multifandom - 22 (minors dni) - I write sometimes

449 posts

Please Write More For Osferth! Your Last Fic Was Amazing!!!

Please write more for Osferth! Your last fic was amazing!!!

Aw, thank you so much, I really appreciate that!!!💕 and don't worry, I have a couple ideas I'm trying to figure out how to write at the moment.

I've realized, for me, soft boysℱ are hard to work with more than others for some reason😂 Words don't word properly with sweethearts

  • nolongereviliwantlove
    nolongereviliwantlove liked this · 2 years ago

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𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐱𝐭𝐡𝐹𝐼𝐭 𝐋𝐹𝐯𝐞 - Steven Grant

this has been sitting in my drafts for months, but i finally got the motivation to finish it lmao. Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate! Gobble gobble bitches🩃

Warnings: mentions of The Blip, implied PTSD, a slight sprinkle of angst, and fluff. that's it, I think

word count | 4.3KđŸ€™đŸ»

 - Steven Grant

You never took the bus. In all your years of living in London, you had only ridden the bus a handful of times. You usually ride your bike most places, especially to work. Eco friendly, your friend called it, not that you really cared. But it just so happens, that your bike was stolen. So, your hand was forced.

You worked at a bookstore, and you liked it well enough. After being Blipped for five years, your parents decided to give you their store, they were getting old and couldn’t take care of it as much as they could before; plus, they thought it would make you happy and get your mind off being dusted out of existence for so long. And it did, to a certain extent. You were happy surrounded by books, but all the years you missed out on was still nagging at the back of your mind. Your therapist said it would get better with time. But other than the feeling that something horrific could happen at any given moment constantly plaguing your mind, you were content with life; but there was one thing still missing.

You weren’t the best at dating, never had been. Every time you thought you found “the one” or just a genuinely good person, they’d come with a serious hamartia that they were hiding, one that you usually would find out a good couple months into a relationship. But then again, you were also very picky as your parents would say, but you just had standards. You’d think living in such a big city would give you a few good options at least. But alas, you were probably doomed to live the rest of your life in solitude.

You didn’t really notice at first, often stuck in your own little world, but you finally realized that you saw the same man on your bus almost every day on your way to work. It wasn’t that big of a deal, if only he wasn’t so handsome. You never considered yourself to be much of a shallow person, knowing that personality is what really counts, but you couldn’t help yourself to gawk when this man wasn’t looking. Maybe it was his shy and disheveled demeanor that intrigued you, or maybe it was that you were being so utterly vain that his strong jawline and dark brown eyes awakened some primal force within you that drew you to him. But considering how horrid you are at making the first move, you’d never know.

Your silly little crush didn’t go away. It didn’t help that your bookstore was right across the street from the museum he worked at. You felt like a stalker, knowing where he worked and eventually learning his name when he forgot to take his name tag off one night. Steven. It suited him. You thought about visiting the museum once, but that would definitely be stalkerish behavior, but anyone was allowed into museums, right? It wouldn’t be weird if he were to visit your bookshop. Then again, if some dude were staring at you every time you got onto the bus and suddenly paid a visit, you would probably call 999. 

Yeah, you decided against it.

It wasn’t until one early morning that forced you to confront this crush. Steven entered the bus with dark circles under his eyes, more pronounced than usual. He looked like he could’ve fallen over any given moment, he looked like he hadn’t slept in ages. You tried not to tense up when he took a seat next to you, your heart threatening to beat out of your chest. You prayed you could act like a normal human being until the bus ride was over. But then, almost half way to work, he did something you never would’ve expected. He leaned his head on your shoulder.

Your eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets. It only took a couple seconds to realize that he didn’t do it on purpose, poor thing fell asleep and his head naturally lolled to the side, where your shoulder just so happened to be. You had no idea what to do. Do you wake him up? He’s just a stranger, this is weird and he definitely should not be doing this. But he looked so peaceful, and he did look like he had gotten absolutely no sleep. But would he think it would be weird if he knew you just let him sleep on you? You hoped no one else could see how panicked you looked.

You felt your face heat up as you ultimately decided to let the exhausted man remain situated against your shoulder, the bus ride was almost over anyway. You felt your nails dig into your palms, trying to focus on anything but the warm feeling that radiated throughout your body. As the bus rolled to a stop, you gently nudged the sleeping man until he sat straight up with wide eyes, clearly disoriented. He looked at you in confusion before uttering a quick apology before he made his quick escape from the awkward situation. You didn’t blame him, but you did feel a little embarrassed yourself, even though you probably had no reason to be.

