user211201 - TF Archivist
TF Archivist

Just a lurker who happened to archive some stuff.

181 posts

An Interesting Request From Me. What If A Straight Man Wishes To Become Chris Evans Because He Wants

An interesting request from me. What if a straight man wishes to become Chris Evans because he wants the attention from girls. Well instead he becomes Kris Evans and he doesn’t notice until he is completely Kris and love the attention from men.

(Check out the full, NSFW version of this story HERE!)

Who doesn’t want to be Chris Evans?

An Interesting Request From Me. What If A Straight Man Wishes To Become Chris Evans Because He Wants

Stellar career, great body, super nice guy, dog lover, and, by all accounts, a total chick magnet.

But nobody wanted to be Chris more than Blake. He was everything Chris wasn’t: unattractive, untalented, unsuccessful, and terrible with people (especially women).

So when Blake got his hands one one of those rare changing stones—ancient magical rocks with the power to transform the user into whomever's name they wrote on the smooth granite surface—he knew exactly what name he was going to write.

An Interesting Request From Me. What If A Straight Man Wishes To Become Chris Evans Because He Wants

Unfortunately, spelling was among one of Blake’s many deficiencies. He relied heavier on spell check than the average person. But this wasn’t Microsoft Word. The changing stone had no spell check, so whoever (or whatever) one wrote on the rock was… well… set in stone.

At first, everything seemed to go according to plan. Blake felt himself shoot up an extra nine inches in height, followed immediately by a drastic drop in size. His blubbery gut receded back into his stomach, so much so that when looked down, his feet came into view for the first time since middle school.

But the view was short lived, as only moments later, a cartoonishly large pec shelf burst forth from his chest, once again obstructing his feet.

An Interesting Request From Me. What If A Straight Man Wishes To Become Chris Evans Because He Wants

Jesus, Blake thought to himself, I knew Chris was big, but I didn’t know he was this big…

He had no idea.

Seconds later, the rest of his muscles began to come in: big veiny biceps, eight pack abs, a broad back, boulder shoulders, and legs the size of Thanksgiving turkeys.

It was then that Blake began to realize something was wrong. Chris Evans was a celebrity, not a supermodel. This was the body of a man whose entire career was his body. A model, perhaps… or a pornstar. God, I hope I’m not turning into a pornstar.

As if in response, Blake felt a tension in his groin area. He craned his neck over his muscle tits and watched as his cock grew to an impractical 9 inches, the fleshy sheath of foreskin inching up over the head.

Thanks to that screen sharing fiasco, everyone knew that Chris Evans was cut. This was not his dick… and this was not his body.

Blake assumed that the transformation was complete. He bore about as much resemblance to his former self as he did to the actor who’s name he’d written (or thought he’d written) on the changing stone. Instead, he had transformed into a 6’4”, 203 pound boy toy with a massive joystick.

An Interesting Request From Me. What If A Straight Man Wishes To Become Chris Evans Because He Wants

I guess it’s not the end of the world, Blake thought as he explored his new body, chicks are gonna dig these muscles!

But there was still one last change. You see, Blake didn’t just accidentally write the name of any pornstar: he had written the name of a gay pornstar, and a prolific one at that.

As Blake entered the final stage of his transition, his mind flooded with fantasies of gay sex, images of guys sucking his dick and pounding his ass.

He tried picturing the busty blonde women he’d jerked off to his entire life, but his thoughts kept wandering back towards men: big, meaty men with big, meaty cocks, filling his every hole with their hot white spunk.

“No, stop! I’m not gay,” Blake cried out in a comically deep hungarian accent, “I don’t like guys! I like girls!”

But his dick begged to differ. The harder he tried to deny his new sexuality, the harder he got, until Blake’s dick was as hard as the changing stone itself. Whether he liked it or not, this was his new destiny: to live as a gay man.

A huge, hot, muscular gay man.

An Interesting Request From Me. What If A Straight Man Wishes To Become Chris Evans Because He Wants


He couldn’t take it any longer. All it took was one stroke and he shot his wad all over the stone. As the pornstar’s cum soaked the surface of the rock, the hastily scribbled black ink melted away.

His transformation was complete: Blake was no more, and in his place stood the iconic gay pornstar Kris Evans.

The hunky Hungarian gave a deep belly laugh, amused by the thought that not five minutes ago, he’d been some pathetic straight dude with a dream of turning into a Hollywood celebrity. Kris couldn’t fathom wanting to be anyone other than himself. He had the body of a god, an amazing job, not to mention the pick of any guy he wanted.

