Harumichi Or Usamamo?
harumichi or usamamo?

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More Posts from Vampiru-chan

March 14 is the birthday of Yuuta Mochizuki, the second actor to play Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask in the Sailor Moon musicals, and the longest-running Tuxedo Mask actor. He was also the first actor to play Kunzite, and later played King Endymion and Count Dracul.
He is also known for acting in the film Kamen Rider J as Koji Segawa/Kamen Rider J and the TV series Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger (which was adapted in America as Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers) as Geki/TyrannoRanger.
Pls post our SDK headcanon too. It's worth it! xD
So my bestie @vampiru-chan and I started to watch one myu per week now. Last saturday it was Mugen Kaiteiban. And lmao, when Miki suddenly appeared with her weird coat on stage I immediately shoutet: She looks like a Madam (of a brothel) xD

And since we were at it, we span our own gangster headcanon in which the death busters run a brothel and rule over the city like the mafia with Tomoe as the head (and pimp lol), Kaolinite as the Madam and the Witches5 as the Bitches5 or respectively with Petilol as the Bitches6 –> BitchesSEX xD

…and I’ll may or may not turn this into a slutty fanfiction xD
Here we go!🤔
Anon or not, make me choose between:
Show: _______ or ________ ?
Character: ________ or _________ ?
Pairing: _________ or _________ ?
Anything: ________ or _________ ?

Sera Myu gifset 9/?
Elisabeth Bathory, Gilles de Rais, Bloody Dracul Vampiru, Le Fay
Sera Myu Dracul Arc Main Villains - alternate gifs #1/2/3
Maybe it's a german thingy but math is damn BLUE. Never heard about another possiblity! German is red and...science is green...🤷🏼♀️
math is RED. math is NOT green. literally WHAT are you guys talking about