Miki Kawasaki As Kaorinite From Mugen Gakuen Kaiteiban

Miki Kawasaki as Kaorinite from Mugen Gakuen Kaiteiban
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More Posts from Vampiru-chan

A little bit too late for @gracemyheart but here is the Mirai-Saturn Render

This isn’t a derp but I wanted to share it. Yuuta looks kinda.. r like a typical vampire? The vampire king? Anyway he is my king^^ So Happy Birthday..

Happy birthday Yuuta!

A little picture I drew of my precious OTP Count Dracul and LeFey!
(Someday in color if Gimp will do what I want ^^’ )
TBH who needs Usagi and Mamoru? THIS is the true Royal Couple in SailorMoon!
Take Care of Your Mental Health (Dracul Arc Edition)

I had to do that after you start creating a Dracul Arc relaeted meme I wanted to do that too. xD
Dracul Arc Villians Musical VS Sims 4
OR other Sailor Moon fans: creating the senshi 100 times
Me: Creating Dracul Arc Villians because it’s more interessting xD
A little comparsion: the actual characters in myu vs my Sims 4 Version ^^
Count Dracul

Le Fey

Bloody Dracul Vampiru

Death Lamia

Saint Germain

Elisabeth Bathory

Gilles de Rais

Lillith of Darkness

Shiva Shingetsu Astarte (Actually ONE Senshi in this xD)