Every gay guy, that is.

An Interesting Request From Me. What If A Straight Man Wishes To Become Chris Evans Because He Wants
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More Posts from User211201

9 months ago
Magic Mike III: Part 5

Magic Mike III: Part 5

“Hello, Mr. Gyllenhaal”

Finally some time to breathe - whilst everyone else was enjoying casting season where they can finally get picked up for other films, Jake Gyllenhaal was just ready to enjoy some time away from the set as pre-production crawled into the focus of everybody’s lives. 

Cast and crew all busying themselves whilst Jake was cast away to some forgotten island off the coast of Hawaii for a holiday.

He had his luggage brought up and continued to listen to the words of the staffer helping him, not even minding how odd it seemed that the man helping him didn’t even look like typical staff. Dressed in a navy blue suit, the staffer stared at him with his hazel eyes as Jake tried his best to pay attention to what was being said.

“Sorry er - what exactly is it that you do?” asked Jake, snapping out of the odd haze momentarily as he began looking the man up and down, taking in his confident demeanour and his striking resemblance to…someone else, another man that he swore was prowling around the studios from time to time on another project.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Mr. Gyllenhaal,” said the man, stepping up towards Jake as he leaned in, the mere moments of touch were exhilarating, Jake felt he should’ve backed away but instead let the man close the gap between them. “I’m just a staffer. Why don’t you go outside and relax? And why don’t you leave that shirt of yours behind?”

Magic Mike III: Part 5

For a mere moment Jake thought this was odd and would have declined, the last thing he wanted to do was…relax? But then he realised how silly that sounded. After all, he went away on vacation for that very reason. And this man was someone who at least seemed trustworthy. Jake slipped off his shirt. He suddenly found himself somehow, as if being led by an odd voice in his mind, heading outside to relax and was already thankfully dressed for it.

Soon shirtless in shorts, sandals and sunlight, resting back on a deck chair as he continued to just sit there, resting in the heat.

“And how are you feeling, Mr. Gyllenhaal?” came a familiar voice before Jake’s vision was obscured somewhat in darkness, suddenly seeing spirals emerging in front of him as sunglasses were slipped over his head.

“Good,” murmured Jake, nodding as his body automatically began feeling limp and relaxed, starting to slowly fade away from reality and stare at the spirals in sunglasses. As he started to stare and give in, his own body began to change, aligning itself with his muddled mind.

The deeper he drew himself further into his hypnotic state, the further his face started to change. At first shifting only from his own jaw, growing sharper than it already was and with the hair that formed his beard growing darker as his face began to grow longer. His head enlarged slightly with his forehead widening and his hairline started to come down. 

Age began to fade away from Jake’s visage, small wrinkles that once started to appear in were now a distant memory as his ears grew and suddenly the last sane part of his own mind realised that his face shifted to suit the sunglasses, perfectly keeping them in place and no longer drooping down his once smaller nose.

Jake moaned as he felt his eyes adapting to the spirals, his eyes enlarging, focusing further and further as the sunbaked tone of his face began trickling down towards his neck. His own vocal chords deepening before his own bare torso began to cause his body to bulk and sprout, stretching as he grew towards his full height.

As Jake shifted in the seat, still somewhat confused as to what he was experiencing but letting himself bask in the warmth of pleasure and sunlight as he could see his skin almost moving like the waves as if something was underneath causing his muscles to implode his body into the muscularity of a bodybuilder.

His biceps became bulging brawny limbs as the tone travelled down towards his hands, having no choice to grow in order to adjust to the size of his large arms, the knuckles cracking and the fingers flexing as they adjusted in their lengthened and larger state. All the while his own abs pushed out, pulsating as a great ridge began to form betwixt his pecs carving out the beautiful brown pecs that were now on his own chest.

The same kind of ridge formed down at his stomach where he could see his hard earned abs grew even harder as they soon continued to grow and swell one by one, just as his hypnotic commands were telling him to do so.

It was almost as if his mind was able to alter his body and he was loving how it continued to change as his legs parted slightly, relieving himself as his thighs began to thicken. His own shaft broadening as he could feel his own cock against his shorts. The last dregs of himself fuelling the rest of his body as his feet lengthened in his sandals, stretching them to their limit.

“Now, Mr. Gyllenhaal, just relax, I think the others will be here soon and after all this is the perfect place to begin filming. After all, I think this is going to be a fantastic step in your career.”

