unusual-beans - your unusual bean
your unusual bean

20y/o and lost any relation to reality...oh, and I'm obsessed with too many fandoms

69 posts

As It Seems - One

As it Seems - One

Masterlist |  As it Seems Masterlist

Summary: The BAU is accustomed to change – different cases every day, agents coming and going, roles changing – so the addition of a new member, an Administrative Liaison, should be no different. But the moment you arrive, everything changes for the better (Hotch just doesn’t realize it at first)…

(A/N: And so it begins! As I mentioned in the preview, this Hotch series will feature dual POV, team dynamics, enemies(ish) to lovers, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, romance, smut, family fluff, and oh so much more. There’s a long road ahead with this story, so I hope you’ll stick with me – even through the slowest burn I’ve written so far. I’m so excited to share this journey with you!)


First days are always the same. Obviously the “first” is different every time – first day of school, first day living away from home, first day of a new job – but each one brings the same energy. There’s worry and hope combining into anticipation, there’s possibility and expectation creating excitement. 

You feel all that anticipation and excitement and a bit of determination as you walk into the F.B.I. Headquarters at Quantico. 

Quantico is different from the F.B.I. offices at the J. Edgar Hoover Building in downtown D.C. It’s farther away, for one thing, turning your five-minute commute into closer to a forty-five minute one. It was a strange switch, leaving the apartment before Jay. He was barely up and getting ready to go to the gym by the time you were out the door. It’s also strange to know you won’t see him until you’re home again this evening. After years of working in the same building, he was pretty resistant to the newfound daytime separation. 

“Don’t leave me, babe.” He pleaded as you prepped some vegetables for dinner. 

“We’re not breaking up, Jay. I’m just taking a new job.” 

“A new job away from me.” He argued, wrapping his arms around you from behind and pressing his face into your neck. “Who am I going to bother on my lunch break?”

“You can still bother me,” You reminded him, “Just over the phone instead of face to face.” 

He sighed. “I’ll miss you, babe.” 

You turned in his arms, wrapping your own around him in a hug. 

“I’ll miss you too,” You admitted. “But I need to do this.” 

Quantico is also larger than the Hoover building, spanning acres and acres in the middle of rural Virginia, complete with a fourteen-story building, sprawling training grounds for the academy, and a small airfield for private jets and helicopters to come and go. Still, you don’t find it as intimidating as the downtown headquarters. Granted, when you first entered the angular stone fortress that is the Hoover Building, you were just a college intern, young and wide-eyed, still thinking F.B.I. agents were just like the movies– cool and collected and capable. Now, you know better. F.B.I. agents are people just like anyone else, and they need help just like anyone else. 

That’s where you come in. 

Holding your box of photographs, pens, sticky notes, paper clips, and about ten pounds of case files that had been delivered to your apartment last night, you nod in thanks as an agent holds the door for you. Walking into the entry-level, there’s not much to see except a security desk and a window-lined corridor leading to a large elevator bank. 

A man, probably in his early-thirties, with a gray suit and a nervous disposition, approaches you from where he’d been waiting by the desk. 

“Ms. L/N?” 

“That’s me,” You smile. “But you can call me Y/N.” 

“Grant Anderson,” He says, holding out his hand, “I’m the inter-department coordinator for Section 4.” 

You shift your hold on the box, shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you, Agent Anderson.” 

“Grant is fine,” He says, “Or Anderson. Most people call me Anderson.” 

“It’s nice to meet you, Grant.” You smile. 

He smiles back, seeming a little surprised at your choice, but not unpleasantly so. 

“Well, Y/N,” He nods a few times, fumbling with his pockets, “You’ve been cleared and authorized…ah, here it is.” 

He pulls a laminated card out of his breast pocket, moving to hand it to your first, and then deciding to place it in your box. 

“This will give you access to everywhere you’ll need to go.” He explains, “I can take you up now, if you like?” 

“Yes, please.” 

Grant walks with you to the elevator, holding the door as you step inside and pushing the button for the eleventh floor. 

“You’re coming from downtown, right?” Grant asks, “The CCRS Branch?” 

“I was the administrative assistant to the Criminal Investigative Division for the last five years.” 

“Cool,” Grant nods, “You must have been brushing shoulders with the brass a lot.” 

“Not as much as you might think.” You say, “I prepped my department for meetings with the higher-ups, but I never met any of them personally. The directors like branch leaders to come to them, and assistants aren’t usually invited along.” 

“Oh, yeah, that makes sense.” Grant says quickly, seeming a little embarrassed. 

The elevator doors open with a ding, and you step out onto the eleventh floor. Grant walks you across the hallway to a set of tall, glass doors, holding one side open for you. You enter the bullpen, a wide space with high ceilings and a lot of desks and low cubicles. 

Grant leads you to an empty desk by a short set of steps leading to a raised walkway. “This is you.” 

You set the box down and turn more freely to look around the bullpen. The walkway next to you has two offices along the way and what looks like a large round conference room at the end. There are a few staffers moving in and out from the hallway, leaving paperwork and making copies and using the small kitchen at the back, but the bullpen is mostly empty. 

“So, um, that’s Agent Rossi’s office,” Grant points to the first door on the walkway, “And that’s Agent Hotchner’s. He’s the unit chief. Penelope Garcia, the technical analyst, is down the hall to the right. The rest of the team have desks in the bullpen since Agent Jareau became a profiler.” 

“Great,” You nod, committing each detail to memory. “Thanks, Grant.”

“The team will be here soon,” Grant says, “Agent Hotchner is usually here early too, but, you know, not quite this early.” 

Keep reading

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More Posts from Unusual-beans

3 years ago

writing prompts :)

generally for fem!reader x male!character but not exclusively

the vast vast majority of these prompts are my original ideas so if you use one, feel free to credit me (apart from the creepy list, which is credited. i’ve linked it but the prompts aren't numbered, so i’ve listed them on here with numbers) 🥺 of course, some of these are also very typical so i'm not trying to claim those as my own.


speech prompts

#1 “you look so pretty when you cry.”

#2 “you tryna make me a daddy?”

#3 “shit, i didn’t think you could cum from that.”

#4 “shh, it’s okay, go back to sleep. daddy just needs you right now.”

#5 “use me, sweetheart.”

#6 “if you carry on like that you’re gonna make me cum.”

#7 “fucking take it.”

#8 “what’s wrong baby? you need to cum? well that’s too bad.”

#9 “look at you, dressed like a whore for me.”

#10 “you’re mine. and i’ll make sure you don’t forget.”

#11 “taste so good, baby.”

#12 “be a good girl / boy and swallow.”

#13 "do you like it when i use you like this?"

#14 "you haven't gone cock dumb already, have you?"

#15 "i'm not on birth control."

#16 "i don't think you deserve to cum."

#17 "come sit on daddy's lap and take your punishment."

#18 "you need to use your words, love."

#19 "i think you've got one more in you."

#20 "i didn't know i could do that." "i did."

#21 "show me just how much you missed me."

#22 "lift that skirt up, baby."

#23 "show me exaclty where you want me."