You thought about that bus ride all day, your brain fogged over and distracted from your work, the bells that sounded off any time someone would enter the store being the only reality check that would snap you back from your racing mind. A part of you just wanted to buy another bike, never take the bus ever again, but you knew you wouldn’t be able to afford it, not now at least. Maybe you could just walk all the miles back to your flat
in the dark
without the proper means to protect yourself
yeah, awkward situations were more appealing than the threat of getting jumped in an alleyway.

You hoped Steven wouldn’t be on the nightly bus ride home like he usually was, only occasionally he would work late, but that just wasn’t in the works for you. How lucky. Apparently it was a busy night, people coming and going, it was a Friday to be fair. But there were no empty seats as he boarded the bus, being the last person, only one was empty, one next to you. You felt like a regular old Mary Sue. And you could tell by his expression that he was panicked, clearly not forgetting what happened that morning.

You wore a tight lipped smile as he walked towards you, the bus suddenly moving jolting him a bit forwards with a stumble, but he quickly tried to brush it off with suave. “Uh, is this seat taken?” The man asked timidly, his hand slightly shaking as he pointed to the spot next to you.

Obviously not. “No, go ahead.” You smiled, more genuinely that time, feeling that familiar heat rise up to your face as he settled next to you.

“Cheers.” He nervously smiled back, hugging his satchel close to his chest.

You couldn’t help but smirk as you noticed his eyes already started to droop shut, the man wearing exhaustion like it was second nature. It also made you a little sad. “Hope you get some sleep tonight, maybe you won’t fall asleep on me again in the morning.” You chuckled, not being able to resist teasing him slightly.

“Oh, goodness.” The man cringed at himself, turning to face you with a guilty expression. “I’m so sorry about that, miss. I didn’t mean to-”

“It’s okay!” You cut him off with a giggle. “You don’t have to apologize, I get it. I’m not a morning person either. Sorry if me not waking you up right away was weird, I just didn’t have the heart to when you looked so tired.” If you weren’t blushing already, you most certainly were now.

“Ah, it’s not weird. I appreciate it actually. Your shoulder was very comfortable.”

“Jeez, how awful is your bed if you think this boney shoulder is anywhere close to being comfortable?” You laughed softly, a shy smile stretching across his face. “I’m Y/n, by the way. Thought you should know considering I already know yours.” You gently flicked the name tag that was still pinned to his jacket. “Nice to meet you, Steven.”

The next morning you were greeted with Steven’s smiling face, that nervousness behind it making it more endearing. You didn’t hesitate to take a seat next to him, feeling more confident now that you’ve actually had a conversation with the man. So far, he seemed sweet, shy but sweet. He definitely seemed worth your interest, you wanted to get to know him. Hopefully he felt the same.

“A gift shop-ist? I don’t think that’s a word.” You chuckled. “Why not just a salesperson?”

Steven shrugged. “Doesn’t sound that much more appealing, now, does it? Well, what do you do? Where do you work?”

“I own the bookstore right across the street from the museum. So, I guess that makes me a bookstore-ist.” You giggled at your own joke, Steven letting out a small amused snort making you feel better about it.

“Oh, a bookworm, are you?”

“Yeah, I guess. I’ve always liked reading. The store was my parents, but they passed the baton over to me. I like it.”

“Huh, I’ll have to check it out sometime.”

“And I’ll have to check out the museum. Don’t know much about Egyptian history, but maybe you’ll be my tour guide?”

“If my boss doesn’t get on my arse about it. Well, eh, it doesn't matter. I’ll be happy to take time out of my super busy schedule to teach you all about all the pharaohs and gods and anything else that won’t bore you to death.” He grinned.

“Well, with you teaching me I’m sure I’ll never get bored.” You were thankful the bus finally arrived, the somewhat intense eye contact the two of you shared was getting a bit much for you to handle. “Well, see you later!” You waved as you started to walk to your workplace, Steven replying with a cute little “laters gators.”

It didn’t take too long before you and Steven got close, well, you thought so anyway. The two of you would always sit or stand next to each other on the bus each morning and night. Sometimes, you’d even visit each other’s place of work. You learned each other’s coffee orders, so you’d sometimes surprise each other with coffee. The first time you did it, Steven wore the cutest flustered expression on his face. So far, you two were friendly. Just friendly. You knew you wanted more, you just didn’t know if he felt the same, or even how to bring it up. You’d been out of the game for so long you didn’t even think you remembered how to kiss a person. You didn’t want to embarrass yourself or get rejected, you didn’t know if you could handle that.

