vacuian-demon - Holding the line!
Holding the line!

Independent, clearly canon divergent and 🔞 rp blog for a RWBY faunus OC from Vacuo. Heavily headcanoned and canon divergent based character.

451 posts

Lance At First Would Just Stare Into The Middle Distance At That Statement, Before Looking At His Giant

Lance at first would just stare into the middle distance at that statement, before looking at his giant owl.

"It's a semblance, it's not a real animal, Falcor won't bite you; I assure you." That was a funny but silly statement. Snapping his fingers Falcor would lower for her to get on, he'd lift her by her waist onto his back. Then he'd join her, sitting behind her. "...Unless you scream then he will bite you. Hang on!" He was just teasing, Yang could hear the humor in his voice as they'd both take off.

Flying high over the ocean waves.

"Well, that wouldn't be the craziest thing I've done so... Yeah, let's do that" Yang said as she slowly walked towards Lance and Falcor. "I just hope he doesn't bite me"

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More Posts from Vacuian-demon

6 months ago

He looked down at her, she wasn't a lizard faunus, no lizard faunus had ears like that. And she seemed deshelved, some of the kids were curiously looking over the Vacuian demon's shoulder. She looked ragged, she was dirty smelly and looked like she was beaten bruised and disoriented. She needed help before he could really get answers.

He'd stand as to not make fun of her on accident by kneeling. After a pause he'd turn to the class. "Thank you for having me sit in on this class professor Royal- I'll be taking this person for for help." He'd put his jacket over her as he'd walk with her. "Miss you frankly look like you were dragged through a war, come to my home, and we'll give you a bath and food- as my honored guest." He offered.

He also didn't want any of the kids spreading odd rumors. "You are in Vacuo, my lady, a student was practicing with her semblance, but it was too powerful for her, and now she's injured." Taking a few steps infront of her he'd raise his hand. "Hold, I'll take us back to the palace post haste." Raising a hand a light would emanate from it and his chest. "Falcor! Come!" His voice echo'd in the desert as popping from a sigil in the sky was an owl like creature, that fly around for a bit before lowering to the two of them. Lowering itself Lance would hold out a hand for her to get on.

"I am Lance Ashford, of the Ashford family, protectors of Vacuo; and I will make sure you are take care of, and will explain everything I can." He gave her a firm promise.

Svetza had been minding her own business as she almost always was. On her way home from a cave goblin slaying mission, dirty, grimy, probably smelling horrid, and bone tired. Just so exhausted and ready for a bath and sleep, she was also starving. But even as much of a trash compacter with the iron stomach as she was there was no way she was gonna eat anything in or from that cave. Not till a holy person purified it anyway.

Her feet plodded along the dirt road, tail limp and dragging behind her. Arms hung limply too, hell even her EARS hung low. Her dress was stained to hell and tore up. They had a few bigger hob gobs in the caves and the damn things were magic resistant so she had to resort to beating the absolute shit outta them with her limbs and teeth. She just all in all felt icky and was PRAYING to get home without incident. But this was her, of course she could never be so lucky! Her next step was directly into a portal and she dropped like a pile of bricks into a heap on the grass swearing as she went. “Oh Fuuu!” Plop!

Tired as she was she was disoriented for a good while. Her eyes open and squinting. She looked angry as sin with that knife tooth snarl, but in reality she was confused. When her brain cleared and ears heard she looked pointedly at the person speaking to her.

“Whazzat?”she blinked. Well he sure was pretty, and a little too close for comfort. She waved a hand at him and slowly sat up on her haunches. Stabbing the spear like tip of her staff into the ground and climbing, wobbly, to her feet.

“I’ll live.” She croaks. “You’d be surprised how often this happens. Where am I, and who opened the portal? And whaddya want or need.” She was a little harsher than was probably necessary, but manners be damned she was gross, hungry n sleepy.

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6 months ago

đŸ’€ SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits?

đŸ”± TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?

đŸ”ș RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons?



đŸ’€ SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits?

Light sleeper-Lance is a soldier, and trained to be light so if something happens, he can be up and attem in no time.

đŸ”± TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?

He was trained to swim, he doesn't get to use it often due to living in a desert.

