She Her | Lesbian | USA | Ironworker for Life | Artist for Fun
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(ASMR) Yenekh Goes To Arby's
(ASMR) Yenekh Goes to Arby's
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More Posts from Valhallasoutlaw
a common misconception is that you can feel a girl's pulse in her dick. that beat actually god speaking to you directly
Almost finished with Twice Dead King and can confirm it's better than most Heresy books 🤣 Excellent recommendations overall
I think we as a community need to stop gatekeeping Warhammer based on wether or not you've read the Horus Heresy. I've seen a few reviews from people who don't really like the Primarchs or the Primarch-centered novels, and homie that's a whole lotta books about shit you don't like.
Anywho, theres almost a merit badge you have to get before people take your knowledge of the lore seriously, and I think we need to let that go. Warhammer is meant to be fun, and I don't think people are obligated to read 150+ books, short stories, audiodramas and novellas to be considered a "Real Fan." That's hundreds of hours of 90% space marines and Primarchs, and if you don't like either of those, you're gonna have a bad time.
I don't care if you've only read the Infinite and the Divine or if you checked out a few AdRic episodes about xenos you like, you're a real fan of Warhammer the minute you walk in the door. It's the hobby of all hobbies and there's something here for everyone.
I just saw someone say AO3 is “gay teens writing gay shit” and I have no idea how to tell you that most of the writers you love so much are adults.
*chefs kiss* Ferrus is so Butch

Started listening to the horus heresy audio books and needed to draw 2 tragic bros. However I didn't want to draw power armor or togas, so have some modern au interpretations.
nobody ever keeps it sleazy anymore