Talking to your sibling about it, they just told you to get over the stupid fear and just ask the man out. Of course, it was easy for them to say, they were more outgoing and fearless. For once, you wish you could’ve turned off your introvertedness and anxiety. You got good vibes from Steven, he seemed perfect. Too perfect. And your track record showed that perfect meant they were less than perfect. You were a bit of a pessimist, you hated that about yourself, but it’s probably what had saved you from one too many toxic relationships. On the surface, Steven looked like he’d never even hurt a fly. You wondered what was underneath that timid exterior. But maybe there wasn’t, only time would tell.

It was a cold dreary morning when your feelings started to spiral out of control. You seemed to wake up on the wrong side of the bed, feeling sour for no particular reason. Just one of those days, you supposed. You had trouble hiding your mood on your face, Steven seemed to notice it immediately as soon as you boarded the bus. He had asked you what was the matter, but you just brushed him off by saying the weather dampened your spirit. Later, he had brought you a hot cup of coffee on his break, saying that days like these needed some warmth, which in turn made you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. You encouraged him to look around, knowing that he enjoyed reading as well. It was hard to concentrate on working when he was walking about with an awestruck expression, gently running his fingers over the spines of the various books that lined the shelves. “Do you have any books about Egypt?” Steven called out from across the room.

“Yeah, some. On aisle 6, along with other history books.” You pointed out, smiling to yourself as Steven walked to the designated aisle with a skip in his step. He asked about a specific author, wondering if their new book was in stock, clearly anxious to read it. “No, sorry.” You frowned sympathetically after looking it up in inventory. “I can see if it’s available somewhere else?”

Steven shook his head. “That’s alright. Wouldn’t expect it to be anywhere, the author isn't very well known and there's probably not many copies out there. But thanks for looking.”

And that’s when you got the idea. You weren’t good with words, but you loved buying people gifts. When the holidays rolled around, you were an expert at gift giving, you pride yourself on it. Maybe you could express your feelings by buying him this book he wanted so much. It was a bit pricey, being scarce and all, but you could afford it and you wanted to see the smile on Steven’s face, if just for a moment. Before you could think about it any longer, you clicked the purchase button.

And oh man, was it a long anxious wait for the book to arrive. You had to order it from a different country, so obviously it was going to take a while. But you were impatient, and you counted the seconds until you heard the sweet shrill sound of your doorbell ringing, excitement bubbling up in your chest as you opened the door to find the package exactly where you expected to find it. You hoped Steven would be as happy as you were, and you didn’t even want the book for yourself.

You were disappointed when you didn’t see Steven on the bus the next morning. He probably just slept in again. You were so anxious to give the book to him, but then you didn’t see him all day, which was unusual. He usually paid you a visit at least once on his break. Then another day went by
then another. A whole week passed and you started to get worried. He wouldn’t answer your texts or calls, you even went to his work to ask for him but he hadn’t been in. You never pegged him as someone who would just up and disappear. But then again, how could you know that? You were practically just coffee buddies. Guess you got the book for nothing

It was another week before Steven started showing up again, but you made a point not to even make eye contact with him, not even when he greeted you warmly as he sat next to you like nothing ever happened. From the corner of your eye, you could see his downcast and confused expression and you almost took pity on him. Almost. You probably should’ve seen it coming, there was always some fatal flaw about most people, your blinding crush on Steven made you forget. It was probably for the best, you only would’ve gotten hurt. Terrible timing though, you were at a point where you really needed a friend to talk to.

That constant feeling that something bad was going to happen at any given moment was proved correct. Thankfully, it wasn’t half the universe getting blipped out of existence, but it was almost just as mysterious and frightening. One night, the sky completely changed. It looked like a Van Goph painting, but instead of it making you feel a sense of peace and comfort like viewing the painting normally did, it terrified you. Seeing the sky warp out of focus, it brought on some severe panic attacks. What did this mean? What was happening and what consequences would it have on the world? It plagued your mind. But even after getting Blipped, you never really talked about it with anyone, not even your family. You just kept all these feelings bottled inside, not wanting to burden anyone with your problems. With every new supernatural phenomena, you felt all these feelings begging to come to the surface. You couldn’t have that, you had responsibilities. But with Steven...he seemed like the type of person that you could actually talk to, if it weren’t for him ghosting you. You’d just have to keep it all inside a bit longer.

Stepping off the bus without a word to Steven made you feel hollow, cold without the coffee he usually would bring you as you both make jokes and bitched about the morning weather typically being foggy and/or rainy. It was one of those mornings, and it just made you feel worse. It was also a slow day, barely anyone coming into your store which was unusual, especially on a rainy day. You felt sluggish, not interacting with anyone made you feel like a lifeless zombie. You just wanted a customer, just one. But as soon as Steven walked in, you immediately regretted that sentiment.

You could instantly sense Steven’s nervousness as he walked up to your counter, hands fidgeting with one another and keeping his gaze fixed anywhere but you. “Hiya.” He spoke softly, an unconvincing smile on his lips.

