I Kick Puppies Daily And No One Has Ever Taken My Phone To Post Something On Tumblr Under My Name. And
I kick puppies daily and no one has ever taken my phone to post something on Tumblr under my name. And I'm stupid for having auto capitalization on. On an unrelated note go look at @1000fingers 's art it's pretty neat
1000fingers liked this · 5 months ago
1000fingers reblogged this · 5 months ago
More Posts from Unsalted-thoughts
I’m Amira from Gaza🍉, and my campaign is on the verge of stopping. I have lost everything: my father, my home, my university, and my job. I urgently need your help by donating or sharing my story so it can reach the world💔🙏.
Thank you so much for your continued support💙.
Please do not ignore it! If you see this, share and donate if you can!
€23,595/€29,000 ‼️

Shameless bday month plug :3

paypal link
Hi im a poor native and while appreciative messages get me through the day and keep me coming back, my car insurance doesn't accept appreciation as payment :( I know, literally 1984.
So if I've said something recently that helped you please consider sending something our way (if it wouldn't harm you) or reblog this post
P.s: my bday is right before rent is due and it'd be real cool if bills were paid so we could afford to go to dinner or something 🙏
Blaseball tweets that are currently relevant (I only have the one):

me: hmm time to google something
google every time: can i PLEASE have your location PLEASE 🥺🥺🥺 I need to know where you live so BAD 😫😫😫😫 Where do you fucking from?????? 😩😩😩😩😩😩