vacuian-demon - Holding the line!
Holding the line!

Independent, clearly canon divergent and 🔞 rp blog for a RWBY faunus OC from Vacuo. Heavily headcanoned and canon divergent based character.

451 posts

Sothis Approached Lance With Cupped Hands, And She Gently Placed What Shes Been Hiding Right Into His

Sothis approached Lance with cupped hands, and she gently placed what she’s been hiding right into his hands - a variety of colors of crystals. Some of the finest from her horde.

Give my muse an item and see how they react!



Lance takes them in hand, he nods to her. "Miss Sothis, I do not know what to say, I thank you." Dragonfolk must love their shiny items, so this was a very kind gift to receive.

"I shall return the favor, in some way." Little did he know he would be the replacement for the gems.

More Posts from Vacuian-demon

6 months ago


do they drive? if so, do they enjoy driving or do they hate it? or somewhere in between?

if they drive, where is their favorite location to drive to?

if they drive, do they own a vehicle? if so, what make and model?

what bumper stickers do they have on their car?

what paintings and/or posters are on their walls?

what is a song they listen to with the windows rolled down, turned all the way up, on the highway?

is there an artform they've always wanted to try (glassblowing, woodworking, painting, ect) but never have? if so, what about that artform speaks to them?

what time of day do they usually start getting sleepy?

do they catch a second wind? if so, what is their method for catching it (napping, drinking coffee, exercising, ect)?

are they a nap person? if so, how long are their naps? do they set a 20 minute timer and wake up before it? or set no timer and wake up in the middle of the night?

what is the most obscure book they've read?

what is a book that interested them so much they took it with them to the bathroom?

what did the air smell like during their childhood?

what is a core memory from their childhood that they look back on fondly and for comfort?

when was the last time they were held, and truly held, for several minutes? who was it with?

do they meditate? if not, have they ever tried? how did it go?

how many pennies and quarters do they have in their couch?

how dusty is their home? spotless, lived-in, dust bunny haven?

what is their favorite chocolate bar?

do they like their brownies fudgy or cakey? or not at all, and only want the crusts?

whats that one weird food combination that everyone else thinks is gross but they think is delicious?

where do they put their shoes when they come home from a long day?

after a vacation, do they immediately unpack or slowly retrieve items from their suitcase until its empty?

how often do they do self-reflection?

are they more afraid of being alone with themselves or with others?

have they ever had a near death experience? if so, what was it?

out of all the subjects in school, which was their favorite? which one did they excel at?

how many alarms do they have set on their phone? what is their alarm ringtone?

do they fart in front of other people? or do they hide their farts?

do they have to see any specialist doctors? if so, do they have a strong bond with their doctor or do they dislike them?

what is their favorite seasoning?

what is their favorite sauce?

how spicy is spicy for them? (pepper, jalepeno, ghost pepper, ect)

how long do they let the dishes go unwashed?

how much laundry do they accumulate before doing it?

what shampoo, conditioner, cologne/perfume and deodorant do they use?

5 months ago

"I see....that's disappointing, damn where could it...?" Lance gave a sad look, damn, he'll have to ask around the bizarre later. His gaze and expression perked back up when she offered a place to stay, yes maybe some rest and food would help him think a bit.

Turning towards his ally he'd pat him. "Rest up Falcor." Taking his hand away the giant owl would flap it's mighty wings and take off towards the sky, before flying high enough and turning into shimmering dust. "Very well, lead the way Miss Jane."

“Well I haven’t seen either of those.” She wondered what part of the galaxy he came from, but he needed some catching up, “I have another bed where I’m staying. I don’t mind sharing it~.” She winked teasingly, finding his hand kiss cute.

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6 months ago

Send 'đź•ą' For our muses to play a game together.

(Feel free to add details such as: Type of game, coop, competitive, couch, online, etc)

Remember to specify muse for multi-muse blogs!

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6 months ago

send me "I don't want to be alone tonight." for my muse's reaction to yours saying that to mine.

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6 months ago

Whoever this was seemed like she wanted to help, a small smile would appear on his face. Still he had to be vague, he didn't want people to know what it was capable of.

His outfit? He looked it over with a blissful expression. "System? I do not know what you mean...I am Lance Ashford, of the Ashford family- From Vacuo. If you heard of the Vacuian Demon that is me." He'd briefly explain. The armor fine tuned, the symbol of the turtle, the first summoner in the family.

His tail would lull at the word, 'System'. He wonder what she meant by that, still he was seeing creatures he never saw in Remnant- so it lead his mind to wander.

"Well I didn't see a relic get dropped, but I'd be willing to help you for a bit." She had nothing much to do, and he looked handsome. She smiled and looked him over, "What system are you from? I've never seen an outfit like that."

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