and Olivia are not a couple anymore. Still, no one posts TikTok videos claiming that Joe has been cheating. And if he was, it's nobody's business. That's a private matter. Would have expected more from a fan. And that’s why people are angry with you.
Ik anon .. it bc I’m the only with very little proof that they broke up and that he cheated on her.. but it what ever they believe and if they choose to not to believe me and call me a liar and say my screen shot is fake then that’s on them .(it’s bc they’re in denial) … and your right its no body business
And this is the last time I will answer an anonymous question unless it’s something about a fic.. I’m tired of this bs