“How can I help you today, sir?” Your bluntness made him blink in shock, obviously not expecting you to be so cold. You were being petty and you hated it, but you couldn’t help yourself. It was an annoying habit to be passive aggressive, and seeing the deepening frown on Steven’s face just made you feel worse.

He sighed. “Look, I-” He stuttered, “I know you’re probably wondering why I disappeared. And I know you might be upset-”

“Might?” You scoffed, biting your lip, trying not to let your emotions get the better of you. “We talked every day, Steven. And then all of a sudden, you’re gone. Without a word or reason why. So, yeah, sorry if I can’t help being a bit upset.” You chuckled bitterly, sighing sadly when you saw him shrinking away from your words. “And
I was worried. I thought that, I guess that I’d never see you again.”

“You were really worried? About me?”

“I mean, yeah. You’re, like, my only friend.” You blushed.

“Oh, wow, really?” He chuckled in disbelief.


“Nothing, it’s just
man, you could do so much better than me. I’m just this ball of anxiety. I don’t know how being friends with someone like me could be very nice.”

You frowned, saddened by his lack of self confidence. “Come on, Steven. Don’t be so hard on yourself. But you did seriously worry me. Where did you go? What even happened?” Steven looked up at you with wide eyes, fidgeting with the ends of his jacket. He looked like he was having a conversation with himself, his gaze becoming blank and unfocused, then looking back at you like he had forgotten you were even standing there. It didn’t make you hopeful that you were going to get an answer, and the realization made you deflate with a sigh. “You’re not gonna tell me.” You stated.

Steven gave you a sympathetic frown, his eyes already pleading for forgiveness without having to say anything. “I would, truly, I would. But I’m sorry, I can’t. It’s

You shook your head, trying to ignore your throat tightening and your already stinging eyes. You wore a tight lipped smile, taking a deep breath and meeting his gaze once more. “You don’t have to apologize. You don’t owe me anything, it’s not like you’re my boyfriend or anything.” You chuckled bitterly, quietly excusing yourself to the bathroom before Steven had a chance to say anything else.

You hated crying, for any reason; and you especially didn’t like crying because of someone else, it wasn’t worth it. But you couldn’t stop the tears from flowing as soon as you closed and locked the door to the store’s bathroom. You covered your mouth to muffle the inevitably whimpers and squeaks that escaped your lips. You prayed that Steven couldn’t hear you, if he was even still in the store. Probably not, you felt like you must’ve scared him off. But to your surprise, you froze in place when you saw him still at your register. You quickly noticed the item in his hands and your heart felt like it was going to implode.

Neatly wrapped in Egyptian themed wrapping paper, a sandy white texture decorated with gold hieroglyphics with a simple post-it note on top that read ‘Steven’, the book that you went through hell to get for the man but never ended up giving to him. A desperate attempt to get him to realize your growing feelings for him. The gesture felt silly now, you certainly felt silly as Steven looked at you expectantly. “Sorry, it’s just
it had my name on it.” He explained with a slight stutter. You cursed yourself for not just leaving it at home where it would be safe from prying eyes. Maybe you should’ve chosen a more subtle paper so that it wouldn’t stand out as much as the gold. “I didn’t want to open it without your permission.” Ever the gentleman, huh?

Despite not being in the friendliest mood and still recovering from your quick cry in the bathroom, you shrugged and motioned for him to go ahead and open it. If only he hadn’t found it, then you could’ve just given it away or something and never have to think about it again. That would’ve been easier.

You waited with bated breath as Steven gently unwrapped the gift, careful not to tear the paper too much, as if it cost more than seven pounds. You almost didn’t want to look at him as the actual book started to peek through, the title flashing in white bold font smack dab in the center of the cover. It was only when the wrapping paper was completely off did you steal a glance at Steven’s face.

Your heart pounded as Steven's face immediately lit up with pure happiness, a wide grin spreading across his face and his bright eyes glancing back and forth between you and the book. "It's the book I wanted..." He said in disbelief. "You...bought this for me?" He stuttered.

You shrugged. "Yeah, who else would it be for? There's no one else I know obsessed with Egyptian history."

"You didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to."

There was a deafening silence for a moment where Steven just looked at you with an expression you could only describe as awe, like you just hung the moon and stars and how lucky he must've been to be in your presence. But of course, your insecurities told you that wasn't the case, it would never be that case.

"Thank you..." He whispered, so softly you had to strain to hear it. "This means a lot to me, really. I'll pay you back."

"No." You said immediately. "No, Steven. It was a gift. I didn't get this for you and expected anything in return."

