20 • it/she • dashing pastries enthusiast & irl plantgirl
62 posts
Valoregal - Val - Tumblr Blog

Hello white mutuals. Before you is a charcuterie board with 15 different types of cheese. If you manage to go 12 hours without touching the cheeses you can leave this room. Good luck.

digital picture of a worm: ~
no tumblr i do not need to be notified when i make a post. i am well aware of myself

fluffy luna moth

what if aquatic animals had Tumblr would that be fucked up or something lmaooo anyways
0 notes 🔁❤️

🌿 mx-seagrxss Follow
mating season is such a chore. wdym i have to migrate back ten thousand miles just to find some bitches
🐟 thatsalmonboy Follow
outta my way gayboy I'm boutta get it
🐟 thatsalmonboy Follow
i have been transformed into a creature beyond my wildest imaginations
1,284 notes 🔁❤️

🎣 cardinesan Follow
uhhh was nobody going to talk about how the new update makes the site virtually unusable for crustaceans ???
🌊 pelagic-tragic Follow
honestly even if we tell staff you know they're not going to do anything. crustaceans make up such a small percentage of oceanblr right now that it's going to be impossible to get them to care. the treatment of anyone who isn't a bony fish on this website is atrocious tbh
573 notes 🔁❤️

🌑 the-midnight-zoom
oh my cod its so dark down here why do i have such piss poor eyesight. if my eyes could open any wider id be doing that but nooo my house in the god damn depths says get fucked. not even my cousin in that one cave has to put up with this wtf
🔦 anglerfished Follow
hey come here for a second
325 notes 🔁❤️

🦑 a-sinkingsquid Follow
absolutely freaking out right now you frys don't understand ... There's another squid at this whale fall and she's really really cute! I want to talk to her so bad but I'm scared as all hell ... what if she thinks I'm trying to eat her and swims away ? ?
3 notes 🔁❤️

🐋 girlwhaletail Follow
shipping discourse is sooo pointless like? you argue about ships? ⛵ those things that sound really loud & pass by me everyday? 🛳️ whoo whoo?
2,821 notes 🔁❤️

🐌 justasnailfish Follow
where is every one ..

jerma985 streaming from New Phyrexia
*laughs* no, i’m not gonna touch the fuckin glistening oil, that’s fuckin insane. you guys want me to get compleated. i’m not about that. nope, not me. i’m not a compleation guy.
*5 minutes later*
chat, have you guys ever really thought about the benefits of replacing your flesh with metal? like-like imagine, your skincare routine? your morning is cut in half. all you gotta do is a little polish when you wake up and you’re good to go. like- ee er ee er and you’re all shiny and ready to start the day.* reads chat* ‘compleat andy’. c’mon guys, i’m just sayin’, like, think about it.

Congratulations!!! Your post breached containment. Post stats:
⭕total notes: 63,782 ⭕notes before first stupid comment was added: 2,978 ⭕notes before first argument in the replies that had nothing to do with you broke out: 16,878 ⭕number of new followers from this post who will be disappointed when you resume posting your regular inane bullshit: 16 ⭕number of people mad at you now: 231 ⭕number of replies from people who missed the point of your post entirely: 14 ⭕number of replies from people acting like you shot their dog with this post: 1 ⭕number of future callout posts which will use an out-of-context excerpt from this post taken in the worst faith to get you excommunicated: ???
play again? ✅/⛔
I love boobs arrest me i dont caare

a little doodle pb and her little candy corn rat :>
I'm the little moth that they hire to fly out of peoples' empty wallets. May not seem glamorous to some but it's an honest living.
she/her? blocked and unfollowed.
what the hell
you are grounded, for til cock
FOR TIL COCK????????

Tumblr isn’t really sure where to put your follow button on mobile
me you coward

shake it freely, TWEES IT OUT!!