#24 "are my fingers not enough for you?"

#25 "shit, i forgot just how tight you are."

#26 "we don't have long - hurry up and fuck me already."

#27 "you don't expect me to beg, do you?"

#28 "just a little longer, then you can cum. i promise."

#29 "you look so pretty like this."

#30 "i thought you wanted to be a good girl."

scenario prompts

#31 making them cum their pants.

#32 an innocent kiss turning into something not-so-innocent.

#33 giving them a lap dance.

#34 guiding and edging you through an orgasm.

#35 guiding and edging them through an orgasm.

#36 discovering that they enjoy being praised just as much as you.

#37 meeting them at a house party and sneaking off to fuck them in the bathroom.

#38 working at a strip club and someone (they) requests you personally - turns out they're your ex that you never got over.

#39 receiving a massage that quickly becomes more.

#40 giving a massage that quickly becomes more.

#41 them talking you through anal for the first time.

#42 you talking them through anal for the first time (pegging).

#43 playing with you in your sleep.

#44 receiving a facial.

#45 having an orgasm just from grinding on their leg / fingers / stomach etc.

#46 them walking in on you playing with yourself.

#47 realising you both want to have a baby and fucking at any chance you get.

#48 they buy you a jewelled butt plug and have you wear it in public.

#49 tying you up and having them and their friends take turns fucking you (consensual, or non, if you'd like - pls specify if you want non).

#50 being their collared pet.

dark / creepy (credit to @memeroundups for these!)

speech prompts

#51 “tell me what it’ll take…”

#52 “because you’re a fine piece of work yourself, huh?”

#53 “this little game is becoming boring, don’t you think?”

#54 “i’m not your lapdog.”

#55 “maybe i’m done being complacent…”

#56 “i’m… afraid.”

#57 “i’m running away and never coming back.”

#58 “i can’t keep this up, i can’t do this any longer-”

#59 “don’t even think about it.”

#60 “let go of me!”

#61 “you’re disgusting.”

#62 “you know you’ll end up crawling back.”

#63 “you can beg better than that.”

#64 “dare to bite the hand that feeds you?”

#65 “you can’t get rid of me that easily.”

#66 “it’s too late for regrets.”

#67 “just remember. your hands are hopelessly filthy.”

#68 “will you really try living life as a normal happy person? what a laugh.”

#69 “you’re really just a coward.”

#70 “i’ll never forgive you.”

#71 “i’ll do what you say, but know this. i’ll loathe every second of it.”

#72 “don’t feel bad. there was no chance for you to begin with.”

#73 “your words are charming but not sincere.”

#74 “i know what lies beneath that carefully placed mask of a pleasant smile, and it’s nothing short of broken.”

#75 “no one is going to save you. no one gives a damn about you.”

#76 “i love you… is what you wish for me to say, right? pity.”

#77 “your lies won’t work any longer.”

#78 “that was not a ‘suggestion’…”

#79 “you enjoy it, don’t you? the power you have over others.”

#80 “perhaps if you weren’t so stifling…”

#81 “i’ll say it now. i don’t trust you.”

#82 “i see myself in you.”

#83 “you’re becoming more like me every day.”

#84 “learn to discard these pesky emotions. you won’t need them.”

#85 “when you hold me, i know your gesture is superficial.”

#86 “i think your assurances that i’ll be unharmed were especially hilarious.”

#87 “don’t pry any further, you have no right.”

#88 “you’re terrible.”

#89 “i find myself breaking more each day.”

#90 “i’m just your puppet, right? i’ll play along.”

#91 “that hurts.”

#92 “i don’t believe you. though honestly, at this point I don’t care.”

#93 “go ahead and kill me.”

#94 “you act so high and mighty, but i’ll yank that pedestal out from under you.”

#95 “if only it were that simple. you’ll have to try harder.”

#96 "your little act of ‘independence’ is cute, it really is…"

#97 “just this once, i want to pretend. let me pretend I’m happy.“


speech prompts

#98 "i love you, idiot."

#99 "i never want to let you go."

#100 "you've got to be the most beautiful creature i've ever seen."

#101 "shut up and kiss me already."

#102 "would it be alright if i held your hand?"

#103 "can i be the little spoon this time?"

#103 "you look so beautiful carrying our child."

#104 "look! i got us matching rings / bracelets / necklaces."

#105 "can i hug you? i haven't seen you all day."

#106 "i can't believe i got so lucky."

#107 "i think i'm in love with you."

#108 "will you let me plait / brush / play with your hair?"

#109 "you smell nice."

#110 "let me do it for you, please?"

#111 "shh, go back to sleep. it's still dark out."

#112 "i'm a bit busy right now." "that's okay, i just want to be near you."

#113 "stop! i'm ticklish!"

#114 "my parents would / would've love/d you."

#115 "won't you stargaze with me?"

#116 "can i draw / paint you?"

scenario prompts

#117 comforting you after you wake up from a nightmare.

#118 comforting them after they wake up from a nightmare.

#119 kissing them for the first time.

#120 going on a first date with them.

#121 reassuring them that you love them when they start to get anxious.

#122 listening to them singing a lullaby to your baby when they think you can't hear them.

#123 going on a picnic.

#124 they propose to you.

#125 falling asleep in their arms.

#126 sharing their clothes.

#127 taking care of you after particularly rough sex.

#128 waking up to breakfast in bed.

#129 they remember something about you that you had no idea they knew.

#130 being on the phone with them late at night and falling asleep together.

#131 squishing their cheeks when you kiss them.

#132 them using your thighs / boobs / stomach / ass as a pillow.

#133 falling asleep spooning / cuddling for the first time.

#134 they buy clothes for you and don't think much of it, but the gesture makes you feel special.

#135 an innocent pillow fight.

#136 them describing the moment they realised they were in love with you.


speech prompts

#137 "i don't think i love you anymore."

#138 "i can't keep on doing this. i love you, but i can't"

#139 "don't you understand? we can never be together!"

#140 "you know this can't last forever."

#141 "isn't it better this way?"

#142 "you know i'd never do anything to hurt you."

#143 "are you bleeding?"

#144 "just shut up and listen to me."

#145 "talk to me, please."

#146 "why would you say something like that?"

#147 "i... i lost the baby."

#148 "don't call this number again."

#149 "i woke up and you weren't next to me."

#150 "i thought you'd never want to see me again."

#151 "you love them, don't you?"

scenario prompts

#152 them trying to move on after you pass away.

#153 they cheated on you with the person they told you 'not to worry about'.

#154 you cheated on them with the person you told them 'not to worry about'.

#155 every day they slowly fall out of love with you.

#156 trying to maintain a long-distance relationship.

#157 being in love with them while they're in love with someone else.

#158 they get jealous of you spending time with someone else.

#159 being in a marriage that just isn't working.

#160 they find it hard to apologise for things.

#161 supporting you through your pregnancy only to discover it isn't their baby.


speech prompts

#162 "can i take a selfie with you?"

#163 "are you drunk?"

#164 "you can't just put clingfilm over a plate so that you don't have to wash it after!" "why not?"