The man smiled down at the slumping Jake Gyllenhaal, now unrecognisable and the perfect final addition to Magic Mike 3.

Magic Mike III: Part 5

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9 months ago

One Fad Fits All: Lumbersexual

--- Originally posted by TheBurdenBorne before 2018-12-09 ---

--- Want to read more? View all stories by TheBurdenBorne ---

The mall was packed with holiday shoppers, but of course I was by myself. I had graduated from college a year or so ago, and spent most of my time by myself watching Netflix or working. I needed some new clothes, but always hated shopping. Everything that these stores sold was designed from slimmer men. I wasn't extremely overweight, but had a belly, big thighs, and a broad chest. I looked around and saw the other guys in the mall wearing their skinny jeans or athletic gear, and just knew I would never have the time to slim down to that size or bulk up muscle instead of fat.

"It's just hopeless," I muttered to myself.

I turned the corner and saw a store called "The Eclectic Man," which looked like it sold only men's clothes but in tons of different styles. The store was small and pretty much empty. Rather than the racks of clothes you saw in other stores, with each pants, shirt, or jacket coming in various sizes, this store was more like a thrift store with single pieces of clothes. But instead of all being mixed together, it was arranged by "fashion." In one corner, I saw athletic gear, another had gangster-looking clothing, another western clothes, etc.

"Can I help you find anything," said a voice from behind me. I turned around and saw a girl in her twenties with thick-rimmed glasses and a nose piercing. "Um...not really...just looking."

"Why don't you try this on!" she suggested, trying to be helpful and clearly not picking up the vibe that I wanted to be left alone. "This color would look great on you!" She was holding a red-and-black plaid shirt. Something about her confidence, made me stop. Did she really think that I would be able to wear that shirt? Was she just making a sale? Was she mocking me in her head?

"Um...I'm not sure..."

"What if I told you that you could have it for free, just for trying it on? If you like it, keep it!"

"Well...I guess..."

"Fitting rooms are in the back. I'll grab a few other items and meet you back there."

I took my shirt to the back of the store. Already, I felt stupid about trying it on. I mean, where would I wear this. It was clearly for someone outdoorsy! My form of exercise was playing video games all day -- and it showed too! Would I even fit into this shirt? I stepped into the fitting room and pulled off my hooded sweatshirt. My gut pushed against my t-shirt, reminding me that this would look stupid on me.

"Okay, let's see!" said the voice from outside.

"Jeez, she's pushy," I though to myself" and then said back "Just a second."

"Oh, make sure you put this on underneath. It goes with the shirt!" She tossed a grey muscle shirt over the door of the room. Now I knew she was trying to mock me. There was no way I was putting that on. But instead of resisting, I pulled off my t-shirt and set it next to me on the bench. My pale chubby gut filled the mirror in front of me. "What's the use," I said as I pulled the tight shirt into place. I quickly pulled the red-and-black plaid shirt on as well to hide my body.

"Well? How do you feel," she said. The question seemed odd to me. I felt the same -- I was just wearing some stupid clothes. But I looked in the mirror and it seemed like I had lost maybe 10 pounds. As if she was reading my mind, the girl call out, "You know, plaid is very slimming." I turned to the side and it looked like my gut was completely gone.

"You know, it actually looks pretty good," I said back.

"Great, here's some pants," she said as she slid a pair of tight blue jeans and a belt under the door. I dropped my sweat pants and pulled the jeans over my thighs. They were uncomfortably tight and the button barely held together. " you have a smaller size?" I called into the room. But I looked in the mirror again and the pants seemed to fit perfectly. Within a minute, I didn't even feel that they were tight. I heard a plop by the door and saw two brown work boots. I laced them up and when I stood felt like I was three inches taller. I looked at myself in the mirror and could barely recognize myself. Gone was the chubby loser that walked into the store. He was replaced with a rugged, muscular, toned outdoorsman.

I stepped out of the room to look for the girl, because she hadn't come back in awhile. I walked out into the store to look for her but she was gone. It felt awkward being in the store clothes, so I went back. But the room where I had stored my wallet and clothes was empty.

"Shit!" I cursed to myself. Before heading back into the store, I caught a glimpse of myself in the three-way mirror. The transformation had continued and now I sported a beard that was bushy but well-trimmed, and combed over hair that was cropped tight on the sides. I unbuttoned the top button on my shirt and noticed some curly hairs poking up from my undershirt.