đŸ”ș RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons?

He uses swords, his favorite being one handed swords. His sword Yellowjacket being a rapier whip-sword.

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6 months ago

As always Nikos mouth was spectacular- it was a marvel he was able to convince her she loved her cocks black from then on. And now the same would apply for this Momo heroine. Placing a firm hand on the top of her head he'd try to remain composed.

"You are apart of this festival are you not? So you are willing to sire my children." He felt odd doing this, the kid would be powerful, a quirk and a semblance, they would be legendary. He'd look down at her with his one unhaired impeded eye. "Bend over, both of you." Time to also claim this Nikos as his and only his. Not that her all female team JNRP didn't already belong to him.

Pyrrha expertly maneuvered her lips down, taking Momo with her, until they were both kissing his cock tip. Momo moaned as the taste filled her mouth, hips jumping as if begging for attention. Pyrrha winked up at him.

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6 months ago

If she looked to his back, the symbol of a sea turtle with a city on it, the founder of the Ashford name and then she'd look towards the sword and see the very same symbol.

He'd wait till she notice his tail before turning towards her.

"No, I'm looking to reclaim what's mine!" Looking her up and down, he'd have an idea, she looked more capable than most of the rabble around, with a stroke of his chin he'd nod to himself. "My fair lady, you look the capable fighter- perhaps I can commission you for aid in getting back a family heirloom wrongfully stolen from me?" making it sound slightly more important would spark any interest.

He'd hoped he wasn't engaging with a rival, but maybe he could sweeten the deal. "I can also spare you room and board, I will pay for everything, as long as that weapon isn't in the wrong hands!" He saw videos of it, literally being banged with hammers and winced in pain, his baby!

❛  okay,  corinne,  i’m  heading  out.  ❜  tote  bag  slung  over  your  shoulder,  you  head  out  of  the  building  of  your  main  job  :  one-eleven  magazine.  as  usual,  downtown  los  angeles  was  always  hustle  and  bustle,  a  nightmare  for  those  who  wanted  to  stroll  and  not  keep  up  with  the  crowd.  sipping  your  smoothie,  you  look  at  one  of  the  billboards,  one  brow  arched  at  the  content  :  WIN  THE  SWORD  OF  A  LIFETIME,  BECOME  A  CHAMPION.

❛  what  the  .  .  .?  ❜  head  turning  left  and  right,  you  cross  the  street  to  now  find  the  same  announcement  in  the  form  of  a  poster  in  various  windows.  perhaps  the  pedestrians  assumed  this  was  some  type  of  nerd-centric  game  or  just  didn’t  care  to  look,  but  you  couldn’t  help  but  investigate.  heels  clicked  against  the  sidewalk  briefly,  coming  to  a  stop  when  you  noticed  someone  else  was  looking  at  the  poster.  

 Okay, Corinne, Im Heading Out. Tote Bag Slung Over Your Shoulder, You Head Out Of The Building Of Your

❛  are  you  looking  to  actually  join?  ❜  you  didn’t  intend  to  startle  the  individual  but  were  genuinely  curious.

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6 months ago

Outfit Headcanons


Send a symbol below and I’ll describe or draw what my Muse wears in specific scenarios!

♔ -  pajamas / bedtime outfit ♕ - beach / swimsuit ♖ - spring outfit ♗ - summer outfit ♘- fall outfit ♟- winter outfit ♙ - date night ♚ - casual / everyday ♛ - formal outfit ♜ - gym / exercise / training outfit ♝- crisis / war / battle armor ☠ - Everyday Going-To-School uniform ☟ - Work Uniform ☯ - Outfit They Wore When They Were 8 ♠ - Clothes they wear when they just don’t care Ω -  Going-To-A-Party Outfit ♀ -  Look-At-Me-I’m-Hella-Attractive Outfit ♣ -   Lingerie / Underwear / Smallclothes ♧ -   An outfit they wear related to one of their hobbies ♄ -   A “traditional” outfit based on their heritage (i.e. kimono, sari, other folk costumes) ♡ -  Superhero / Super Villain costume ♩ -  Magical Girl / Magical Knight costume ♱ -  FINAL BOSS Armor ♞ - you specify another situation!

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