discord: milesmedraloza ● i do fanarts (you can suggest some) to gather members for my cult- readers for my future comic. i sign my anon asks by a star. ● I am a teenager with little to zero grasp on my money. Please do not flood my inbox with fund requests, I literally cannot help. ● PROSHIPPERS/DARK COMSHIPPERS DNI! no, seriously tho. don't interact. ●
167 posts
MTP Died And Soon Is There To Take The Job. Say Hi !

MTP died and Soon is there to take the job. Say hi !

Pfp+ some doodles
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More Posts from Unknowntalesbymiles
Gosh i'm late for Morpheus' birthday !!
POV it's b-day of Morpheus. So you want to tell him
POV: C'est l'anniversaire de Morphée. Du coup tu décidé de lui lui dire

Morphée sans 02/02
Live in "Monarquetale"
he is King Gaster's valet.
His best friend is called Sleep and he appreciates his flowey very much (even if his last is a first-class hustler)
He live in Victorian centery
He is very punctual and friendly but does not let himself be pushed around and is hot-blooded. However even under rage he will keep an appropriate language.
Morphée sans 02/02
Vit a "Monarquetale"
Il est le Vallet du roi Gaster
Son meilleur ami est sleep et il apprécie son flowey (même si c'est un arnaqueur de première)
Il vit au siècle victorien
Il est très ponctuel et amical mais il ne se laisse pas faire et a le sang chaud. Cependant il gardera un langage approprié quelque soit la situation

Reblog if your blog is a safe space for these identities: agender, demiboy, demigirl, genderfluid, non-binary, and transgender!
Moooh cute !! Thank you friend !!
Is that Cerbere??
^w^ don't Say that, you're talented too !!
(Fun fact for those who'll read it, the little paper means Mila The Ant queen ^^ written in an alphabet i created for my alien sona )
Today is a big day ! Because it's the birthday of @soonthealien !
Happy birthday my friend:3
Aujourd'hui est un grand jour !Parce que c'est l'anniversaire de Soonthealien
Joyeux anniversaire mon amie :3

It's not super pretty (compared to your art) but I hope you'll enjoy it ^^
C'est pas super jolie (comparé a ton art) mais j'espère que ça te plaira^^
I was at school today and i drew this for you in German class !!

(i havent any gift im sorry ;∆; and i didn't have time for a meme)

the simple fact of wishing it to me makes me very happy!!thanks🥰❤

How the- How the fuck did you even KNOW i was there ?!!!
And stop the eye thing you're creepy as fuck-
Soon: °stalking HT Wiz° =>=

Are you sure about that?