vacuian-demon - Holding the line!
Holding the line!

Independent, clearly canon divergent and 🔞 rp blog for a RWBY faunus OC from Vacuo. Heavily headcanoned and canon divergent based character.

451 posts

It Wasn't Personal Just How He Was Trained, The Last Thing He Wanted To Do When Fighting Was Attack A

It wasn't personal just how he was trained, the last thing he wanted to do when fighting was attack a target that his weapon wasn't meant to hurt.

behind him The second hunter was having a more easier time not being lost in the trill of battle, a scowl and dead eyes so laser focused on 'the hunt' that he was just a tool of destruction.

Falcor would chomp down on a nearby scorpion that tried to attack the pair from behind, ripping it to shreds. Lance wondered why such a large amount of them was attacking the western part of Vacuo, his station of course.

Suddenly rumbling could be heard, and from the sand out dug a rare type of grimm, a giant tortoise like grimm, a slight on his family name.

Lance would jump out of the way "Whew....that's it." Lance would jump back, leaning his back into the other hunter. "You okay?" returning his sword back to normal, now he'd reeve it up, it making chainsaw noises and blades. "Follow my lead, I'll knock it over, can I count on you to attack and kill it?"

Diane was...rather used to combat like what she was seeing, her team mate, Linda Plumm, used a similar weapon, though she didn't use Dust for her's, she said something about "most everyone else uses Dust anyway", though had considered a gun mode for the Whiplader, which may require a full rebuild to even accomplish.

...anyway, Diane was helping from the vantage point still, sniping the occasional Ursa, though she was keeping her ears open for any Grimm that may be coming her way should they try attacking her because she was an open target.

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More Posts from Vacuian-demon

5 months ago

Southern water tribe stuck out to him, all he could remember was know that south was Atlas domain, but she didn't look atlesian nor dressed it. And he never heard of a tribe there, certainly if he did atlas probably pissed them off in some way.

He also tilted his head at the 'I guess' portion, making it well known about the confusion.

"Why? Simple, he is a criminal who constantly attacks my family estate and the home surrounding it- so he must be stopped. He'll also make your lives harder as well. It also be unfair to leave a villain like that to other people." He'd then turn his head towards the sky. "Not to mention, I cannot go home without him; So said my parents...I will make them proud and fulfil my duties to return home."

She gave an awkward chuckle as he kissed her hand, unsure how to respond to such a formal greeting. "Oh!? Umm, yeah, I'm Katara of the Southern Water Tribe. Nice to uh, meet you I guess?" She then shakes her head with a sigh and looks to where the merchant had run off to, a resigned but frustrated look in her eye. "It's not like his attitude is uncommon. There's always someone who thinks they're better than everyone else, and always someone who thinks you owe them something that you don't." She then looks back to Lance and raises an eyebrow. "So, why are you hunting this man then?"

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5 months ago

He had no idea who he were, all the faunus remember is some blinding light, and yet, this girl seemed so familiar. It rendered him speechless being lost in a lack of clarity; he have a tail so he's faunus and he also has curly hair, from the feel. the man can't help but be distracted by this woman's white shirt however; it took everything from him accidently having his eyes bulge out staring.

A visual blush on his face, why was she so curvy and wet? He'd look around for a bit before looking into her eyes, trying not to be weird around this crying stranger. "I'm sorry....but do you know me? I...I don't know where I am or who you are!" Panic almost set in if it weren't for this pear shaped woman's distracting body.

A series of lost memories (open starter)

A Series Of Lost Memories (open Starter)

Your muse just woke up in a hospital room while wearing a patient gown that was open on the backside. The last and only thing they remembered was a bright flash of light coming towards them. As they looked around the room they noticed a young woman sitting next to the bed. Her face looked familiar to your muse but they couldn't figure out why that was. When she noticed that your muse was awake tears came out of her eyes and she hugged them tightly.

"You are finally awake! I can't believe it!" she said as she noticed the confused look in your muse's eyes. "What's wrong? Did I do something bad?"

(this rp is supposed to be a bit different by having your muse having amnesia after an accident. As the rp is progressing more memories will come up as flashbacks. This rp also includes multiple rwby muses)

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5 months ago

"Since you offered yourself as a romantic candidate." Curiosity wasn't the only thing he planned on satisfying today, as she pointed out her weak spot to him. He never saw a crest before, it was like a tattoo, he used his long tongue to trace the patterns and shape of the rune.

"You mean this here?" Despite his monotone voice and stoic face, he could be quite mischievous when he wanted. The faunus slowly drag his tongue up her thigh till he reached the dragon goddess's lips and slowly introduced them to his own.

It Would Satiate My Curiosity, She Pointed Out Blankly. One Wouldnt Come Up With A Plan On The Spot,

“It would satiate my curiosity,“ she pointed out blankly. One wouldn’t come up with a plan on the spot, right? Though a certain redhead came into mind. The two men weren’t alike.

A soft sigh left her when she was set down, and more kisses were placed on bare skin. This felt nice. Real nice. Until - “Careful about my crest mark. It’s.. very sensitive.” Which could be used to Lance’s advantage.

It Would Satiate My Curiosity, She Pointed Out Blankly. One Wouldnt Come Up With A Plan On The Spot,

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5 months ago

He'd hum in pleasure at the sucking, some jizz still inside getting vacuumed out.

His want still stood, he wanted the girl on the roof.

"One of you, bring the girl on the roof, then we're relocating." He was used to more decadence after all, a nice plush bed was what he needed, not the back of his summon in an alleyway. Plus he could smell she was in heat, and if he was to breed, he'd breed these three stupid, after all they needed more heroes and Remnant needed more hunters, it was a win win.

And he knew this fuck party would definitely lead him to his original prey, then he could teach her a lesson, with his cock.

Pyrrha's tongue flicked out, cupping the bottom of his dick tip and guiding it into swallow it, sucking it 'clean'. She winked up and him before her eyes flicked to where some of the watchers were above them, questioning what he wanted to do now.

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5 months ago

Send me your muses reaction to seeing mine dancing at a strip club.

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