#165 "i thought you said you were a good cook?" "i have no memory of ever saying that."

#166 "i swear if you splash me one me time...!"

#167 "you know i'm old enough to be your dad / mum, right?"

#168 "i like your hair, did you get it done?"

#169 "did you make this? it's delicious."

#170 "of course i haven't carried on watching it, we're watching it together!"

#171 "i know you'd do the same for me."

scenario prompts

#172 leaving them at home and them having no idea how to work the washing machine.

#173 going food shopping with them.

#174 they take care of you when you're sick.

#175 sending your child to their first day of school.

#176 going to an animal shelter with them and ending up bringing a pet home with you.

#177 them insisting that if you get a pet that they don't want anything to do with it, but then they end up loving it almost more than you.

#178 going to watch a movie with them (platonically or romantically).

#179 meeting them for the first time in unfortunate circumstances.

#180 them being your bestfriend's older sibling.

#181 you being their best friend's younger sibling.

#182 make up your own!

Tags :
2 years ago

Kingsman Masterlist


Main Masterlist


Eggsy Unwin | “You’re kind of cute when you look like rudolph.”

Harry Hart | Imagine being in a relationship with Harry who is very protective and shows you up in front of the other agents Harry Hart | Imagine Harry’s amnesia making him forget you, his fiance Harry Hart | Imagine giving Harry Mr Pickle Jr Harry Hart | Imagine figuring out that Harry might have a thing for Elton John Harry Hart | Imagine being an RAF pilot called in for a job and Harry asking you out to dinner Harry Hart & Merlin | Imagine Harry and Merlin getting you a puppy because you aren’t a field agent, so didn’t get one in training Harry Hart | “Aw, look at my little elf.” Harry Hart | Imagine Harry trying to help you out of your amnesia

Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels | Imagine Whiskey freaking out when you get the blue rash Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels | Imagine flirting with Whiskey at Glastonbury Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels | “Yeah, uh, alcohol doesn’t go in hot chocolate.”

Merlin | Imagine having a love-hate relationship with Merlin Merlin | Imagine cuddling Merlin after a tough mission Merlin | Imagine turning up at Kingsman HQ when you’re believed to be dead Merlin | Imagine Merlin cuddling up to you for warmth on a cold mission Merlin | Imagine finding out Merlin’s real name at your wedding Merlin | Imagine discussing horror movies with Merlin Merlin | Imagine Merlin getting jealous over you Merlin | Imagine getting into a big fight with Merlin Merlin | Imagine Harry having to tell you that Merlin died Merlin | Imagine Eggsy trying to get you and Merlin together Merlin | Imagine getting drunk with Merlin and discussing conspiracy theories Merlin | “Aren’t you scared of setting the house on fire with all the lights?” Merlin | “We’re kind of tangled in lights.” Merlin | “Wait. We’re really doing Secret Santa?” Merlin | “It’s snowing!”

Tequila | “Why is there mistletoe everywhere?”

One Shots:

Merlin | A Different Kind of Man Merlin | An Accidental Confession


Eggsy Unwin | Having a crush on Eggsy would include

Harry Hart | Harry taking care of you when you’re sick would include

Merlin | Getting drunk with Merlin would include Merlin | Merlin taking care of you while you’re sick would include Merlin | Merlin falling asleep while watching a movie would include Merlin | Sharing a bed with Merlin would include Merlin | How Merlin reacts to you having a bad day

Roxy Morton | Dating Roxy would include Roxy Morton | Eggsy getting you and Roxy together would include

Tequila | Dating Tequila would include

3 years ago

Reblog if it’s okay to befriend you, ask questions, ask for advice, rant, vent, let something off your chest, or just have a nice chat.

3 years ago


Summary: Hotch jumps in front of a bullet for you. The pieces fall together.

Warnings: Mild violence, language, Spencer Reid being sweet, smut—fingering, PiV, praise kink, daddy kink (pretty mild). WC—+8.3k

A/N: And here we have it, another oneshot that reveals my desire for men twice my age. Sigh.


You told yourself it was a quirk—like Reid with his obsession with Dr. Who or Penelope with her love of steamy romance novels. You just loved a good high-stakes raid; sure, if it could be avoided you weren’t bothered, but if it was necessary—well, the rush of adrenaline during the preparation, the intense focus that settled over you when you climbed out of the SUV, you were a sucker for it all.

When you first joined the BAU it was the quickest way for you to prove yourself to your new teammates, impressing even Derek Morgan when you wrangled a man twice your size to the ground and had him in cuffs before your colleagues could assist. Once you had established trust with the team, you were able to fill your role more effectively as the expert on tracking and capturing suspects. Drawing up unique plans for each case once the person was identified and then working with your boss, Aaron Hotchner, to ensure they were organized and followed.

You had been in this role for just over two years now and the BAU was basically your family; Spencer was your best friend—you spent most of your social time outside of work with him, usually at his place or the bookstore nearby. You did girls’ nights with JJ, Emily and Penelope, some of which got so wonderfully out of hand that Spencer would pick you up, then tease you endlessly for the next few days as you suffered through a hangover. You liked training with Derek because he pushed you, made sure you worked your ass off whether it was for recertification or just a workout, and he had a calm way of talking about life, often giving you wise advice like whether you should invest in a condo as a rental unit (you did and it worked out amazingly), or if you should give in to JJ’s desire to set you up with a cop friend of Will’s.

That advice you...had not taken. He told you to go for it, that saying yes to a date one time didn’t mean you were obligated to do more than that even if the date went well. The problem was—and you’d never admit this to Derek—that you were already sort of head over heels for someone. The idea of going on a date when you just knew you’d be spending the entire time imagining, wishing it were, a different person across the table from you just didn’t feel right or fair.

So you’d told JJ no thank you. That had been over a year ago and you were in no different of a place in your life, still pining for a man you couldn’t have and whining about it over Ben and Jerry’s during movie nights at Spencer’s, the only person who knew your secret. He was such a good friend that he never stopped you from the inevitable venting that happened every month, usually after a case that had you working closely with the man in question for a few days too long. After being holed up together in a conference room planning and theorizing and then always, always pairing together in the field. You made it up to Spencer by making sure he was never interrupted while in the middle of a ramble unless he got too far off-topic.

Being in love with Aaron Hotchner was no way to live, yet you simply couldn’t help yourself. You didn’t care about the age gap, nor did you mind that he had a child; you adored Jack. But you knew that those would be barriers for Hotch, and you’d seen the last two women he’d dated. They were nearer to his age, soft and sweet and nothing like you at all. It didn’t matter that his relationships didn’t last long, you still gleaned enough information from their brief existence to understand that he wasn’t looking to date another agent, let alone his own, younger, subordinate.

When you had first started with the team, you had wondered if Hotch disliked you. You often found yourself going to Rossi; the warm veteran Profiler always had his door open for you and made sure your onboarding and first few months with the team were smooth and comfortable. It wasn’t that Hotch was rude or cold, it was more like he was wary of you—he would only make brief eye contact, take measured steps away if you happened to be standing near him, and a few times he’d seen the empty seat next to you on the jet and ended up spinning on the spot to take the lone seat at the rear of the cabin, then stand awkwardly if he needed to address the team at any point during the flight.

You tried not to read into it too much but made the mistake of mentioning it to Spencer one movie night. He’d nodded vigorously as you’d spoken and then agreed, saying he’d noticed the odd behaviour as well.

Things were like that until a case in Texas where you saved Hotch’s life.

You remembered that in the moment what you were doing didn’t feel very heroic or grand. It felt terrifying; you had breached a small cabin together on the back of a property where the rest of the team was turning over the main house after having arrested the main suspect. Hotch had gone in ahead of you, standard formation, and at first, it seemed routine and easy.

It was the ease that made the hairs on the back of your neck raise as a chill ran down your spine.

You credited spending so much time with Derek the weeks before learning about his expertise in explosives for how you were able to recognize something was off. You had halted in your tracks and told Hotch to stop and he’d glanced at you uncertainly, stilling nonetheless, and watched you as you stared around the sparse, open room. The spike in adrenaline running through you tipped you over the edge, engaged your fight or flight instincts. You think the only reason Hotch didn’t move or speak was due to the expression on your face, that he realized you were sensing something he wasn’t, and you were grateful for just how good of a profiler, a boss, that he was.

It had clicked as you heard the slow squeak of the cabin’s rickety door falling closed behind you—it had been easy to open, the hinges oiled, so why was it closing slowly and making noise? It was then that you had jumped backward, stopping the door and at the same time you had gripped the back of Hotch’s vest and tugged hard, screaming for him to retreat and he had listened, hurrying to follow you. He’d watched as you grabbed a log off the stack of firewood set just outside the cabin door, taking care to leave it propped opened and unmoving.

You had called for Morgan through the comms while rushing away from the cabin with Hotch. He was regarding you with an expression you never did understand. It was thanks to your quick thinking that you and Hotch weren’t blown to bits. The Bomb Squad had verified the door had been rigged to set off an explosion once it closed behind you.

After that day, that case, Hotch treated you differently. He was warmer, seemed to be more comfortable sitting nearer to you and holding conversations that went beyond the workplace. And in the field, you knew you’d earned his trust and he was arguably the most difficult person to win over; for good reason as he was the Unit Chief.

That trust in you had grown over these past two years working together. It had lead to a friendly relationship that went beyond the workplace, which did nothing to help with your feelings. It was usually a group setting; a party at Rossi’s or a birthday celebration at a nice restaurant. But Hotch would still spend a lot of time talking with you, always made a point of wishing you goodnight warmly when he inevitably ended up leaving first to get home to Jack. Sometimes you swore there was something else he wanted to say to you in those brief moments when he would give you a light hug, but he never did. You convinced yourself it was just your imagination.

And speaking of his son, you had met Jack more than a few times—in fact, Jack often texted you when he had a homework question that he knew his dad would pull his hair out trying to assist with (seriously, Hotch was no good with English or drama, it made you laugh), or once even to tell you he’d been broken up with (that had been a fun one to read to Hotch, who’d expressed that a fifth grader shouldn’t even have a girlfriend and you’d had to break to Hotch that kids grew up too fast for their own good). You were also the third emergency contact for Jack at his school and with any camps or sports he played, but that was because you had the lightest schedule of everyone else on the BAU team, being a homebody. That was all.

Hotch trusted you, with his life, with his sons' life—which was why you were so confused at this very moment.

The world was sideways because he had tackled you.

The unsub you had both been chasing had sprung out from behind a dumpster with a firearm neither of you was aware he’d carried pointed directly at your chest, screaming for you to halt. You were one of the quickest shots on the team, though, and considering his aim was right at your bullet-proof vest, you didn’t even flinch when you’d aimed and pulled the trigger.

Only, Hotch had jumped in front of you at the last possible moment. For one horrifying second, you thought you might shoot him but just managed to jerk the gun higher, the shot going over his outstretched arm; instead of blasting into the suspect's arm as you had intended, it pierced through his skull.

He hit the ground before you did.

Though you weren’t far behind, and fuck you were confused. One moment things were going what you would label ‘standard’ for this type of run or die suspect. Hotch had stopped next to you, joining you in telling the man to lower his weapon-and then all of the sudden he was grabbing you, twisting his body in front of yours. It was the impact to his vest that made you realize the suspect had gotten off a shot as well.

You slammed to the ground with Hotch’s full weight over you, heard him grunt in pain when your head cracked off the concrete because his hand was wrapped protectively around your head—the cracking sound was his hand, rather than your skull. Before you could do more than gasp in surprise, his weight sagged onto you and all the air left your lungs as Hotch crushed you unexpectedly.

You looked down in panic to see Hotch slumped, limp against you, his head on the front of your vest and eyes closed, the pain from the impact of the bullet on his vest having knocked him out cold. You whimpered as you struggled fruitlessly to move him, your mind reeling over what had just happened.

Hotch was a field pro, always calm and calculated and precise. He never fumbled, and yet here he had just taken a very big risk to block a shot aimed at you. You didn’t have the strength to lift him and one of your arms was trapped between your bodies, so you pulled in as much air as you could and reached for his face with your free hand, dropping your gun next to you.

“HOTCH! Jesus—fucking, Hotch wake up!” You screamed, patting his cheek desperately, relief beginning to build as you saw his eyes moving under the lids before they snapped open and you moaned aloud, “Oh god, Hotch are you okay?”

He groaned in pain before lifting his head and meeting your worried gaze with wide eyes, “S-shit, Happy, are you alright?” He gasped, surprising you further by using the nickname you’d been dubbed with by the team because you were always smiling, always quick to laugh. He never called you that in the field. The hand he had under your head curled into your hair as he gazed at you in panic mirroring your own.

You gawked up at him, his face just inches from your own, “Hotch, what the fuck—I’m fine, you just, just,” There was a hysterical note in your voice, “You jumped in front of me! What the hell were you thinking?”

You saw it in his eyes at that moment, his body tensing at your exclamation but his face revealing the surprise, the shock at his actions. Like he hadn’t been thinking at all, but rather reacting. A mixture of emotions crossed his face before he schooled his features to neutral, but you were too worked up to understand any of them. You saw enough, you read what he wasn’t saying out loud—that he’d reacted on instinct, without thought.

He grunted as he adjusted his body and you hoped he hadn’t broken a rib, before he lifted his weight off of you carefully so that he was on all fours above you, the hand cradling your head pulling gently to help you sit up. You were sucking big breaths into your now weightless lungs and came to rest on your elbows, glaring up at him. Hotch barked into his radio to call for the team, his eyes on you with a burning intensity that made your stomach turn over.

Once Morgan confirmed they were coming to your location, Hotch released his hold on your head and surveyed you as if seeking out injuries. “He—I thought he had aimed higher,” He supplied rather lamely, not meeting your eyes. You narrowed yours at him, your adrenaline still pumping, and out of nowhere, it hit you that he had been protecting you, that he was currently acting completely out of character because he was afraid.

Afraid you were going to put it all together.

It was all casual touches, mild flirtatious banter-coffees on your desk in the mornings working at Quantico or passed from his warm hand to yours in the mornings in the hotel lobby’s when on a case. And then every moment together over the last year began to replay in your mind in quick succession. Something about your expression must have given away how you were connecting the dots because he was watching you now like he was witnessing a car accident.

Just last month, you recalled, he had lost his temper on a bartender that had, not knowing you were FBI agents undercover, tried to cop a feel as you passed him in a hallway that led to the main dance floor of the club. Hotch had thrown him into the wall and growled at him not to touch you, before turning to you as the bartender scrambled away and gently touching your arm, his eyes softening as he asked if you were alright.

And back during early spring last year, when you were walking with a search party together on a missing woman case in Denver and tripped over a root in the dense brush. You had gasped and Hotch had caught you so quickly you remembered thinking he must have already been watching you, his hand grasping the back of your jacket and hauling you back up before you could hit the ground. He had brushed some locks of hair that had fallen forward over your shoulder before looking away quickly and setting off to continue searching.

And the most recent memory, just last month at Rossi’s annual Christmas party. You had been sitting with Spencer at the kitchen island, listening to your genius best friend as he rambled off facts about why Christmas trees became a thing when you saw from over his shoulder as Hotch slipped quietly out the doors to the patio area, alone. Something inside you had driven you to excuse yourself, jerking your head toward the windows you could see Hotch through, and Spencer had smirked knowingly before you walked away.

You slipped outside into the cool night and Hotch hadn’t seemed to even notice, his arms resting on the balcony railing as he gazed out into the dark, deep in thought. When you leaned your back against the railing to stand next to him, he’d started slightly before shooting you a little smirk you’d grown to adore. It was something he did only with you and every time it sent butterflies through your stomach.

“Hi, Happy,” He had looked away as he’d spoken, back out at the night sky.

You had smiled up at him, “You may need to dip into more of Garcia’s very alcoholic egg nog if you’re feeling short of Christmas spirit,” He had chuckled at that, a sound that shot heat through you and ensured you didn’t feel the chill in the air, “I only had one glass and I feel it.”

You’d been kidding, though it had been pretty strong. But the way Hotch had glanced back down at you, that brief flash of concern as he searched your face, it had surprised you. “Are you feeling alright?”

“That’s what I was going to ask you, actually.”

Hotch blinked a few times, then sighed, “I am,” His eyes were so warm, you remember thinking. “I just have trouble turning off my brain sometimes.” He’d admitted a little shyly, looking away again.

You’d reacted on instinct, your hand sliding across the railing to lay over his own comfortingly. You looked towards the windows, seeing your friends inside all laughing and cheerful, and ignored how Hotch had stiffened in surprise next to you—he could pull his hand away if he wanted to.

“You want me to help sneak you out?”

His hand turned over beneath yours, twisting to capture it in a soft hold, and you had tilted your head to peer up at him, those warm eyes gazing at you with a sudden intensity you couldn’t understand. “No, I don’t want to leave yet.”

Struggling to quell the sudden nerves within, you’d looked away before replying, “I can’t always quiet mine down either. And I have considerably less trauma in my life compared to you,” You tacked on the joke, relieved when he’d laughed fully, his deep baritone cutting through the air in a rush of joy that made your heart thud hard against your rib cage.

“You have, uh,” He broke off, still laughing, and his hand squeezed yours again, “A real way with words, honey.”

Honey. You had liked that.

At what point in the last year had you fully convinced yourself he could never feel anything toward you like you did for him? Because as you laid there on the concrete it seemed almost glaringly obvious how wrong you were. You had thought all of those moments, most little and some a bit more were just signs of a close friendship, respect for one another as both Agents and individuals. It made you work better together, you’d thought, until right now.

Before you could say anything or even think of what the hell to say to him, voices and heavy footfalls filled the alley. Hotch was looking to your team and had lifted himself completely away from you.

Spencer was the first to grab you and pull you to your feet, his features twisted in concern.

“You okay, Happy?” He asked, smoothing back your hair as his eyes roved over your body to assess the damage-or, lack thereof.

You nodded, giving him a tight smile, “I’m fine Spence. Had to take him out though, he had a gun.” You jerked your chin in the direction of the dead suspect—Emily and Derek were already standing over the man, while Rossi was helping Aaron to his feet, leading him toward the street to the paramedics for assessment.

Spencer hugged you, a rare thing for him to do, “We heard the shots, thought you—I’m so relieved you’re alright,” You smiled up at him reassuringly when he pulled back, “Let’s go see the medics.”

“Oh, no need,” You grumbled, giving him a look the silenced any argument he might have otherwise made. With a careful shrug, Spencer led you from the alley with a hand at your back. He made you sit on a nearby bench within the blocked-off area for the investigation.

“So,” Spencer began, taking a seat next to you and fixing those kind eyes on you, “What happened? You’re angry.”

He knew you too well, you thought, shrugging and glancing away so that he couldn’t read you. Your eyes landed on the ambulance; Hotch was being given a once over and you found him glaring hard at the ground as he sat silently for the paramedic. Rossi was sitting next to him with a knowing expression on his face.

The anger and confusion you were feeling intensified as you replayed everything that had just occurred. Your boss had just broken basic protocol to jump in front of a fucking bullet for you, shoved you hard to ensure he caught the hit and then went so far as to protect your head when you hit the ground.

You could have shot the suspect in the shoulder, but Hotch prioritized you the moment he saw the man's gun.

You’d always had such high regard for Aaron Hotchner, even before you developed feelings for the older man. He was a storm, a man who could as easily and swiftly shift from calm and cool to harsh and powerful depending on what the situation warranted in the field and it had always impressed you. Today, he had quite literally taken your breath away but at the cost of his safety and the suspect's capture.

You were stunned.

Spencer was silent next to you, no doubt understanding from where you were looking that you weren’t going to elaborate. He knew you preferred to speak about personal matters outside of work, and being the amazing friend that he was he didn’t pressure you. A comforting arm did land around your shoulders, which you leaned into gratefully.

You weren’t sure how long you were glaring over at Hotch, but eventually, the paramedic moved away and he glanced up, his eyes finding yours. For a brief moment, he merely stared at you, though his gaze tightened after a beat as if he were annoyed.

That did it.

Without a word to Spence, you abruptly shot off the bench and stormed across the sidewalk and onto the partially cordoned-off road. A flash of understanding crossed his face and he glanced over to Rossi, speaking something quietly to him. Rossi nodded before stepping away, leaving you alone with Hotch by the time you were standing right in front of him where he sat at the back of the ambulance.

He was so much taller than you that standing before him you were only given a slight advantage now, but you allowed the fact that you were looking down your nose at him to encourage you. “Seriously, what the hell were you thinking, Hotch?” You hissed, crossing your arms.

His expression still dark, Hotch met your gaze without faltering, “I reacted out of instinct, Agent—something that we’ve all done before. I prioritized your safety over that of the suspects.”

“You mean over your own safety, Hotch!” You stepped closer, your arms squeezing your torso so that you didn’t reach out and shake him, “We both know his shot wasn’t high. It would have hit my vest. It’s happened before, I can handle it.”

Hotch sighed, running a hand through his hair in a rare display of agitation, though his stern voice didn’t waver as he replied. “I know that you can handle it, Agent. Nonetheless, what’s done is done and I won’t apologize for—”

He broke off when you leaned down so that your face was directly in front of his, your voice coming out choked as your fury reached its peak. “Don’t call me agent, Aaron, not when we both know you aren’t being honest about what that was about.” You didn’t even care that he was your boss at that moment, just like he hadn’t been thinking of you just as one of his agents back in the alley.

You spun away then, your eyes pricking with tears you desperately blinked back. When you looked around, you saw Spencer standing by one of the SUV’s and you made your way over to him. When he saw you coming, his expression fell at the pinched look on your face and he surprised you by pulling you in for another hug when you reached him.

If you had looked back at Hotch, you would have seen the pained expression flicker across his face as he watched you go to Spencer for the comfort he wished so badly he could have given you. You would have seen the way his hands clenched, his jaw ticking as he held himself back from following you, a mixed look of longing and jealousy burning in his dark eyes.


It was a late departure from the airport that night, the team arriving at the jet well past midnight with heavy eyes, all unusually quiet. The fact that it was also a long flight made you want to cry—you could never sleep on the jet. You weren’t sure why exactly, it was as though you were cursed, you were incapable of falling asleep when on any kind of airplane. And you weren’t afraid to fly, quite the contrary you enjoyed it, even found the cabin of the BAU jet to be one of your favourite places. Regardless, as everyone else settled in with headphones or earplugs, reclining their seats, or in Spencer’s case stretching out on the couch to fall asleep, you sat alone at the back of the plane with your legs curled up on the seat, gazing out the window.

You had your headphones on, though they weren’t connected to your phone. You had gone through the motions when you first sat down, but then gazed at the Spotify app on your phone and went blank, unable to decide if you wanted to listen to music or a podcast, your brain too tired and distracted. You pocketed your phone without selecting anything, then rested your head on your hand against the wall and stared out the window.

You hadn’t even looked at Hotch since walking away from him earlier, though you think you felt his gaze on you at times as you’d wrapped up on the scene and later when you’d climbed out of the SUV to clear the security at the airport. You had determinedly avoided him as best you could, fearing what you’d see on his face if you did look. Anger, disappointment, or worse—nothing at all.

It was maybe an hour later, the cabin dark and silent, that you shifted in your seat and realized you needed to pee. You stood slowly, pulling off your headphones and dropping them onto the seat, and then slipped through to the bathroom. When you were standing at the sink washing your hands, you felt a fresh wave of exhaustion roll through you and closed your eyes, resting them as you dried your hands. You kept them closed as you took a moment to breathe and then opened the door.

When you stepped out into the small galley area that was the rear of the plane, divided by only a curtain from the cabin area, you walked directly into something solid and your eyes flew open in surprise. Hotch’s large hands grabbed your arms to steady you when you bounced off of his chest, releasing you just as quickly once he’d ensured you weren’t going to fall.

“Wha—” Your mouth snapped shut at the expression on his face; it was torn, as though he weren’t certain he should be standing so close to you, yet unable to move away. Your eyes flicked down, noting how dishevelled he looked at that moment—his tie gone, shirt partially unbuttoned, hair messy enough that you knew he was running his hands through it.

For a long minute, he didn’t speak, he just stared at you, yet the air around you felt suddenly thick with tension you couldn’t help but shift nervously, your lower lip drawing between your teeth.

Hotch’s eyes were on your lips before he glanced away from you entirely, his eyes closing as if he were attempting to draw strength or patience. Words failed you because you had no idea what he wanted, what he was doing back here. You thought he had been asleep like the others in the seat across from Rossi, that he had been happy to let you ignore him.

He took a deep breath, “We should talk.” He murmured, eyes on you again and you nodded, nervous under his intense gaze. “I need to apologize to you. What I did today...I realized in after that it was the first time in a while where we’ve been in such a close call like that, where one well-placed shot would—well,” He paused, his pinched brow and dark eyes saying what he couldn’t so much in words, “It’s not an excuse, for my behaviour. But I—I feel, protective, of you. It’s not professional, or fair, or a reflection of any distrust in your capabilities.”

Stunned as you were at his honesty, at how much he was sharing, you couldn’t help but frown, “Hotch, you scared the hell out of me,” You whispered, needing him to understand how worried you had been, “Do you think you’re the only one who doesn’t want to see someone they care about get hurt? Not to mention if there had been any witnesses, then you’d be getting in a lot of trouble for breaking protocol like that!” Unable to raise your voice, you punctuated your words by prodding his shoulder and shooting him your best glare.

He looked away, his eyes landing somewhere over your head as he seemed to consider your words. When he started to nod, his eyes fell back to meet yours and you finally saw a glimpse past that stern exterior, a brief window to his vulnerability and fear and...there was something there you didn’t understand, but it made your legs a little weaker.

“I shouldn’t—fuck,” Hotch crowded you then, quietly pushing you back into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him as he stood against you in the small, dimly lit space. Your breath caught in surprise when his hands suddenly came up to cup your cheeks gingerly, and you could see the colour rise from his neck as he struggled with himself, “I thought I could get past this. I—It’s inappropriate. It’s unfair to you, but I can’t seem to fight it anymore. Fight how I feel about—”

You felt all the air in your lungs evaporate as you realized what he was saying. With a burst of confidence you reached your hands up to take hold of Hotch by the front of his suit jacket, your voice a steady whisper as you breathed out, “I don’t want you to fight it anymore, Aaron,” He stiffened, pulling in a sharp breath as you sighed softly, “Please don’t fight it.”

And then you tilted your head, pushed up to your tiptoes, and captured his soft lips against yours in a passionate kiss.

You kept it light and brief, pulling back only slightly to meet his gaze after a minute. At first, he merely stood frozen before you, processing what had just happened. You were both keenly aware of the lines you’d both just crossed, at what was at stake, and you didn’t mind waiting for him. His eyebrows had risen high on his forehead as he gazed at you in wonder, and you had to resist the urge as you looked into his warm ochre eyes to tell him that he was beautiful.

When Hotch finally spoke, his voice shook more than you’d ever heard before, “Please know—you don’t have to pretend, I...this is so inappropriate of me and I promise you don’t have to even say—”

“Hotch,” You interjected, tugging him a little closer, “I feel the same, I really do.”

You turned your head to try and kiss along his jaw, only one of Hotch’s hands shot up and stopped you, gripping your chin, then pushing into your hair. You watched him take a steadying breath, your heart threatening to burst from your chest, and then he was everywhere—his lips on yours, his broad, muscular body pressing you into the sink counter, his other hand now trailing softly up your neck. It was almost frantic, and you matched his energy swiftly, each of you putting what you couldn’t say in words right now into the kiss.

Reaching up between your bodies, you slid your hands over his wide shoulders before pushing them into his short hair and pressing him harder against you, your tongues now dancing together as you each deepened the kiss. You were desperate for more, the heat in your belly settling low and you felt wetness pool between your thighs as Aaron Hotchner kissed the living hell out of you in the bathroom of the BAU jet.