"There you are," said the girl from behind. "Ooh! I like the new look."

"Yeah," I replied.

"I have the rest of your wardrobe at the register," she said.

"What..." for a second there was a lapse in my memory and I couldn't remember what she was talking about. "Right..." I replied as I followed her.

"Oh, looks like you dropped your wallet," she said as she pointed to the ground.

"Thanks," I replied. "I thought I left it in the dressing room...but..." I opened the wallet and saw my ID. The picture looked the same as the face in the mirror. The weight and height looked about right too for a burly lumberjack.

"And here's your cart," said the girl as be pushed a shopping cart loaded with jeans and flannel. There was at least six or seven sets of clothes, including jackets and accessories. I passed each set of clothes over the counter.

"Oh, those are already yours, sir," she said when I tried to give her a pair of sunglasses I had found in the cart.

"Right, of course," I said as I put the shades on.

She finished bagging up the clothes and handed them to me.

"Do I owe you anything?" I asked.

"Nope! It's your lucky day!" she replied.

I walked out of the store into the mall -- a group of girls looked at me and smiled. Later, a young guy also gave me a look. When I walked outside, I realized it was a little hot, so I unbuttoned my shirt a little and rolled up the sleeves. On my left arm was a tattoo, which I assumed had always been there. I dug around in my pants and found a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I assumed they were mine and lit up outside the mall.

One Fad Fits All: Lumbersexual

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8 months ago

The Ring

@pokeuc was a great help to the story he was the one who requested it and came up with the names.

Eli one of your average nerds. You would see him carrying books for studying or maybe see him working on a project. Eli wouldn’t like to get involved with many people, so that caused him to not have any friends. Eli also wasn’t very interactive with people and would often get shy and walk away. Eli has those normal secrets, which he had one that wasn’t to big because many people knew it by the way he would look at Austin and that was that Eli was gay.

They both were at the same college and they both went elementary school. Austin was one of those easy to spot out because he was the guy the women would be talking about. The ladies would take about how great it is to have any with his bulging muscles. They would even talk about how big his package is down. But as all great as it sounds Eli knew there could be nothing between them besides the fact that his parents knew Austin’s parents. So they would talk once an a while. Plus Austin was straight and even if he was gay, Eli knew Austin wouldn’t want anything from him because of how he looked.

Eli just keep to him self and never wanted to get intact with anybody because he knew nobody want him. Until one day had happened, that changed it all. Eli was towards his class in the morning, where it seemed nobody was around because the fact that Eli would wake up in the morning just to get to class early. The fog had barley been coming in. Eli was freezing and wearing a sweater, but it quite help him. Eli could hear a voice in the distance. It was a man. He had never seen a man like him on campus before. Eli tried to speed walk just in case to see if he was a threat by seeing if the man would speed walk to.

The Eli could hear the man voice come close, but Eli didn’t want to turn back. Eli could start to make the words he was trying to say. The man asked “have you ever wanted anything in your life”. The voice was deep and booming, but quite soothing to hear. Eli stoped and turn around to see more of the man’s look and he looked a little in his late 30s. He looked into the man’s eyes and could feel something as the man grabbed his hand and open it and set a silver ring that felt cold in Eli’s hand. The man slowly walked away as Eli felt as if he was in a trance by the voice.

Eli has finished his classes for the days and kept the ring in his pocket he had thought any thing of it since this morning. Eli been tired all day since the events and wanted to rest at his home. But, he ran into Austin. Austin began to ask questions to Eli about “if he was coming over to help him study from his test.” Eli was that guy that would make something up to get away from some contact with people especially his crush, Austin. Eli felt something strange and agreed and went home to go and take some rest.

A couple hours pass and soon it was time for Eli to go over. But by the time he made it there his stomach was already in knots telling him this was a bad idea, but his mind changed to where he wanted to do this and get in there. His courage went flying and he didn’t feel the anxiety to knock on the door or to run away and just make something up.

Once the door opened, Austin had tears running down his cheeks, but it wasn’t that he was bursting in tears. Eli asked “what had happened.” Austin just showed a text with a couple of messages about his break of with his girlfriend that was the one that felt something with an stead of one of the hoes that just use guys for sex or to get someone jealous, but it turns she was also one of those and she hid her tracks good and that was why he didn’t need him anymore because that girl went back with her ex boyfriend after he saw everything he saw that was happening with Austin and her.

