Knock Knock Knocking On Hooty's Door
Knock Knock Knocking on Hooty's Door
Two years ago today we were blessed with Boiling Isles world building about demons, the beginning of King discovering he is a Titan, Eda coming to terms with her curse, Harpy Eda, Lumity canon, Hooty's Lumity tunnel of love, adorable Lumity, the Hooty smirk, Hooty solving everyone's problems, Hooty proving, yet again, his amazing skills and values to The Owl House as a show and family. Seriously this episode is amazing and perfect in every way.
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So Much Potential
Seriously the epilogue shows us a Wild Magic University run by Eda freaking Clawthorn. Give me amazing school stories, give me an entire course list with syllabus, my Harry Potter a** will eat that up. Give me magical dorms. Give me cool teachers and how glyphs could be used to accomplish magic. Give me the sweet sweet worldbuilding I desire. Anyway I just thought it was neat.
Hooty Does His Yearly Tax Returns.

An episode of The Owl House where Hooty does taxes. It sounds weird, and it probably only makes sense because it’s late but darn I think this could work. It could do some world building, have fun comedy, maybe even drama depending on Hooty’s fiscal choices, and would for sure be an all timer. Reblog any funny ideas related to Hooty’s financials and plot ideas surrounding it, if you want to obviously.
Yes you should protect Hooty at all costs, not because more Hooty’s is a bad thing. But we’ve seen how territorial Hooty can be in that art short, so it’s probably best to avoid the infighting.

To get the train going, I’m gonna assume that Hooty wrote off some of the Tunnel of Love supplies as a business expense, (sorry there’s no way he had all that stuff lying around). His job is being a safe, and happy home for his inhabitants. And if one of them is going through some emotional turmoil, he’s gotta make a Tunnel of Love to fix it or he is not doing his job properly. Meaning he should get a reduction on any expenses required for that tunnel.
Title Idea: Hooty Money, Hoot problems.
Hooty Does His Yearly Tax Returns.

An episode of The Owl House where Hooty does taxes. It sounds weird, and it probably only makes sense because it’s late but darn I think this could work. It could do some world building, have fun comedy, maybe even drama depending on Hooty’s fiscal choices, and would for sure be an all timer. Reblog any funny ideas related to Hooty’s financials and plot ideas surrounding it, if you want to obviously.
A life without Buford is no life at all.
people my age who didn't grow up watching phineas and ferb are beyond me. you don't like fun? joy? british people? whimsy little boys with strangely shaped heads building weird machines? you never listened to award winning banger ain't got rhythm? you never got to experience the life-changing nature of squirrels in my pants? you're telling me the sheer existence of vanessa doofenshmirtz wasn't some kind of awakening for little you? you don't know about the giant floating baby head? the fireside girls? the ooca? the mustache aliens? the excitement and tension of awaiting the one line ferb is inevitably gonna drop by the end of the episode? whatever the platypus and the pharmacist got going on? you don't know who buford is?