Kaguya Shima Densetsu Kaitebahn.
Kaguya Shima Densetsu Kaitebahn.
Most of my favorite Senshi Cast: Hisano, Eri, Emi, Ayano, Nao Takagi, Yuhka, Mao Mita
And I like Yuuta and the fakt that King Endymion is in this myu. And my beloved Hikari ist there too. xD
The only better thing in Shin Kaguya is the funny scene between Loof Merrow and Chibiusa is the cave xD

So I had an idea XD since this blog can have times of very little confession submissions (that shows the size of the Myu fandom… yay for unpopular fandoms) I thought I could do little things like this! I like to call this ‘Sera Myu OR’, and it’s basically just ‘something or something’. For example, this one is the original Kaguyas or the Shin Kaguyas, so you can choose between the two choice and idk it’s for fun it prompts discussion like confessions does and it doesn’t require submissions XD
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Omg I just realised I haven't asked you for the person opinion meme :O so... Nao Takagi?
No problem. This was obvious, you fangirl xD
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
best quality: The whole portrayal beeing special and perfect for She makes that I like one of my favorite senshi even more.
worst quality: That she wasn’t recasted as Galaxia in 2003/04 or 2017!
ship them with: Yuhka. Yuhka alway Yuhka xD
brotp them with: Fumina, Miyuki, Yuuko, Nao Inada and any Saturn she was with^^
needs to stay away from: Dracula because he bitten her girlfriend
misc. thoughts: Nao you are the only and one and you will ever be. ^^
Well I think it's unpopular but I prefer Maki over Hiroko. Ok Hiroko was a good singer. But I mean Maki was so cute and girly. Especially I love the scence between her and Moe-Chibiusa xD

I’ve decided to do these every 2 days so here’s the next one XD choosing between the 2 Shin Kaguya Loof Merrows… it could be mixed? Since I didn’t include Hikari cos I mean we all know the result of that XD
For the meme: Ayano Gunjo
general opinion: love them
hotness level: neutral (she was a child)
best quality: Very cheeky portrayal of Chibiusa and that she hasn’t a squeaky voice.
worst quality: Don’t know
ship them with: No one.
brotp them with: Yuuta, Miyuki Fumina and the Kaguya/Last Dracul inners.
need to stay away from: Lamia and Tomoe. They wanted your heart
misc thought: She would be a nice Black Lady too. And no she wasn’t too old for Chibi-Moon!
Satomi Okubo.
She is so accurate and even her voice isn’t the best for singing...she puts a lot of emotion in it. Also she had a good chemistry with Yuga and Satomi is a good dancer. I don’t hate Hotaru but she is just...there. Not really outstanding.

Another Sera Myu OR! Gone for a new Myu one since the last was old Myu, so simple question I guess XD maybe it won’t be as one sided as the last one? I think so far everyone’s gone for KSDs for the last one XD this might be a little more mixed though, but then again most likely not XD
So I'll join too xD
send me a character & I’ll answer the following about them!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff best quality: worst quality: ship them with: brotp them with: needs to stay away from: misc. thoughts: