she/they, more fandoms than brain cells :]uh less active but still around !!
243 posts
Update It Started To Become Static. Gender Is Fluid Now. She/they/he. Go Fucking Wild
update it started to become static. gender is fluid now. she/they/he. go fucking wild
gender is not gendering what the fuck. gonna slap this idiot like it's a broken television and pray for the best.
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sooo now that we have an official release date...
i'm thinking of making a countdown event for jwct (with prompts throught the month, like favorite character, quote, etc), and i'd like to know if you guys would be interested in participating? if you are please reblog this post, and if most of the fandom wants to participate then i'll start organizing prompts and dates right away!
by the way I no longer have a personality all I have is the ramshackle pilot
it has been one year since the owl house ended!! one year since watching and dreaming came out!!! I'm going to binge the seasons again if I can very soon as tribute. I love and miss the little people sm <3

writer's holy grail
Describing Voices
Inspired by this old post

Words (and definitions) as text below cut.
Words to Describe a Voice
Adenoidal: pinched and nasal in tone
Alto: a low female voice, or a high male voice
Appealing: evoking interest, desire, or curiosity; attractive
Austere: severe, uncompromising, or strict; sober, or serious
Baritone: an intermediate male voice, between tenor and bass
Booming: a deep, resonant sound; prolonged or echoing
Breathy: audible, or excessive, emission of breath
Coarse: harsh, or grating; vulgar, obscene, or crude
Croaky: low-pitched and hoarse; croaking
Deep: low in pitch; sonorous tone
Ethereal: light, airy, or tenuous; extremely delicate or refined
Falsetto: an unnaturally, or artificially, high-pitched voice
Frail: delicate, weak, or fragile
Grating: irritating, unpleasant, harsh, discordant, or rasping
Gravelly: harsh and grating
Guttural: harsh, or throaty; sounds formed in back of mouth
High-Pitched: high in volume and/or tone
Hoarse: a low, harsh sound; husky; weak intensity and excessive breathiness
Honeyed: pleasantly soft; dulcet, or mellifluous; flattering, or ingratiating
Husky: a somewhat hoarse, semi-whispered vocal tone
Hypnotic: inducing, or tending to induce, sleep; soporific
Lilting: rhythmic; light and tripping
Lofty: elevated; arrogant or condescending
Low: quiet or deep
Luscious: sweet to excess; highly pleasing; satisfying; cloying
Lyrical: enthusiastic; effusive; melodious; musical
Majestic: lofty, imposing, stately, or grand
Mellow: mild and pleasant; relaxed; soft and rich
Melodic: sweet-sounding; musical
Mesmerizing: completely engrossing, captivating, or fascinating
Musical: resembling music; melodious; harmonious
Nasal: sounds, either partly or entirely, form the noise
Orotund: strong, full, rich, or clear; pompous or bombastic
Plaintive: sorrowful; melancholic; mournful
Plummy: rich, or mellowly, resonant
Raspy: harsh, grating, rasping, or irritating
Resonant: deep and full of resonance; reverberating
Rich: full, strong, deep, or vivid
Ringing: clear, resonant; reminiscent of bells
Scratchy: uneven, irritating, or grating
Shrill: high-pitched and piercing
Silvery: having a clear, ringing sound
Small: humble, weak, soft, or of little strength or force
Smoky: hazy, hoarse, husky, or raspy
Soft-Spoken: soft, gentle, or mild; persuasive
Soporific: causing, or tending to cause, sleep
Squeaky: sharp, shrill, high-pitched
Strong: robust; powerful; intense in quality
Sweet: pleasing to the ear; delicate, or agreeable
Tenor: an intermediate male voice between bass and alto
Thick: husky, or hoarse; not distinctly articulated
Thin: lacking fullness or volume; weak, or shrill
Throaty: guttural, husky, or hoarse
Tight: drawn, tense, or taut
Weak: lacking in force; soft, deficient, or quiet
Wheezy: with a whistling sound, and difficulty breathing
Words to Describe Tone of Voice
Affected: false, or feigned; pretending to possess
Arrogant: overbearing, assuming, insolently proud
Authoritative: positive, peremptory, or dictatorial
Bloodcurdling: arousing terror; horrifying
Boisterous: rough and noisy, rowdy, unrestrained; noisily jolly
Breaking: changing, or collapsing, suddenly
Bright: animated, lively, cheerful, clever, or witty
Brittle: fragile, frail, lacking warmth; having a sharp, tense quality
Cacophonous: having a harsh, or discordant sound
Caterwauling: long and wailing; a howl, or screech
Cheery: in good spirits; cheerful, or happy
Delicate: soft, or faint; subtle; tactful, or cautious
Dry: plain, unadorned, indifferent, or matter-of-fact
Dulcet: pleasant to the ear; melodious
Ear-Splitting: extremely harsh and irritating; loud
Enthusiastic: lively, ardent, eager, or passionate
Faint: soft, weak, feeble, or slight; lacking clearness or volume
Feeble: lacking in force, strength, volume, and distinctness
Flat: without modification or variation; without vitality
Forceful: powerful, vigorous, or effective
Frank: direct and unreserved; straightforward; sincere
Gruff: low and harsh; hoarse; rough, brusque, or surly
Hesitant: wavering, irresolute, timid, or unpersuasive
Insincere: lacking sincerity; sarcastic; hypocritical
Irreverent: lacking respect; flippant
Monotone: single tone, without harmony or variation
Patronizing: offensive and condescending
Pedantic: overly concerned with details and rules
Petulant: impatient irritation; annoyed
Piercing: loud, or shrill; sarcastic, or caustic
Pompous: ostentatious display of self-importance
Pontificating: to speak in a pompous or dogmatic manner
Pretentious: making an exaggerated outward show; ostentatious
Raised: increased in volume
Raucous: harsh, strident, or grating; rowdy, or disorderly
Respectful: showing deference; politeness
Rough: harsh to the ear; grating, or jarring
Sarcastic: using harsh or bitter derision or irony
Screeching: harshly shrill
Serious: grave, somber, earnest, or sincere
Singsong: rhythmically monotonous cadence or tone
Smug: contentedly confident in superiority or correctness
Snarky: testy or irritable; having a rudely critical tone
Snobby: condescending, patronizing; snobbish
Soft: low, or subdued; gentle and melodious
Sotto Voce: in a low, soft voice, so as not to be overheard
Stilted: stiffly dignified or formal; pompous
Strangled: choking, or stifled; gradually cut off
Sullen: gloomy, irritated, morose, or malignant
Trembling: shaking, as from fear, excitement, or weakness
Unapologetic: bold, and showing no regret
Upbeat: optimistic, happy, or cheerful
Warbling: with trills, quavers, or melodic embellishments
Wavering: unsteady, shaky, or fluctuating; begin to fail
Whiny: complaining, fretful, or cranky
Whisper: to speak with soft, hushed sounds