Steven sighed, placing the book down gently on the counter, taking a step closer to you. "Look, I-...I'm not good at not being my awkward self, especially in front of such a beautiful person. I never wanted you to be angry with me. I have a lot of secrets, and I know that doesn't sound like the type of person you'd want to spend your time with. But if you let me...I'd love to take you out. And maybe we could get close enough where I can tell you all those secrets. But I understand if you never wanna talk to me again..."

You were blushing fiercely, your cheeks heating up you could practically feel your blood boiling just beneath your skin. You never expected Steven to be so bold, even though it didn't exactly sound that bold with his stuttering and slight waver in his voice. But it flustered you all the same. You rarely ever met someone and wanted to know all their secrets, but he made it sound so alluring. Tantalizing, like learning more and more about him was some incredible journey you had the opportunity to venture on. Him disappearing for a while and not telling you why was one thing, but you could sense another red flag in that speech of his somewhere. But the way he was looking at you, his pleading eyes, those big brown enchanting eyes that you wanted to get lost in. You didn't have the heart to say anything but yes.

"You really want to go out with me?" You voiced almost breathlessly.

Steven smiled wide. "Of course I do, darling. Since the first time we had a conversation, you made me feel like I could have something in my life other than chaos. You make me feel at peace."

You chuckled bashfully, practically putty in his hands already. "How chaotic could the life of a gift shop-ist be?"

"Go out on a date with me and I'll tell you. What do you say?"

"Yes." You smiled. "I say yes."

 - Steven Grant

jeez, finally took a break from posting only smut lmao. i miss steven, my baby boyđŸ„ș

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đ€đŸđ­đžđ«đŠđšđ­đĄ - Paddy x Augustin

i'm on that paddy/augustin bullshit and i HAD to write a little fic about them. ugh, i can't with these two. and like, the show should've shown us what happened after Augustin got back like?!?!? a missed opportunityđŸ’…đŸ»

Warnings: spoilers for episode 6 of S.A.S.!!!, angst, and hurt/comfort my belovedđŸ„°

word count | 0.9k (short n' sweet)đŸ€™đŸ»

 - Paddy X Augustin

Augustin was exhausted, drained, hopeless

He thought he knew his men, he really did. Paddy kept saying that his German ally would turn on him, and he ended up being right. Though, it wasn’t Essner like he thought it would be. 

It took them all by surprise, a very deadly surprise. He was surprised he even made it out unscathed, nothing but a couple light burn marks on his back. It was only the adrenaline that got him out of that enemy camp. It was hard to be thankful when all his men, people he had known since the war even started, all were dead. 

Survivor’s guilt already weighed heavy on the Frenchman’s shoulders.

He already dreaded what would happen when he got back to camp, alone and unsuccessful in the mission. How would everyone react? How would Paddy react? Maybe he’d kill him right on the spot. He wouldn't put it past him, knowing how quick he was to anger. If that twisted roulette game he played just to prove a point was any indication, Augustin was probably in for a world of hurt. But at this point, it was hard to care what would happen to himself now.

By the time he made it back to camp, Augustin was dehydrated, his muscles were throbbing in pain, his lips bloody from how chapped they got in the desert sun, skin blistered from the coarse sand and sunburnt; he was in a bad way. He heard shouts from his comrades before falling to the desert floor, his vision going dark.

When Augustin finally regained consciousness, he jolted upright with a fearful expression before he heard soft shushes from beside him, a firm but reassuring hand on his shoulder. He tried not to look so surprised when he saw it was Paddy that was sitting at his bedside, looking over him in subtle concern. “Took quite a tumble out there, Frenchie.” Paddy spoke in his familiar Irish accent, sitting back in his chair.

Augustin would’ve rolled his eyes at the nickname if it weren’t for his splitting headache he had coming on, his mouth was so dry, discomfort written all over his face. Paddy seemed to instantly take notice as he handed him a glass of water, the Frenchman immediately taking big gulps, letting out a loud exhale of relief as he felt the lukewarm liquid travel down his throat pleasantly. “How long have I been asleep?” Augustin asked hesitantly, almost too afraid to know the answer.

“Just half a day. Lads took care of ya real quick after you made it back, gettin’ ya out of the sun, tending to your burns.”

Augustin nodded in acknowledgement, awkwardly taking a few more sips from his glass, his body feeling way too stiff and uncomfortable, from the burns and the Irishman’s intense gaze on him.

“So, ya gonna tell me what happened?” Paddy gave him an expectant look, almost smug, like he knew what already had taken place. He wasn’t being subtle with the way he was just longing to utter the words I told you so. He had made his concerns quite clear, and Augustin felt like a fool to not take his words seriously before it was too late.