You each pulled back at the same time, your bodies still tightly wound together, and gazed into each other’s eyes as you panted. You broke the silence first, giving a little laugh, “We sure picked the worst possible location to do this.”

Hotch chuckled, the smile that spread over his face so beautiful you felt your heart stutter in your chest. He brought the thumb of the hand on your chin to brush over your lips, “I’ve been wanting to do that for quite some time, honey,” His voice was low, the timbre of it sending heat through your veins, “I’m sorry I didn’t do it in a better location, though.” He added, laughing again.

“Don’t apologize, Hotch,” You murmured, smiling up at him, “This was perfect, I just...wish we could talk more somewhere comfortable.”

He nodded in understanding, then pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead, “We should go and get some sleep, and when we land I’ll take you for coffee anywhere you want to go and we can figure this out.”

You leaned back and gave him a sheepish smile, “Hotch I...I’ve never been able to sleep on airplanes. I might be dead on my feet by the time we land,” You admitted somewhat regretfully, “And if I’m honest, I’m a little too worked up right now to even try.” Hotch’s grip on you tightened slightly at your words, his eyes now searching your face with a mixture of curiosity and desire; the latter of which you were sure he recognized in your expression.

You saw him drink in the way you were now biting your lip, the not-so-subtle clenching of your thighs and the heat flaming your cheeks. “Hey now,” He murmured, his voice so husky you nearly whimpered, “Oh, I know just what you need, sweet little thing.”

You have to admit, you almost crumbled right on the spot at his words, the heat of them shooting straight to your throbbing core and you blinked up at him in surprise. Before you could say anything, Hotch pressed his lips to yours again, his tongue sliding over them hungrily. You immediately opened your mouth, allowing him to lick into you and moaning quietly at the sudden storm of intensity that was Hotch.

His hands dropped and gripped at your waist, thumbs sliding along the band of the leggings that you had changed into back at the station. You shuddered at the slight skin-to-skin and unconsciously rolled your hips. “Shit—Hotch!” You couldn’t help but mutter, the reality of Hotch touching you so much more arousing than you could have ever imagined.

He pulled back from you by only a whisper, “Is this okay? Do you want me to stop?” His warm eyes searched your face for any signs of discomfort.

“God, no!” You whimpered, and Hotch smirked at you in a way that made your insides turn to jelly before he was sliding his dominant hand below the waist of your leggings and seeking out where you needed him most.

He ghosted his fingers over the front of your panties, and you trembled in anticipation. His eyes were on your face, and you couldn’t look away from him even as he dipped below the cotton fabric and found the dripping mess that you were, though your face flushed in embarrassment.

Hotch grunted, “Is that all for me, pretty girl? Fuck,” He’d been teasing along your folds but now pressed up and expertly found your clit with his thumb at the same moment he sunk one finger inside of you. The low, desperate moan that ripped from your chest made him growl and he brought his free hand up to grip your jaw and kiss you firmly before pulling back to give you a mock-stern look, “Quiet. Stay nice and quiet for me and I’ll give you what you need, okay?”

You nodded eagerly, biting your lip, and his expression smoothed out before he started moving his fingers again. His thumb worked little circles over your clit, but it was his thick fingers that were making it hard to keep quiet. He pushed a second inside of you now, pumping them in and out and curling them in just the right way, so expertly that you were seeing spots in your vision before long.

“Oh, oh god, Hotch,” You whispered, slamming your hands against his chest and gripping at the fabric of his suit jacket, “S-so fucking good...”

“I know, pretty girl, you just need someone to take care of you,” He was still watching your face as he fucked you with his perfect fingers. You’d never been so turned on in your life, both never wanting him to stop and wishing you were somewhere more private. His voice wavered slightly when he spoke next, “I can’t believe this is happening, I never thought—”

“What?” You interjected softly, beaming at Hotch, “Was I really that good at hiding how I felt?”

His fingers were moving slowly now, dragging you along the edge as he surveyed you with surprise, “I thought...yes, you were very good.” He didn’t elaborate, and though you think he meant to say something more, you were too distracted by his touch to clarify his meaning. You would ask him about it during that coffee. You trembled and his eyes refocused, the pupils blowing back out, “Does this feel nice, pretty girl? You like being a good girl for me?”

Shit, he was fucking hot. His words were erotic and perfect and you had no idea you had such a praise kink but here you were, getting even wetter for him every time he spoke. You nodded, sucking in a sharp breath when he suddenly picked up the pace, thrusting his fingers in and curling them exquisitely. “Fuck, I’m so close already—”

Hotch pressed his body closer to yours, making a sound in his throat of approval, but when his hips had ground against you involuntarily, you felt the hard length of him at your waist and that was what did it for you. Knowing he was enjoying this as much as you were, that he was so turned on by you coming apart at his fingers, it sent you over the edge. You felt yourself clamp down around his fingers, your hands pushing at his chest as your eyes fluttered closed and you had to bite your lip hard to prevent yourself from crying out.

He didn’t make it easy for you, though; Hotch grunted when he realized you were coming, his voice in your ear low and wrecked, “That’s it, such a good girl for m-me. So fucking sexy,” His movements slowed but didn’t stop completely, drawing out your bliss unexpectedly and making you whine quietly. “Fuck—feel how hard I am for you. Do you feel what you do to me?”

His commanding voice was almost enough to shoot you right over the edge again. You barely managed to access enough of your brainpower to drop one hand to his pants, palming over his thick erection before gasping at not only how hard he was, but how long—Hotch was packing. Holy shit.

You leaned forward desperately, wrapping your hand behind his neck and drawing him down to kiss you again. It was messy and delicious; he tasted masculine, warm, like a fucking summer evening, and you could have stayed wrapped around him forever.

When he finally pulled back, you were both flushed and panting, the pink on Hotch’s cheeks beautiful enough to make you stare. He smiled nervously and relaxed his posture before slowly sliding his hand from within you. You watched as he raised his fingers, soaked in your essence, and gazed at them for a moment before looking you straight in the eye as he brought them to his mouth.

Your jaw dropped as he smirked at you like he just knew you’d never had a lover or partner do something so bold. You couldn’t tear your eyes away as he sucked his fingers clean, closing his eyes as if appreciating the taste. Your taste.

“Holy shit, Hotch,” You murmured when he lowered his hand. He chuckled, reaching behind you for a paper towel and wiping his hands dry before cupping your face gently.

“Do you feel okay? Was that alright?”

There was that concern again; it was never gone for long, and you were starting to feel like an idiot for not realizing how often, just how much Aaron Hotchner cared for you. You felt your pussy throb again from the expression on his face and you knew you couldn’t stand another minute without him inside of you. “More,” You reached forward, grabbing at his belt, “I need you, Aaron. I need you inside me, please.”

You started to unbuckle him, only his hands pushed yours away. You looked up, afraid you’d gone too far, only to find Hotch wide-eyed and...and feral. He looked fucking wrecked, like what you had just said was the single hottest thing he’d ever heard, and his hands only expertly worked at undoing his belt and working his fly down.

