Up and not Crying (mostly)21, confused with regards to gender and sexuality
164 posts
The Shark Ghost Is Chasing The Guy.And Gimme More Is Playing.Weirdly Sensual....
The shark ghost is chasing the guy. And Gimme More is playing. Weirdly sensual....
Weed gets better, I just need to be alone
Hellooo, dear Greats of de land of de tumblr!!
So, I'm a super introvert in university with hardly any friends. And I'm pretty nerdy and reserved. I'm friends with some girls. So, out of the blue, we had dinner together. And then they invited me to sm0ke w_e_e_d. And when I usually smoke weed, I'm still quiet and it feels like the weed didn't really work on me.
Anywhoo, today they had to leave kinda immediately after, I was high and alone. And, for the first time, I really enjoy weed.
I'm alone in my room, lights off, laptop on, screen split between this lovely website and Jaws 19 (2015), 720p, Russian with English Subs, with Boss Bitch playing in the background. Not to mention, me vibing so fucking hard, my head is bobbing like the chicken from Moana.
I love this!!
Weed is funnnnn
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More Posts from Untamellama
I agree
I agree
I agree
fuck professors that are so bitchyyy bout everything like who tf u tryna impress??
“Sometimes it is the smallest thing that saves us: the weather growing cold, a child’s smile, and a cup of excellent coffee.”
— Jonathan Carroll
that's not cliché
psssst... add that Florence + The Machine song to that playlist. Add that Hozier song. Add that Mitski song. Add that popular bop. Someone's art touched you to your core and relates to you, as it did with millions of other people
that's not cliché
that's the fucking human experience, gorgeous
the sheer creativity!