Augustin sighed heavily, pushing his glasses up higher on his face. “It wasn’t Essner

Paddy nodded, the corner of his lips quirking up into a smirk. “Tweedle Deutsche. He was my second choice.”

Augustin growled in frustration, glaring at the Irishman with disdain. “Must you make a joke about everything? My men died!”

“It’s not my fault you didn’t take my advice. I told you-”

“Don’t!” Augustin yelled, throwing his empty water glass across the tent, making Paddy’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise, the glass shatter echoing throughout the area. “Don’t
” Augustin’s voice dropped to a whisper, angry tears welling up in his eyes and threatening to spill over, doing exactly that only when his hid his face in his hands, an embarrassed blush spreading across his face and neck when he couldn’t keep himself from letting out soft sobs and his hands only doing so much to muffle them. “You were right, Paddy
You were right and I didn’t listen and now my men are dead
Maybe I should’ve died with them.” 

“Don’t say that.” Paddy quickly spoke, but Augustin only looked up from his hands when he felt his cot shift, seeing the Irishman take an awkward seat next to his legs, resting a hand on his knee in an attempt to be reassuring, but both men were acutely aware that reassurance wasn’t and would never be Paddy’s forte. “No
it wasn’t your fault. It was that Nazi rat’s fault for being a dirty traitor.” He spat, his accent becoming much thicker when he was angry.

Augustin couldn’t resist letting out a weak chuckle, wiping away some of his fallen tears. “I appreciate you trying to make me feel better, Paddy. But I know when I need to take responsibility for my actions.”

“Try not to dwell on it is all the advice I can give you, but I know how hard that is.” Paddy's gaze turned forlorn as he thought back to Eoin, knowing his actions back then was the reason he was dead. “Impossible, really
I am sorry about your men though. They were good men, despite being French.” Paddy joked, but his words held no malice as they normally did, a very good possibility it was for Augustin’s sake though he’d never admit it. “And for what it’s worth
I’m glad you made it out alive.”

Augustin grinned, his confidence returning, it only for a moment. “Aw, have you started to care about me, Paddy Mayne?”

“Oi, don’t push your luck, tadpole.”

 - Paddy X Augustin

i request more of them in the next season plz

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hi love, just wanted you to know that your "rocking the boat" fic is literally what's keeping tom's nation alive rn, some of my followers on tiktok confirmed this. we need you to write more if you're okay with it and you want to, please đŸ™đŸ»đŸ™đŸ»đŸ™đŸ» I'm literally begging you, whatever you want I'm sure you'll come up with smth good, we're desperate...

omg thank you so muchđŸ„ș💕💕💕, the idea that i'm keeping something alive is stressful lmao, like remembering to water a plant (which i'm awful at). But I appreciate it nonetheless! More people need to write about Tom for real, he's a precious little menace

I'm sure I'll write more for him eventually, it's just a matter of coming up with something and finding the motivation to actually write it out lmao

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The second circle of hell is my new obsession. Literally feeding us both Osferth content (baby monk needs some love) and giving us the delicious corruption kink and religious guiltđŸ˜©đŸ„”. Absolutely loved it 11/10! Absolutely brilliant

Lmao we love that good ol' religious guilt. I'm so glad you enjoyed it💕💕💕 I enjoyed writing it😉😂

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đˆđđ„đž 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 - Aemond Targaryen

hoe hoe hoe, heathens. merry Christmas to those who celebrate!!🎄 it's horny Santa here to gift y'all some very merry Christmas smut. for all those sinners who get too horny at the most inappropriate times, like Christmas lmao

Warnings: SMUT (MINORS DNI, and people who've been on the Santa's nice list), masturbation, mutual masturbation, praise kink, bit of dom/sub vibes (if you squint), scratching, verrrry fluffy

word count | 2.1kđŸ€™đŸ»

 - Aemond Targaryen

You were horny beyond belief. You felt like you were going to die if you didn’t have some sort of stimulation. Surely, you were going to be flooding beneath your nightgown if you got any more turned on. 

You wanted to be fucked and filled, you craved pleasure, pain, aches, everything. You craved Aemond, but Aemond wasn’t there.

It had been too long since you and your husband had sex, or seen each other. He had been gone for a few days, off with Vhagar on some mission for his mother. He wasn’t in any danger, but you still worried for him. And most of all, you missed how his cock filled and stretched you. You missed having him whisper sweet nothings in your ear as he bruised your cervix with how deeply he fucked you. You missed the ache in between your legs and how hoarse your voice was after he made you scream and yell in pleasure. 

Gods, you were hopeless.