Eli stayed for a while trying to comfort Austin, but it didn’t seem to help at all. Austin looked at Eli in the eyes and wished that he could be happy for once instead of being heartbroken after every lady doing this to him. Eli looked away just responding with “me to”. Eli went to Austin bathroom and looked into the mirror and just told himself “he straight he could never want him because of the way he looks or anything about him”.

Eli became to state at the mirror and look at his reflection and saw a glow in his pants. Eli has forgotten he had a ring in his pants. He grabed it out and silped it on and that when things changed.

Eli felt his stomach turn to knots at he could feel his weak fragile bones in his bone stretch and grow. He could feel the pain as they cracked and repaired themselves. Eli could see himself growing in the mirror as he grow taller. Heat transferred into his body and Eli began to sweat and soon Eli was naked because he couldn’t bare the heat. Eli crawled onto the floor because of cold it was . He was laying on his back as he felt his chest expand greatly. Pain and pleasure came at the same time and Eli has accidentally let out a soft moan.

Soon Austin knocked on the door asking “if anything was wrong”. Eli has eough straight to respond with “yes”. He could hear Austin’s foot step go father away from the door as soon that happened Eli let out another moan. But now now his legs were growing and stretching. His muscles practically was growing on his legs. His calves were hard as rock and had a diamond shape to them. Soon as that happened Eli face shifted to start becoming into a hot model that would have anybody want them. He nose narrowed his eyes glowed with color and his face jaw sharped.

Soon his moan were getting a little to pound but there was no sound from Austin. Soon his voice deepened and grow louder. His arms on his muscle grew and his arms grew bigger and soon his chest gained big pecs and Eli couldn’t believe what was going on soon and formed on his stomach. So his feet grew and Eli felt to cool down. A couple minutes past and Eli could feel a strange wave pass by him and go through the door and he could feel that it was going to do something to Austin, but soon Eli was standing in front of mirror flexing at his body and thinking what could he do with this body.

Eli looked down and saw his small penis and assand thought how any man want this and soon his ass gained meat like never before and soon his dick wa soccer in pre cum and was some of the floor his cock grow in girth and size and he moaned with still no noise of a body else in the house and soon his prison was so big he could hardly believe it and thought about how wa she going to contain this package and soon his balls grew bigger to hold some of that cum he just leaked.

Soon he could Austin moaning, which he had never heard before and went down to the living and saw what he had always dream of.

The Ring

It was Austin but he was looking at Eli with his naked body and he Austin looked kind of embarrassed at seeing Eli naked. Austin was kind of turned on and ran forwards Eli and kissed him. He started saying whipers “I want you so bad in me”. Eli didn’t complain and started to take Austin’s speedo away and started to make Austin bend down and push his big cock into him and let out a big moan. Austin cummed a couple of times and soon Eli cummed and Austin pushed him out of him and started to lick the cum.

But soon this was were Eli memories changed to where he was worked out with Austin and they were both gay and loved each other and they were both right for each other and they were just dumb and loved football and they had fun wrestling with eachother. But every time Eli pushes he forgot his old life and so did the world and Austin.

The next day Eli woke up and grabed a blue speedo to go on his morning jog but on the way he through the ring into the grass and continued his jog nothing but wearing a blue speedo so he could show off his body to the nerds he once was at the gym. So maybe that ring could grant someone else wish.

So let’s just say Eli did a good trade for his body right?

The Ring
9 months ago

Everything has a price

--- Originally posted on 2018-07-11 by makingrealalphas ---

"Just look at Ryder over there, isn't he such a hottie? Must be nice to have a boyfriend like him,"

Everything Has A Price

"He's too dumb for you, Cesar. And he's straight,"

"If I'm looking just like them or working out as hard as them, I might get a chance with him,"

"But you're not. He's a mean douchebag, I don't see why you can like someone like those jocks. Their family probably not as stable and loving as yours, I mean, look at your family, they are very supportive and accept you no matter what

"You don't understand, Adrian. Imagine if you're a good looking fella, chicks and dudes will easily flock on you like sugar that attracts bunch of ants. If I'm just half as hot as him, bet I won't be this lonely gay nerd reading Hemingway or Kafka in my dorm every night. Hell, I'll go to one party after the other or spending my night in the club. And my fam? Trust me, you only see the cover,"

Adrian keep arguing and trying to knock some shit out from Cesar's brain yet Cesar didn't care with Adrian sourness as he keeps ogling the football athlete who is in the middle of their practice

Everything Has A Price

or the hot dudes in the college park that they stumbled upon their way to the college dorm

Everything Has A Price

Adrian is so pissed at Cesar. He believes he already give quite a strong signal to Cesar that he likes him but turned out living in the same room for 2 years straight didn't even help Cesar to realize that Adrian actually has a crush on him. Yeah he's not hot like those jocks or some sort but Adrian feels that he deserved at least some kind of recognition from his so-called best friend, because he was there when Cesar really hit the rock bottom, not those jocks that he adored. Hell they even see Cesar with such disgust because for them Cesar is just another weak gay nerd that they hated during their high school day. Two years is quite a long time for Adrian to wait but his patience is running out so he decided that it's now or never to make the move. Adrian is in quite a dilemma but he strengthened his mentality to do what he should have done since the very first meeting with Cesar, even though this means it will be the last time he can perform his magic.

As Cesar falls to his slumber, Adrian read out some old incantation that he learned. It sounds just like some kind of wild and uncoordinated speech. He watches Cesar grows bigger in his sleep as his feet manage to reach the edge of his own bed due to his lengthening leg. Other than gaining some extra length, more power grazed the leg as it grows even bigger than before, veins slowly popping around the new muscular quads. Adrian resisting the pain of the spell as more and more change happened to Cesar. Tiny hair started to grow all over his body as the changes made it way to the upper part, but not before Cesar's appendage becoming bigger and more juicy, even in the middle of the spell Adrian still manage to giggle due to the disproportionality of Cesar's body now. The change rapidly moves up as abs and pecs popping out from Cesar's soft and thin belly. He groans in his sleep because he feels somewhat disturbed but Adrian's spell is too powerful and it locks Cesar in his sleeping condition. Body hair sprouts in his now firm pecs and also a trail to his appendage as the grow now moving to the once thin arm of his. The biceps and triceps expanded quickly (and massively) as veins started pumping more blood to support the change at that area. The groan becoming so much louder and Adrian cannot help but leaked some pre, watching his friend turned into the hottest person in Adrian's mind. Trap and neck becoming thicker as the change now reach his face. It's such a painful process for Adrian to grow Cesar, bruises appeared all across his body

"A little bit more," said Adrian, determined to do it once and for all

As Cesar's face becoming stronger and more masculine, Adrian holds on Cesar's wooden bed side as he almost cannot stand up anymore and then with one last power he grab Cesar's head. Cesar's eye suddenly opened and bright light emitting from there, it's so bright, even brighter than car's headlight. His mouth also opened wide and emitting the same blinding light as Adrian eventually passed out in the middle of the process

The following morning, Adrian's wake up right in Cesar's bed side but Cesar is not in the bed anymore. His bed still messy but the bathroom is so quiet he cannot be inside the bathroom. Adrian then realizes that his hand is much more darker, it's not as dark as night but still, darker than his usual pale complexion. As he stares at his body, he gasps because the gut he has now totally gone and already transformed into massive set of abs that feels like a washboard

Everything Has A Price

"Oh my, this is sweet,"

Adrian found a letter from Magic Council, the sovereign body of magician all over the world, right next to his now strong legs that contains the information that his magic license has been revoked and the last series of magic performed will be used on himself too. Oh, now that's explaining this whole condition. Thank God I didn't use my magic to kill someone or I'll be dead, he thought. Still marveling at his newly acquired face, there's a message. It's from Cesar

"Waiting for you in the gym,sleepyhead,"

Then a gif followed instantly

Everything Has A Price

"Love ya," another message followed the gif

Adrian just smirked in the mirror, yeah he lost his magic but at least he lost it to get this one hot motherfucker. No, correction, two, as he is now also a hot jock, he thought to himself, ready for their morning gym session

"Will I be punished because I'm late?" Adrian asked kinkily

"Oh of course, we gonna rock the locker room after our session,"

He never pack his bag quicker than that

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9 months ago


Inspired by the amazing vocal work of Amalianetwork

It was just another boring day at home for me. The rain was hitting my window rapidly as the clouds outside stormed on. A welcome noise to drown out my arguing family downstairs. I just sighed and silently wished for an escape from this mess I call my life.

I didn’t have the worst life. I was just a guy home from college this weekend. Part of me missed the nostalgia of being in my old room, while part of me remembered why I was so eager to get back to my less boring life in my dorm.

These were the thoughts that filled my head right before I blacked out.

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