Schau Dir "Hikari Ono Solo Song Ranking" Auf YouTube An
Schau dir "Hikari Ono Solo Song Ranking" auf YouTube an
I made it!!! Now bow to the only, the one, the legendary Hikari-sama!
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Hi everyone! Unfortunately, I discovered that SurveyMonkey only allows a maximum of 40 responses before locking the rest behind a $400 paywall. 🤬 So I've registered with a different company that doesn't have these restrictions. This unfortunately means that I have to start over.
Please submit your top 5 favourite Sailor Moon tracks for the next Crystal Tokyo Radio countdown! If you've already submitted, please submit your answers again (and please accept my apologies!).

My Sailor Senshi Ranking ^^
Sailor Saturn fanmade transformation
Never had this idea but I really like this!

I kinda wish Sayuri returned in Black Lady to play Saphir along with Hikari Ono as Demande, knowing both of them previously worked together.

** Alignment chart Sera Myu Dracul Arc Edition **
Not an expert for the alignment chart but I think it fits to these 9 characters a lot ^^
She sings the second ending! I'm glad she doesn't sing the first ending. Other people would call it touchy imo it's just boring. Rashiku Ikimasho is a good song ^^

I kinda wish Anza would sing for the Sailor Moon Eternal or Stars arc opening/ending.