It always came the strongest late at night. In you and Aemond’s shared bed, feeling his absence and his scent slowly disappearing. You often held onto his pillow, smelling the perfumed oils and products he always put in his lavish hair. You squeezed your thighs together, thrusting against nothing to try and get some friction, thinking about Aemond’s breath on your neck and his soft moans that always managed to give you goosebumps. You had always had difficulty getting yourself to climax by yourself, eventually your hand giving out from exertion and cramping, making your attempts to get to the peak futile. It was only Aemond who could get you there, and he knew that, always coming in with a smug smirk after being away from you for however many days knowing you were in agony without him there to help you. You were completely dependent on him to make you come. But tonight was just one of those nights when you had to do something about your aching desire.

You kicked off the covers of the bed, slowly lifting your shift until it reached just above your pelvis. You were so wet, only slightly running over your slit with your index finger once, holding it up to find it shimmering from the light of the fireplace. You laid your head back against your pillow, shutting your eyes and picturing Aemond’s face in your mind. You rubbed slow circles on your clit, gasping softly at the stimulation, imagining your husband smirking down at you and playfully chiding you for already being so sensitive. Even when he wasn’t with you physically, he still had you like putty in the palm of his hand. 

You moaned as you pushed two of your fingers inside of yourself, letting out a disappointed whine as your fingers weren’t nearly as thick and long as your husband’s cock was. It wasn’t enough, but you fucked yourself anyway, switching between teasing your entrance and your clit. “Fuck.” You whined, choosing to spend all your energy on your sensitive nub, for you knew that was the only possible way you could get off by yourself. 

“Aemond.” You gasped as a deep pang of pleasure shot through your core. Okay, so you were finally getting somewhere after several minutes of touching yourself. You finally had hope you could get yourself there for once. You kept delving deeper into your imagination, pretending it was Aemond touching you this way. It made you feel so much better picturing your husband, letting out a silent cry as you sped up the ministrations on your clit. Saying his name helped too, causing goosebumps to raise along your body. “Aemond
” You kept repeating.

“Yes, my darling?”

You let out a surprised yelp as your eyes shot open instantly, seeing your husband very much there at the end of your bed, smirking darkly with a glint in his eye. “You’re home? I didn’t hear you come in.” You stuttered, your face heating up like a furnace.

“I tried to enter as quietly as possible, I feared I’d wake you
but it seems you’re already wide awake, behaving like a bitch in heat no less.” The teasing comment only made you throb, biting the inside of your lip to keep yourself from moaning. “Missed me that much, hmm?”

You hummed in agreement, the noise coming out desperate and whiny. “You have no idea.”

Aemond took a seat at the edge of the bed, one leg propped up on the mattress and the other dangling over the side. He took off his eyepatch, the light from the fireplace making the sapphire gem sparkle. He laid his eye on you, scanning over your body until coming back to look at your needy expression. “Well, my darling, don’t let me interrupt you.”

don’t you want to help me out?” You giggled nervously, wincing as your body thrummed for attention, your skin hot to the touch.

“Why would I do that when you’ve put on such a pretty show for me?”

“But you know I can rarely make myself
ya know, without your help. I need you so bad, my prince.” You went to reach for his trousers but he quickly slapped your hand away.

“You’re going to try for me. Maybe if you make yourself come, I’ll fuck you as a reward. Sound good to you?” He smirked. You exhaled shakily, and continued to rub your clit. “Slowly.” He instructed, and you obeyed him diligently. “That’s a good girl.” The praise went straight to your clit. Maybe this would be easier than you thought it would be?

“Aemond.” You whined as he rubbed his hand up and down your thigh, getting so close to where you were touching yourself but never quite reaching it.

“Shh, it’s okay. I’m right here.” Yeah, and he wasn’t doing anything. Only then did you see he was starting to palm himself through his trousers, a very prominent bulge stressing against the fabric. You watched unwaveringly as he pulled his cock out of his pants, hearing him groan softly as he slowly pumped himself while watching you as well. “You’re not the only one who missed you, you know? I never stopped thinking about you on that tedious mission. My cock got so hard just thinking about you like this. Touching yourself, missing me, wishing I was here to fuck you so hard you’d keep the whole palace up with your screams.”

“Yes, Aemond, please.” You begged, speeding up your hand movements (with his permission) along with his, your pleasure getting more intense as your husband watched you. “Gods, I’ve wanted you so bad.”

“Fuck.” Aemond growled, briefly throwing his head back in pleasure. “Keep wanting me a little bit longer for me, okay? I want to watch you come undone on your fingers.” You keened as he grabbed one of your breasts, squeezing roughly, the feeling of his skin on yours electrifying. “Gods, you’re so beautiful. How lucky am I to be able to call you mine?”