“Are-are you sure?” He gasped out, pausing as he moved to push his pants down. You answered him by shoving your leggings and panties down, kicking them away from your feet and nodding eagerly as you looked up at him.

You’d never been in such a passionate situation, where every touch and movement felt meaningful and right, and you had to work hard to keep yourself quiet. When Hotch pushed his pants down and stood up straight, his hard cock sprung up and you slapped your hand over your mouth to hold in your gasp. Fuck, was he even going to fit? You could feel the slick running down your thighs now, grateful he’d already made you cum once—nonetheless, it would be no easy feat to take all of that.

Hotch reached up over your head, grabbing a towel from the shelf and throwing it on the counter behind you before he stooped and lifted you gently, settling you on the edge. He stepped right up to you, your bodies pressed together, his thick, long erection hot on your thigh. He then looked at you closely, “This is about more than sex for me. I have feelings for you, pretty girl, this isn’t a one-time thing.”

You think he needed you to understand this as much as he needed to be sure you felt the same. “I’m yours, Aaron,” You whispered back, gazing at him softly even as your body raged with a fire he had lit, “All yours, forever.”

His eyes softened, and he kissed you again before pulling back and gripping your hips with his strong hands. You reached one hand down to grasp his length, leaning back into the mirror, and put your other hand over your mouth again. You gave him two pumps, and Hotch hissed, his eyes on your bodies below as he let you line him up and then he was slowly thrusting forward.

The stretch was immediate, you had certainly never been with someone bigger, your eyes wide as you looked down at him splitting you open. He took his time, easing back every time he sunk another inch in to ensure you experienced no pain, the expression on his face focused. It took a few minutes before he was fully inside of you, and he just let you clench around him at first, his eyes falling shut in pleasure.

The full, stretched feeling was everything, your eyes rolled in your head as you bite back your moans.

“Fuck, pretty girl, you are so tight,” He whispered, adjusting his grip on you so that one hand splayed across your lower back, pressing your body into his. “Going to make this quick, okay? So we don’t get caught.”

The way he said it suggested he intended to take his time with you again soon, the implication driving you to clamp down on him in excitement, and Hotch groaned low. He hugged you close, dropping his head into the crook of your neck, and started to fuck you, hard. He set a pace that instantly had you biting into your own hand to ensure you didn’t scream, his cock hitting you in all the right places. You felt a rumbling in your neck and realized he was using you to muffle his sounds, unable to keep himself fully quiet.

“F-fuck,” You whimpered as you pulled your hand away to grab at his hips, the feel of his muscles flexing as he pounded into you turning you on even more. You pressed your face into his shoulder as you began to see bright lights behind your eyelids. “Going t-to cum again, oh shit—”

He turned his face slightly and breathed into your ear, hot and sinful, “Cum for me, little girl, cum for daddy.”


Oh god, you’d never hurled so fucking fast over the edge in your life. Your orgasm swept over you like the wave of a tsunami; Hotch must have realized what his words had done because he frantically slammed one hand over your mouth as you arched away from him and came. Your head tilted back and mouth opened against the skin of his palm in a cry you tried to contain, the only sounds escaping pathetic little mewl’s. Hotch was panting, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he neared his peak, “Shit, I’m g-going to cum!”

You felt him begin to pull out, and even in the haze of your orgasm managed to wrap your legs around him and pull him so that he was deep inside of you. “IUD,” You murmured, desperately trying to open your eyes and watch his face. “Cum inside me, daddy, please.”

Hotch gave one last, strong thrust, his eyes wild as he started to cum, filling you deeply, “Fuck!” He hissed your name, biting his lip and then dropping both hands to your hips to pull you even closer against him, his eyes on where he was pumping you full of cum, yours watching his face.

The sight of Aaron coming undone for you so completely was captivating. You’d never known something could be so perfect and you soaked up every expression that crossed his handsome face like it was oxygen you needed to live by. When he stilled, the only sound was that of each of your heavy breathing. You relaxed your legs and slumped into the counter, exhausted, and he leaned over you to capture your mouth against his.

This kiss was slower, dizzying, delicious—you were blissed-out and nearly ready to pass out from it all, the intense emotions and explosive second orgasm exhausting everything you had left. “Aaron, Jesus Christ,” You giggled lightly, running your fingers over his cheeks as he smiled down at you. You could feel him beginning to soften within you, but he didn’t pull out right away and you found you liked the sensation, enjoyed keeping him warm within you as you each caught your breath in the cramped space of the bathroom.

Hotch pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, his eyes gazing at you so lovingly you could have cried, and then brushed a hand across your face, pushing back some hair, “How are you? Was that too much?”

Your heart constricted again as he concerned over you, “That was amazing, Aaron. Might need you to help me down in a minute, though,” You admitted, giving him a sleepy smile, “Are you always going to worry over me so much?” You added, and he gave you a rueful smile.

“Yes pretty girl, I probably will.”

“Hmm, I think I could get used to you being so protective,” You replied, grinning and stroking your thumb over his cheek, “Just no more jumping in front of bullets, maybe?”

Hotch laughed warmly, slowly pulling away from your body and reaching for paper towels to help clean you up. “I’m making no promises there,” He paused, looking you in the eye and you stilled at the intensity there, “I love you too much.”

His confession brought tears of happiness to your tired eyes, and you let a few slip out as you sat up carefully, “I love you too, Aaron.”

You realized then that nothing in life had ever felt so thrilling and right as admitting you loved Aaron Hotchner.

You smiled warmly as he pulled you against him in a strong embrace, then let him take care of you before leading you to the seat next to him in the main cabin. Tucked into Hotch's side with your head on his chest, you slept for the first time in your life on an airplane. Surrounded by all the people you loved most while being held by the man of your dreams.

Love Hotch? Read my newest Hotch story here!🍍

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@mermaidxatxheart @paintballkid711

3 years ago


Concept: Forbidden sex. 

Pairing: Aaron Hotchner X virgin!fem!reader.

Content: Hotch being the hottest man alive; thigh riding; rubbing; innocence kink (I think?); Hotch being called Mr. Hotchner by reader (sorry not sorry); “loss” of virginity; penetrative unprotected sex (P in the V); guilt; feelings. 

Word count: 3.1k.

Written by @dudeitiskarev


      She shouldn’t be almost naked sitting on my lap. Straddling my thigh with only her small underwear keeping her away from me; rubbing herself against me and moaning softly onto the crook of my neck as I guided every short stroke back and forth by gripping her hips. 

     “Mr. Hotchner this is–”

     “I know.” I breathed into her chest, planting a gentle, wet kiss on her skin. “I know.”

     This was so wrong.

     All she had to do was clean my apartment, make it look as good as new and leave. 

     But it wasn’t the first time things had gotten heated – unprofessional. Neither of those many occasions I recalled how we exactly ended up here, so close to kiss each other. Though our lips haven’t touched before, we’ve done more than kissing – so much more. And that was what I craved the most. Her beautiful mouth. 

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