unanchored-ship - Manuel Gomez Pedraza Stan
Manuel Gomez Pedraza Stan

Silly history and science addicted artistShe/her but I really don't care | Ace forever!!!If ya don't like, don't stick around!

789 posts

33 For Ur Berry HCs :0?

33 for ur Berry HCs :0?

How does my twink greet someone he doesn't like? Hmm that depends on how much he dislikes them ig. For small annoyances (like the detestable kids in yo class or whatever) he can easily greet them with kindness. If they have mildly crossed him in the past he may be more stiff when greeting them. If they're just horrible people who have nothing to do with him he may appear a lil disgusted when interacting with them. If they've done something really bad that has affected him (Monterey for example) he aint gonna hide shit. Angry stare. Agitated demeanor (its not rlly threatening lmao i mean this is berry). He's too nice to be REALLY mean back lmao. He just firmly tells them he doesn't want anything to do with them. Okay but if they have really traumatized him (Buckingham 2/Duke of Grafton for example since they duels killed his family) then he is gonna run away and do his best to avoid them and then sob in his room for the next 24 hours. And die if they get within 3 feet of him.

Idk it really varies but most of the time he does his best to hide his vexation (sometimes that makes him cry)

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11 months ago

1, 3, 6, 10, and 12 for ur silicon :>

silly we go

1. What lie does my Silicon say the most often? I don't think she lies guys she always says what's on her mind... I guess she sometimes sarcastically goes "Oh i PROMISE im nooot gonna hurt you" but she makes it sooo obvious that she is so uh yeah

3. How often do they show their genuine emotions? Uh, all the time. It's all chaos in there she's literally just insane lol I haven't made a backstory yet but there's puzzle pieces in the making :v

6. What's their favorite thing that they've never recommended to anyone before? Hmmm her fav thing is obviously destruction but she HAS recommended it to others. So I'd say digging a hole as deep as she can in sand? This is something she just finds fun lmao. She likes playing with sand in general, kind of like a child, and never does it with malicious intent. That hole ain't meant to trap anyone she just does it.

10. I like murder. I kill >:D destruction is amazing!!!!!!!!! uwu

12. Okay well destruction in general makes her laugh but if you want something really specific it's when Copper shrieks and squeaks when getting zapped. She would probably laugh a lot too if Gallium screamed but Gal refuses to cry when hurt. Gal just kinda has a placid smile on at all times...

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11 months ago


my silly would

crush hazard so hard

and shock warning goes crazy

Please Keep Work Place Safety In Mind At All Times
Please Keep Work Place Safety In Mind At All Times
Please Keep Work Place Safety In Mind At All Times
Please Keep Work Place Safety In Mind At All Times
Please Keep Work Place Safety In Mind At All Times

Please keep work place safety in mind at all times

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11 months ago


your first column of emojis describes your personality! what’s yours?

Your First Column Of Emojis Describes Your Personality! Whats Yours?

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11 months ago

OkAy so I have read some more and errr here is what i found:

-no shrewsmary. berry literally has more chemistry with anne

-Ms. Lundy actually exists. This book states she and berry were just friends and not lovers like Plaidy did


-his depression moves with his health. but sometimes even in good health he cri

-Matthew Smith exists, except there is no mention of Monterey and I think Weyman did that for Richard Price plot convenience

-berry can be a little bitch sometimes and not be a depressed twink

-mourned williams death more than his moms

-he and his uncle are the best anyways

-hes the one who fell for hida. like its just so cute stOP-


In Nicholson//Tuberville Shrewsbury goes from bratty young boi dissing his uncle to depressed twink blind-in-one-eye so fast. Maybe that's just the pacing since we can't fill in every single day of his life but wow he TWINKIFIED SO QUICKLY I think it's his eye. The eye infection did this to him. They don't specify what it was so im going to assume it was (microbial keratitis) conjunctivitis because that thang takes out yo eye and is common and i get to headcanon what i want. for some reason its specifically chlamydial conjunctivitis. no ask. anyways that probably rrRREEEEALLLY scared him i mean imagine nearly losing your sight (painfully too) back when they had barely any helpful things for the blind god fucking damn. maybe the social stigma too...

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11 months ago
Lablings In Order Of Appearance: Helium, Ultraviolet, Quarks, Boron

lablings in order of appearance: helium, ultraviolet, Quarks, boron

helium uses she/they, UV uses she/her, Quarks uses They/Them (capitalized cuz They are the labling's version of God), and boron uses he/him

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