Sera Myu Week - Day 6 Costumes
Sera Myu Week - Day 6 Costumes

Initially I wanted to draw Vampiru’s costumes... but I have like zero talent in drawing. So I created a regular, super and eternal sailor costume as well as a princes dress for Sailor Astarte with the Sailor Senshi Maker.
The sign is the astrological sign of the Asteroid #672 what is named Astarte.
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More Posts from Vampiru-chan

Nao Inada as Sailor Venus
New Sera Myu Tag
Questions by @sailorzakuro
1. Favourite Bandai Myu song?
Hmmm...there are a lot of Bandai songs I love. So I would say “FIRE” for the senshi and “Galaxia Gorgeous” for the villians.
2. Favourite Nelke Myu song?
Unpopular opinion but it’s “When Destiny Calls”
3. Favourite NogiMyu song?
We are the Dark Kingdom
4. Top 5 actors (character wise)?
Ok I think this means the Senshi Only actrors...
5. Yuga Yamato(not a senshi but the male counterpart)
4. Rei Saito
3. Nao Takagi, Yuhka Asami
2. Miyuki Kanbe
1. Anza Ooyama
5. Top 5 actors (personality wise)?
5. Nao Takagi, Yuhka Asami
4. Miyuki Kanbe
3. Anza Ooyama, Miki Kawasaki
2. Yuuta Mochizuki
1. Hikari Ono
6. Team MOON or Team STAR?
60% Team Star (Sayuri, Miria and Kana)
40% Team Moon (Kazumi and Ami)
7. Favourite Bandai musical (1993-2005)?
2001 Chou Wakusei Death Vulcan no Fuuin
8. Favourite Nelke musical (2013-2017)?
2014 Petite Etrangere
9. Dream role?
As senshi Sailor Saturn. As villian Zoisite or Loof Merrow
10. 5 of your least favourite actors (character wise)?
(1 is worst)
5. Ayano Sugimoto
4. Akiko Nakayama
3. Takayo Ooyama
2. Ranze Terada
1. Kasumi Takabatake
11. Favourite senshi intro song?
Make Up! Kumikyoku ~Jupiter~
Ami was soooo good here. <3
12. Favourite Bandai Moon costume (Moon/Super/Eternal)?
Classic Sailor Moon ^^
13. Favourite Nelke Moon costume (Moon/Super/Eternal)?
Also the regular Sailor Moon costume.
14. Actor(s) you used to like now dislike?
Hotaru Nomoto and Yume Takeuchi
15. Actor(s) you used to dislike now like?
Manami Wakayama and Mai Watanabe

Next membership! It’s August 4th. This means Miki Kawasaki has her probably 44th or 45th birthday!
Themes and Date for the Sera Myu Week 2019
Finally it’s time for a special week for our beloved musicals! With posting any kind of fan art such as drawings, gifsets, cover, MVs, fanfics or someting else you want.
Tagging: Post your stuff and mention me @sera-myu-week and I will reblog it.
Date & Themes
Monday, 3 June: Bandai Myu - Post someting what has to do with the classical era (1993-2005 ).
Thuesday, 4 June : Nelke Myu – Now you can create anyting Nelke myu themed stuff (2013-2017)
Wedneday, 5 June: Nogi Myu - Technically a Nelke Myu too (I guess) But with a new style and has girls from Nogizaka46 as main cast.
Thursday, 6 June: Queens of Myu- There are a lot of queens in myu. Do you have a favorite or more favorites?
Friday, 7 June: Kings of Myu - Give the boys in myu some love that day. Do you have a favorite actor?
Saturday, 8 June: Costumes - What would the muscials without it’s wonderful costumes?
Sunday, 9 June: Free Day - This is a day to get any ideas. You can post anything related to Sera Myu in general.

Akiko Miyazawa as Queen Beryll from Starlight Ryuusei Densetsu and Kakyuu Ouhi Kourin.