“My husband
my beautiful husband.” You smiled, biting your lip as you writhed on the bed.

Aemond’s cock twitched in his hand as he watched you intently, focusing on the way your fingers moved against yourself, coating the digits in your slick to make the feeling even more pleasurable. He ran his hand up from your breast to your collarbone, up your neck and prodded at your lips until you opened them for him. He moaned in approval as you sucked on his long fingers, pulling them back out and using your saliva to rub circles on your nipples, your back arching slightly as your sensitivity was dialed up to eleven.

Aemond smirked as he saw your telltale signs that you were close to your climax, your breathing erratic and your moans coming out more strained and high pitched. “My pretty girl, are you going to come for me?” He asked as he pinched your nipples roughly, eliciting a cry from your lips.

“Yes, my love.” You panted, trying your best to force your eyes open to keep them trained on his face, the visage making your pleasure all the more intense. “Please, please
” You whispered, willing your hand to keep up its movements and for your orgasm to overtake you. Aemond ran his hand all over you, gripping whenever he could while still touching himself, his soft moans filling your ears and making your whole body feel weightless. You almost let out a sob as you were right there, right at that precipice. “Can I come, my prince?” You begged, your free hand holding onto Aemond’s tightly.

“Yes, come for me, my pretty girl."

“Aemond!” You cried as your orgasm finally washed over you, your whole body tensing and contracting as the waves of euphoria slammed down and knocked the breath out of you, your legs spasming around your drenched fingers.

“Gevie.” Aemond whispered soothingly, caressing your face as you came down from your high, placing feather light kisses to your hand that was still holding his.

“I want you to finish inside me, my prince.” You spoke breathlessly, still trying to catch your breath. “I need you, my love. I need to feel you.”

Aemond hummed, planting a kiss on your lips. “Who would I be to deny my lovely wife, who’s always so obedient to her husband?”

You gasped as Aemond turned you on your side facing him, situating himself on his side as well, pulling your hips forwards until you could feel his cock gently rub at your slit. He held your leg up as he slowly pushed himself inside you, both of you moaning in unison. Finally, the desire to be filled was achieved, so much better than your fingers. Aemond’s cock always stretched you just the right way, never failing to rub against that sweet spot that made you shudder and your toes curl. He had never had you in this position before, it felt almost as intimate as it did when he was on top of you. You both cuddled into each other, keeping eye contact as you gently rocked together, wrapping your legs against his waist to keep him as close as possible.

“I missed you, Aemond.” You whispered, cupping his jaw and placing a kiss on the tip of his nose, watching as his eye closed contently with a small smile.

“As I you, my love.” His breath hitched as you clenched around him, a soft purr escaping his lips as he involuntarily bucked against you. “If it were up to me, I’d have you like this all day and all night. You’d never leave my bed.”

“I think I’d quite enjoy that.” You giggled, your eyebrows then furrowing and your mouth opening in a silent cry as Aemond rutted against you rougher, his grip on your hips surely leaving bruises with how tight his hold on you was. “All I need is you. You’re all I ever need or want. No one makes me feel the way you make me feel.”

Aemond growled as he flipped you on your back, pinning you to the bed as he fucked you fast and hard, his primal urges taking over as you spoke your loving words. “Gods, I love you.” He moaned, burying his face in your neck as his cock bruised your cervix, hitting the ends of you over and over until you were sobbing.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, don’t stop!” You cried, digging your nails into his back, hearing him hiss as you created angry red marks that would remain there for a while, not that he would mind. He loved getting marked by you, it reminded him that he was yours and you were his, the way it always should be.

Aemond moaned loudly, his cock twitching inside you as his thrusts became more wild and erratic, feeling his teeth dig into the sensitive skin of your neck. “You feel so good, pretty girl. Do you want my cum, love?”

“Yes, I want it. I need it, my beautiful prince. Give it to me.” You begged, pulling him as close to you as humanly possible. Aemond let out a low, rumbly groan as he stilled inside you, painting your velvety walls with his thick cum, thrusting it deeper and deeper inside you, not pulling out even when he was entirely spent.

After a minute of catching his breath, Aemond carefully turned the both of you on your side like you both had been previously, keeping his cock inside you and wrapping his arms around you, a content smile on his face. “I apologize for making you wait so long.” He spoke softly, kissing the top of your head.

You leaned up to kiss the underside of his jaw, burying your head in his toned chest. “It was worth it.” You chuckled, letting out a satisfied sigh, closing your eyes and breathing Aemond in. “Just keep holding me like this.”

“I wouldn’t dream of ever letting you go, my love.”

 - Aemond Targaryen

sorry this was a bit short, i've been so very busy this holiday season as most are i'd assume. i'm exhausted lmao

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