https://ko-fi.com/unreone ♥︎ 🇵🇭 ♥︎ 21 ♥︎ She/They 🦖 local dinodemon blanchead 》 OC and AUs ASKS OPEN PLS ASK ME AAAAA《 🪄 HTF Pamaypay since 2009
665 posts
Oh Mi Gosh Shichi Simging!?!?,@?!
Oh mi gosh Shichi simging!?!?×,@?!
Was bored so have a glow in the dark cat singing the show
nana-beloved liked this · 2 years ago
lutsiklaara liked this · 2 years ago
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Retrieved from Google Scholar Site after searching the term Happy Tree Friends
I badly wanna read them but I can't really copy paste anything with my mobile device to translate these stuffs. Maybe y'all find it interesting enough to take a lookie.
I am still in shock up to this very moment.
I bare no explanations (my part is CREEP if any of yall is wonderin)

uhhh the fuckin uhhh
(ooc) Shifty ask/rpish blog ran by @kleptopopsicle Here are a few things to note + some rules - Mod is 14, muse is 28. You can call the mod Klepto or Jack. - Multishipper/Crackshipper. Open to ship stuff. (Shifty is bisexual (male lean) and polyamorous. No OC x canon though, please. Nothing against it, I just don’t know you guys’ OCs very well lmao) - Mod and muse use he/him and nothing else. - No NSFW, jokes are fine they’re funny asf lmao (Go too far with them and you’re blocked.) - Feel free to send more than one question at once. You can ask as a character or yourself. (OCs allowed.) - Some asks will simply be responded to with text and possibly just a screenshot of Shifty. Might doodle something to go along with them. - Note that I have school on weekdays. Try not to send too much stuff at once on those days. - Don’t expect super quick responses. I don’t check Tumblr very often. - Don’t ask Shifty anything related to the deaths that happen in HTF, the characters in my hc/AU don’t remember/know anything about that. - Posts with (ooc) at the start of them are written out of character. - Feel free to ask anything else you’d like to know.