27 posts
Advisor Looks Around In The Cold Cell.
Advisor looks around in the cold cell.
Two knights brings in a chained prisoner. They roughly push her in front of Advisor's feet.
The Demon Queen.
She doesn't look up. He speaks to her. He speaks in her language that only few know.
Queen raises her head and looks at him.
Her face is covered in blood and dirt. Her eyes are penetrating. She stares emotionlessly into Advisor's soul.
She's young. Too young. Too young to be a queen. Too young to die...
She grinds her teeth. Her mouth is a little shaky.
Even so, bloody and defeated, she is majestic.
The dark pair of eyes burn an ever deeper hole into the heart of Advisor. He wants to get down on his knees and beg for forgiveness. Instead he sends the knights away.
When they are alone, he crouches down in front of Queen. So face to face, a few inches away, the dark pair of eyes is even more special.
Pain. Deep, millennial pain. Suffering is written on the bones of her people. Carved into hers...
He reaches out and takes her face into his hand. Gently. For once, he doesn't want to hurt.
The first emotion on Queen's face is fear. Then pain.
"I won't hurt you" Advisor speaks her language again.
He won't hurt her...
"You won't hurt me...?"
"No" Queen closes her eyes. She leans into the touch, tears flowing unstoppably. On Queen's bloody face and Advisor's hands.
"Queen... stand up... please"
Advisor takes her arm and pulls her up. Queen takes her arm away from her stomach. A huge red stain soaks her shirt. She trembles so much that Advisor must catch her before she collapse.
He lays her gently on the ground and places his palm on the wound. His fingers light up, leaving only a dark stain behind the spell.
"I knew someone... who cured with magic..."
For the first time in years, Advisor began to regret leaving the palace...
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More Posts from Valenciavein

words to use instead of running?
Running—to go faster than a walk
Barreling - to move at a high speed or without hesitation
Blazing - of outstanding power, speed, heat, or intensity
Bounding - to move by leaping
Cantering - to move at or as if at a canter (i.e., a 3-beat gait resembling but smoother and slower than the gallop); loping
Careening - to proceed or move quickly
Coursing - to proceed or move quickly
Dashing - to go at a pace faster than a walk
Galloping - progressing, developing, or increasing rapidly
Hastening - to move or act quickly
Hieing - to go quickly; hasten
Hurtling - to move rapidly or forcefully
Hurrying - to carry or cause to go with haste
Hustling - hasten, hurry
Jogging - to run or ride at a slow trot
Loping - an easy usually bounding gait capable of being sustained for a long time
Racing - to proceed or move quickly
Ripping - to proceed or move quickly
Rushing - to cause to move or proceed fast or faster
Scampering - to run nimbly and usually playfully about
Scooting - to move swiftly
Scurrying - to move in or as if in a brisk pace; scampering
Scuttling - scurry; a short swift run
Skipping - to move or proceed with leaps and bounds or with a skip
Speeding - to make haste
Springing - to make a leap or series of leaps
Sprinting - to run or go at top speed especially for a short distance
Tearing - to proceed or move quickly
Tripping - to go at a pace faster than a walk
Trotting - to proceed briskly; hurrying
Zipping - to move, act, or function with speed and vigor
Hope this helps with your writing. Do tag me, or send me a link. I'd love to read your work!
More: Word Lists